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Fantasy Luna Academy Registry

Doesn't matter. Even if it is that way maybe avoid commenting all together and keep your thoughts to yourself?
(on this server we tend to have an honest and open sense of communication, no matter of people's feelings. so, in turn, if you do something and someone comments on it, you just have to learn not to take it to heart :))
Name: Winifred Agnes

Age: 16

Gender: Female



Bloodline: Amethyst


Winifred grew up in a family with a loving father and siblings, but a serious and distant mother who always looked down on her abilities. Her mother wanted her to be as powerful as her or maybe even more, Winifred on the other hand just wanted to use her powers for the greater good.

Other Info: She loves strawberries and strawberry shortcakes, she wears a mothery-like smile almost every day
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Name: Winifred Agnes

Age: 16

Gender: Female

View attachment 908543

View attachment 908544

Bloodline: Amehyst


Winifred grew up in a family with a loving father and siblings, but a serious and distant mother who always looked down on her abilities. Her mother wanted her to be as powerful as her or maybe even more, Winifred on the other hand just wanted to use her powers for the greater good.

Other Info: She loves strawberries and strawberry shortcakes, she wears a mothery-like smile almost every day

Welcome to the academy, please have all your things ready upon arrival to the academy

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