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Multiple Settings Long term, active rp partners wanted! Fandom and original plots


hi :')

the title pretty much says it all...

I'm looking for someone who:

- is active at least 2-3 times a week. I'm online almost every day and usualy reply as soon as i see a message; please dont leave me hanging.. XD

-likes to develope stories and world building . I love complex plots and settings ; and while I usually have many ideas, please dont make me do all the work! I had many rp partners in the past who just reacted to what i came up with , without or rarely adding own ideas....

-can write at least 2-3 paragraphes per reply! More is always welcome ; i usualy try to match the lenght of my own replies with the ones of the person im rping with, thought, i would rather stay under one page as the rp might slows down in this case.. IMPORTANT: No one-liners! just...no... X.X

-is at least 18! or older. I'm23 myselfe and just dont feel comfortable writing with people who are much younger.Please accept that....


some more 'rules'

-grammar and spelling isnt too important to me - as long as i can understand you its fine. I make plenty of mistakes myselfe as english is not my mothertoungue, so i wont judge:)

-please try to avoid god modding and controlling the other persons characters without their permission

-if you want to drop the rp its fine, i wont be mad, but please tell me! Don't just ghost me!

-I always use ocs. If we do a fandom based rp i can play some canon characters in supporting roles if needed, but i rather lay the main focus on own characters. However, who YOU want to play as is compleately up to you. Whether you want to play as your ocs as well or prefer canon characters is your choice ^^


Fandom List

**** = always looking <3
** = sure ^^
X = currently not looking for this fandom ( might changes)

-Bleach ****

-Black Butler**

-Steven Universe **

-Pokemon **

-One piece **

-Batman ****

-Marvel/DC (as a whole)**

-Predator/Predator vs alien **

-Naruto * ( original plot only, im not up to date with the manga..)

-Left4dead/anything with zombies (X) ; only if you have a good plot idea..

-Harry Potter (X)

( the list will be continued and updated later)

other themes I'm interested in:

- Supernatural/mythical themed rps ; so anything with monsters, demons, vampires,angels,...

-horror- i like it scary XD


- drama, action, fantasy, adventure,...more serious, darker themes are always fine

I'm NOT! looking for

-NSFW content/smut
-furries/sonic/animal characters
-every day/ school themed setting...unless you have a very good idea, than i might give it a try, but most of the time those kind of plots dont realy catch my interest...i'm sorry..^^'
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Hello! I would be interested in 'teaming' up. I'll be honest: I'm new here. I was participating here in one RP not long ago, but it kind of fall apart, for me at least, so my experience is very limited. I'm an aspiring writer, so I try to make long and detailed paragraphs as to hone my skills (I would burn from shame if I had left a one-liner behind).

It is embarrassing to admit, I'm not really into most fandoms you are (mostly because I don't know them). I like Pokemon, though, and enjoy Marvel (films), so these two are alright for me. When it comes to other themes, are fine with everything you listed - as long as it is not romance, I'm happy. I really like horrors and fantasy settings.

I'm online everyday, but mostly in the evenings (I'm a student, so during the day I would most likely be gone).
Hello! I would be interested in 'teaming' up. I'll be honest: I'm new here. I was participating here in one RP not long ago, but it kind of fall apart, for me at least, so my experience is very limited. I'm an aspiring writer, so I try to make long and detailed paragraphs as to hone my skills (I would burn from shame if I had left a one-liner behind).

It is embarrassing to admit, I'm not really into most fandoms you are (mostly because I don't know them). I like Pokemon, though, and enjoy Marvel (films), so these two are alright for me. When it comes to other themes, are fine with everything you listed - as long as it is not romance, I'm happy. I really like horrors and fantasy settings.

I'm online everyday, but mostly in the evenings (I'm a student, so during the day I would most likely be gone).

hi! and thanks for your interest :')

I'm a student as well ( art student) , so i compleately understand XD Thought we might live in different time zones as i am from germany.. ( CET) Usualy i reply at least once a day/ multiple times if i am online.
Dont worry about me wanting to involve romance or sexual themes in the story, i realy dont like those kind of rps myselfe, therefor did did include it in the interest-list

what kind of story are you looking for/did you have an idea in mind? I doesnt have to be based on a fandom, it can also be a compleately own setting. supernatural/fantasy horror sounds great to me XD ( It could also be loosely based on marvel or pokemon, whatever you prefer - thought i'm not exactly sure if pokemon would be fitting for horror.. )

