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One x One Love will Come Through (OOC)


The title is a placeholder. It can be changed, but I wanted to continue or at least restart what we had before, because it was a nice idea. I believe it was around this:

You are a transfer student into this new school. The students don't know it, but there is something off about you. What is it? They don't know. But, what they do know is you guys are a bunch of weirdos. You go through school normally, as normal as you can, but you can't help but feel something off about this school. Or is it the town itself? Guess we have to find out on our own, and help these people out! Even if they hate us in the end. (Can be in any country, we can put it in Japan if you want, or America)

Looks: (Can be a pic or description)
Biography: (Why did you come here?)

(I forget how to do boxes/accordians via BB code...)
Name: Yuki Tachibari
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, more male side
Personality: Very lively, and will speak her mind. She will start off as a bitchy type, but in actuallity she really is a sweet person, you just have to get to know her.
Race: Cat demon (has cat ears/tail that she hides in her clothing)
Looks: (I don't remember tags, so here is the url) http://dl.glitter-graphics.com/pub/551/551184ewxw4qyxxy.jpg
Biography: She came from a small town that did a lot of farming. She liked it a lot, but it turned out that they didn't like her a lot. She wasn't different, she came from a small clan, but she couldn't compete like the others. She wasn't fast, agile, or even strong. She couldn't perform like the others so her parents made her go to the big city to find a better life.

Name: Blade Nomen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, more female side
Personality: Is very quiet, but will tell you off if you piss him off. He doens't like people at all, and will definitely tell you so.
Race:Wolf Demon
Looks: (Can be a pic or description) https://img00.deviantart.net/3e64/i/2006/095/2/6/wolf_boy_by_pen_gwyn.jpg
Biography: (Why did you come here?) He used to be in a small village, which was fighting another clan, a clan of cats. The old legend was a few hundred years ago the two clans were together, before the male wolf decided to cheat on his female cat wife, and brought war to both clans. He didn't udnerstand the whole fight, and wished it would just end. (No, not Yuki's clan. This was from another RP I was in on another site. XD) He decided to leave his battel life to have a life in the city, away from all of the drama back home.

HoneyAsylum HoneyAsylum You can have anyone, I just wanted to use them. I can change their race, they are just usually this if I can make it like that. I have others they can be~
Name: Enzo
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Personality: Absolute Cinnamon Roll
Race: Incubus
Looks: (Can be a pic or description) View media item 32482Biography: (Why did you come here?): Fell to the earth one day and didnt know how to go back home, so you know what he did? He went to school.
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I don't have the permission to see the photo, but I bet he is adorable. And genius way to start out. XD I'll start it up

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