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Realistic or Modern Looking.


Roleplay Availability
My Interest Check
Ever had the feeling of not being able to find the right partner for writing? Or you do have some but want some more people you can get along with? Than maybe this is the place for you.

My name is Soybean and I've been around on this site for some time now. I've seen quite a lot of people come and go; be it because of differences in opinion, sudden departure, writing just one sentence after I've written almost a book, etc. It has to come from two sides so I hope you're willing to do just that.

I don't ask much of you except for three decent paragraphs. More is always welcome. I don't really care about what gender to play as long as the story is interesting and I'm not stuck with the innocent goody-two-shoes who can't do anything wrong or do anything by themself. No offense, but I had enough of those as I was practically rp'ing with myself and not with somebody else.

It was just a regular day in his castle. An old dark building, a greyish colour. Huge windows overlooking the city as it was standing on top of a ravine. Yet the ground was sturdy enough to keep it up and steady. Standing proudly for ages. The roofs were pointing up as if they were spears ready to be thrown into the sky. Soldiers were guarding the entrance of the castle, only letting those in who deemed worthy or had business with one of the royals residing there.

The sky had a light red glow to it, the only light this world had. Clouds were moving around, indicating that it would be not such a nice day. There would probably be a chance of rain falling down. Yes, it rained in the underworld as well just like on Earth.

The maple trees around the castle were softly moving their branches due to the gust of wind passing through. Bats were flying around, having some fun with each other as it was never as clear as it was on Earth. Here bats could live normally however they still liked their sleep. Some had their place in the entrance of the castle, some rather stayed outside.

Farzahl was in the living quarters together with Bitxal (second oldest), having a discussion about these humans. Bitxal believed that they would be of great help to expand his knowledge, while Farzahl thought of them as weak beings. He had heard stories of those who returned after their contract ended and honestly, he didn’t think much about them. He was only interested in the food they created. It was a little different than what they ate here but most of it was really good in their opinion. Also the fact that everything looked so different was what interested him.

How their buildings looked, how they acted around one another, their statuses in society. It was all different. They didn’t have one ruled over one world but had multiple ones, a lot of them. They had Sky high buildings where one could overlook almost an entire country. They rode planes while here they rode dragons. Well, planes were useful since more people could use it. They had cars while here they had ghost horses with small wagons attached to it. About six beings could get in there.

Bitxal was more in the opinion that they could tell more about how humans saw demons. What their religions were, what their cultures were. Why they would behave the way they did, how they lead their countries. The only thing they managed to agree upon was that their sense of fashion was indeed quite nice. Regretfully they didn’t get their hands on any of that yet. Though the thing they called manga and comics was interesting.

One of the demons that got out of the contract got a bunch of them back with him. For a nice price they bought most of it since he already read all of them. Utterly fascinated by the storylines they had the manga’s in their hands while they were in discussion. Though their thoughts were most likely to be with the books than with each other. Some were better than others but they were all equally enjoyable. It made them wonder about what more books could exist. Regretfully they didn’t have the chance to go and find out. It would be too troublesome to leave the castle behind while the royals would go on an innocent trip.

Eventually Farzahl his book was finished and he looked straight at Bitxal. ”I’ve taken a liking to these Russian names. If I ever have the chance to visit Earth, I’d name myself Zhilin Krasimir Makarovich. What do you think?” Farzahl asked his brother who just shrugged lightly. ”Why would you even bother with choosing a name like that, it’s not like we’d ever have the chance to go there.” Bitxal answered which made Farzahl go silent. ”You sure know how to stump someone.” He muttered under his breath before standing up, throwing the book on the table as he had finished before leaving the room.

As he got out of there, he greeted some of the employees who passed him by. They had quite a lot of work to do in this castle as it asked for high maintenance but it gave them a pretty good pay check so they didn’t complain too much. Their hours were also decent and even sometimes got a day off. Some had horns, some had tails, some had random skin colours, others had scales. In short, there was a big diversity within their species.

When he looked out of the window, he saw his two sisters who were also the youngest of the family. He smiled in a brotherly way as he saw them play. Well play, more likely playfully fighting with each other. Though once they caught him staring they had these big grins on their faces and mentioned for him to come downstairs. He rolled his eyes but did it anyway. He opened the window and with one swift jump, he landed neatly in the grass. He dusted himself off after the landing before making his way towards them. They were considered teens now so their fighting ability would be a bit higher than it used to be. Especially as they were sparring more as they felt like being able to protect themselves better. Farzahl taught them some tricks but they made it their own as they put their own twist to it.

