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Love story with a twist of acid


katie baby loves you!

The whole idea is that there is a huge shooting in the park a few blocks away from the hospital. Every one is brought to the hospital, where she worked. its a love story. so the basic idea is that my character falls in love with a patient she watches over. they know so little about each other, but when he gets better he comes back and takes her out. She then finds out what he does for a living, preferably illegal, like gun smugglers or weed dealers. we can talk about all the details in messenger. my future goals for this rp are a real life situation.
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The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and people were crying. Rainbow worked at a hospital she was pediatric nurse, working with kids the best and worst part. People die everyday but its specially hard to handle when you see a child die of cancer. she took care of the sick kids, sometimes they saw more of her then there own parents. on this day she went to help out a friend in the trauma center, it was very different. she was doing rounds, checking on patients, helping out doctors. It was quiet for a good hour then her pager goes off. It was a code red, a shoot out, 6 young adults injured. No more details were given until the ambulances were outside. She rushed them in helping to calm them down, talk to familys and hand tools to the doctors. she wanted to be more, but it was going to take so much longer to be a doctor
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He groaned as he was was rushed into the hospital,he just shouldn't have trusted this asshole and now he got a bullet for that.His luck was that the other guy was a lousy shot and even after being hit he was at least able to shoot back,although he didn't know if he'd hit.Now he lost the cash from the deal and some ass here will ask questions.His vision began to fade with blood loss and his last thought was of revenge as he passed out
rainbow ran to his cart, not knowing who he was or what he did for a living. the cops came along with the ambulances, the stood around making sure no one left. she helped the doctors get him to the table, they cut his cloths off to see where the bullet was. a bullet hit his upper arm, he was leading a lot but not enough to kill him. they pumped some drugs and more blood in his system before they operated, taking out 3 bullets from his body. when they put him in a room a cop was standing by his door. rainbow checked on him, as per her job. " how are you feeling sir " she smiled brushing back her long rainbow hair with her fingers putting it up.
Jacob groaned as he came back to consciousness,he was blinded by the bright light in the room and the stench of the hospital hit his nose.Then a colorful blob of hair appeared in his blurry vision and apparently that person was smiling and he barely understood her question as he tried to lift his arm to cover his eyes,he immediately regretted that as he felt pain radiate from his arm"Getting shot sucks"he wasn't really talking to anyone in particular he just felt like complaining
rainbow looked at him with a smile and her hands on her hips. " sir I'm gonna have to check your blood pressure and run few more tests. she smiled looking at the cops, they were there for her protection. The truth was she wasn't scared of anything. she grabbed his arm gently, trying to avoid any pain, checking his blood pressure. " well sir it looks like your ok, but I'm going to run some tests, it might take a few days " she smiled thinking he is just gonna go to jail might as well be comfy while he can. she always saw the good in people, coming from a broken home, it helped to stay positive about people.
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The colorful blob now did something and he had to admit that she at least didn't cause more pain,and he finally was awake enough to understand what she was saying and what he heard did bring a smile to his face as it meant that he wont go to jail for now.He tried to grin at her and spoke in a weak voice"Thanks".At least this nurse seamed to be one of the young ones that still did favors to people like him,he guessed that it would change in the next few years
She walked out of the room leaving his chart on the other side of the door. the cops looked her up and down mumbling " nice hair " they laughed rudely. rainbow sat down on her lunch break unable to get him out of her head. she shook it off and continued with her day. the night came quickly, she walked back in little after 9 pm. " hello sir, how are you feeling " . she pulled up a chair talking quick break while still looking at his chart*
He spent his day calculating how much cash he had lost and if he'd name able to get out of this mess without ending up behind bars.Soon that turned out to be mostly frustrating and he tried to sleep,that went daily well at least until he heard the sound of the door,followed by the sound of a chair moving and he knew that he wasn't alone anymore.For a second he was worried that it was someone with rather bad intentions but when he saw the colorful hair he knew that he was at least safe and he yawned as he looked at her"Well you guys had to get a few bullets out of me,the painkillers aren't working and there are cops outside of my room,but otherwise I'm feeling great"at least he didn't have to talk to a cop and it was better entertainment than thinking of his losses,so why not talk to that nurse
" well i wanted to check on you before my shift is over " she smiled as she signed off on some pieces of paper in his chart. she put one leg over the other looking around the room for a moment. " i can up your morphine, the doctors will be releasing you in a day or 2 " she stood up putting away his chart.
Jacob let out a small chuckle as he raise his head to get a better lock at the girl,and had to admit that she at least looked cute."Some morphine would be nice"he rolled his eyes as he realized that he should probably at least try to be nice,considering how she treats him"And thanks for keeping me in by the way"he tried to smile by considering how much pain he felt it didn't look to friendly"Could you do me another favor though?I could need someone to call my lawyer before the cops get to me"he was almost certain that shed say no,but its not like he had much to lose and this naive girl was his best chance
