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London Bridge is Falling down.

Nixon Valent

Spooky Scary Skeletons

It was the first day of their senior year. They had gone to the same highschool all three years so far, now going on fourth. For some reason, they never talked though. Whether or not Alina noticed her was another story.

Maybe she did notice her maybe she didn't. Whenever they had a same class together Alexius would always be caught staring at her. Alexius didn't have any friends either, not talking to people expect for teachers for classwork. Most students didn't even know her name she was so quiet all the time.

They sat together in their homeroom. Literally at the same lab table being lab partners till the teacher reassigned new ones. It was an organic chemistry class.

She sat there not looking at the girl, her head was down starring at her desk not being able to see her face because her hair. She had on a sweater that was white, being one size too big and some regular skinny jeans. She said nothing as other students talked amongst one another not all of them being seniors but most of them were.
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Alina glanced at her lab partner from the corner of her eye, able to quickly recognise her from last year. She racked her mind for her name. Abigail, no... Amber? No... Ashley? Nope... she thought in her head, only remembering it was something that started with an A. They weren't really doing anything for their first day, mainly just reviewing things they learned last year. Alina played with the sleeves of her tribal printed cardigan, something she had bought as part of her back-to-school clothing.

The teacher directed the lab partners to look in the books that were placed on the desk to read the different sections together. Alina bounced her knee up and down under the table, reaching for the book that rested in front of her. She opened it up to the page number, clearing her throat before she spoke in a soft tone. "Do you want to read first?" Alina asked the girl, studying her only long enough for her to not get caught.

Something about the quiet girl intrigued Alina, wanting to learn more about her. She tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ears, looking back over to the girl, then back down at the book. Alina's fingers quietly tapped on her leg, as she continuously managed to sneak glances the girls' way every once and then.
She gave a small shake of her head, taking out her book as they were told to. "N-No.. you can." She said staring down at the book. She didn't notice her staring and she didn't care if she did. Being so close to the girl she was obsessed with was too much for twisted mind she didn't know how to act or what to say. In all honesty that was the first thing she had said to her. God I sound like an idiot.
"Um... alright," Alina said, not able to help the small smile that was planted on her lips after the girl spoke. She was just so adorable. The indents in Alina's cheeks were still there as she found where to start, beginning to read. Even though there were words on the page, Alina's mind was not completely there. The comforting scent, as weird as it may be, made Alina want to cuddle next to the girl, feeling nostalgic, like sitting next to the fireplace on Christmas morning. It was obvious, how hard it was to multitask, reading the book and thinking about something completely separate at the same time. It was like trying to run a 5k with glass plates sitting on top of your head.
She was out of it too, when she stopped reading it brought herself back with it noticing the next page still continued on with it. She took a moment being sure not to stutter this time. "There's still some more left.."

t least I didn't stutter this time.

She inhaled quietly forcing herself to look at the girl, shaking slightly before looking away her hands balled up underneath the table in the sleeves of her sweater in nervousness.
Alina's cheeks heated up, turning a bright red. "Uh, oh, yea.. Sorry," she apologised, looking over to the girl to give her a small smile. But much to her dismay, she had already looked away, at who knows what. Alina looked back down at the page, continuing to read what was left of the paragraph. "You're turn, " she said, looking back over at the girl once more. Out of the blue, Alina asked, "What's your name?" tired of referring to her as 'the girl' in her mind. She watched her, briefly scanning over her being. The girl was only a little bit smaller, swallowed by the white sweater she was wearing. The image of her swimming through an entire ocean of oversized white sweaters came to mind, and Alina couldn't help but laugh a bit, covering her mouth quickly, as she didn't want the girl to get the idea that she was laughing at her.
She noticed her laugh but didn't think she was laughing at her. She didn't know what she thought. She just wanted to get out of reading. "Alexius." She said softly, she didn't expect her to know her name but she wanted her too. She glanced around the room the other students, some reading some just talked. She preferred to just talk. "How are you..?" She asked, thoughts flooding her mind of endless possibilities on why she couldn't be hers. She wanted to kill and remove them all.
Alina nodded, smiling. "That's a nice name," she complimented Alexius, finally glad that she could properly address her. Alina was a bit surprised that Alexius wanted to carry on a conversation. She didn't know if she was surprised because of the fact that Alexius had come off to her as a quiet girl, but either way, she was happy to have hopefully, made a new friend. "I'm fine, considering it's our last year of high school," Alina said honestly, releasing a short chuckle. "And you?" she asked Alexius, scanning over her face. She was pretty, with her long hair and emerald eyes, that Alina just seemed to get lost in.
"Mhm.. Same. I'm uh.. done with school." She was nervous obviously, trying to find something to keep the conversation going. She pulled her hands out of her sweater and sat them down on top of the desk using her arms as pillows her head turned so she was staring up at Alina. She forced herself not to turn away and after she made herself get over her nervousness it was easy to stare. Like how she done when she across the room from her.
Alina watched Alexius with an interest, smiling as she noticed how nervous she seemed to be. She didn't really know why Alexius was nervous actually, Alina wasn't anything special. She was a girl, just as Alexius was. Alina was easily entranced by the small movements of Alexius, continuing the conversation. "So, what are your hobbies?" Alina asked her, a cheery smile still on her face.
Hobbies? Stalking you. She thought to herself struggling not to laugh. "I um.. don't really have any." It was an honest answer, just not being to babble of she completely insane over her, literally.

