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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

Zylvia said:
Reina laughed at the absurdity of not loving games. She'd been born a gamer and had kept her winning streak against boys who'd proclaimed to be 'gods.' She scoffed at the thought. "I love gaming," she confessed, a light blush dusting her cheeks. "I'd even go as far as saying that I'm pretty kickass at it. Not to toot my own horn or anything." She laughed, running a hand through her hair, and wondered on the strange rules of her new workplace. It seemed nice enough, but Reina couldn't help but feel like there was much, much more to the simplicity than she knew. "I'm going to admit it, the fact that relationships with customers are banned makes me want to get into one." A mischievous smile filtered across her face. "People always want what they can't have, right? The manager should have studied some psychology," she joked, trying to keep the conversation light.
(I am so sorry, I didn't any notification of this and was wondering what happened to this RP and upon checking unread threads.... I missed some stuff. Ugh x.x)

Kimi laughed at Reina's reaction, "Oh really? I've been a gamer my whole life, it would be an honor to play against someone who is equally matched with me in skill." She playfully nudged Reina's arm as she teased her. Competition was one of Kimi's favorite things. "If things turn out well, we can work together to dominate the gaming world more than we already do." She flicked her hair out of her face as she scanned the room to see if the one customer needed anything, but he seemed fine at the moment. Kimi let out an uneasy giggle at Reina's remark. She had just gotten into a relationship with a customer last night and was nervous to tell anyone about it, but Reina seemed to be like someone she could relate to and who would understand. "Yeah... well..." Hopefully she doesn't tell on me. Kimi leaned into Reina's ear, explaining that her and the regular Tanner were now a thing. She then added, "I admit it, it's a bit exciting to know it's against the rules but the risk of losing the job is scary. Just please keep that secret." She straightened up, pretending to clean the counter. "Maybe we can game together soon?" After telling Reina about Tanner, Kimi couldn't help but wonder where he was, she missed him.
(I feel so bad about missing things guys x.x. I wouldn't have a problem with you bringing him in but it's up to you. <.< >.>)
Outside the café, Tanner placed his bike against the side of the building. He walked towards the cafe and opened the door. "Hello?" He said, walking in. He smiled at Kimi and held up the printed pages of the story. "Brought something for you." He said with a smirk.
(( Actually, I stopped getting notifications for another thread as well :/ Missed out on like, 20 pages' worth of comments O.o What's up with that? ))

Reina was almost giddy with excitement at the prospect of gaming with someone who would actually pose a challenge. With all the rookies she'd played with, her skills were getting rusty. "I'll take you on any day," she smirked, cracking her knuckles in anticipation. Pretending to be holding a console, she sang, "Who run the world? Girls. Who run this world? Girls, girls." As the young woman sang softly, she wriggled her body around in a little dance, smiling lightheartedly as she did so. At the news of Kimi and Tanner, however, that all came to a standstill. She clapped her hands over her lips, eyes shining with excitement. "No way!" she exclaim-whispered. "Oh my god! Are you serious?" Unable to contain herself, she jumped up and down a little bit. "Can I see him? How long have you guys been together?" Despite the excited exterior to put on for Kimi's sake, Reina felt inexplicably sad and lonely. Shake it off, Rei. Shake it off.
(It happens constantly but usually the app lets me know about everything so I don't miss much but dang, 20 pages? That much have been difficult to catch up on x.x I'm sorry.)

Kimi giggled at Reina's remark and her intimidating knuckle cracking, "Noted. I feel like we're going to get addicted." She was jamming out to Rein'as song when the girl suddenly stopped at the news. Kimi couldn't help but laugh at her reaction, "Yes I'm serious but shhh." She put her finger over her lips but couldn't stop laughing. "He should be he-" The door flung open and luckily it was Tanner, right on time. She nudged Reina again and pointed at him, "That's him. I'll be right back." Walking over to Tanner, Kimi smiled back at him, "Finally! I get to see the genius of one of your stories. You have no idea how excited I am." She motioned over to one of the booths near the counter were Reina was. "Care to sit near us? I can get you your coffee."
(( Tell me about it O.o Luckily, they're nice and managed to edit the scene a bit to fit me in xD ))

