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Fandom Looking for Partners for (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - The RPG) Encounters


A Very Good Boy
Hey Y'all, Ginky here. The title says it all, but let me go into a bit more depth on what exactly I'm hoping for.

So, what I want to do is run a one-on-one session for the JoJo tabletop game made by Esby. The reason I'm hosting this in the first place is so I can get used to the system, and if I happen to meet someone interesting to RP with well that's cool too. If any of you want to learn the system, I'll leave a link at the bottom for you to read on your own or I can explain it to you here or in a PM. I'm familiar with most of the rules, I just haven't actually run a session before using this system. I have some experience DMing for DnD 5e sessions though, so it's not like tabletop RPGs are new to me.

Here's what you can expect from the campaign:
  • Your character arrives at a cottage in Nunavut, Canada. Surrounding the cottage is nothing but a vast expanse of snow with little to no trees in sight. There's a massive blizzard going on outside that has you trapped in this place.
  • The reason why your character arrives at the cottage and how they got there is up to you. Are they vacationing here or perhaps they're trying to escape the storm and just so happen upon this place? Maybe they're on the run from something or someone?
  • Your character is allowed to bring any items you think they would have with them to the cottage. Cellphone, vehicle, fishing equipment, whatever they can bring with them. Just make sure it makes sense as to why your character would have this and how they brought this to the cottage.
  • If you'd like, you can even have your character bring an NPC with them. However, they cannot be a Stand user. They can be a person, an animal, it's entirely up to you.
  • If you do decide to have an NPC companion, it'll be up to you take control of them.
  • Both of us can make up things about the cottage at any time. That includes rooms, the things in the rooms, the way the cottage is built, as long as it makes sense for it to be that way. So depending on how long or how in detail we want to be, the cabin could be big, small, barren or just chock full of all sorts of stuff.
  • The way your Stand works is entirely up to you in terms of appearance, abilities, and personality (if it has one). All I ask is that it be named after a Song, Band, Music Album or Song Artist. Whether the name is directly referenced like 'Aerosmith' or somewhat vaguely referenced like 'Sugar Mountain's Spring' is up to you.
  • I'd prefer to do this on RpNation as opposed to using Discord or Roll20. That means no voice... Sorry kiddos... :/:

Some things to keep in mind when making your Stand:
  • This is going to be a fairly short campaign in that there is only one antagonist. As a result, you won't have to worry about what happens after the battle.
  • As there is only one antagonist it would probably be better to make a Stand that excels in one-on-one fights. Don't let that stop you from making a Stand that can handle multiple opponents though. Like I said earlier, the way you make your Stand is entirely up to you.
  • The way the system works with making your Stand is that you get a set amount of points with which to build your Stand. These points decide the stats and the abilities of your Stand. In the end, I will decide how much an ability costs in points (ranging from a cost of 0-3 points), so it may be best to come up with an ability first and then build your Stand's stats around that. You will have a total of 10 points to spend on your Stand.
  • Your Stand can have more than one ability.

The way I plan on choosing a partner will mostly depend on your character and their Stand. If your Character and/or Stand is particularly interesting to me, you're more likely to get chosen. You can either post your CS here or PM it to me. The developer of the system has a makeshift CS you can use, although it's a bit restrictive since it's on google sheets.

Also, I'm not going to just pick one partner and that'll be that. If I like more than one person's CS I may pick multiple people to do separate sessions with. So don't be glum if you see that I've already picked one person because it's still possible that I'll pick you too!

Anywho, here's the link for the document:
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - The RPG
If you have any questions you'd like to ask me or you feel like I've left something important out then feel free to leave a post or to message me! Thanks for reading!
Oh, I should probably add an example CS template :/:
Feel free to add whatever you want, but everything that's already there is pretty much essential.
If you want to add a history, a personality or an appearance column for you CS, then please feel free to do so.
You get bonus attention points from me if your Character and Stand are somewhat original and doesn't copy a preexisting Character or Stand from JoJo's.