just send me a pm and we can discuss some details ^^
Hey! This sounds amazing to me! I’d much rather partner up then be part of a huge group, first of all. Also, no one-liners/couple of paragraphs? Please. I mean that seriously; I kind of hate the one-liner role plays. Especially when you’ve taken the time to write a couple paragraphs and someone responds, basically “okay.” 😬 That sucks.
I’m going off on a tangent.
Anyway! I really like all your themes and I really like doing original content. (Though I am also a huge Marvel fan, I don’t know how much fun that would be with OCs; I’d rather just come up with our own stories, I think.)
I can also commit to respond once a day, at least. (If I’m super busy one day, I’ll at least log on and let you know my reply is going to last another day.)
Just lemme know if you want to see any excerpts of my writing, or ideas for stories, or whatever!
Hey! This sounds amazing to me! I’d much rather partner up then be part of a huge group, first of all. Also, no one-liners/couple of paragraphs? Please. I mean that seriously; I kind of hate the one-liner role plays. Especially when you’ve taken the time to write a couple paragraphs and someone responds, basically “okay.” 😬 That sucks.
I’m going off on a tangent.
Anyway! I really like all your themes and I really like doing original content. (Though I am also a huge Marvel fan, I don’t know how much fun that would be with OCs; I’d rather just come up with our own stories, I think.)
I can also commit to respond once a day, at least. (If I’m super busy one day, I’ll at least log on and let you know my reply is going to last another day.)
Just lemme know if you want to see any excerpts of my writing, or ideas for stories, or whatever!

hi ^^

yes- one liners are the worst .. X.X XD Or when you are planning a setting , make like 20 suggestions what could happen - since i love to brainstorm first to collect some ideas - and the reply is ' yeah.sounds good. ' I have only rped in a group a few times, and realy prefer having a normal ( 1-1) chat... otherwise it gets confusing quickly...

we can do an original story or having it be based on a fandom, whatever you prefer ^^ thought when doing a fandom rp ( most of the rps i do here areactually based on a show/movie/book,....) the story usually doesnt follow the original plot, its often just based on a certain 'world' without having much or anything to do with the canon events. in case of marvel that would only mean its a world where superheros/mutants/aliens,.... exist

and thats fine ^^ ; i usualy try to respond once a day as well, but you dont have to worry if you cant write/ come online every day - im not here in rp nation 24/7 either XD i dont need writing excerpts , as i said , as long as we can talk normally and you dont write like ' imma gonna do et naow' ( happened before...yep.. XD ) everything is alright XD
Since you said you would prefer an original story, what idea(s) did you have in mind?
hi ^^

yes- one liners are the worst .. X.X XD Or when you are planning a setting , make like 20 suggestions what could happen - since i love to brainstorm first to collect some ideas - and the reply is ' yeah.sounds good. ' I have only rped in a group a few times, and realy prefer having a normal ( 1-1) chat... otherwise it gets confusing quickly...

we can do an original story or having it be based on a fandom, whatever you prefer ^^ thought when doing a fandom rp ( most of the rps i do here areactually based on a show/movie/book,....) the story usually doesnt follow the original plot, its often just based on a certain 'world' without having much or anything to do with the canon events. in case of marvel that would only mean its a world where superheros/mutants/aliens,.... exist

and thats fine ^^ ; i usualy try to respond once a day as well, but you dont have to worry if you cant write/ come online every day - im not here in rp nation 24/7 either XD i dont need writing excerpts , as i said , as long as we can talk normally and you dont write like ' imma gonna do et naow' ( happened before...yep.. XD ) everything is alright XD
Since you said you would prefer an original story, what idea(s) did you have in mind?
I have 2-3 full starters written, that people just ghosted in the first week or two that I could message you or post here? (I’ll be honest. I’m not new to rping, but I am new to this particular site so it might take me a minute to figure out how things are done here :b)
I really like dystopians, alternate worlds, other planets, etc. with any other theme mixed in, because then you can do a lot more world building. Also, while I am not here for the nsfw, I really love at least a little romance mixed in.
Maybe a post-apocalyptic devolved society? Caste systems reintroduced? Radiation causing cellular mutations that are now commonplace (powers)?
sure, i would love to hear your ideas ^^ If you have questions about rp nation i will do my best to answear them - thought im rather new as well..-

I'm all in for some fantasy/ dystopian setting! just romance is not realy my type of story...
and having mutants is great XD ( having people with special powers kind of mutants ...not so much the creepy/realistic type... or maybe both o.o XD )
sure, i would love to hear your ideas ^^ If you have questions about rp nation i will do my best to answear them - thought im rather new as well..-

I'm all in for some fantasy/ dystopian setting! just romance is not realy my type of story...
and having mutants is great XD ( having people with special powers kind of mutants ...not so much the creepy/realistic type... or maybe both o.o XD )
Kk! I pmed you :))

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