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Looking for Dungeon World GM and 2 Players


The weak and the few can always overcome the many.
I'm looking to start a friendly and fun DW game. I need 2 players and a Game Master to make the story. New comers are always welcome, if things come to worst. I will GM.
I've never tried Dungeon World but i've read all of Apocalypse World and i hear that they're basically the same. I'll read up on dungeon world though
Dungeon World is very easy but also very fun! tell me what you think!
I'm actually going to be the GM for this and we've got enough players now that you wanna play! We've worked out a kind of plot so tell me if you're still interested after hearing it!

Darkness has taken over the land. Rune powered automatons meant to protect are failing or turning on their creators and monsters as black as night emerge from the shadows. At night, when the sun goes down and darkness blankets the land, the monsters roam freely everywhere.

And deep underground, hidden for centuries, a goliath awakens.
If it is alright, I am going to be a paladin, i have a sheet already.
Are you all still accepting people? I've never played DW but I'm knowledgeable when it comes to D&D and I'd like to try it out.
There's a pdf called easternstylebaseclasses that has a monk class. Also you could be a Fighter with your preferred weapon being your fists (or whatever) and the barbarians thing about not having armor if you want

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