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Fantasy Looking For some Vampire Romance~ 1x1

The Stolen Relic

"There Are no Men Like me."

Hello everyone. I'm currently in the mood for another role play and currently looking for someone to be my muse. Play a Vampire to be more specific. But first allow me to introduce myself. You may call me Loki or Alow (It's a nickname for my real name.) I'm a 20 year old male that works part time in a restaurant inside of a theme park. They aren't giving me many hours so as you can see I have too much free time. I like to draw and write for fun, I like sugar, sweet drinks food, and memes to cure my existential depression. I'm just a a lonely dood in a world full of critiques looking for a bit of anarchy. :hornstongue;:bishiesparklesr:

Before you ask to role play please be sure to read everything below, Ill know if you didn't.

Some Rules and Regulations
[1] I expect Literacy but not perfection. We are only Human after all and prone to making small mistakes. I don't have a whole lot of expectations when it comes to my partner how ever I would like them to be at least at the same literacy level as me. I find myself writing multiple Paragraphs these days, and it's always a bit jarring when I offer three paragraphs and my partner gives me 6 lines. I'll I ask is that you are able to at least provide 2-3 well decently sized paragraphs.

[2] Don't be afraid to talk to me OOC. It makes me make sure your alive and well, and role playing is a way for me to make friends. On that note please do me the courtesy of telling me when you won't be online. It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when I experience over a week of radio silence but then catch you on someone else's posts. If you aren't interested anymore just tell me. If you need a break, please tell me also, I know what it feels like to lose muse, but I don't like being Deserted without warning.

[3] For some reason people become uncomfortable when role playing with someone of the opposite gender (or same gender sometimes). I however Am Not. Whether your a man, a woman, or somewhere in a grey area I personally don't mind role playing with you. Like I said before I am a man and if this makes you uncomfortable then understandable.

[4] I am 20 years old as I stated before, so for this role play I'm looking for someone in the same age range, who can handle extremely mature themes as this is kind of in the horrific genre side of things, and not to mention maybe a little Sexy. It's got vampires in it of course it's gonna be a little hot .👀 Of course though, as Smut is not allowed in this website I'm not going to ask for full on smut. Also because I can't exactly verify your age so the answer is always no. But everything leading up to the Initial Act is fine.

[5] In Particular I'm looking for someone who can play the Role of a Vampire. More will be explained in the plot below. Your character can either be Male or Female. My character is a woman but she is Bisexual, and I wouldn't mind a little Girls Love rather than the common Heterosexual Love. It's your choice.

[6] After reading all the information I have provided below All that I require is you fill out a bit of Information on your character, and face claim of your OC. I have drawn mine so she resembles something more cartoonist, you may find yours online if you don't have any artistic abilities yourself. If you do happen to use someones drawing, or a character from an Anime as your Oc's face claim please provide a source. Just please do not use the actual Character from the anime.

[7]When you send me your character's info below Tell me a bit about yourself, and include your favorite color. If I like your character I'll send you a private message.

About the Role play


Your Character has Lived in this town most of their whole life. They are the youngest child of a very wealthy family. Your mother Passed away when you was little due to what was explained to you as illness, and you lived a somewhat fulfilling life with your father, your older brother, and your older sister. A year ago how ever your father finally kicks the bucket, and leaves his large estate and his fortune to his three children. It was also that Same year that your eldest sister decided to share the family secret and turned you into a vampire. The eldest sister went missing after that, and your older brother stays home to take care of you. At night he'll pay off the physician at the local clinic to bring home blood packs for you once a week to sustain your thirst. You live comfortably on the third floor apartment, un-bothered by the world and learning to deal with your 'infliction'.

My character recently just moved from the inner city into the Small town known as Willows Peak. It's a small town known for it's mine shafts holding some of the most powerful metals known to man. It's more commonly known for its wealth in titanium, and many of the wealthy people of Willows Peak invest in the mining business of the town and keeping it alive. Because it's a small town it's rare that new comers come to live here. The city is an hour away, and the college is even farther from the town. But Eden cannot Pay for the Dormitory's and your nursing classes. Luckily for her, Your older brother took an add out online for a room for rent under 100$ dollars a month. And he was generous enough to allow pets. Eden was glad to find a place that was affordable and made an effort to provide shelter for an animal that she wasn't ready to part with.

However the Your character on the third floor peaks her interest, and she wonders why they never come down. She will soon get her answers to the mysterious occupant of the house and much more about this town.



