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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

"How?" Meika was quite slow, so she didn't really catch on to what people were saying too well. "Everyone in my highschool is just....friends, I guess."
He smirked. "I suppose that's a good reason not to have eyes for anyone." He said. He then looked at the remains of the phone. "Sorry. About the phone."
"Nah, it's ok.." Meika smiled at him and forgave him. She tucked a strand of her silky hair behind her ear and then straightened her legs out infront of her.
He nodded with a frown. "And sorry about the chains. I can loosen them if you'd like." He said with a small smile.
"Um, if you don't mind..." Meika blushed a tiny bit. "Why are you being nice to me, I thought you kidnapped me to torture me and stuff..."
He shrugged. "You're entertaining. Besides, a lot of the torturing I do is to impress people. And I kind of enjoy it. I can't help it. It's an addiction." He said with a frown. He got up and slipped the key into the keyhole of the cage. He turned it and opened the door. He went into the cage and used a different key on the chains. He unwound some chain from her body so there was some slack on it.
"Thanks." She looked up from the chain and smiled at him. Meika tried to see the best in people, so he didn't seem like such a bad guy if you got to know him more.
He nodded. "No problem at all." He said with a smile. He walked out of the cage and locked it. "So, how did your parents meet?" He asked for no real reason.
"I don't know, they have always kept stuff like that private." Meika slightly frowned and shook it off like it didn't happen. "But, when I've been trying to get to sleep at night, I keep hearing them argue. I'm a bit worried..."
He frowned. "That sucks. If you want, I can kidnap them and force them to live in a room together for a month or two." This was intended as a joke, but he had no idea how she would respond.
"Uhm, I'm fine, but thanks..." She replied a little worried. "I'm a bit tired..." Meika placed her head on the cold, hard floor and shivered.
He shrugged off her response to his joke. He held up his index finger. "Wait here." He said. He went back up to his office and got a blanket. He then got another blanket and folded it. He went back down to the dungeon and handed her the blankets. "Use the folded one as a pillow. I know it's not much, but it's the best I've got."
"Oh, thank you so much!" Meika smiled and lay down again, pulling the blanket over her and hugging him in thanks. She then fell asleep and heavily breathed through the night.

(Gotta go sorry :( )
He blinked when she hugged him. "Um, no problem. I'll be right outside your cage if you need me." He said. He laid on the ground outside the cage.

(See you!)
(Guys oh my god I feel terrible. I haven't gotten any notifications from this thread and I'm so behind! Can anyone give me a quick summary? If not I'll go back and read. I'm so sorry.)
(Basically, Jef the kidnapper is starting to warm up to Meika, who he kidnapped. That's about it. My last post directed to you was basically Tanner telling Kimi that they didn't have to hang out if she didn't want to. No sweat, you're fine.)
(I just caught up, thank you ^.^ I'm gonna just bring back Kimi out of nowhere, hope that's alright.)

UnwantedTruth said:
Tanner looked at Kimi. "Are you fine? Are you afraid?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. "If this is to much, we don't have to go out tonight." He said kindly.
Kimi was staring off into space, lost in her thoughts and unable to hear Tanner at that time. She was worried about her friend being kidnapped, she was nervous about anyone else being kidnapped as well. She wasn't sure of what to do. She could feel her eyes starting to fill with tears at the thoughts that were scaring her, not only her safety but the safety of her friends she cared for. She turned to him as she tried to hold back her tears, "I-I am scared... But I want to go out tonight... I'd feel much safer being by your side."
Tanner smiled slightly. "Are you sure?" He asked, a hand still on her shoulder. "If you want, I can just walk you home?"
"Y-yeah... that would probably be best.." She wouldn't forgive herself if she went out to have fun while this danger was threatening her and the people she cared for. She wasn't sure of what to do, she wanted to help somehow. Maybe she could talk to Tanner about it on the way back.
Ivy was walking around picking up dirty plates and forks. She quickly went to the kitchen, putting them into the sink before running back to the cafe to picking up some more. Sam was walking out of the hospital wondering what to do next when he stared at the maid cafe again. The cops were now leaving as they bid Ivy and other folks a safe trip home. Ivy bowed and said cheerfully,"Good luck!"

As they left Ivy ran off to get the broom as Sam walked in the cafe, sitting at a table at was at a corner. He looked around waiting for a maid or butler to come and take his order.
He nodded. "Ok then. I'll walk you straight home after you get off." He said. He frowned slightly. "It's terrible."
She looked into his eyes deeply, "Thank you, Tanner." She wanted to hug him but couldn't yet since she was still at work. Her cheery self had disappeared and she kicked the ground. "I know... I wish I could do something. What time is it anyway?"
Tanner shrugged. "I'd have to check my laptop to know the time. And I'm sure you can do something about it." He said with a small smile. "He was doing his best to try and comfort her.


She wasn't sure of what to do besides getting caught herself, but she was admittedly afraid, what could she do? If it was the only option then she had to do it but what about the others? What did they think? "I have a plan, but what do you think I can do?" His smile was comforting, it warmed her a bit and made her happy for a moment. But she was still contemplating.

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