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Fantasy Magic Upon Us

Sorry everyone!! I had a family day and I just couldn't be online all day.

I think this rp would work best with everyone meeting at the same Police station for registration.
OffSideTech said:
Sorry everyone!! I had a family day and I just couldn't be online all day.
I think this rp would work best with everyone meeting at the same Police station for registration.
(there are a LOT of questions that have been previously stated. I'd just like to inform you, since I'd really like my questions answered so as to add to the structure of the RP thus far.)

Sorry for not responding to your questions about magic.

No one is very skilled at magic. How magic works in this RP is your character would think of an action and magic would carry it out. Your character doesn't have to learn any special words or fancy hand movements. So if your character wanted to fly, they would think of themselves being lifted off the ground. But because no one is skilled in magic the most you would be able to do is lift yourself a few inches for about 30 seconds.

So basically the more demanding the task the harder it is to do and you can't do it as long as say making light.

Another example would be healing someone from near death. Becuase the injuries are so severe it would be more taxing on your body. Your character could die if they overuse their magic. So anything is possible but the likelihood of you living is slim if you do something crazy.

The more you use your magic the more you can do. So if you try to teleport something constatly you would get better at doing that and then it won't be as hard to do.
OffSideTech said:
Sorry for not responding to your questions about magic.

No one is very skilled at magic. How magic works in this RP is your character would think of an action and magic would carry it out. Your character doesn't have to learn any special words or fancy hand movements. So if your character wanted to fly, they would think of themselves being lifted off the ground. But because no one is skilled in magic the most you would be able to do is lift yourself a few inches for about 30 seconds.

So basically the more demanding the task the harder it is to do and you can't do it as long as say making light.

Another example would be healing someone from near death. Becuase the injuries are so severe it would be more taxing on your body. Your character could die if they overuse their magic. So anything is possible but the likelihood of you living is slim if you do something crazy.

The more you use your magic the more you can do. So if you try to teleport something constatly you would get better at doing that and then it won't be as hard to do.
considering my character makes keys,

I don't personally expect this to be a big limitation
OffSideTech said:
@x B3457 R3L3453x
I'm not sure what you mean
I think he means what counts as OP and how wide is the range?

Ex: Would supernatural powers such as traveling at the speed of sound count as OP?

Or would Nigh Omnipotence count?

What about Omniscience, to know absolutely everything? Is that too OP?

Considering what you just said I personally think everything except omnipotence and nigh omnipotence should count, just drain a LOT of energy.

Ex: You temporarily use your power of Omniscience to gain a bit of knowledge, but afterwards you are so tired you pass out.
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Not at all. Your character doesn't have to be skilled at one thing only btw. But it makes sense if they have one main magic ability that they are really good at but also know a lot more things and just not be as good with them.
@x B3457 R3L3453x

Things that would be OP is Teleporting across the world, Massive explosions, Making anything out of nothing (You can practice to do this but only with a few items you are really familiar with.), Curing Death, Immortal, Flying forever, Slow-Fast Forward-Rewind-Stop time.. I think you get the idea.
TurtleGod said:
Ex: Would supernatural powers such as traveling at the speed of sound count as OP?
Or would Nigh Omnipotence count?

What about Omniscience, to know absolutely everything? Is that too OP?
Yes that would be OP
but I already did

technically I COULD potentially make a key to set off a nuclear bomb

but nahh

I can't find any nuclear bomb sites that'll let me in.


Sorry, just got a little confused. Yes you could make a key for any door but you would have to be at the lock and you would have to explain how your character knows what the layout of the lock is.
TurtleGod said:
also, what do you mean by Equipment and Description?
Equipment is just the stuff they carry around all the time. Sorry I grabbed the template from one of my other RP's

As for Description. Basically put down traits of character, physical add-ons that can't be shown in a picture.
If anyone has trouble for what they should put down for description; to add length you can add what is was like when your character got their magic abilities. I'll be posting my CS soon and my description will have this if you need an example.
OffSideTech said:
If anyone has trouble for what they should put down for description; to add length you can add what is was like when your character got their magic abilities. I'll be posting my CS soon and my description will have this if you need an example.
So it's sort of like a bio and sort of like a character description?
@x B3457 R3L3453x

You need to state the basic magic abilities. This RP is starting literally less than an hour after everyone got magic. So you need to state what you can do to work up to what you said your character can do.

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