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Realistic or Modern Mafia high AU


New Member

I'm looking to create a mafia roleplay group filled with multiple characters; family members, friends, different mafia families.


Saint Peter is a high school the different Mafia families send their children to. The school trains them to be next leaders and assassins, with alot of hidden secrets. The school is owned by no family so its fair game. No war is allowed there between families but between students.

Have fun
18+ due to dark themes discussed as it's mafia crime related
Short replies and long replies are accepted
Word account doesn't matter

Dm and I will give you the roles available. You can create your own background for thr roles ii give.


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I’m def interested in doing some kind of mafia-related RP. I have some mobster characters and concepts for a project that I’ve been working on every now and then that could definitely use some sort of sandboxing to further develop their personalities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I am extremely busy until mid June to early July. :/:

What sort of tone were you hoping for? Comical? Serious? A mix of both?

How parallel to the real world were you thinking? (i.e. Do real world locations/nationalities exist? Are vague references to historical events allowed in character backstories/concepts; etc.)

Is there a preferred age range for the characters?
I’m def interested in doing some kind of mafia-related RP. I have some mobster characters and concepts for a project that I’ve been working on every now and then that could definitely use some sort of sandboxing to further develop their personalities and whatnot. Unfortunately, I am extremely busy until mid June to early July. :/:

What sort of tone were you hoping for? Comical? Serious? A mix of both?

How parallel to the real world were you thinking? (i.e. Do real world locations/nationalities exist? Are vague references to historical events allowed in character backstories/concepts; etc.)

Is there a preferred age range for the characters?

I'm excited to hear about your characters

And that's okay...🤍

I'd say mix

(Real locations and nationalities. And vague references to historical events are allowed and concepts as well as own theories of history etc.)

16 up as they students training to be next leaders
Excellent! One of the mafia characters I've been working on is 16. She’s in a bit of a different situation though in her original canon, in that her father regards her as a perfect little angel and keeps her away from his clan and their activities, so she attends a regular school (but that doesn’t stop her from doing all sorts of bad stuff like vandalizing cars and stealing daddy's guns and wallet when he’s not looking.) It would be interesting to put her in an AU setting to see how she interacts with kids in a similar situation as her. As of now, she doesn’t really have any friends in her canon storyline due to rumors about her father (and because she’s not a particularly well-mannered girl in the eyes of the average civilian. 🤣)

The rest of the mobster characters affiliated with her are significantly older (like 35-55 range), which leads me to ask: What sort of role would the parent/family characters play in this? Curious because I could honestly see her mother low-key keeping tabs on her at all times or something. 🤣

OH, and would all participating clans at the school be presumed allies, or at the very least, on neutral terms with one another? Wondering if any sort of pre-existing rivalries would exist or if perhaps that’s something that could be born from students trying to outperform each other as the story progresses.
Interested in either playing a typical student or random transfer that is just confused when they learn everyone else is involved in mafia’s
I just imagine a middle class who got accidentally transferred there instead of an actual normal mafia student who just so happens to look identical to
I just imagine a middle class who got accidentally transferred there instead of an actual normal mafia student who just so happens to look identical to
Hahaha. Guess they will be learning how to be a mobster instead. 😂 Maybe their parents saw an ad with the phrase "for future leaders" and thought it was gymnasium for law school or political science.

If this character is ever found out, my mobster daughter would sooooo pull a fast one and attempt to offer them protection services in exchange for them pretending to be her best friend or vowing to do all her written homework assignments, or something along those lines. 😂 Or if it were her finding out first, she’d probably threaten to blackmail them unless they do her some favor.

nezuko nezuko What kind of character were you thinking of creating?

1.) On which continent did we want this to take place? Europe? Or were you thinking somewhere else?

2.) Are we assuming the characters all speak English as their lingua franca?
I'm particularly curious about this because my character's father doesn't know English--well, except maybe cursing and things like dead, drugs, gun, and cash--so he probably wouldn't be all too useful in terms of helping out at the school unless we want him around to have funny misunderstandings with characters who cannot understand him back.

3.) Also, what role will the parents play in this?
Can my character’s mom (the mistress of my character's father) take on the role as a school secretary so that she can spy on her illicit child who doesn’t even know who she is? I don’t think she’d have the patience to be a teacher, especially if all the kids are a bunch of rebellious punks. 😂 Plus, I think that having her be in a more passive role like secretary would also parallel her “canon” concept well, since she wasn’t originally born into the mafia, but rather drawn to it for the sake of her own survival as a teenager after she lost her entire family in a military raid. She’d absolutely do whatever she could to shoehorn herself into a position at the school to fulfill her own agenda, which in this AU is honestly probably making sure that her own kid fails.
Like I was thinking this kid is on the plane to a foreign school, is confused when he sees an actual mafia student and some person waiting to take the doppelgänger to the school takes him instead.
Hahaha. Guess they will be learning how to be a mobster instead. 😂 Maybe their parents saw an ad with the phrase "for future leaders" and thought it was gymnasium for law school or political science.

If this character is ever found out, my mobster daughter would sooooo pull a fast one and attempt to offer them protection services in exchange for them pretending to be her best friend or vowing to do all her written homework assignments, or something along those lines. 😂 Or if it were her finding out first, she’d probably threaten to blackmail them unless they do her some favor.

nezuko nezuko What kind of character were you thinking of creating?

