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Multiple Settings {looking for some friends and roleplays}


and the Clean Slate
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey, my name’s Andreas, and I’m looking for one or two new long-term roleplay partners! I’ve been in the roleplaying community for approximately four years, and I have been creatively writing on my own time for about five.

Here’s what I ask of you:

  • I’d prefer for my partner to be 16+. Sorry, it’s really more of a comfort preference than anything, but I’m not terribly picky if I think we could start a good roleplay together. (:
  • I’d like you to put some detail and thought into your replies. I tend to write a minimum of two medium length paragraphs and I’d appreciate it if you could produce responses reciprocating that effort.
  • I’m alright with ghosting to a certain degree, but if you intend to take a hiatus or plan to be busy, please tell me. I am an almost cripplingly anxious guy and I worry about people A LOT, as well as sometimes tending to end up freaking out about it if it’s for a very long time. I’ve had this issue once before with another partner, when they left for a few months without leaving any note. If I don’t hear from you in a week or so, I’ll usually shoot a message your way to make sure you’re still doing okay.
  • I prefer to play as male, as that is how I identify with myself for the most part (he/him/they/them), but I am totally down with playing a female character when needed, although some of my female characters are seriously underdeveloped. I’ll probably end up making a new character for a roleplay anyways, so just tell me if you want me to make on with a specific gender.
  • When roleplaying, please treat your characters and my own as if they are real people going through real situations. I can’t stress this enough. In the past, especially during my first year in the roleplaying community, I’ve had some partners who have clearly not really cared about their characters and what they do. I, personally, love each of my characters and I feel as though, despite their non-sentience, they are not static, and they develop and change just like real people. Treating them as such while roleplaying make the roleplay way more interesting and more realistic.
  • I don’t roleplay on this site as much as I do other places. While it’s a great site, I usually only use it for finding people, since the setup is confusing and I’m not really that “tech-savvy”, if you catch my drift. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to work out roleplay setting details.
  • Most importantly, I’m looking for a person who’s down to chat OOC and just be someone to hang out with. I love sharing memes, gushing over characters and situations, and I totally willing to listen to whatever you want to tell me (:

Still interested?

I’m down for almost any kind of roleplay, within reason, of course. Here’s a couple things to consider:

  • Romantic or sweet/soft storylines are my entire life. Even if it’s just a subplot, I’m SO down for relationship building and I love working towards something really great for my characters. Plus, I’m a hopeless romantic and ships really give me something to obsess over.
  • LGBTQIA+ topics are always welcome and supported by me and many of my OCs identify with the community. I love diverse characters in gender, nationality, race, sexuality, and every other way the characters are different from everyone else, so by all means, do not be afraid to let your characters shine! A good percentage of my characters are LGBTQ+, so if that is a thing that makes you uncomfortable, we may not be the best suited partners. I completely understand that this kind of thing isn’t accepted in some groups of people, and I totally respect that and I really don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. (:
  • World-building and story-building are probably two of my favorite things. While having a plot and characters all ready to go is great, starting from scratch is always a blast and a great way to bond over a story. My favorite roleplay to date was one of these, and the story has branched out farther than I could have imagined in the last two years.
  • I’m not really into fandom roleplays, but there’s a couple I will not pass down. Welcome to Night Vale, Good Omens, Steven Universe, and a bunch of animes like Land of the Lustrous and Anonymous Noise are among those that I could be down to roleplay in. Please feel free to ask if you have a question about another fandom not up there, since I’m in many, but I just didn’t list them all. I’m less inclined to fandom roleplay over original characters; it’s just really not my thing these days.
  • Please tell me if you are bored, uncomfortable, or not enjoying the plot. I want to have fun with this, and I would like you to have fun as well. If you feel like you don’t like the roleplay, I’m totally fine with it, and we could take a step back and do something else, or fix whatever you aren’t alright with.
  • I like experimenting! I’m always interested in roleplaying with a certain topic that may not exactly be that widespread. Recently, I’ve been working on short stories with the topic of tulpamancy and I may start working with a psychedelic aesthetic soon, since I’ve really been into that kind of visual piece.
Possible plots:

  1. I’m really into the idea of a colonial America “who-dunnit” plot. I have a couple rough ideas for that, and I feel like it could make for a great storyline.
  2. I’m super interested in medical ailments and physiological conditions, so I would be very interested in a plot in some sort of hospital situation where the characters are stuck there for a while due to their issues having to be closely monitored and focusing on the relationships they make while there with the other patients.
  3. A long-distance relationship. For example, Muse A and Muse B meeting online, or having them be old friends and only realizing their feelings when they are separated by an entire ocean.
  4. I have a huge, already-mostly-built world centering around a futuristic Russian army that has huge potential for subplots.
  5. Anything involving Greek mythology/mythological creatures.
  6. I know that Steven Universe is technically concluded, by I’m actually really interested in doing an original, Steven Universe-based roleplay with original gem characters. That’s definitely an option if you’re interested; I know I said earlier that I’m not a fan of fandom RPs, but this one is an exception.
That’s all for now! Please DM me if you’re interested and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible! (:

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