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LOOKING! Fallout new vegas romance rp.


Arakkna Kashiko, Mankind's Web spinner.
Fallout rp

Game( new vegas )

Note: this takes place prior to the courier business.

Need a literate para rper to play a male love interest for my character. Not only us it going to be able romance but it will be adventure as well. You know the fame.


. MUST .


Another note: obviously some thing will be different. Dont follow the storyline in your mind with this.... Keep it in mind but make your own.


Name: Apocolypsia ashh

Height: five six

Weight: 146

Build: her body is structurally sound. hips naturally wide breasts about a d cup, nice butt and long muscular legs. She is prime slaver goal.

Ethnicity: white/hawaiian/Hispanic(spanish)


Personality: she is a savage- tongued, coldhearted survivor. Rarely becomes friends with anyone human or otherwise. She has a small male deathclaw named mordecai who she raised from an egg as her only companion. In short she has an affinity for creatures lacking human dna.


Location: nomad.

Weapons: A pre-war crossbow and arrows she carves herself from the bones of the deathclaws she kills. For close combat she uses a prewar dai katana.

Prefered combat style:ranged.


A. Food. Anything she can find. Her favorite is cinnamon candy.

B. Drinks. Anything she can find. She loves nuka cola.

Medical: a healing powder made from a rad ladden fungus. It grows only in certain caves and she knows most of them.

Misc: a bowie knife, a set of flint lights and flint that she found in her favorite mall hunting ground. Ten foot length of rope and post apocolyptic clothing and some pre war military jump boots.

Skills: sneaking. Ranged combat. Bartering through intimidation.

Backstory: she was abandoned on the doorstep of a rich brahmin baron in the middle of the mojave desert. By the age of sixteen she was always in the company of a mutated animal or insect and could shoot the wings off a bloatfly from a hundred yards. By seventeen her adopted parents were dying. Long story short she sold all of the belongings they owned to another family and went solo. Except for mordecai. Her parents never did like him.

Starter: Evening had just settled into goodsprings and the majority of the town was settled into their beds for the night, though there were a few that had, as an alternative, settled into the saloon to rot their livers with whatever alcohol they could procure with their meager earnings. The inside of the saloon was abuzz with the sound of pre war music andFor low chatter. Thus all came to a halt though with the beginning of a growling fit from sunny's dog cheyenne. Sunny was the first to notice her companions behaviour and within a minute was over to trudy and having her turn off the radio. "Just for a moment." she assured trudy the barkeep who was slightly worried. Anything that worried suny HAD to worry her. It was in the next few moments the others fell quiet as an odd sound was pickes up on the wind.... Few had ever heard a deathclaw's sound and none of these people had personally but easy pete, more experienced in this than even sunny, was the first to react. "my god!" he exclaimed exhasperatedly. Sunny threw him a confused but worried look and questioned him. "Whats wrong pete? What is that?" petes face had gone pale by this time and his voice trembled. "Nobody move." His tone was urgent. At this point even some of the adults became fidgety, the tension created from pure fear and the lack of knowledge of what was wrong had people on edge. Sunny was irritated that he wouldnt spit it out and that cheyenne was now whimpering like a whelp of a pup under a table which caused ger face to flush and her tone to rise. "Pete spit it out! What is that noise!" but before an answer was even a rhought the door was swung upon. A girl about five feet six inches stood inthe doorway. Sunny had already pulled a gun and was aiming it at the woman. With a quick nod of her head upwarda and gripping her rifle she questioned the woman harshly. "Whi are you. We dont get many visitors at night and none of them are good. You got three seconds to answer or ill blow you to new vegas." prior to this apocolypsia's face had been a poker face bur at these words a look of pur hate flashed across them, her eyes burning with all the hate of the world before she resumed her original poker face. It had been quick enough though for sunny to realize her mistake and she gripped her rifle, readjusting her hold on it.

Words like venom dripping from a radscorpions stinger rolled off apocolypsia's tongue.

"Put your gun down before you get hurt."

Before any other words could be said a huge male deathclaw could just barely be seen a few feet from

The Doorway, the shadows masking most of his girth but the light shine on his eyes and you could tell he was huge from where they were positioned. The sound of heavy nasally breathing and constricted saliva could be heard clearly.

Sunny damn near dropped her gun and she went paler than ol pete had initially. At this point apocolypsia voiced her thoughts again.

" Like i said. Put your gun down. I dont want to have to feed you to mordecai."

Sunny lowered her gun, surrendering to her fear. " what is that thing...?" he asked the strange woman, still watching him as he stepped from the shadows. He had the build of a standard alpha male, except he was more muscular and veiny and was muchhhh more intelligient than evenan alpha. His bony claws teeth and horns glinted in both the natural and artificial light.

"Thats mordecai. My best friend and your worst nightmare."

She looked back to him and beckoned for him. As mordecai got closer the more people stiffened up. Who was this lady? And why was she in the company of a sure killer? How? Mordecai stepped onti the saloon deck and ducked his head,l while coming through the doorway. Cheyenne whimpered and shoved herself even further in a corner.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/065cd4221fa74ff1fcd2b31b43e65660.jpg.80b09751561b62dfc7dec8893f502a31.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/065cd4221fa74ff1fcd2b31b43e65660.jpg.80b09751561b62dfc7dec8893f502a31.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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