Character Name:
Impulses: (Impulses are completely optional and cost no points so you can have as many or as few as you'd like)
Goals: (Goals are completely optional and cost no points so you can have as many or as few as you'd like)
User Stats:
(All Stand users are assumed to have a D in every one of the six stats. So unless your Stand has an E in a certain stat, or you have no other choice, it's probably better to use your Stand)

Stand Name:

E: -1 point (You get one point to spend elsewhere)
D: 0 points
C: 1 point
B: 2 points
A: 3 points

(If you want, you can put in brackets how many points a stat rank costs to keep track of your points)
Power: (How much damage your Stand can do)
Speed: (How fast your Stand is)
Range: (How far your Stand and its abilities can move from you)
Durability: (How tough your Stand is; decides how much damage it will take)
Precision: (How accurate and precise your Stand is)
Potential (How much room for growth your Stand has)

(The best abilities for protagonists usually have many different uses, like Josuke's Crazy Diamond's Restoration ability!)

(For 1 Point you can make a note of a specific use of your character or Stand's ability, and receive a +3 to any rolls involving it!)
Hello, I've been interested in hosting or pursuing a Jojo bizarre adventure roleplay for a while and was happy to find your ad. It been a while since I've done a submission so I hope this is up to snuff.

Character Name: Peter Francois Villon

Appearance/personality: Peter Francois Villon is a tall, lanky man with an often dour expression on his face. It flickers between stern seriousness or gloomy disinterest. Even rarer is his gleaming white grin when he's in good, respected company. Despite his expressions he can be quite jovial and attentive with his whip quick dark humor which is delivered in a deadpan manner.
He has a thin, black handlebar mustache with wild and unruly dark hair clamped underneath a feathered and floral decorated trilby. He is usually in a two piece, white and black horizontally striped knock off suit that's convincing enough to be percieved as something that Peter couldn't afford, and therefore he stole it. Overall he has the apperance of a thief, burglar, and crook which makes people uneasy when he is so much more than his profession.

To break tension with dark humor.

To be seen as more than just a thief/burglar.

User Stats: All D

Stand Name: Substitute (Substitute by The Who)


Power: B [2]
Speed: D [0]
Range: B [2]
Durability: D [0]
Precision: C [1]
Potential: B [2]

Apperance: Substitute appears as a humanoid stand with a black and white grid covering its body. Around the torso the grids lines are thicker which begin to resemble a prisoner's uniform consisting of black and white stripes. The stands right hand is black with white circles on the back of its hand and palm. The stands left hand is white with black circles on the back of its hand and palm.

Substitution. Anything the stands right hand touches has a white circle placed on it and anything the left hand of the stand touches has a black circle placed on it. When the stand or user crosses their arms it causes the two marked objects to swap positions. The white circle object will occupy the space the black circle object once occupied and vice versa.

Speed Substitution: Items Peter entered the scene with are already marked so he can immediately retrieve lost items by substituting them with another found object or one already in his possession.
Last edited:
Hey, Alren Alren I'm glad to see you're interested!
I really like Peter and his Stand, Substitute. I think his abilities will come in handy during his stay at the cabin!

I thought I'd let you know that with your Stats all added up and with Substitute's technique, you've still got 2 Points left to spend on Stats, techniques and potentially another ability!
If you think you'd still be interested, we can start as early as this upcoming Saturday.

Also, would you rather do this in 1x1 or in a PM? Either would be fine with me.
Anywho, let me know if Saturday is good for you and I'll get back to you.
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my submission. As for my remaining points, I thought that the stand's ability also had a point cost depending on the intensity of the ability's power. I originally had power at an A and precision at a C but read that abilities have costs so I left room in case it costs one or two points. I think by going by the three examples in book that Substitute's ability is around two or three points since it can affect objects and organisms.

As for the date to do the session, I can be able to post on Saturday, my posts will be somewhat staggered since I work from afternoon to evening that day. I'll post when I'm able to though, at the very least once a day but I can increase in frequency if you had a preferred posting rate.
Ah, I forgot to add up the score for the ability too. Yeah, I'd give his ability a 2 point costs because of the versatility of his power. I did my math all wrong, my bad. Yeah, in that case I'd say Peter and Substitute are all good to go!

It's alright by me if your posts are a bit spread out or even just one post a day. The RP I'm in right now moves at a pretty slow pace so I'm used to that anyway lol
Anyway, if you have any further questions feel free to let me know. Otherwise, I'll hear from you on Saturday!
Sorry I didn't confirm with you that i was prepared to start this Saturday. Turns out the day went a bit differently than anticipated. I'm ready whenever you have time.
It's about 20 minutes to 2 AM in my time. What's your timezone, friend? Is there any chance we can do this sometime later today (Sunday)?
Oh, okay, so you're like an hour behind me. I'll come up with an intro post today in the Dice forums, but I think I'm going to tweak the story a bit for your character, change the setting and the enemy you'll be fighting if that's alright with you.