1.) On which continent did we want this to take place? Europe? Or were you thinking somewhere else?

2.) Are we assuming the characters all speak English as their lingua franca?
I'm particularly curious about this because my character's father doesn't know English--well, except maybe cursing and things like dead, drugs, gun, and cash--so he probably wouldn't be all too useful in terms of helping out at the school unless we want him around to have funny misunderstandings with characters who cannot understand him back.

3.) Also, what role will the parents play in this?
Can my character’s mom (the mistress of my character's father) take on the role as a school secretary so that she can spy on her illicit child who doesn’t even know who she is? I don’t think she’d have the patience to be a teacher, especially if all the kids are a bunch of rebellious punks. 😂 Plus, I think that having her be in a more passive role like secretary would also parallel her “canon” concept well, since she wasn’t originally born into the mafia, but rather drawn to it for the sake of her own survival as a teenager after she lost her entire family in a military raid. She’d absolutely do whatever she could to shoehorn herself into a position at the school to fulfill her own agenda, which in this AU is honestly probably making sure that her own kid fails.

2)so the main characters(students) will speak English at the school but sometimes when speaking to their families and mafia they would use their mother language if they have one out of habit or so no one else can hear them.

3)they will still be there playing a huge role in the kids lived with arranged marriages,missions etc some can be teachers or part of the board at school. Most of the parents own the school anyway
My Character's are from the Hernandez Mafia

Has a twin brother,and the only girl in her family. Her parents usually kept her locked up and home schooled so her social skills are her weak points. They tried to keep her as delicate and innocent as possible. When people first meet her they always say she don't belong in this world. She is soft spoken and down to earth, naive and kind. Her best friend is a plushie, she still is child-like and usually always wearing pastel colours in a family that just wears black. However do not be fooled she is the number 1 assassin for a reason. She was programed as kid there is a specific word her dad would use that would trigger her brain and she will become a cold killer, that's only purpose is to kill her target snd in obey her dad at all costs,once a deed is done the safe word will be said bringing her back to herself. Her twin brother is the exact opposite his cold and controlling, skilled assassin but his more of the leader instead training to be his dad next heir. He trusts no one but his sister. The two is very chaotic and psychotic. His a sadist she is masochist.

Names: Valentino and Valentine
Maybe later the Doppelgänger’s father finds out- I can’t decide if I want him to have Eddie take his sons place after an enemy group takes out his son or he just wants his son at home but needs Eddie to stay there because of something in the contract.

Also if I could play a second character it would be a bodyguard in training.
Maybe later the Doppelgänger’s father finds out- I can’t decide if I want him to have Eddie take his sons place after an enemy group takes out his son or he just wants his son at home but needs Eddie to stay there because of something in the contract.

Also if I could play a second character it would be a bodyguard in training.
Sounds awesome

Uu can
Maybe later the Doppelgänger’s father finds out- I can’t decide if I want him to have Eddie take his sons place after an enemy group takes out his son or he just wants his son at home but needs Eddie to stay there because of something in the contract.

Also if I could play a second character it would be a bodyguard in training.
If it helps at all, I like your first idea better because it illustrates the dangerous reality that these mafia kids face on a daily basis, and from your character’s perspective, I think that sort of plot point would be more impactful since he is being dragged into this lifestyle by mistake.
I’m thinking the father arranges the deal after some event, probably threatening his family- maybe the bodyguards father was the personal guard of one of the students (Mine if no one is interested) and has to become that students guard.
Wait. I’m a bit confused by the wording of your sentence. Whose father arranged the deal with a bodyguard? Eddie’s? The one of the deceased student that you mentioned in your previous brainstorm? Or the father of the bodyguard that you plan to create? (Too many unnamed characters in one sentence. 🤣)

My character Lidija despises having bodyguards in her original canon. For this story, she could probably pawn hers off onto Eddie or whoever. It would be in character for her, and I’m sure her assigned guard would appreciate not having to deal with her. 😂 On the other hand, if you meant for your guard-in-training character to be the protector of another RPer’s student character, they could possibly be Lidija’s guard depending on what you had in mind for their age and heritage/nationality? (Mostly curious about the latter because it wouldn’t make sense for her father to make a deal with an outsider unless they are from a country where he has allies.)
Just one year short of being able to join this agh, I made a character that I wasn't able to use that would fit this so much but wahhh
He would be a criminal prodigy but has the unfortunate virtue of not being able to lie
Got an idea on ur oc
My character would be adopted into one of the families after being found in a dumpster, the patriarch of the Graves family would take him in, seeing that he doesn’t have a heir to his territory and fortune. As he grew up, he was met with scorn and resentment from the members of the family. Because of this he grew up to return this resentment. Doing anything he can to prove himself to the family and be recognized as a worthy heir.

Name: Wendell Graves
My character would be adopted into one of the families after being found in a dumpster, the patriarch of the Graves family would take him in, seeing that he doesn’t have a heir to his territory and fortune. As he grew up, he was met with scorn and resentment from the members of the family. Because of this he grew up to return this resentment. Doing anything he can to prove himself to the family and be recognized as a worthy heir.

Name: Wendell Graves
Very interesting

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