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Realistic or Modern Maidreamin Maid/Butler Cafe! (Females and Males welcome)

//I just read our conversation and I realized that was really pointless Magical Grannies!

Note: "I forgotten to tell you she still has her cell phone, also I won't be back for a while."
Meika put her cellphone back in her pocket and turned around to see what Jef was doing. "What does the note he left say?" She looked up at him. She also dusted off the dirt on her knees from kneeling down and crossed her legs on the floor.

Jef smirked and started laughing. "It says, my dear, that you still have your cellphone!" He said. He walked over to her cage. "Now, we can do this the easy, less painful way, or the harder, more painful way." He said. "Pass the phone to me."
Meika was thinking about her decision. Would she give him the phone, along with the chance of him deleting the message and seeing the things she said about him, or not give him the phone and have to be hurt? "Um... It has... Private stuff on it."
There was more on the back of the note as the ink stick to his hand almost smudging the words on the note. Sam was walking by the maid cafe seeing some cop cars he wondered what had happen while Jef was kidnapping Meika. He sigh predicting that one of the maids must have saw him. Walking a few miles later he stopped at a building, he walked in the hospital as a nurse noticed him,"Oh! Right on time with your check up! Follow me so we can check that eye of yours."
Jef laughed. "I don't care, dearest Meika. You are mine now. You do what I say. Now, give me the phone." He said. He then flipped the note around to the back side.
"How do you have the nerve to say that?" Meika said in an innocent tone. "I'm not giving you it..." She refused and looked down at her hands. "..and I think you should... Sort of... Respect my privacy..."
Note: While you were gone I made sandwiches out of boredom, you can eat them if you like, also the spider jar you can have. Make sure the keys are out of the girls' reach. Surprise surprise.....
Jef chuckled after reading the note. He then looked at Meika. "Just give me the phone. Besides, the service here is terrible. It would take ten weeks for a message to get to anyone." He said. "Want a sandwich?"
"If it takes 10 weeks to get to anyone, then why do you want me to give it to you?" Meika said. She turned around and put her head on top of her knees. A spider crawled near to her so she backed away, letting a squeak escape her mouth, but forgot about denying she was scared of spiders. "No thanks, I'm not hungry..."
He smirked. "Ten weeks is a short time in the scheme of things. Just give me the phone." He said. "I don't want to have to hurt you yet."
"I will if you promise not to look through my messages and stuff.." Meika negotiated with him. It wasn't like she didn't have anything to hide besides the message she sent to her brother, but she just didn't like people looking through her stuff.
Meika gulped and handed him the phone. She didn't know if this was the right decision or not, but he couldn't be that evil, right? She layed her hands over each other and looked down at them.
Jef smiled. "Thank you." He said. He took the phone and dropped it on the ground. He stomped it with his foot. "Now then, my dear, tell me about yourself."
The phone was a present she got for her 13th birthday from her parents, so it meant a lot to her, but she couldn't really focus on that in this situation. "Well, what do you want to know about me? ...I'm not interesting at all."
He smirked. "Everything. The longer you entertain me, the longer you'll stay safe and unharmed." He said, sitting on the ground.
"Well... I have a brother, a mom and a dad and 5 cousins.... I'm 15... Erm.. I can't really think of anything else..." Meika trailed on. She never saw herself as an interesting person, so why would he want to know everything about her?
"What's the first thing you remember? What's your first memory? Who was your first boyfriend? Darling, you haven't told me anything about you!" He said with a slight laugh.
"Um... My first memory is making daisy chains in the meadow near our house with my brother..." Meika said, "And I haven't had a boyfriend... Every boy in my highschool is the same, all they want is... umm, you know." She said while her cheeks turned red.
Jef laughed. "Yes, that is quite terrible. So, any boy you have an eye for? Or does any boy have his eye on you?" He asked grinning.
Meika had forgotten the fact she was in a cell, tied up and had been kidnapped by the man right infront of her. "Well, not really... At least I don't think so..." She replied.
He shook his head with a smirk. "Oh come on. At least one boy must've confessed his undying love for you in the past year. At least one, right?" He said laughing slightly.
"Well, I am quite popular in my grade, and everyone seems to like me, but not in that way." She looked up and gazed into his eyes.
He laughed more. "Oh, come on. You've got to be kidding. No one? No one has confessed their undying love to you?" He asked. "Then they're idiots."

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