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"That is true," Loki answered Prrrgadilly in the raid chat. "However, there shouldn't be too much of a worry until we start fighting the stronger dragons since everything is level scaled on the island. Or normal set up consist of Mahan and myself taking the front with our combat classes. Clancy and Lurie take the middle as magic classes and Plinto and Yuna watching our back in the rear and providing dps."

Loki went over the basic plan with everyone.

"This gives us a bit of flexibility, to move around, while fighting. We're a big party this time though, we need to be careful not to attract a lot of monsters. Since the west coast as the weakest monsters on the Isle, we'll split up into two different groups. Group one will go up the north if the western coast and group two down the south. This way we can get a bit of a feel for the island and get everyone working as a group. By one o'clock, we should come back together and start going up the river pass to get to the eastern coast."

Loki checked behind her to see if Rita was alright. She seemed to be holding onto her tightly, but other than that she was alright.

"I'd like to get to the river pass safe zone by at least nightfall to use our time efficiently.
Any questions or concerns?"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Sizniche Sizniche MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Half listening through the briefing, half focusing on trying not to let loose his stomach acids on himself, he gripped onto Plinto a little harder. "I am. . . sorry, my friend." Easily, this was one of his worst flight experiences to date. He groaned a little, until a sentence spoken by the raid leader really caught his attention.

"Any questions or concerns?"

"WHEN ARE WE LANDING?!" He blurted, half hoping the answer was sometime soon. His helmet otherwise was going to become candidate for removal and disposal of vile substances, and Arthric personally enjoyed his meal earlier. He felt something gurgle and bubble, and personally decided for himself that no matter the circumstances, he wouldn't be flying for this long ever again.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Sizniche Sizniche MJ ._. MJ ._. Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit RaynaFon RaynaFon
Passing all the villages Mahan comes to a large realisation that he had been playing things too safe for the guild. With so much expansive land to explore they didn't need to stay at the city of light forever. They were going to need to expand maybe even increase the number of members they had. They had plenty of players here now that could make good candidates, well if they are found suitable anyway.

He had this in mind when a booming voice went over the raid chat. He wasn't sure who it was until he checked the log in his UI and found it was the player named Arthur. From his memory he recalled seeing that name come up in the forums about a guy had been a bouncer at the inn. From what people said he was pretty strong and fought even when the odds were stacked against him. Normally a guy like that wasn't even considered by Mahan but for the things he had heard he need to see first before he asked. Always remember that even if you ask he might say no still. Mahan wanted to make sure that he didn't think that if he offered people would just jump at the chance to join.

"If I remember correctly we should be there soon. Not much longer and we should be their."

RaynaFon RaynaFon archur archur Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze MJ ._. MJ ._. Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Special Event Boss

Lone Bandit (6 Star)
The Lone Bandit has come to invade the City of Light as too start his conquest of all of Malabar. Heroes Rally to the cities defence so to prevent it falling into his hands. (When defeated bandits will become less active in the area for the next week)

HP 2000/2000 MP 300/300

Strength: 200
Agility: 150
Intelligence: 30
Constitution: 200
Spirit: 30

Low Sweep- Cost 25 MP: Deals 50% damage hitting any targets in range and reducing their movement speed by 50%

Critical Charge- Cost 25 MP: Launches across the earth and smash an enemy with a 100% critical chance dealing double damage

Lone Bandit Defense (Passive)- Reduces damage taken by 50%

Adrenaline Rush (Passive)- The Lone Bandit gains back MP equal to half the spirit stat per second while in battle

Call Reinforcements- Cost 75 MP: Call 3 bandits with 20% damage reduction, that deal Str/2 damage, and have half the max amount of HP as the Lone Bandit

AI- Highly aggressive with a focus on offense and killing weaklings first

Reward: 3000 EXP + 2000 Gold
Kirby3178 Kirby3178 Cynthiera Cynthiera Summer Breeze Summer Breeze (Prey) fuil fuil
A bandit who possessed immense strength set his sights on the City of Light. With his power he believed that no one could stand in his way toward conquering the city and soon the whole empire.