I noticed you had been watching my other game with Infant and I felt bad about just recycling the same encounter for you, so I think I've got something good that could work better with Peter's personality and ability.

So since he's a burglar, I thought it would maybe be more fitting for his encounter to take place in a small mansion, in the middle of a heist? Let me know how that sounds for you.
Alren Alren
That sounds fine. I was just curious how it was turning out for you, how it would look like in play, getting ideas for my own style of writing and approaching scenes. Didn't mean to be a lurker or anything or make you recreate an entire encounter.
lmao no worries. I was just thinking it might be a bit boring if I put you through the same scenario.

Now, what kind of burglar is Peter? Is he the type to break into a house on a whim and just go for it or does he scout the place out first?
He tends to be a bit overconfident in order to compensate for the fact hes not usually the first pick of anyone who is in need of a professional thief. Hes usually a second or third pick if hes being hired.

Independently he does small jobs, breaking into lofts or ritzy areas to purloin any goods or cash they have laying around. He usually will scout a higher end location out for a day before breaking in quietly and going for small and irreplaceable items that fetch a handsome price. For a mansion, he'd probably try to scout it out and perhaps get a tour inside before going for it. Peter would skip on the blueprints because he is like I said, a bit overconfident. Only takes the minimal precautions necessary.
Okay, I think that could work pretty well then. The place I had in mind was a three-floor fancy looking, but old manor. I don't think he'd be able to get a tour as it belongs to a bit of a wealthy recluse who isn't even there half the time. I imagine there would be plenty of stuff to take though.
Alright, excellent. I'm going to come up with an enemy and introductory post and I'll ping you when it's done.
Okay! Lucky for me that I thought of this, so I can just make this post a bump instead of writing an all new thread!

So! Here are some changes that I've decided to make regarding these 1x1 encounters!

  • The setting will no longer be the cabin in Nunavut. Depending on your character, I will make a setting where it would be natural for them to be and to be attacked. After reading your character's personality and history, I will suggest a location where the encounter may take place for your character. If you do not agree with my setting, I will have us work together until we can come up with a setting that we can both agree on.
  • Your character will no longer be allowed to bring an NPC with them.
  • Encounters are no longer limited to just one antagonist. It is possible that your character may be attacked by up to two enemies at once. So there's something to keep in mind when creating your Stand.
Not many changes, but I believe they are important nonetheless.

I realized that having people run through the same encounters as another player would be boring, both for myself and for the player. So, I've decided that if I want to get people interested in this tabletop RPG, their first time experience should be unique.

NPCs are no longer an option as I feel they may potentially serve no purpose in an encounter and may even end up as deadweight or a cheap excuse to put the PC into conflict. Either that, or the protagonist may come to rely on the NPC or perhaps it may steal the glory by dealing the finishing blow or bringing the PC exactly what they need at the right moment. That is an idea that I am not fond of. It is as Araki himself says in his book, 'Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga.'

"When a protagonist is faced with an ultimate dilemma, it must be one that only the protagonist can solve, and the protagonist must solve it with their own abilities - which again, in essence, means being alone."

In the first encounter that I ran, the one involving the cabin, it ended up being a 1 v 2 battle as opposed to the 1 v 1 battle I initially had planned. In the end, this encounter could not have worked without the inclusion of this additional enemy, and so I have decided not to limit myself with just one possible antagonist. That does not mean that every encounter will have two enemies, it just means its optional.

I am hoping that if all (or at least most) of these encounters go well, that I shall bring you all together to form a group to compete against a campaign I have been planning out since the start of the first encounter. I will try to fit elements of my plot in all of the prior encounters first, giving each PC a potential reason for joining the group in the first place. In the end, encounters that have been completed and that I think have gone well will result in your character being eligible to join the campaign (assuming they didn't end up dead during their fight).

If you're not entirely sure how this tabletop game plays out, or if you'd just like to see it in action, I recommend you click on these links below. They will bring you to the encounters that have been completed or are currently running at this moment. If you've read this far, I'm hoping that you'll seriously consider giving this game and my encounters a try! If not, then thanks for reading anyway!

Ginky vs. Infant - Breathe vs. Weezer (Complete)
Ginky vs. Alren - Steppenwolf & Skunk Anansie vs. Substitute (In Progress)

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