Reina might've thought she was stealing glances at Tanner, but really, who was she kidding? It was pretty much blatant staring. She had to admit it, he was pretty cute. Discreetly, she nudged Kimi, muttering, "Good taste, Kimi. Your second mom - myself - approves." She watched them socialise, somehow managing to flirt with their eyes and touches and voices. I wish I had that. That kind of someone... She bit her lip, reining her thoughts back in before they wandered too far. Composing herself, she managed a cheery, "How about I get you guys a few coffees? I get to practice my barista skills. Newbie's gotta learn, y'know? How'd you guys like your coffees?" With a wink at Kimi, she set to work.
(Yay! I'm glad they did that for you. Good job, awesome people XP)

Kimi caught how Reina looked at Tanner. She wasn't mad, it was a type of compliment. Kimi couldn't help but smile at Reina's comment and even decided playfully act the part. In a slightly childish voice, "Thanks mommy, I aim to please!" That's when she ventured off to meet Tanner and their interaction continued. She led him toward the booth that was somewhat near the counter so he could have his computer and things he normally brought with him. "I guess it took awhile to print out, huh?" She teased as they approached Reina again. She smirked at the wink, Best second mom ever. Then with a small shake of her head, "Maybe for him, but I'm alright for now. We have to wait until we go on break anyway."
Reina grinned at the two. "Such adorable lovebirds," she sighed under her breath, pulling two cups out of the cupboard and running the coffee machine. "Well," the young waitress said, determination ringing in her voice. "He's a customer and you're a customer's customer, which make you all my customers." She laughed at the absurdity of it all, but continued anyways. "And as your second mom, I demand that you listen to me, sit down and have a coffee. The manager's not here anyways." She turned around to grin at them, trying to stay cheery despite her own emotions. It's all part of the job, Rei. Just smile and wave. "So, what's it gonna be, kiddos? Mamma's in the house!"
Tanner smiled and followed Kimi to the booth. He sat down and smiled at Kimi. "Yeah, why don't you sit down and have some coffee before you start working!" He smiled at her affectionately. He then looked up at a waitress he hadn't seen before. "Two questions. Question one: what's your name? And question two: do you think you can handle my severe coffee addiction?"
Reina turned on him, a serious expression plastered across her face. Waving a tea spoon in the air, she professed indignantly, "One: you, lowly peasant, may refer to me as Queen Reina of Maid Cafe. Two: do you think you can handle my sass and infinite awesomeness?" Despite herself, her lips cracked into a smile, eyes crinkling at the corners.
(@Zylvia I absolutely love Reina right now, oh my god.)

Kimi panicked a little when Reina announced that they were lovebirds out loud but thankfully she was right, they were the only ones here right now and it's not like they were going to tell anyone. She answered the two of them, "Fine fine, I'll have some coffee. You totally pulled that from your butt, but you should sit with us!" Kimi sat down next to Tanner, leaning to one side so he could look past her and talk with everyone. Although Reina was doing a great job with covering up her emotions, Kimi took notice of how she was forcing the cheerfulness since Tanner walked in. I don't want her to feel like she can't be herself. I want her to be open with us like she was earlier. She extending the offer to make Reina more comfortable, though now thinking about it, it probably was the last thing that Reina wanted to do. Kimi then giggled at Tanner's questions, she mumbled, "Addiction is an understatement." Then Reina's response made Kimi laugh, "Infinite awesomeness for sure, but we rule together!"
(( @iShyShy Hahaha, thanks! ^^ I love my characters sassy :P ))

Reina finished up with their coffees and brought them over on the cafe's traditional light brown tray. "Two coffees for one of my favourite people and one favourite person of my favourite person," she said, gently setting their cups down before sliding into the opposite booth herself. "Addicted? I think you mean 'coffee is love; coffee is life'," she laughed, leaning back and closing her eyes to reminisce. "My ex-boyfriend was addicted to coffee too. He turned out to be a douche." She pursed lips together, trying not to feel the sting all over again. It didn't work. "Let's hope it's not a correlation or anything. You guys are gonna be the subjects of my experiment, so don't disappoint!" She winked. "Also, there can only be one Queen of Infinite Awesomeness. You can be Lady of Coolness or something. Seamstress of -- Oh! Duchess of Epicness!"
(Sorry, had to do something.)

