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Lost in the Ruins


Unlucky Member
Everyone has heard the tales of the dragon in the ruins. It's widely known, and a tale passed on for centuries, yet every time someone goes to slay or study this dragon, there's nothing but the ruins of this city. Your curiosity got the best of you, and you go to investigate like the others, whether you plan to capture or kill or do something else with it. At first you find nothing in the city, but on your way back you hear something falling, probably just some more rubble from a building. And it's then you hear it: a being crying out. You can't tell if it's human or animal, but it's a cry coming from where the rubble had fallen. Do you go after this cry and push away all the rubble to reveal the cellar door, or do you simply walk on?

I don't need much in terms of character information. The less I know, the more realistic my character's reactions can be. I just need:



Appearance:(description and/or picture)

I will put up my character sheet after the roleplay has started. I have my reasons.

Fantasy Setting

Yes, the city ruins are that of a floating city. Get over it.

~If the roleplay gets to the point of doing the do, it's going to be fade to black, as the rules of the website state.

~I don't have a length requirement, just please have more than two lines.

~One post a day would be nice. I understand if life or writer's block gets in the way, though.
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Name:Xobic Dex


Appearance:(description and/or picture)
Name: Desmin Aatrox

Age: 17

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/AnimeBoy15.jpg.e88e3f5604c826a35c21aebad8412aec.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21902" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/AnimeBoy15.jpg.e88e3f5604c826a35c21aebad8412aec.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name ~ Katrina Luring

Age~ 23

Appearance~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4f4905a50e1f58c65131362461888d8f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21956" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.4f4905a50e1f58c65131362461888d8f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This ferret there is her pet and his name is Yupi, and she carries around with her a sapphire blue whip



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Xobic heard the cry and ran towards the cry seeing the rubble he started to move it away"do not worry I'll be down there in a little bit.if you are hurt please tell me where"he kept on claire in the rubble.The job wus a bit hard but he got it done there was a cellar door under the rubble.he open the cellar door he traverse down the steps it was pitch black down there he started through look for his bag for a torch.
When he got down into the cellar, there were more sounds of crumbling, and then a small hole in the roof was made by a piece of rubble. There was a sharp cry of pain, a shadow visible in the darkness that was about the size of a dog, and the general shape of one as well. It had its tail stuck under the rubble and was scratching at the ground, struggling and trying to escape, though there was also the sound of a chain close to the small creature.
Xobic ran over to the creature and quickly remove the rubble. there were more sounds of crumbling it sounded like the whole place is going to come down and the chains on the creature was not helping the matter."should I use it no I shouldn't"he grab some rubble and started to smash the chain 1,2,3,4,5 times he hit it and then it broke.
The creature would quickly move as the chain was broken. He would feel teeth press down on his wrist, not enough to break through the skin or hurt him. It would then pull him along, back towards the cellar door, and it pulled him out of the cellar and into the sunlight just as the whole cellar crashed down. It would then let go of his wrist, turning around to face him, the creature turning out to be a rather small dragon.
it was a dragon really a dragon Xobic could not believe he found wut he was looking for.He stuck his hand out to pet the dragon showing no fear "hey there buddy how do you feel anything hurting"he say in a calm voice it was a beautiful young dragon truly a sight to behold they are wonderful creatures to see.
Xobic stood up and started the pet the dragon on top of the head"thank you for getting me out there"

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