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Fantasy Looking For One or Two RP Partners. [Ignore Prefix]


"Confused and fungal"
Roleplay Type(s)
So I'm just kind of looking at getting back into RPing again. Now that I've kind of fleshed out what I do and don't like about RP partners, I thought maybe I might give a searching thread a go. Now I'll get straight to the point, I'm not a detailed writer. I don't post over a paragraph, usually. I don't want romance or pairings to be the main focus of the Roleplay, and I usually reply with anywhere between 2+ sentences and a short paragraph. Which is a big reason why I haven't been feeling so determined to find a partner. But if push comes to shove, I can probably write larger posts. As long as you keep up with a steady post length, and have enough content in each post to keep me interested, we should be golden. I don't have any pre-planned plots for the moment, either.


- Posts. Go ahead and write short posts, I'm good with that. 5 words is where I put the minimum usually, because at that point, it's not fun for me anymore. With very few exceptions.

- Genres! I love Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and new ideas. I'm even a big fan of the idea of crossing Fantasy and Sci-Fi settings! Isn't that new and creative? Go for it.

- Details. Even though I post generally short posts, I really enjoy when my partner puts a few details here and there. Such as "The Dragon yawned, showing her several rows of glistening teeth, as well as her long, forked tongue.", or "The robot chirped twice at her in succession, and their lower eyelid raised itself, indicating a happy expression.". You don't have to write a novel, just try to be creative with your words. It inspires me to write more creatively as well, and perhaps we can work off each other.

- Communication. It may not seem like it, but I do enjoy a comfortable OOC conversation every once in awhile. Don't be afraid to critique my posts, I'm really trying my best to become a more clear and talented Roleplayer, so chances are, if you have something to say, I can probably use it to become an over all better Human being.

- Emotions and confrontation are in my opinion one of the best parts of a RP. I love drama, as long as it's realistic, and not constantly bombarding you in the face. I've spent a bit of time learning how people interact with each other, and if I feel like your character is giving an unrealistic reaction, I just won't have as much fun. And if you feel like my own character is reacting unrealistically, I expect you to inform me. And we can work something out.

- Dedication. If you don't feel like you're particularly having fun, please let me know. I can't stress enough about this. Maybe we can talk out a solution. And if that doesn't work, don't feel afraid to tell me you don't want to RP anymore. I don't want to pressure you into staying, if you're not having fun, then it takes the fun out for me, as well.

DON'T's... Donts's? Donts? Dontes. Douglas.

Don't do this.

- Extremely short, un-creative posts. I understand if you're going through a writer's block, but please, please, please do not post a reply that's 5 words or less. And even if you don't do that, please do #3 in the Do's section. Try your best to include details. I've had very bad past experiences where all someone would post was one word, and it was so draining on me. And again, if you need help carrying things along, communicate.

- Slice of Life/Realistic. I'm sorry if you really enjoy this genre, I have nothing against you, but I really can't do that. Maybe some day I'll get back into it, but as for today, and the now, I'm going to have to decline these types of Roleplays. I'll also have to decline School Roleplays, post-apocalyptic Roleplays, Superhero Roleplays, and most Fandom Roleplays, with only one or two exceptions.

- Bad grammar. Grammar is a thing of mine. As long as I can read your post, I guess you're okay. I understand if English is not your first language, and I'm sure we can get along just fine if your words are slightly off, or autocorrected. But if you can, please try to proof-read your replies, and make sure that it flows along well, with little to no mistakes.

- Outside drama. First off, understand that what my character says is not my own personal opinion of your character. I am not my character, and my character and I do not always share the same opinions. So if my character happens to have a rotten attitude, and doesn't like your character, don't go yelling at me. Also, again with the communication thing. Don't go giving me the silent treatment if I did something you don't like. Talk to me. As I've stated, I want to learn. And if I'm doing something to irk you, I want to know.

- Don't be afraid of confrontation. And on the other side of the scale, don't intentionally cause too much drama. As you know, I'm a sucker for drama. Realistic drama. If your character has been raised from the womb to hate my character, our characters obviously aren't gonna kick it off that well, and that's okay. That's realistic confrontation. Now on the other side of the spectrum, if that same character has physical battles with my character every hour of the entire Roleplay, with sudden unexplained outbursts of emotion, that's a bit too much, and it will make it less fun for me. There's high points and low points in emotions, there should be anger, sorrow, joy, and heartwarming moments. And they should be used somewhat sparingly, in between the development of the overarching plot, so it makes the anger more intense, and the warm fuzzy moments more heartwarming.

- Leaving. If you want to leave, please tell me. If it's becoming too much for you, please tell me. If you're going to be going on vacation, and can't reply for a little while, please tell me. And don't just get up and leave without warning. If you're having trouble in real life, I completely understand. Don't feel like I'm pressuring you to post, just let me know if there's going to be a time when you can't.

Other than any of that, just stick to the site rules, in general. No godmodding, no OP OCs, stay away from Mary/Gary Stus, be polite, and stay within the realm of realistic responses.

I'm honestly not expecting a whole lot of people to reply to this, as it would seem I'm a little picky. *Looks up at the paragraphs above*. Yeeeaahhh.... Picky. But there is a good part to all of this. If I'm really enjoying a Roleplay, I put my all into it. My heart, soul, and brain. Everything I have. And I'm hoping to find a partner who will tolerate my flaws, and who will give their heart to our adventure, as well. As I said, I have no plots. No stories. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun.

I look forward to Roleplaying with you! And if you think I don't suit your RPing needs, don't feel pressured to reply. ^^

[TLDR - Read the post u lazy scrub]
Ravenclaw Ravenclaw Fantasy or Sci-fi, I like to do. Sort of adventure type, probably. :3
I would be down! Neither one is my usual genre, but I always enjoyed reading both so it could be fun :) right now I'm stuck in a rut of a ton of slow-moving, poorly-written slice of life RPs and was just thinking I'd rather switch to a 1x1 (or 1x1x1—basically a smaller group of people who I know are serious about writing).
I would be down! Neither one is my usual genre, but I always enjoyed reading both so it could be fun :) right now I'm stuck in a rut of a ton of slow-moving, poorly-written slice of life RPs and was just thinking I'd rather switch to a 1x1 (or 1x1x1—basically a smaller group of people who I know are serious about writing).
Hm, yea! That might be fun.

Hey, if we want to do a 1x1x1, maybe it can be me, you, and A aaaah , since she's already asked to? :)
Nyek! Sorry dude, you came just a bit too late. ^^ If I ever open up though, I'll let you know.

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