[It's a good day to die...........]
Braven saw the notice and sprinted back to the city.
"Finally! Some action!" He thought, "Maybe there are some other players that are doing the boss too hopefully there are"
Eventually, he came to the gate and proceeded inside, he looked around for any other players that were partaking in the Boss Event...
"I see." Prrrgadilly nodded as Loki explained the guild's basic combat strategy. He looked at the mentioned player's classes as he build a mental image of a combat situation. He saw how efficient the set up was and was suitably pleased. it also confirmed many of his suspicions; Mahan may be the leader, but Loki was the strategist, and therefore the most dangerous member of the guild. That was without considering her position as the strongest offensive member of the group.

"I appreciate your foresight on addressing the subject of exploration. I do wonder how you plan to assign parties. If the strength of Dragonic Isle monsters parallel the highest leveled player in a group, then the dragons will have evolved to challenge you, Loki, and Mahan. It, therefore, follows that the two teams must be of relatively equal strength and versatility, to accommodate. What are your intentions to that end?" Prrrgadilly asked after the knight, Arthric, bellowed out and Mahan replied. He immediately opened his UI and set Arthric's chat volume to nearly mute; hopefully, it would be just bearable then.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Loki winched when the knight yelled over the raid chat on when they planned on landing. Lowering his volume in her UI, since there is likely a good chance he'll have another outburst and Loki enjoyed hearing, she answered Prrr's question.

"Not entirely. The dragons are scaled to tje highest member of the party. So the plan is once we are down, we'll break off the raid party and work as two separate groups. The highest members will be in one group while the lower level members will make up the second. This way both level scaling and exp gain are efficient. We'll go over who's in what party and going where once we get there, unless you trust everyone here to remember all that during the trip along with what time we should meet up and any othet thoughts they're having."

Loki smiled a bit then answered the knight's question.

"Not for another three hours buttercup. Try to keep it together. It's a long way down if you make Jormungand mad by barfing on him."

During the three hours, Loki filled Rita in on their plans since, she wasn't in the raid party and would likely be shocked and confused if Loki tried to send her a party invited. While on the way, the group passed over part of the Great Elven forest and Rita pointed out different places to Loki. Finally, the group landed on the western shores of the Dragonic Isle. The first thing Loki noticed were the screeches of the baby dragons flying, and laying around further in.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly archur archur Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit MJ ._. MJ ._.
While Loki was explaining her strategy, Marvel tried to get used to the height and looked down carefully. At first it was frightening but when she recognized the elfin forest beneath, she found a liking to flying inside her. The perspective was scary but magnificent. On the other hand the strategy couldn't satisfy her at all as she assumed there would be a weak team that she was going to be part of it. She didn't understand how it was going to keep the balance of power. She silently watched the ground all the way till they landed and she unmounted right away. She watched the environment with enthusiasm then faced Mahan. "Thanks for the ride. it was a good experience. I should buy a flying mount as soon as I return to the city." She thanked him then noticed voices of baby dragons. "Their mother must be around..." The elfin warlock muttered as summoned her staff out of inventory standing alerted for random beast invasion. "So, would you please explain your plan now, captain?" She asked Loki.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly archur archur Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit RaynaFon RaynaFon
Tod was currently in the forest running for his life as about five lvl 2 goblins chased him. "How did it end up this way?" He yelled as he tried to out pace the goblins.
-4 minutes earlier-
He had killed one lvl 2 goblin and as he was busy recovering his mana he had spotted a black mushroom with white spots with no other herbs or plants around it. "What the heck are you?" He walked over and picked it up. "Maybe I can get someone to tell me what you are when I finish here." Tod threw it in his inventory and turned around to find five very angry lvl 2 goblins. "Ummmm...........bye." He had regained enough mana to cast bind on one of them as he ran away.
Tod was currently exhausted and out of mana he had managed to kill one of the goblins but had to use his mana potion. He had lost the others afterwards and was currently walking towards the city. "I think I'll stick to bunnys until I'm a little stronger." So he headed to the edge of the forest to find some adorable, defenseless, innocent bunnys to kill for his own gain. "I already feel bad about it." He said with a sigh.
Prrrgadilly nodded, satisfied by Loki's reply. Knowing that they'd be flying for three hours, he began wishing he'd brought something to help pass the time. Oh, well. There's nothing for it. Sighing, Prrrgadilly opened his UI and set his mount to follow Loki's and set an alarm for exactly 2 hours and 50 minutes. Once that was done, he leaned back on Maelstrom's back and stretched out his legs; this was an opportune time for a light nap. Muting the raid party chat for everything but emergency messages, Prrrgadilly closed his eyes and evened out his breathing. It only took a few minutes of laying in a meditate state before he fell into sleep n Maelstrom's soft, airy feathers.

