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Looking RP Partner who is Good, Longterm.


Looking for a good book series. Fantasy prefered.

Our story starts in a humble Cabin, just on the outskirts of Singrad, The Trade Hub of the world, Filled with Exotic things. Unheard of foods, Powerful Tools, Where Gods had once walked, Streets had run with blood, Hearty laughter and cheer, Saddening Wales of pain and desperation. A Mixing pot of the world. The perfect place for our Hero to be born.

The Cabin was filled with the soft laboring breaths of a mother bearing her Seventh child. Yes, Seventh. Almost Ironic, The seventh child born to a seventh child, completely unknown to the world. As The woman labored breathing slowed The Adorable wale of a new born could be heard, hands covered smiles, heavy hearts were lifted with joy. The success rate of births had been low this year, The sight of a healthy baby was something very much welcomed. Unknown to the Family, and the Rulers of the kingdom, Richard The
Child's Father was a seventh child himself. Had people known the child was the seventh child of the seventh child the baby would have been killed before it took its first breathes.

The prophecy of The Seventh Child of the Seventh child had echoed thru time.

The Seventh Born with the Blood of a Seventh born, King slayer will be their Name. The Sleeping King and the Seventh born will share the same first breathe. In the Same moment a god of Creation will be born a god of Destruction too will awaken. Only Battle can choose a victor, only death can reset the balance.

These were the last words of the Great Seer Salaskin.

Her Death Rattle, one last warning to the world, and ever since there had never Been a seventh child of a seventh child. Salaskin had never been wrong before, and it was just Human nature that kept them in fear. For there was only ever two gods to walk the Earth.

Kerode, The Being that had created Singrad with his breathe.

Thalvux, The Being who had Killed Kerod. Successfully Ending the Second Era, Bringing in the Third Era in history, the Era of Desperation. This is the Era in which the first Humans discovered how to wield magic, Becoming Gods of their own creation. These Humans had the full power of Magic at their possession, They slew Thalvux after nearly 672 years of Desperation the Third Era ended.

The Fourth Era started with the Slayers of Thalvux separating to start separate kingdoms, their blood lines becoming muddled after generations of Breading with Normal Humans, The magic in their blood becoming Weaker. Eventually The Battles of Gods and humans, the Entire Third Era became rumors, legends. It has been centuries since Thalvux had walked the Earth, Magic is a rare trait, Treated with Spite and hate. Only a Few People walk the earth who are considered Mages, People blessed with a Strong Bloodline connected to the Slayers of Valthux. These few people have been cast aside from society. Their names treated with a bad taste, never being muttered. Little do they know Valthux never died, he was sealed away. Behind Magic so strong it could be considered he was stored away in another Reality altogether.

As The Seventh child took their first breathe, the Strongest bloodline had been Re-kindled. This moment was fate, pure bloodlines from all three slayers of Valthux had met in one child, the child also being the seventh child of the seventh child, Magic was their birth right, Power was a second nature to this child already. As The child took their First breathe, Valthux Too gained
Consciousness, Fully aware of his cage. He will eventually destroy the cage, Eventually the God Of Destruction will step foot into the mortal world.

Will the Seventh Child be Ready?

This is The Storyline.

The Seventh Child can be Male or Female.

I'm willing to play a Male/Female Tutor.

Been pondering over a RP like this for awhile This is a Long term RP, 1x1 only sorry.

I'll RP Any NPC along the journey, no problem with making the whole RP about your character. No Line Limit, just do what feels right and we will get along flawlessly. This isn't a Romance RP, But it can be if you want it to. I wouldn't mind it at all :D .

Forum Rules apply, that's really my only Limitation. Up for the RP to go in any direction.

I'm only going to do this RP with one person, at least one reply every 2-3 days at least, more is okay. More is Great actually! Proper grammar, mature people.

Give me a sample of your RP skills, I'll choose whom I like best. Questions are okay too.​
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