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Looking for a Partner (Updated Plots!!)


*lo-fi noises*
Hello, and welcome. Been a while, hasn't it? I haven't been on RPNation for nearly a year now, which is why things are probably not up to date. That being said, let's dive straight into it, shall we?


Hi, my name is Quin. I am a roleplayer, just like you are. I also write casually and draw casually, so I'll probably try and draw your character. That's how you know I'm really into the roleplay is when I start glitching out like a fangirl. I also suffer from severe depression and severe anxiety. When I say severe, I some days cannot function in the real world. So I live most of the time in some deconstructed fantasy. The reason why I am sharing this with an unknown number of people is because it effects my responses. Some days I'll be able to replay within just a few minutes, sometimes it will take hours, sometimes days. Like right now I have several roleplays on other sites going on but I just can't write for them. I am an animal person. I love fantasy. Cupcakes? More about me in My Style

My Style

I thought this was important because I am a very stylistic roleplayer. I use to be a big fan of the BBCode, but since that isn't a thing anymore (sad face) I'll have to make due. Expect to see lots of colors, italics, etc.

I also tend to write very much in my character's thoughts.

I keep track of various things. Time, location, and other various details. Sometimes I will draw a map so it is easier for you to keep up with me in certain places.

I am also very descriptive, taking several paragraphs to describe important details. Long winded, you could say.

Also, I will take control of the environment. I expect you to do the same.

I can be very passive sometimes, and you may need to jump in to kickstart the plot once more.

I don't require romance, but I love romance plots.

Most of the time, my characters will be somewhere within the LGBT spectrum. Please respect this. (Not to say you character can't be bigoted, just leave me alone if you are)

I also write things a bit darker than most. Serial killers and the like.

Finally, I tend to play a single character and a single plot, or at least i prefer to do that. I can very easily take on multiple roles and multiple plots. Heck, if you want to build a world with me, that would be a dream.

You'll get to know more about me if we do decide to roleplay; I like talking to my partners. But let me lay down a few things


Age disclosure up front

I tend to write very mature content, even with the "no erotic roleplaying" rule. That being said, I am willing to roleplay with the younger crowd, I just need to know when and where to censor myself.


I reserve the right to end any roleplay, whenever.

And so do you. I may take it too far (see: My Style,) or not have a style you like. Don't feel it necessary to keep roleplaying with me if you don't want to. But this goes both ways, and I may end our roleplay for certain reasons. Who knows, maybe it's just to start another one I'm more "into."


Fully literate roleplays only, in third person

Sorry to those out there who do the asterisk thing, or write in first person. It isn't happening. It just annoys me to no end. I like to tell stories as I roleplay, and if the constant switching perspectives isn't enough, the switching of styles is. I do not mind one liners, though. Just keep them at a minimum.


No Godmodding

This should be a given. But I see godmodding, even a little bit, I'm dropping you. I will tell you if I see it, so you can correct yourself. Three strikes you're out rule applies.

Enough of that, let's get to the fun stuff.


Generally, right now I am looking for a slice of life roleplay. Anything good, really. If you came here and didn't find what you wanted plot wise, but still want to roleplay with me? I am all over a brainstorming session. And it doesn't have to be slice of life, that's just what I'm looking for. But I am also looking for great partners. So don't be shy!

All roles are up for debate. Want to play what I labeled as "My Character?" Just ask.

Your (Not So) Normal Neighbor

My character is the newest addition to a pre-fabricated neighborhood. And so far, so good. He isn't loud. He takes care of his lawn. And his new roses rival the old lady on the corner. He goes to local picnics and to the local hangouts, but he hardly ever talks to anyone. In fact, he's rather quiet, despite being handsome enough to make the local women swoon from afar. Maybe Your Character should go say hi.

      Dark Version

      Then comes the domestic outbursts. It's rare, but from his house you can hear fighting. And whenever a girl leaves, it's never the same one. And there are girls going missing across the county... But he seems charming and so normal, right?

I'm a Criminal (Please Love Me)

My character has been recently let out of prison. He has (supposedly) been rehabilitated as a citizen and is ready to enter society once more. But things aren't so easy on the outside. (Again, another bit of a skeleton romance plot.) Taken! Several Times.

Half-Way House

Your Character is a nurse(or a regular Joe/Jane), living well in a nice little apartment complex. It's well kept and amazingly cheap. In fact, you live there for practically nothing. Why? Because the series of apartments are actually used as a half way home for basically an insane asylum. Usually the occupants are mostly normal folk with a few problems. But the new guy, My character, is a bit more... eccentric. In fact, he comes to Your Character for help. Frequently.

Asylum (B)Romance

Basically our two characters are in an asylum (an actual nice one or one from the horror movies, you decide) and slowly start getting close. This could be platonic or romantic, but it's mostly a story about healing.


I want a story so badly about a serial killer, getting better, becoming a part of society, and falling in love with the one victim that survived, or a family member of one of his victims.

Teddy Bear

He was so soft, so kind, so sweet. He was Your Character's boyfriend, and they were in love. But then Your Character starts finding things. Photos, mementos. There is something more to him than just being a giant teddy bear. (Yes, based off the Melanie Martinez song)

I am also a part of several fandoms. I don't have specific plots but message me if you want to roleplay in the worlds of: (From highest to lowest)

Outlast (Video Game)

Captive Prince (Book)


Phantom of the Opera (any media)

Sherlock (TV Series, RDJ Movies)

Marvel (Movies, mainly, but I am open to incorporating comic themes and plots as well)

(I might be part of your fandom, just not a big part, ask and thee shall receive)

All in all, if you want to roleplay, please message me. Don't hesitate to ask questions.


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I don't have any plots for a Sherlock RP, (Well, maybe a few in storage) so we will have to find something, but I wouldn't mind.

Oh, and your name reminded me, I'm also a Marvel geek! I'll have to add that to my list of fandoms.
Well, I kind of answered this in a roundabout way in my post. The short of it: I don't mind at all. In fact I can write four or five characters at once if need be.
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I love the I'm a criminal  (please love me.) I usually only play female characters so if you'don't be up for just them being friends I'd be all for it!! If not happy hunting!!^-^
Oh! Not to confuse anyone but I will do straight roleplays. I just prefer LGBT. But "I'm a Criminal" is pretty popular it seems. @Iloveyou2013 If you want we could combine "I'm a Criminal" and "I'm Insane." I could make it so that my character just got out of an asylum for the criminally Insane?

In fact I should add that plot general purpose...
Oh! Not to confuse anyone but I will do straight roleplays. I just prefer LGBT. But "I'm a Criminal" is pretty popular it seems. @Iloveyou2013 If you want we could combine "I'm a Criminal" and "I'm Insane." I could make it so that my character just got out of an asylum for the criminally Insane?

In fact I should add that plot general purpose...

Lol course!! Whatever you'd like to do, it's your story!! (: Just send it to me whenever you'd like!!

I have a few serial killers and madmen in the closet if you feel like drawing up some dramatic plot.

Lately I've been into mystery-type story lines, such as 'who's the killer?' or the classic 'slow descent into madness.'

Though I definitely cannot resist a good slice of life roleplay, I like my crime scenes as well as good humor.

The majority of my characters are LGBT and all letters of the alphabet, perhaps even a few numbers in there as well. (Don't mind my poor excuse of a joke.)

So let me know if you're up for some brainstorming.

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