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Fantasy Loving and Hating


Human :)
It was a dark day in Esthana when war was declared by King Henry. That was his last day as King, then the throne was left to his brother. King Anthony and his new Queen didn't like war but it would be seen as weak to surrender. Anthony cursed his brother for leaving him to sort out the chaos and fleeing to the other side of the world, but that was the selfish mind of Henry. At least he had his Queen, but she wasn't exactly the best company. Rosalyn was completely infatuated with the King and this was incredibly annoying for him. Now it has been a year and the royal family of Esthana is sick and tired of war. But what about the other side? He sent a formal letter to the enemy. Perhaps the outcome would be positive?
The Fae queen received the letter, reading over it. A negotiation? Laughable. Lucinda wasn’t stupid. She’d go, sure... armed to the pointed tips of her ears. She wrote a letter back, handing it to her younger sister. “Tabita, dear, do mail this to the king. And have Elena prepare the armoury.” The queen of the Fae wasn’t sure why this war had ever been started. But she was stubborn and it it for the long haul. She would assasinate this man, and take his kingdom from him if that’s what it came to.
"Anthony, my love, do you really think this is wise?" Rosalyn asked, tugging on his arm childishly as he sat at his table, reading through his boxes. "If the Queen... tries something, perhaps? Something that would put this nation at great danger." The Queen sighed and sat opposite. She knew her husband was stubborn, but she was concerned for his safety.

The King let out a laugh. "Rosalyn, don't be silly. I am sure none of us wanted the war, except... for him," Anthony replied, looking at a family portrait hanging on the wall, its frame dusty from not being cleaned. It was the only painting that hadn't been dusted for years. No-one liked to touch it because it held memories of the unpopular and some might say 'evil' previous King. "I'll be fine." He saw her expression. "If I have a few armed guards, would that be suitable? Maybe the 20 best men. Not just best at fighting, best at magical abilities." The Queen nodded, and the argument was settled.
“Big sister, are you sure you should go along? Maybe bring a guard?” Tabita followed her older sister, her small wings flapping. “I’ve sent the letter... There’s no going back.”

“Tabita, my darling sweet sister, you’re overreacting. I’m the most skilled magicks user this land has seen since the first queen.”
The Fae started looking through weapons. “If anything happens, the throne is yours.”

“That’s what I’m scared of.”
"Sir," one of the royal servants said, bowing, "A letter. From the Queen of the Faes, sir." There was a worried look on the servant's face but he tried not to show it. The King thanked him and he left the room. He opened it.
"Well, Anthony?" The Queen asked. She had doubts still about the whole matter of 'negotiation', but, she could hardly disrespect her husband and King.
"She accepts the offer. Rosalyn, this could be an end to all this despair and cruelty! We have no need for all this... violence! I will give everything I can to ensure the safety of Esthana."
Queen Rosalyn sighed, "I know. I know you, my love, I know you would do anything for your people. Including risking your life. What will happen if she also gives everything she has? If you... if you die, my love, who will be the next ruler? We have left the country without an heir. The people may accept me as Queen but you know the main monarch has to be a mixed magic user. We have none left, apart from your brothe-"
"Do be quiet, Rosalyn, you are doing my head in," he sighed, "Nothing will happen."
“Lucinda... You know I can’t harness power. At least bring a guard or two. I know exactly what your negotiations are.” Tabita seemed very worried. Considering what the demands of her older sister were, I’m not surprised she was.

“Tabita Molly Reable. I will not die.” The queen turned to her sister. “Stop panicking.”

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