Prrrgadilly's alarm woke him softly from his nap and he stretched luxuriously before sitting up to get his bearings. Tucking his bangs behind his ear as the last vestiges of sleep left him, Prrrgadilly took control of his mount once again and reset the volumes on the raid chat. After a few minutes, the group landed on the Dragonic Isle. Prrrgadilly sat atop Maelstrom quietly and waited for Loki to begin handing out instructions.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Mahan listened like the others on what Loki's plan for how they would group up. He wasn't sure how they were going to determine who would be on what team. Most certainly based on her plan they would be on the same team but he wasn't sure about the others. Especially since most of the guild were around the same level. And he didn't know what level everyone else was but this plan might come down to what each group will need instead if they had a ton of them around the same level. Oh well it's Loki's plan so I'll leave all the fine details up to her.

For the rest of the time he checked out the sights down below. He could hear that Rita was pointing some stuff out to Loki so he could only assume they were flying over the Great Elven forest.
Yuna thought it was a pretty good idea to split up, she wondered with who she'd be in the group.

three hours of flying seemed like a long time but it didn't bother her that much, the view was really great and now she had plenty of time to get used to flying on Rhiannon.

The hours seemed to, literally, fly by and it seemed much too soon when they landed on the island. "that was a nice flight" Yuna said cheerfully as she jumped off Rhiannon and looked around, waiting for someone to tell her what do to now.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur Sizniche Sizniche Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit


meanwhile, Prey had taken interest in the event that had just popped up. a boss in the city of light hm? that seemed interesting enoough to check out, especially with eclipse being out of town for some kind of hunting trip that she had seen an inventation of.

she hopped in the portal to the city of light and got to the gates where she looked around for other players. even though she was more of a solo player, it was smart to team up with someone when fighting a strong mob. She noticed another player looking around too "oi, you here for the boss too?" she asked him.

Kirby3178 Kirby3178
Braven still looks aimlessly around the city to find players, then a girl walks up to him and asks if he was here to fight the boss.
"I am and I take it that you're looking as well; Anyway my name is Braven Syno, nice to meet you" He replied as he outreached his hand to shake her's
Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
Tod had been killing rabbits nonstop for a few hours and had already leveled up once. "Well I guess I should find some different prey since these guys give such low xp but at least I got some stuff to sell so I don't have to do odd jobs later for food." He then proceeded to look for something bigger to kill a little deeper into the woods and ran into a lvl 2 goblin. "Well at least there's only one of you." He said as he cast bind and then proceeded to bash it to death with his staff and magic. After his battle with the goblin he saw a message that told of a boss attacking the city of light. "Oh well I'm sure if I joined I'd just get in the way the way I am right now. I better level up some more so next time I can join the fun but it's going to be hard to catch up to every one." It was then that he remembered something one of his nurses would always say when she had to do something difficult."In the name of whoever in the hell will listening I swear I'll do whatever it takes." He set off with new determination and a smile to kill as many goblins as he could find. He then started to whistle a tune as he walked.
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Three hours later, and though the ride was (presumably) the quickest way to get to their destination, it felt like weeks before they had landed. Weeks of non-stop constitution checks on his stomach and his soul. He tried to pry his mind of the plight down below by listening to the plans laid out, how they were to split into two groups. He figured he would get to know those he was with well quickly, or rather, they would get to know him well very quickly.

Finally, after a few hours of flight, the dragon laid it's claws on the ground, landing itself and allowing for it's passengers to disembark. Arthric rolled off the dragon weakly, landing on his side, his shoulder smacking roughly against the ground. He wasn't able to hold on much longer, as he quickly tried to counteract his own self destruction, but he was too late. The bile rose up too quickly and caked the inside of his helmet.

Rising, he ran half aware of his surroundings, into the shore, washing off the filth that had accumulated on his person. A green pool spread from the Knight, but he personally felt much better, and less sick.
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Loki hopped off Vincent and strenched, then helped Rita off as well. Looking across the plains of the coast they landed on. It would be very picturesque if there weren't baby dragons flying around.

"Don't worry, the stronger dragons don't start showing up til we enter the mountain path. Seems they follow a kind of age order."

Sighing as she watched Arthric become a human eco-hazard, Loki gave out the groups.