Insane over her.

Before she could stop herself she said "Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" She said like it was nothing, they were best buds for years. She regretted it. She knew it was too soon to be asking shit like that.
Alina nodded, understanding. At the question, her eyes got a bit wide. She barely knew Alexius, so it was a bit out of line for her to ask her to come over to her house for dinner. Alexius seemed like a nice girl, and she wasn't working tonight, so she figured, why not?

"I'll have to ask my folks, but I'm pretty sure they'll say yes," Alina said, nodding. "Let me give you my number so I can let you know later and so you can you send my your address." Alina smiled at Alexius, pulling her phone out of her jeans pocket, waiting for Alexius to get her phone out.
She froze, she already had all of that information but wasn't about to tell her that. She took out her phone opening up her contacts, setting it up so it was a new contact. She handed her phone to the girl, more like sliding it across the table to her. "Just type it in. I'll text you later."
Alina nodded, smiling and picking up Alexius phone, pressing in her phone number, putting in her name with a pink heart emoji. She smiled, handing Alexius' phone back to her. Alina ran her fingers through her hair, turning back around when she saw that the teacher was telling that they would have a short formula review quiz tomorrow. Her eyes went to the clock in the classroom, which said that there were only a few minutes left in the class period.
She took her phone back noticing the pink emoji. She likes me? She asked herself mentally. "I uh will text you after school.. do you need me to pick you up..?" She asked, not listening to the teacher at all. She didn't' care either about her test tomorrow. She actually had Alina, Senpai, going over to her house. Tonight actually too.
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Nodding, Alina smiled at Alexius. "No, I'm fine on a ride," she replied politely, picking up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder. She stood up, the bell sounding just as she pushed her chair in underneath the desk. "Talk to you later!" Alina said, smiling as she walked away, turning her head to wave quickly before she made her way through the people getting out of the class.
She took a moment to watch her as she left, she couldn't believe it she actually had her going over to her house. I have so much to do she thought in her head loudly, she was the left one to leave class and instead of going to her next class she went to the parking lot getting in her car just leaving without another word to any of her teachers or anything. She didn't care. Nothing mattered. She went home and started cleaning everything like mad she wanted everything to be perfect like she was.
Alina went about the rest of her school day, thoughts of only the dinner that she was most likely attending to on her mind. She smiled, reminiscing about the short moments shared with them mere hours ago, Alexius being so nervous in front of Alina. When school had finally ended, she walked outside, watching as everyone piled onto the buses or got into their cars. Mae, Alina's best friend, came running out of the school, apologising as she ran towards Alina. "Sorry I'm late!" Mae exclaimed, linking arms with Alina as they walked to Mae's car. "Stupid Mr. Chinn made me stay after to pick up garbage off of the floor because I threw a piece of paper across the room, accidentally hitting him," she explained, walking to one side of her small Toyota, Alina walking to the other side, laughing loudly. "Well, if that's the case, you're perfectly fine," Alina chuckled, excusing Mae for her tardiness.
She looked at the time and realized school had gotten out so she texted Alina.

Alina ❣
Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?
Laughing with Mae at the funny events that had happened during the school day for the both of them on the way home, Alina's phone buzzed in her bag. She smiled as she looked down at the message on her lock screen, opening it up to reply. She thought it was cute how Alexius was worried if Alina was going to bail on her, which she wasn't. Alina quickly texted back, continuing her conversation with Mae.

Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?
Yep! My parental unit said it was perfectly fine, as long as I'm not home too late. What time should I come?
She texted address back to the girl quickly honestly sitting there just waiting for her to text back when she did. She went into her kitchen and looked around what do I have to eat thats decent. Is this a date?

Am I suppose to be romantic?

She didn't know what to think.

'What do you want for dinner?' She texted her back right after she sent her address.
Alina's attention was once away drawn away from the conversation when her phone buzzed again. She looked down at her phone, tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. Alina chewed her lip, thinking. She didn't expect the question of what was on the menu, thinking that Alexius had everything planned out ahead of time, but then again, all of it was so sudden.

'I'm kind of in the mood for Mexican food...' Alina responded, blushing when Mae pointed out Alina getting distracted by something on her phone.
'What time will you be arriving?' She texted back before starting to go through everything trying to figure out what she had to make mexican food with.
'Does 6:30 work for you?' Alina texted back, complaining as she blushed madly when Mae continuously pointed out the fact that Alina was so focused on her phone. "Who's the lucky gal?" Mae asked, smirking when she finally pulled up in front of their houses. They actually lived two houses away from each other, making it convenient to always see each other. Alina said nothing, only smiling and picking up her bag.
She texted back yes and starting to cook mexican food. While the meat cooked and everything else she looked around her house for anything off putting. Nothing it looks normal. She looked at the table and started setting it getting down two white plates, forks knives napkins etc. She was so happy that her obsession was finally noticing her she couldn't hardly think straight.

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