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Fantasy Magic Brew Cafè

though I'm not feeling well tonight. My stomach is terribly upset and my legs hurt, maybe if I still feel like crap tomorrow I'll be given a day of rest. Hopefully. *sighs* I doubt my stomach will feel at all better tomorrow and my legs.
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though theres a chance I'll still be forced out even if I feel like throwing up...scratch that I KNOW I will be. the only way I wouldn't is if I couldn't move or barely could > :/
@thistle because if I feel too sick to move: Bam I can't move = I can sleep... oh sweet sleep how I love and long for you T_T
@thistle doesn't matter if I do, the earlier I sleep the earlier I'm woken up and dragged out of bed so no matter what I CANT get more than 5-6 hours of sleep.
1. If your character was dared by 2 to put lipstick on someone without using there hands, how would they react?

2. 1 just mugged (Robbed) Your character! Do they get away with it?

3. 5 and 3 were tickling your character so hard that they peed them selves, how do they react?

4. 4 and 7 got married! and in the future have a child and ask your character to be the god parent! How does this go?

5. 9 accidentally sprayed your character with pepper spray... Does 9 make it out alive

6. 8 has started a 'No pants' revolution and has half the city walking around half naked. How does your character react?
Okay, I'll phrase 1 specifically for you. Character 2 just dared Akira (and the others) To put lipstick on someone without using her hands. What does she do?

And is 9 Quincy...? xD

1. If your character was dared by 2 to put lipstick on someone without using there hands, how would they react?

Akira! All of them would do it, some probably more happily than others. A dare is a dare, though Vincent would probably try to get out of it, claiming he has better things to do, and Oliver would just do it, 'cause it seems funny. Quincy, however, would request a lipstick that isn't his, before agreeing to anything.

2. 1 just mugged (Robbed) Your character! Do they get away with it?

Raya! With Vincent, probably. He's not very big on personal possessions, plus, Raya expressed her need for housing earlier, so he would probably just let her. Oliver doesn't have much the protector can rob, and he, like Vincent, doesn't care much for personal items. Except if it's his rainbow hoodie. If its his rainbow hoodie, somebody is going to get cut. Quincy, being of the very, dangerously possessive kind, would most likely decapitate Raya and force her head on a stick, parading around town with it. Don't touch his stuff.

3. 5 and 3 were tickling your character so hard that they peed them selves, how do they react?

Ase and Jun! Vincent would react with shock, then embarrassment, Oliver would react with anger, considering it's Ase and Quincy... Quincy would be mortified and probably kill Ase.

4. 4 and 7 got married! and in the future have a child and ask your character to be the god parent! How does this go?

Alexander and Ellie! HUM! If this is in an AU, Vincent would decline being named god parent of the witch/fairy kid, 'cause the responsibility of him being one, would be too great. Plus, he would be afraid of royally fucking the kid up for life. Oliver would also decline, reasoning that he would most likely kill the kid by accident if let anywhere near it, and if he was named a godparent, that would just make the whole thing worse. Quincy would happily accept the offer, and take the kid with him to the circus, raising it to be a new attraction! Half witch half fairy people are a rarity, after all!

5. 9 accidentally sprayed your character with pepper spray... Does 9 make it out alive

Maria! Vincent, yes, most likely. Oliver, yes, no questions asked. Quincy, yes, but not in one piece.

6. 8 has started a 'No pants' revolution and has half the city walking around half naked. How does your character react?

Estelle! Oh man. Vincent would react in mortified horror and grab the young witch off the streets, locking her in a closet until she came to her senses. Oliver would flat out refuse to have anything to do with her 'revolution', and run away while covering his eyes. Quincy wouldn't care. Like at all, and probably be too busy poking at spiders with sticks to really take notice.
@DestinyRed I mean without using hands what do you mean? they'd hold the lip stick in their nose and put it on the person? O.o how the hell do you do it with no haaaa haha Fairys....creation magic. Aw yeah~
I might not be able to answer the questions tonight its way to late and I'mso dizzy I can hardly even sit >.< imma call it anight

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