"Alright, since we've got a very uneven group for spliting up, Lurie, you'll be with Mahan, Yuna and Myself. Rita will be joining along with everyone else. This way the healing of a large group can be handled."

Nodding, Rita left Loki's side and went over to Plinto.

"Plinto, You'll be leading your group south, while we go north. There should be a safe area on this coast as well. If any of us come across it, we should notify the other party. That shouldn't be a problem thanks to guild chat. If anything unexpected happens, Plinto and Rita, it's you're two's job to let us know and try to keep everyone safe until we arrive. Here's to a successful hunt"

Loki clapped her hands and smiled. With nothing to say, Lurie nodded her head and stayed with Yuna since she had nothing else to do.

"Hmm, if we cleared out the dragons, this beach would make for a great place to have a summer party."

Lurie thought to herself as she watches the waves.

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly MJ ._. MJ ._. Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit archur archur
Marvel relaxed a little as Loki told them baby dragons won't attack. She watched the armor clad player barfing in his helm then running for a wash. "To think that AI has simulated this much... what have developers been thinking?!" She uttered in surprise as had never felt sick in the game.
After declaration of teams, Marvel approached Plinto and waited for the rest of sought group to gather. "Err... Hi everyone! Unfortunately we didn't have time for a proper introduction before... I'm Marvel... lvl18 warlock... nice to meet you..." She spoke to those she hadn't met before which meant everyone in the team but Plinto and Rita.
Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly RaynaFon RaynaFon Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit archur archur
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Mahan dismounted Ike taking a look around to see where they were. If I am correct he should be in a cave at the base of the mountain. He didn't know if he was ever going to get a chance to find the cave he was looking for but it never hurt to try.

He focused on Loki when he heard how she wanted to split up the groups. He didn't really care too much about the setup since they all should come out fine either way but knowing that Lurie was going to be with them made him want to work a thousand times harder than normal. Although when Arthric stated to barff in the water he couldn't help but cringe when Marvel started talking about what the developers thought about this. He had thought about it for a good while and thought it best that it would be best to not let anyone know that he was a developer.

"Alright well then we better get the move on before time gets away from us."

*Mahan types a message to Plinto*

Plinto got down with Mahan and took a look around and was impressed. The baby dragons that were near by looked so real that he could almost think that dragons could of been real. He was glad to get a chance on testing his skills against the bigger ones. Well that thought was diminished when Loki said that he was gonna be leading the second group. He didn't see that coming at all when there were plenty other who would be a better choice to lead. *Sigh* Oh well the only thing I can do is make sure that nothing bad happens otherwise I will have to hear how bad I did for a week.

"Well if you are going to do that Marvel I might do so as well. For everyone who doesn't know I'm Plinto a lvl 18 Renegade......" He was going to say more when he got a private message from Mahan.

Plinto do me a favor and see who out of your group is doing the best. I want to see about possibly recruiting some of them but i want to know what their skill level is before I make any considerations. Oh and don't say anything about this otherwise that might effect some of them..... Or give others ideas

Ok understood

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Sizniche Sizniche Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly archur archur MJ ._. MJ ._. Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Prrrgadilly was hardly surprised as he got grouped in with the weaker group. He wasn't as high a level as Mahan, Loki or Yuna, and it just made since for them to take Lurie since she was a healer (read: a necessity). He didn't really care about who he was grouped with. As long as he gathered a plethora of new items, armor, weapons, and gained several levels, he would be pleased with this trip. Dismissing Maelstrom, who sparked slightly before fading away and guiding Prrrgadilly to the ground with a small whirlwind, he strode over towards Plinto.

Of course, he'd noted the Arthric retching inside his armor, but there was nothing he could, or would, do to assist the warrior, so he ignored the situation completely.
RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur Sizniche Sizniche Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit
Figuring that she should probably follow the others, Rita gave her own introduction. "Well, if we're going to do introductions, I might as do mine as well." The little elf said with a flick of her tail. " I'm Rita, a level 19 wind spirit user. I'll be acting as your healer for the trip south. Normally I run the potion shop in the City of Light."

Looking over at Arthric, Rita added. "I assume we can start once our flight sick friend returns. I hope he knows that we will have to return the same way. Well, I suppose that does give us more time for introductions."

Rita waited for the rest of them to give they're own introductions while, sitting on a rock that rested next to Plinto.