”Well, brother. Are you ready to take the both of us on?” Poarin (fifth child) taunted with Pirech (sixth child) sticking her tongue out provokingly. Farzahl raised an eyebrow as they seemed serious about it. ”What does the winner get?” ”A bag of Wurmchies!” They said in unison. (Wurmchies = worms that taste like chocolate after being cooked.) ”Deal.” Farzahl agreed with their challenge and they all went into place.

Farzahl calmed himself and listened to the sounds around him, making notice of every movement that would happen. Being an important person in the army helped a lot with combats. And then a dagger was thrown into his direction by Poarin who could use teleportation. Dodging it easily but was then forced to get down because of an ice spear making its way towards his body. This was controlled by Pirech. He rolled over and got up on his feet again.

Taking the sword from his belt and blocked Poarin’s. The iron clashing against one another resounded throughout the garden. A deadly silence besides that. But just as he was about to strike Poarin, his feet got stuck in ice, making it more difficult to defend himself. Yet still managing to block any incoming attacks. However the ice slowly started to make its way up and soon enough he was completely covered in ice.

Yet despite the obvious disadvantage, the ice started to tremble and eventually shattered into pieces, revealing a flame around Farzahl his body. With a smirk on his lips, he ran towards Poarin who quickly teleported to Pirech’s side just before she was about to be struck. Little did they know that that was exactly the place where he wanted her to go. A circle of fire surrounding them which only grew bigger.

With smooth movements he managed to get behind them due to the smoke blinding them from what was happening outside of it. With both knives, he held them to their throats. ”I win.” He said before pulling back and making the fire disappear. The sisters fell down on their knees and started whining which did not work on him. ”You owe me a big of Wurmchies.” He said, waving as he went off into the distance. He could hear them both groan loudly in response.

But as he was still in sight of his sisters a pentagram appeared beneath his feet. Making him go wide eyed as light started to surround him. His sister screamed at the happening but they couldn’t do anything to stop it. Soon his vision was completely gone and his body was being taken away. Within only mere seconds he could feel the ground on his feet again. Being disorientated from what had just happened he tried to look around and see where he was but nothing was familiar to him.

Cautiously he tried to search for something that could help him out but then he spotted something running up the stairs which didn’t look like a demon. He had no actual traits of their species. Farzahl his hands were like dark liquid forming into dragon like arms. Yet this one didn’t show anything. And then the light bulb went on. They actually managed to summon a royal.

He waited for this human to get back which actually happened and just watched what the other did. Blinking as suddenly water was poured all over him, making his clothes soaking wet. He tilted his head to the side out of amusement as he had heard about this. The thing they do to repel demonic creatures. Sadly enough it didn’t work for every demon, perhaps on the low level ones but besides those it wouldn’t really work.

”So this probably didn’t work out the way you wanted it to…” Farzahl commented amused. He looked to the ground and nodded as it was a decent piece of work that they did to summon him. Sitting down on one of the stairs he looked at the human. ”You probably didn’t call for me seeing you want to get rid of me. But since you’re the only person here in this room it makes you my contractor. So we’re both stuck with each other. Let’s have a good time.” He said to the other with a mischievous smile on his lips.

”Why are we in a contract? Because you’re the first human I looked at. Even if it was not your choice.” He resumed. ”Oh, and if you break the contract by killing me you’ll become a demon yourself. Unless you choose to become a demon like me, the contract will be considered completed.” After he said that he wondered about how the other would react.

Now you're probably wondering if I have any ideas for rp's. I don't. I won't make any ideas anymore as they've been cancelled for too many reasons already and excuses that people made up because they don't dare to say their opinion. Therefore I stick with pairings and themes when it comes to interst checks. Here they are:
> Single father x whatever we feel like
> Important person who has an illness x doctor
> 25 or older characters (optional)
> Butler café
> etc.

(I won't do anything with witches, wizards, demons, vampires, nekos.)
Hello! ^-^ I’m definitely very interested by your interest post, and if you’re still interested, I’d love to figure something out c: I’m also more than willing to send a sample should you request one.
Hey~ Clouds Clouds I can totally relate to you tbh. I ended up taking a hiatus and now I’m getting back into the swing of RPing again so if you are interested or available, hit me up anytime~

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