Willows Peak is a small town located in Washington in the North West Coast of the Americas near the mountains. The town is About an hour drive from the city, and at least two hours by bus. Everyone in town seems to keep quiet and keep to themselves most often. There aren't many common commercially located buildings, most business are owned or employed by family members. The town survives on it's fishing and Mining Industry, and is full of lushes woods and plenty of abandoned ruins from the mid century.


The Mansion got it's name due to the mine shaft that the house was built on top of. Due to the air pressure's of the Caverns below the Winds would blow up into the piping of the house and often emit haunting sounds. Thus earning it's namesake. Over the Years the Mansion has received several renovations over the years, and sense then the plumping and wooding has been replaced and up to date. On the outside the House resembles modern era Victorian style roofing and window panels. The house is a total of Four stories tall, including a basement. The house is equipped with it's own green house, a ballroom that once hosted many parties, a music room, a wine cellar, a gallery of haunting paintings, a large indoor pool, a study, three library's on every floor filled with books, a sitting room, and a grand total of 5 bedrooms and a large Master bedroom. The house also is adorn with several bathrooms and wardrobe's full of ancient clothes that could sell for a fortune.

Vampire Lore

-Myth and Legend say Vampire's are created Via a bite to the throat. This is true but much more complicated. Vampire's naturally have paralyzing venom within their fangs that naturally calm their victim to keep them from fighting to much after being bitten much how a spider paralyzes its prey. The Vampire can then feed on their victim, only some people are susceptible to becoming Vampires after they have been bitten, if their throat is still intact. It is rare for someone not to become a Vampire, and most often Die to the Venom stopping their heart.
-Myth Says that Vampires are weak to garlic. This is Both true and false Vampires are weak to most foods. Because of their Heightened sense of smell normal foods can make them sick just by inhaling the fragrance. Foods like Onion and Garlic tend to be incredibly potent for them so they are more prone to avoiding it. Funnily enough Vampires can't really taste food anymore except certain natural fruits which seem to be a rarity in the Vampire community.
-Myth says that Vampire's can be killed by driving a wooden stake through their hearts. This is in fact false. Vampires are immortal and their is only one real way to effectively kill them. Their bodies don't seem to age either, they are constantly stuck in the mentality and Physical age in which they died. They are forever cursed to roam the earth. However it still hurts like hell, and they can still feel enormous amounts of pain. Depending on how badly they're injured they will have to drink twice as much the usual amount of blood in order to regenerate.
-Myth Say's that Vampire's can transform into bats, making it easier to get around from place to place during the night time. However this is both true and false. Sense they are undead they are able to transform into any animal form they please really. Bats don't necessarily have to be the form they can turn in to. They can only do this at night.
-Myth Says Vampires are pale because they are undead. This is untrue. Vampires become sensitive to the light, and all though they won't melt upon entering the sunlight they rather just avoid it entirely. So because most of their time is spent out doors or under the moonlight their skin often pales.
-Myth says Vampires do not have a reflection because they have no soul. This is true. As soon as they 'die' they no longer have a soul.
-Unknown to Myth Vampires have the ability to lift things sometimes five times their initial body weight.
-Vampires can often times become Feral when feeding.
-Vampires can often be attracted to certain blood types, and some taste better than others. O Positive blood type is known as the sweetest blood type, and smells the strongest.
-The only known way to cure a Vampire is via eternal death. Though it is a very long an complicated process. They must be stabbed through the heart By a Dagger or sword made of Titanium that was previously dipped in LIGHT. LIGHT was often mistaken as Holy water in the 12th century, due to the misinterpretation of vampire hunters. It was often described as 'Pure water' or 'Water of god' meant to dispel pure evils in the world. The true properties of LIGHT is a Liquid poison ground down from various rock crystals, although its true properties are still unknown to the world. LIGHT can often be a natural gift within humans who are pure of heart. They can manifest a light to dispel evils and protect the people around them that they love. Although it works more as a Stun, it's still quiet painful to look at.


[The drawing is made by myself so please do not steal it, I worked Hard on it.]

Name: Eden Faust
Nick Name(s): Ed or Eddy
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Race: White, American (Caucasian)
Ethnicity: European/Italian
Place of Birth: Seattle Washington
Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 163 lbs
Natural Hair color: Brown
Dyed colors: Blue, that slowly faded into pink / purple
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Two on her ear lobes and a Naval Piercing she's not to proud of.
Scars or personal injuries: She has a few Scars on her knee's from running through a patch of thorns as a child and some on her hands and arms from working through numerous of shitty part time jobs.

