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Fandom Looking for a rp partner to co-write a Fate story/rp


Stuck on a ferris wheel->1 min on top of the world
MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS (but I did try to keep it vague)
Hello! I have been wanting to rp with someone something based in the Fate series. 7 mages, masters who control servants to fight in a Holy Grail War. The Holy Grail: an omnipotent wish granting device and a means to the Root.
Fate is about mages around the world who use complicated magic to reach what they call the Root. Most mages devote their lives researching magic to reach this goal. Stronger mages use more complicated magic. In the series, the anime focuses around what's called the Holy Grail, and the War for it that follows. There are 7 mages who are chosen as masters to control servants and they battle each other till there is one left. That victor then can wish on the Grail. The Fate series is about ideals and desires, not just the mages but also the servants. Everyone has a wish, even if they don't know it or don't choose to reveal it at first.
I had an amazing idea for a Fate roleplay, but never had anyone to do it with. Beside that, I hadn't watched Fate in awhile. But a new one just came out on Netflix and I just finished it. It was called Fate/Apocrypha. It was the 6th Holy Grail War over the greater grail. It was basically like a "world war" because there were 14 mages. It was spectacular! But my idea was about a 6th war because based of Fate/Unlimited Bladeworks, the 5th War, it seemed like in the end, they thought the Grail was nothing but trouble and wanted nothing to do with it anymore. At least that's kinda how I interpreted it. Maybe I was wrong lol. But regardless, it isn't far off to see the War as a huge problem because every single war results in nothing but disaster. I mean, in Fate/Apocrypha it is revealed that the 3rd War was the Holocaust. And in the other series, it was clear that the 4th War (Fate/Zero) destroyed the entire city of Fyuki. The 5th War (Unlimited Bladeworks) almost did the exact same, I mean Caster did become a huge monster. (Not saying what happened after that lol). The 6th War (Apocrypha) was basically another world war and Jack the Ripper was summoned.
My idea was for another War after all the Fate series that was unplanned and unsanctioned. The Church would most certainly not approve and the Clock Tower would deny their involvement. However, 6 mages (equally divvy up and have a better control of characters, more later) would be chosen as masters, servants summoned and another war ensued.
So, servants are what are called Heroic Spirits. They are entities that are powerful reflections of legendary figures from the past, or mythology. Essences of their former selves. They can be anyone or thing from King Arthur to Jean de Arc to Frankenstein's Monster. If you wanna do a monster please make it recognizable with a name, not just something like werewolf. Something like Loch Ness Monster would be ok. Also, if you do a monster, have at least 1 historical figure, obviously should be a legend such as Julius Caesar. (Just throwing out examples, and if you wanna use my examples, go ahead). Please don't use anything from the anime. I wanna make this an original story.
More about Servants: they have classes that give them special abilities. Saber, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Berserker, Archer, Assassin are some examples from the anime. I was thinking it wouldn't hurt to make our own. I might add Hunter or Summoner. Depends on what happens. Each Servant also has what's called a Noble Phantasm, a supermove based on their Heroic Spirit.
I have some ideas for what characters I want, but it'll be complicated. We'll have to discuss them before we start the rp, but agree that we wont use that against each other. Of course, in the anime each mage does not know the other mages' servants' true names unless they're told, perhaps if an alliance is formed. Thus, we would need to agree that as people doing a rp of course we need to know the names of our servants, but the characters in the story wont know.
I do want to find a partner for this to discuss it so please contact me because I think it would seriously be fun! Please know that I enjoy writing these as a story, with details and descriptions and emotions and dialogue and such. Like a book. I hope I find someone because it'd be super exciting! I know Fate is complicated and the magic is hard to understand but don't let that deter you! I look forward to hearing from you! :D
Hey there. I am a fellow fate fan and a newb. I made this account a year ago and never got on it. I know. Sad right? However! I am looking for someone to do a 1x1 fate rp with! If you would be willing that is...

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