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Fandom Looking for a long-term writing partner


Mr. Malevolence
Hello, fellow role players and writers. I'm going to start out with some honesty and explain that I've never really solicited for RP in this way. Until recently, I mostly kept my writing and roleplaying confined to MMOs like WoW or SWTOR. However, over the past few years, I have become more and more accustomed to roleplaying through Skype, Discord, and other chat programs. As a result, I've stopped playing MMOs of any kind. Unfortunately, that also means I have no idea how to find RP partners. So... here I am!

About me: RP Writing is sort of an addiction for me. I've roleplayed pretty consistently for at least a decade now and it's hard for me to go for long without some sort of immersive writing in my life. It's my favorite hobby, something I'm always looking to improve upon and eager to impress others with. I'm a student now and so I have a lot of free time on my hands, but no one to share my creativity with at the moment.

Themes, Settings & Fandoms: I heavily prefer mature stories with dark & subversive themes, particularly centered around corruption or ideological opposition and intrigue. I don't have many taboos, but I will speak up if something makes me uncomfortable.

I'm willing to work with most original settings. Medieval fantasy is sort of my favorite in this regard, but I also enjoy futuristic/Sci-Fi stuff. I haven't done much in a realistic/grounded setting in my writing career but I would be willing to try. With the right person and the right idea, I can come around to pretty much anything with regards to original settings.

Regarding fandoms, I don't have any particular setting that I favor but I am more familiar with some than others:

Warcraft, Star Wars, Star Trek, Vampire the Masquerade, Warhammer/WH40K, DC and Marvel, Fallout, and more that I'm likely forgetting.

Personal Preferences: I am a multi-paragraph writer, generally posting between 2-5 paragraphs at a clip depending on the scenario. Post-matching is not necessary but obviously more to a post is better, so long as it isn't too much. Exceedingly long posts can be intimidating for me and discourage me from responding as swiftly as I normally would.

When it comes to partners, I like to have openness going both ways. If there's an issue, make it known, and I'll do the same if the situation should arise. If you can't post, just let me know, and I'll extend the same courtesy. In the past, I've had a lot of bad luck with RP partners disappearing or becoming busy as soon as a story gets started, so I prefer to be aware of when to expect to wait a bit longer, etc.

In terms of characters, I prefer to write straight males. I would be willing to branch out in this regard except where it pertains to romantic stories/scenes.

At the risk of coming off as a pedant or a bore, I admit that if I am playing within a particular setting, I prefer to obey the canon to the most reasonable extent possible. Obviously if it's an original setting, I have no problem making things up on the fly, but for established works, I like to stick within the boundaries of what's known to be possible. Also, though it likely goes without saying, I'm not a huge fan of mixing universes either.

What I'm looking for: I don't want to be too specific in this regard, but I'll go over what I have had success with in the past in terms of RP partners. Partners should be over 18, at least, and should be willing to deal with graphic and mature themes. Because I have a lot of free time, I am looking someone who can be available to respond at least once a day, perhaps more depending on their situation. That said, I don't mind taking breaks and the like if necessary. I prefer to play opposite female characters, preferably played by OOC females, especially if any romantic elements are involved. I wouldn't be opposed to RP with another male but in the past, I've been able to write the most freely and effectively with female partners.

Regarding mediums, I prefer to RP through Skype, Discord, or another such chat program. Info is available on request. I would also be open to RP through PMs or other mediums so long as they're private. I'm a bit shy when it comes to my writing so I prefer a direct medium to open posting.

Well... I guess that's all for now. Feel free to respond with questions, comments, etc. Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope to write with you real soon! ^_^
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Wow! I didn't expect any replies so soon.

SerenaStark SerenaStark - I would be interested in either of those though admittedly I have more Star Wars knowledge than Marvel. I haven't unlocked PMs yet though, but I'll work on it.

dusk- dusk- - I put my interests in the initial post, but I could try to be more specific. What are you looking for?
I'd be interested in a DC or Marvel RP if you could specify what in it you'd like to RP.
Wow, I am overwhelmed at the amount of response so far. That said, I'm gonna suspend my search for a partner for the moment. Thank you to everyone who has replied so far.

dusk- dusk- - could you PM me with more details? I'm currently unable to PM or I would've gotten back to you already.

Hige Hige - I am more familiar with DC than Marvel, though I don't have anything specific in mind. I am open to ideas.
Hige Hige - I'm actually more familiar with the DCAU and the comics, haven't really watched a lot of the live-action stuff, sorry :(
I know your search for the moment is closed, but if you find yourself needing a partner again soon please send me a pm. I love playing darker themed rps on skype and would love to work something out with you.
Hello there friend. I've been writing since I was the ripe age of 8 (started out on message boards for children's/ young adults books) and have since then kept up the hobby (I'm now 20). I haven't written with an interesting plot, or partner, in quite some time and I was looking for something rather new.
I'm use to completely leading the whole rp, starting with creating and developing the plot and also the characters... and I've grown cumbersome of this.
I write as many paragraphs as I am given (2-5) and with great detail and internal conflicts. No rp, to me, is generally perfect without some blood, action, adventure, and rather dark themes. I love injuring and (basically) screwing over my characters-- I think there is something fun about putting your own creation through danger and really driving home the point that: No one is invincible.
I have a discord I love to use: Lucifer#5507
Maybe we can flesh something out if you don't have too many takers.
Hey all! I'm absolutely floored by the interest, honestly. I'm open to starting up more stuff but I wouldn't want to feel as if I was unable to contribute in a meaningful way to everything I'm involved in, hence limiting my search for new plots for the moment. That said, let me respond as best I can.

Proficiently Awkward Proficiently Awkward - I've never really done anything post-apocalyptic before outside of the Fallout universe specifically so I don't know how good of a partner I might be for something like that. That said,

ihaveprobs ihaveprobs - I can't send PMs quite yet but when I can, I will shoot one your way.

-.-.Lucifer.-.- -.-.Lucifer.-.- - My Discord ID is Thrax#1163 , feel free to add me when you have an opportunity to do so and maybe we can hash something out.

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