" i can do that sir, what is the number " she handed him a piece of paper and a pen, as she placed it on his bed side table a whip of roasted sugar came from her body. rainbow then asked " anything else i can do for you " she was trained to have good bed side manor.
He took in the sent and a smile formed on his lips,as he thought about the nurse,she was pretty,helpful and relatively pleasant to have around,perfect company for a hospital.He quickly wrote the number down as he had to call it often enough,his lawyer wasn't someone he liked or trusted,but as long as his clients paid the bills he served them well.he put the pen down before looking at the smiling nurse again"Could you get me some food and a coffee?"he didn't have any food since he came in and now he was just hungry,so he had to get her to get some for him."I mean if it helps I can pay for it as soon as I get my stuff back"
" money isn't the issue, your chart says you can't have caffeine, basically its saying you can't have anything fun. i can get someone to grab you food thou" she smiled touching his hand softly looking into his eyes " you seem like a good guy, but I've been wrong before " she made a wave " good night, feel better stay out of trouble " she giggled*
He groaned as he was told that he would get no coffee,but at least he'd get his food.he smiled at her in amusement ad the she touched his hand,he enjoyed that,it was a warm,soft and gentle touch,not something he was used to.He almost burst out laughing as she said that he might be a good guy,but instead he merely shook his head.As she waved he tried to wave back but that only cause more pain again and frowned at the pain,before answering her"Good night and I'm sure id feel better with some coffee!"he shock his head,he usually wasn't one to be nice,but damm that girl made it hard to be mean
~rainbow sent some food over to his room along with a small come up coffe. she liked to help out her patience even if they killed someone. she took an oath to protect and advocate for her patience best interest. later on that night she went to the bar across the way, she wasn't a social person. mostly she stayed to herself at the bars, she lived with abunch of other nurses in a big old house.
Jacob smiled as another nurse brought in some food and he eagerly ate it,not caring that it was some terrible portion of typical hospital food and after only a few minutes he was finished,only then he noticed the small cup of coffee and smiled as he drank it,savoring the taste and honestly surprised that the nurse gave him one,he didn't think shed break the rules to help him.After the dinner he decided to sleep,enjoying the fact that he was still here and not in a jail,soon he was snorting loudly,dreaming of more cash to earn,a way out of this and for some reasons his dreams were alot more colorful than usual.
~they released him the next day, rainbow was doing her rounds in pediatrics. she thought about him, but he was ok medically, " why am i thinking about him ? " she mumbled to herself as she walked. all she did was work, she liked it but secretly wanted to be loved.
Jacob signed his release papers,he sighed as he didn't get to see the nurse with the colorful hair again,but he shock his head as he had an appointment at the court today.a few hours later he was standing in front of a judge,doing his best not to grin as he had realized that his lawyer was still better than the state attorney,not even half an hour later he was released,with the only punishment being a fine,he paid it in cash,the grin never left his face.After this he was in a great mood,and decided to have a little party.Yet instead of enjoying the booze and music,his mind kept wandering back to the nurse and he was annoyed that he didn't even ask her for a name...
~rainbows night was the same as normal, work and then home, then she got a text message. party tonight, come out lets get drunk her other nurse friend invited her to a cool party. she smiled at the thought of having a good time, it had been awhile since she let loose. she got ready to go, jumping in the shower quickly washing her hair. rainbow then stepped out drying off picking out a simple, yet sexy white dress and black boots. rainbow jumped in her car, barley running to the address that was sent to her phone. it was now 11 pm and the party was crowded.
Jacob was looking down at the bottom of his empty glass and stood up to grab another drink at the bar,he quickly moved through the crowd,roughly pushing people aside that were in his way untill he reached the bar and he paid for his new drink.As he turned around to look at the crowd his jaw almost dropped as he saw the colorful hair,he chuckled as the hair was the only thing he recognized.She was cute in her nurse uniform but now she looked like an actual woman,he got a second drink and decided that he could at leas offer her a drink for her behavior at the hospital

rainbow walked over to the bar, not relizing it was his party. she brushed some hair off her shoulder as she ordered a
jack and coke double . with a smile the bartender handed her the drink, she turned around leaning on a counter top looking around. she then relized who was walking over to her " oh shit, he looks different " she took a big sip of her drink watching the handsome mysterious guy walk tordes her*
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He chuckled as she definitely recognized him and he placed the two drinks on the counter next to her before he leaned on,looking up and down her body,still surprised at how well the nurse outfit had hidden her curves"Hey,I didn't have a chance to say thank you yet"he chuckled as she still seamed surprised to see him"Are you at least enjoying my little party then?"he took a big sip"Would you prefer a place at one of the better areas?"he pointed at the elevated area,guarded by some of his mean and champagne at the small tables
"Would be easier to talk there"he almost shouted as he tried to talk over the chatter and the music around them
she nodded, the only thing she could think of to say was "sure. his smile intimidated her in away no man had ever before. she looked over the guarded doors, everything he did was clouded in mystery, she wanted to know more.

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