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Fantasy Looking for that one male! (ignore prefix cause there's more)


Omniverse Explorer
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello! I'm here looking for the one male partner that'll stick around and will be a good player to rp with! There are a few things I want to tell you first:

1: I am ALWAYS on. Almost 24/7 and when im not on, it's probably because I have friends/family over ooor I'm sleeping.
2: I am on EST timezone, so as i'm writing this, it's almost 5:00pm.
3: I write at least 2 or more paragraphs when rping and I hope that you can match the same length or a little more.
4: I love ships. I really do. I love romance to the core. But I do not like having instant love, and if you cave first, I cave with you. If I hold back and you cave, then it's game over for avoiding insta love.
5: I play Female roles mainly cause my luck with rping a guy is pretty bad.
6: I want a partner that sticks around and not just up and abandons me. I've had this happen and boy was I pissed at someone for not even trying to pm me back and tell me they were not interested anymore.
7: Do not express your interest then leave, pretty much this is relatable to #6.
8: You must have mostly proper grammar, I understand the mistakes cause I make them to. But I really want to read your posts with the most smoothest track and little bumps.
9: I do not like second person. Second person is saying "I looked at you and waved" or "He looked at you and waved." second person drives me insane.
10: You MUST be experienced with rping. As much as I love helping newbies, sometimes I dont have the Patience to teach. Sorry

Now, I had two Fandoms that I am absolutely craving. One of them is a free game on steam called Cinderella Phenomenon (I can try to explain it if need be. just ask :) ) and another would be the Originals. But there is one problem: I am kinda wanting a Canon Male with these two fandoms. While I have an OC and I know that's not really fair... so I apologize D':

Buuuuuuuuuuuut I do have extra things that could probably pick your interest if you do not want the fandoms(These are OC roles :) ):

HumanxDemon (typical right?)
Prince/PrincessxPersonal Knight
Forbidden love like RomeoxJuliet (they wont die at the end and they wont be named this XD)
MasterxSlave(bringing the oldschool back! LOL)

And much more if I could think of any :)
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Would you like to start a PM thread? I will go into more detail there. :)
Of course :)

Also note for those who thought about replying:

Three people have already been grabbed. Please if you are still interested, just leave a post and we'll see what happens :) I dont wish to stress myself out with 1x1s
I'm interested in roleplaying with you I think it will be fun. and I have a few good OC's that I think might fit with any of your plots, however im not very good at fandoms, I normally do free form, anyway I role play the first person present POV, I mainly use " when I role play but every now and then I'll slip up and use a *
I'm happy you're interested! Do you know any pairings that you like that I've listed above? Or are there others that you prefer that are not on my list? Also..First person... Oh boy, xD I'm very awkward with first person but I'm sure I can deal :)
Well, I will say if you did choose the vampirexhunter, I would not be doing vampire. I dont wish to confuse myself since I have a vampire in another 1x1 atm :)

So which would you like more? Role wise I mean. :)
I was thinking that the human demon one might be interesting especially since there are so many different kinds of demons
I don't really know, how about this I list some and you pick your favorite demon

companion (usually takes the form of an animal)
I've actually done none of those actually O.O THIS WILL BE A NEW EXPERIENCE FOR ME

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