Ed Is a woman who is a child at heart. They often prefer things that other don't and is often seen as strange by her peers. She was defiantly a wild one in her youth, and much didn't change heading into her adult life. She strives to be someone others are proud of and has a hero's archetype, often wanting to help others in need. They often talk about their Love of Anime and cartoons and will talk non-stop about things they see on t.v. even if someone didn't ask. They have a knack for cute things and accessories and is determined to make herself look like she's a magical girl. She will often proclaim that she is a witch, even though she knows it's not true she still has an impressive imagination. She often becomes Apathetic when tired, and will stay up for late hours of the night studying or playing video games when shes not supposed to. She often does things at the last minute rather than doing them ahead of time. She can be described as a Scatter brain, often forgetting important dates and details for things that are hardly important at all.

Small Background:
Ed was Born in Raised in Seattle Washington state. She grew up in the foster care system until she was about 8 years old until she was finally adopted by a caring and loving family. Although it was hard to adjust to the living situation having a place to call home never felt better for her. She never had to fear when she was getting a hot meal or a good nights sleep, however the relationship between her and her new family was a bit rocky to say the least. Although they loved her they didn't approve of a lot of things she wanted to experiment or participate in, and were often strict with what she watched on t.v. and looked at on the internet. It was extremely overwhelming but by the time she went to college she was finally moving out and making her own Decisions.

When she turned 16 her parent's allowed her to adopt a kitten which she named Lucifer because of the way he hissed at other cats. He was a traditional black cat with a white coat on his chest, and bright green eyes.

Currently she is going to nursing school in hopes to become a medical doctor one day.

Thank you for Reading through What I've written! I hope it wasn't to much, I can't wait to find some like minded role players~

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Here are some of my vampire characters. They all have been played with and written about before so they do have backstories. However I don't mind tweaking backstories a bit to fit your story, but their personalities will stay the same. I tried to give a variety here so you can choose the one that you are most interested in playing with. They are all male. All artwork is mine.

Grant is a very loving and shy young vampire with violet eyes and white and violet striped hair. Out of all my characters, he is the one that is consistently the sweetest and most caring of others. He thinks little of himself and only wants to make others happy. He also likes cute things. He will disappear and hide if he feels scared or threatened instead of fighting back. He is my one character in this list that is gay though. Still he likes to drink blood regardless of gender and has been with women before.


Clayton is quite the handful. He is a mentally ill sociopath. He is extremely obsessed with himself and getting more power. He has black hair and green eyes and likes to dress like vampires from old movies. He likes to torture others. He is also extremely needy and insecure and craves others' love and attention. He is bipolar and also very smart. He's also mean. He is my personal favorite to play just because he is so unpredictable, but I do realize that he is not for everybody. ;)


Resen is quiet and smart. He has brown hair and light blue eyes. He really likes to read and do puzzles and other mental pursuits. He's vain and materialistic and looks down on others that he doesn't think are as good as him. He has some dark secrets that wild horses would have to pull out of him because he is ashamed of them. In one of my roleplays he is a libraian and musuem curator and runs a book club to give you an idea of his interests. He is also a nice medium between Grant and Clayton, not too nice and not too mean.


If you want to play two for one, these twins are lot of fun. They are my youngest though, so keep that in mind if you don't want to play with teens. Soare (which means sun) has yellow curly hair and violet eyes. He is naughty and rowdy. He likes to play video games and watch anime. His brother Luna (which means moon) is quiet and reserved and acts like a little adult despite his young age. He has violet hair and yellow eyes. He is often exasperated by his brother and his pranks and hijinks. They have not been played with as much as the others so they are more malleable.

Soare and Luna.jpg

I really like your art you have such a cute style! think I would have to go with Resen because he would fit most with this plot, and also because he seems like the oldest out of your characters. Ed is an Adult and I wouldn't feel comfortable role playing something romantic if they weren't within her age range. As for the Backstory issue I did leave it a bit open because I like my partners putting in a bit of effort into the lot as well. So don't be shy if you have any better Idea! Im always open to hearing your thoughts.

I look forward to discussing more with you! If you want feel free to pm me and we can discuss more details!


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