Since there were only Eclipse members in her group, Loki didn't need to worry about introductions. Turning to Mahan, once there parties were formed, she nodded to him.

"Alright, ready whenever you are. The babies are pretty weak, but they'll have the same level as us, so they'll they the same exp as an adult, so lets try to take as much advantage of it while we can. Hopefully we all can get a level up before we meet up for the mountain path."

Lurie who had been staring out into the sea, snapped back to the group when she heard Loki talking. Walking up to the other's, she gave them all a nod of encouragement.

"Right, that shouldn't be any problem with Mahan and Loki in our party." Lurie joked. "They'll probably kill all the baby dragons in one hit before we can do anything, hehe."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit MJ ._. MJ ._. archur archur
Mahan looked off to see that the other group was waiting for Arthric before they left off. Time was wasting just standing for them to move on so he turned to his group.

"Ok then we better get a move on if we don't want to waste time," he said responding to Loki. "We just need to be quick about it since the adults will come looking for the babies at some point."

He had laughed a bit when Lurie said him and Loki might just one shot the dragons. As much as he wished that could be possible it was not going to be so easy. Well it wouldn't help to start saying anything negative when that would harm him more then help the group stay alterate. No big deal I am the invincible shield anyway.

"One shot? We'll see about that just in a moment. Let's get a move on while the sun is still up." In a while for the first time since they have been in the game Mahan finally was motivated to get this done by something other than his friends. Power.....

RaynaFon RaynaFon Summer Breeze Summer Breeze
"Alright then, let's move out."

Loki took her group up north. Leaving the coast, the surroundings turned into calming plains. Well, as calming as plains filled with baby dragons moves every which way could be. Testing out her skills it was actually possible to ohko a baby dragon, even with their attack reduction, however this was only if she was using magic attacks. Using her weapon, two hits were required. Plus they were only babies after all. There were other animals besides the dragons. Wild game also lived on the island as well. Loki figured they severed as a source of food for the dragons.

"Hey Mahan, know of any rare materials on this Island besides these dragon scales?"

She showed him the scales she had gotten from the three baby dragons she had killed while testing out her stats on the dragons.

Noticing that the other group had left, Rita tried pushing Plinto along.

"Alright we should begin setting out too. We're going now, catch up with us when you're done! We're heading south!"

Rita called out to the sick knight and began her way south.

"So, do any of you have experience fighting dangerous creatures?"

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Summer Breeze Summer Breeze Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit MJ ._. MJ ._.
Yuna was quite glad that she was in the group with all of her friends. When fighting next to them, she knew nothing could go wrong. She trusted them completely.

"yea, let's get going guys" she said with a smile as she took her bow out of her inventory and held it tight. She was ready to get into this and get some levels. Though it also felt kinda bad to just kill baby dragons, they were such magestic creatures and the babies could barely defend themselves. However, she kept telling herself, they were just game code, nothing that she should feel bad about.

Luries comment made her chuckle. it was true that Loki and Mahan would probably do most of the work for them. The only thing she had to do was just be there in case something went wrong with them.

She followed Loki to the field and watched her kill three little dragons before she could even do something. This seemed quite easy, though she was sure that that would change once the adults came.

RaynaFon RaynaFon Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Prrrgadilly Prrrgadilly Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit MJ ._. MJ ._.
Prrrgadily nodded as first Plinto, then Rita, gave a short introduction He found it somewhat interesting that Eclipse was traveling with an non-mercenary NPC, but he supposed it really wasn't that strange. It was, however, something he should take a look into himself; every angle to gain power deserved an actual attempt at exploiting before being assimilated or discarded.

"I am Prrrgadilly, a level 18 Sorcerer. Considering our current team composition, I will most likely perform a tactical controller role, providing damage and crowd control almost equally. If the situation calls for it, I can fill the role of off-healer, thanks to my elemental infusions." Prrrgadilly decided to give a bit more in-depth introduction. If anyone had any doubt in his competency, it should have been dispelled quite quickly.

"While I am used to leveling alone and killing groups of enemies, I tend to avoid the more powerful monsters. Truthfully, I believe the only member of our team who would probably have experience in battling with especially dangerous creatures is Plinto. I've heard that Eclipse is known for their trailblazing, among other things."

Quinlan63 Quinlan63 Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit archur archur MJ ._. MJ ._. RaynaFon RaynaFon

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