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Love in the Land of Dreams (Romance G x B) -> Moved


New Member
Setting: Muse a and Muse B are both workers at Disney world. The two have to have to play as the disney character pairing: Wendy and Peterpan. At first, The two don’t get along; so their jobs are at stake. As the Two start to get to know each other better, Muse A OR B start developing Feelings for A/B. After having to share a stage kiss, the muse confesses the feelings they have for the other.

View attachment 117505

Working in Disney Land as a staged Wendy has got to be one of the best things that has find its way into Amber's life. Just after turning 19 and graduating from high school, Amber was looking every where for a job - from the ice cream store to amusement parks, she applied to whatever slot was open. Amazingly, after getting a bunch of rejections, one letter from one of the biggest establishments in the world confirmed that she was accepted. Brimming with excitement, Amber cracked a smile as she walked in the gates to the land of dreams.
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