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London Bridge is Falling down.

She thought for a moment then shook her head. She would but she didn't want her to find some stuff she had around her house about her, she wasn't going to ruin what she had started. "Um.. I meed to put the leftovers away and while I do that you can watch a movie or talk to me whatever you wanna do." She in all honesty was hungry herself, she never mastered eating on a set schedule so in return she probably hadn't for about 24 hours now. She knew for a fact she didnt eat breakfast or lunch.
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Pouting playfully, Alina nodded, reassuring that she was okay with a smile to Alexius. "I'll come with you," she said, sitting up on the bed. Alina ran her fingers through her hair, watching Alexius with interest.
She nodded and went into the kitchen starting to put left overs away, the smell of the food being strongest in the kitchen made her mouth but she controlled herself putting the food away fairly quickly leaving out just a bit for her to eat. She sat down on the table with the plate on her lap feeling embarassed and judged for whatever reason. "Don't judge me it's been like over a day since I've ate."
"Why would I judge you?" Alina asked after sitting down at the table, watching Alexius. "You just watched me eat like a wolf, and didn't once say anything, even though you probably called me a cow in your brain," she continued, teasing Alexius a little bit, laughing and placing her elbow on the table, resting her cheek against the palm of her hand.
She shrugged "I don't know I'm a senstive creature. Honestly you could've ate the whole platter of food and I wouldn't have had thought you were a cow." She said as she ate, she ate a lot slower than Alina probably having more self control than she did.
"I can understand," Alina spoke, nodding. She didn't want to stare while Alexius was eating, but she couldn't help but watch her as subtly as she could. Alexius just had a face that could stop movement in a room. And if no one else thought that, Alina sure did. In her mind, she wondered why she had felt a connection so deep as the one the held at that moment so quickly.
She ate her food, paying some attention to her but didn't mind her watching too much. It wasn't her eating that embarrassed her, she glanced around the room having awkward memories in this room but finished her food going into the kitchen putting her and Alinas plate in the dishwasher. "How are you?"
"I'm doing pretty fine, since we are in our last required year of hell," Alina replied, shrugging one shoulder. "What about you?" She returned the question to Alexius, standing up before yawning softly, covering her mouth.
She smiled at her and laughed softly, grabbing one of the dining chairs. "I'm doing good." She sat the chair infront of one the cabinets by the fridge needing it to get into the very top of it, reading some bottles where she was standing she couldn't tell what the fuck she was getting time.

She got down a lot of bottles and a fancy tall cup sitting them down on the counter. She climbed down and put the chair back getting into her freezer and took out an ice tray labeled 'drink1' written in blue sharpie popping a couple of them out and dumped them into the cup. "I'd offer you some but you don't cross me as the type. If you want to try it you can." She shrugged referring to the fact her kitchen had so much alochol in it there was enough to open her own bar. She had gotten down gin, vodka, black vodka, rum, and everclear.
Alina couldn't help but to giggle when Alexius said that she didn't cross Alina as the drinking type. "Well, at least I know my rough days are hidden well!" She exclaimed, searching for a simple cup, placing it down on the counter before mixing the gin, vodka, and rum together. "On the low," Alina said, picking up the cup and taking a swig, the mix burning her throat and making her face twist a bit before she continued speaking, "I'm an alcoholic," She joked, shaking her head and leaning against the counter, watching Alexius.
"I'm an alcoholic but I haven't done shots like that in a while." She laughed quietly. "I actually make drinks you can order and taste good." She smiled getting blueberries and Hawaiian punch out of the fridge putting the extra ice cubes back into the freezer. She took the gin, vodka, rum, and peach schnapps in equal amounts before it was a little less than half of the full. She dumped in some Hawaiian punch till it was almost completely filling up the cup. "Do you want me to make you a drink? One that won't kill your throat." She got a cup and mixed the everclear and black vodka together before dumping it slowly ontop the top. Most of the drink looking red with a black top dumping a couple blue berries onto the top then put those away too. With the amount of liquor in it she could see herself waking up on the damn floor at some 7/11 bathroom.
Alina smiled, agreeing and nodding. She was a lightweight, so it didn't take very much to get her fully intoxicated. "Please do," she said, obliging to drinking some more. Watching the drinks being mixed, Alina felt an adrenaline rush, feeling much more energetic than she was just feeling. Alina took the cup for herself, making sure not to spill any as she pulled the cup towards her. Knowing it wouldn't burn, she took large gulps at a time, liking the fruity taste. Placing the cup back down on the table, Alina gave herself a chance to breathe. "That's really good," she said, feeling a little woozy from taking in all of what she just drank in one down. It didn't stop her from going back to the cup, polishing off what was left, the alcohol finally taking full effect. "Do you have a music player?" Alina asked, hiccupping in between her words, laughing softly. She had suddenly wanted to dance, whether there was music or not.
She stared at her, not expecting it out of her. "Um, there is a stereo in the living room." She didn't feel like mixing a whole other drink, grabbing the bottle of black vodka sense that was smoother but just as strong. She grabbed her hand and led her to the living room there being a stereo sitting close to the TV. "Knock yourself out." She said, sitting down on the couch taking a swig at the bottle of vodka.
Holding on to Alexius, Alina walked with her to the lounge, letting go of her hand once her eyes were set on the large stereo system. She strut over to the system, looking through the different assortments of music CDs that she had sitting next to the system. Alina pulled out a random one, which turned out to be Smooth Jazz. She shrugged to herself, pressing all the buttons in order for her to put in the disk. Pressing play, Alina walked away from the stereo, her body moving in a way that sort of resembled a jellyfish, moving slowly to the rhythm of the music. "Dance with me!" Alina exclaimed, not asking, but telling Alexius, holding out her hand for her to take.
She struggled not to laugh at her and took another drink, she couldn't get drunk fast enough in her mind. She shook her hands. "I'm not feeling up to it right now." She gave her a soft smile, funny to think she was just laying down next to her trying to soothe her food baby a few minutes ago and now she was up getting drunk as hell and dancing.
Alina stuck out her tongue at Alexius playfully before she shrugged her shoulders as she had done several times already. "Oh well," Alina said, continuing to dance around the lounge. "More dancing space for me!" Alina glided through the air, laughing and doing a half-attempted arabesque, falling purposely to the ground, staring up at the ceiling. "I love to daaaaaaaaaance," she said, smiling and laughing at herself.
She frowned when she fell to the ground. She chugged from the bottle for a moment not drinking the whole thing but was a whole fucking lot for someone at once. Like alina and her chugging out burst.

She didn't know what came over her but she got up, sitting down on the floor before straddling Alinas waist, staring down at her. "I swear you're bipolar. Just a few minutes ago you were ready to pass out into a food coma."
Alina was surprised at what happened next, but wasn't really caring at the moment, placing her hands on the tops of Alexius' thighs, smiling up at her. She laughed, agreeing with Alexius, the soft music still playing in the background, really setting the mood. Alina grabbed her hands, interlocking them with her own, still watching Alexius. "I don't know what it is..." she said softly. "There's something about you."
She bit her lip feeling her hands on her thighs her thumb the back of Alinas hand. "To be honest I didn't know you swung this way." She laughed quietly leaning down and kissed her cheek softly before sitting back up.
Laughing with Alexius, Alina shook her head. "You learn something new everyday." When Alexius leaned over to kiss her cheek, the alcohol overtook any sense of logical reasoning and whatnot that she had, the next words coming out of her mouth surprising even herself. "You missed." Daring much?

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