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Realistic or Modern Long Lost Summers

She nodded. “If anything changes o that let me know. L” She murmured and smiled some. “It’ll be nice to go dance properly again.” She murmured smiling.
Val nodded and carried on eating until they were both full and she cleared everything up smiling feeling his arms go around her waist. “Mmm... you happy Ángel?” She murmured
She nodded and leaned back against him some. “Very much so.” Shecmurmured smiling some and finished up the dishes kissing his cheek and letting him know she was going to bed.
Angel nods a little. “Goodnight. Sleep well.” He murmurs and kisses her cheek. He heads up to his room a little bit later and lays down, sighing softly.
She couldn’t manage to get to sleep no matter how hard she tried and eventually got up again and slipped her dressing gown around her, creeping into angels room seeing him laying there on his phone. “Can’t sleep, you mind if I come lay in here?” She mumbled.
She got her dressing gown off and moved to lay next to him curling up close to him and slotting into his arms the way she used to, resting her head against his chest tiredly as she finally managed to drift off to sleep.
Angel smiles at her and sighs softly. He was glad he had her back. He had missed her so much. He settles in and falls aslee not long after her.
Val slept the best she had in a long time getting up early to go sort out some coffee sitting at his kitchen table with her mug and went to find the box she knew he had somewhere of all of Maya’s things eventually finding it and sitting at the table with it going through it all.
Angel wakes up later and heads downstairs. He stands in the doorway and watches her. “You can keep whatever you want out of that.” He tells her softly.
She shook her head and looked at him. “No I’m not taking anything away from you. I’m just curious.” She murmured. “Coffees ready in the pot.” She smiled at him then frowned. “I’ve been thinking by the way.” She mumbled.
Angel smiles and watches her. “You have just as much right to that stuff as I do.” He murmurs and goes to pour himself some coffee. He takes a sip and looks at her. “About what?”
“I know baby I got a box in storage that I need to bring here once we’ve settled... I was thinking I want to see him.” She told him slowly and watched him trying to gauge his reaction.
Angel watches her and bites his lip. “Are you sure about that?” He asks soflty. He hadn’t even gone to see him since he’d been locked up. Any time he had to go there he avoided the mans cell. He couldn’t bring himself to look at him.
“No... I’m not sure but... if I never ask the questions I have then I will never get the answers... if I do ask them I might. Whether it’s what I want to hear or not.” She told him quietly. “I’m not asking you to come with me. In fact I’d rather you didn’t... Not this time.” She murmured “I think this is one of those things I need to do by myself.” She explained and got up to put her dishes away.
Angel frowns. He didn’t like the ode of her going alone. “At least let me drive you there. I won’t go talk to him with you. I just don’t want you going completely alone. I don’t know what he’s going to say to you or how upset he’ll make you. I’d rather be there if you need me.”
She shook her head. “No baby I need to do this by myself. I promise to be safe on the drive back. Please.” She murmured and moved to slip her arms around him.
Angel frowns and sighs. “I’ll let them know you’re coming.” He mutters, still not happy about it. He kisses her forehead and goes to make himself some cereal.
She just nodded and rubbed his back gently. “I’m gonna be around a lot here today you want me to bring you some lunch down to the station?” She asked him quietly going to finish getting dressed.
Angel shakes his head. “No it’s fine. I’m going to the restaurant during my lunch break.” He tells her and goes to get ready for work.
She nodded and went to find him once she was dressed pecking his cheek and heading out to the studio. “I’ll see you later babe.” She called to him on her way out the front door.
Angel nods. “Bye.” He murmurd softly. He sighs softly and heads to the station. He works st his desk until lunch and then heads to his dads restaurant.
Travis was there with his boss for a meeting lunch and glared over at Angel as he walked in, leaving him alone for a while until he couldn’t anymore and got up going over to his table “You’re so lucky you’re not completely off duty.” He spat at him ignoring that he’d just interrupted a conversation between him and his father. “God you people just like to ruin things don’t you. Fucking I'm uncultured scum.” He snapped at him “she doesn’t belong with you! She’s white passing enough to get that bloodline out of her family tree.” He spat.

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