Tanner smirked at Rei's ex-boyfriend comment. "Maybe I could meet the guy and we could compare notes in different coffee we've tried." He said. He then looked at Kimi. "So, are we still on for tonight?" He asked, smiling.
Karu finally made it to the the café after getting lost again. He opened the door slowly, careful not to hit anyone that might be walking by. The boy stepped into the café with a curious expression. Long black hair framed his androgynously featured face, laying loosely against his clothed back.

Karu was supposed to start working there earlier, but had gotten confused with all the ruckus that was going on. He stood there, not sure who he should talk to about this issue. anyone who didn't know him probably thought he was a girl standing there so awkwardly.
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Kimi took the coffee from Reina as it was handed to her. "Thank you very much. I'm sure it will be the best cup of coffee ever. Though I would have to say, 'chocolate is love, chocolate is life' otherwise it will be all ogre now." Kimi couldn't control her laughter. This was the first friendship where she could be herself without having external worries. At Reina's mention of her ex-boyfriend, Kimi felt bad for making her remember such a horrid person but she had an idea. "A douche? Should we all pay him a visit and teach him some manners?" She lightly grabbed Tanner's arm. "Compare notes? I'm sure you've had every kind of coffee and if he's a butt then I doubt his preferences are any good." She tried to take a sip of her coffee but was laughing too much. "Duchess of Awesomeness, Kimi, reporting for duty. " She then looked at Tanner again with a smile, "Of course, I look forward to tonight."

Kimi quickly let go of Tanner and stood up when the front door opened. She was afraid it may have been the manager. Luckily it wasn't and she walked up to the boy, "Good morning and welcome to Maidreamin Cafe. How may I help you?"
He watched the girl approach and tried to smile when she got to him. "I'm suppose to start working here, but I don't know exactly who I'm suppose to talk to." Karu realized he probably sounded like a fool, but tried to ignore it. He looked around for a second, noticing that the café wasn't too busy yet.
Kimi was surprised by his words. She knew about Reina starting working there but why not this boy? The manager must have forgotten to inform her or he must have come at a different time than expected. Yet, she still slightly smiled and reached out her hand, "Well it's a pleasure to meet a new coworker. I'm Kimi and I'd probably be the one to talk to. Right now Reina and I are the only two working so if you'd like, you can get into uniform and get familiar with a few of the things here." Phew, that was close. He almost saw us all sitting casually and that would not make us good role models on his first day.
Karu took her hand and shook it lightly," it's a pleasure meeting you, and thanks, I'll get right on it." He smiled and started off to the changing room. It took him a minute, but he emerged from the dress room in full uniform with his hair pulled back into a ponytail. He walked back over to her considering she was the one he thought to be in charge for now. "What do you want me to do?"
Kimi shook her head a bit as she seemed so much more formal than she needed to be. Letting him go change and come back, she apologized upon his return, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. And please, don't worry much. I'm not the manager here but simply the head worker at the moment since the manager is nowhere to be found. First things first, we need to make sure you become familiar with the menu if you haven't already done so." She walked over to the counter where the menus were piled up, picking it up and offering it to him. She was happy to help the new boy but was a little upset that her time with Reina and Tanner was cut short. Calm yourself, you'll make your way back to them soon enough.
(Sorry it took so long....)

"Kiyoshi Hikaru, but please call me Karu." He listened to her intently before taking her up on the offer, grabbing the menu. "I apologize for interrupting your work." Karu said, glancing at her from the edge of the menu. He meant it genuinely, though his tone was wavering because of his focus on reading.

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