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Realistic or Modern LL: The Samaritans CS Page



The Guy
Roleplay Type(s)

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I hope the little bit of lore along with the CS guidelines will help you when creating your character's backstory and deciding about their current "occupation" within Samaritans community. You can use whatever other template you like, just make sure to include that basic info from the last tab.

Don't hesitate to ask questions!

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NAME Diamond Rose Rawlings
AGE 34
SEXUALITY Heterosexual
FORMER EMPLOYMENT Old Lady, Leyland Eagle's Motorcycle Club
HAVEN The Samaritans
ROLE Scavenger

Look like a Beauty, Ride like a Beast
FACE CLAIM Avril Lavigne
GENERAL APPEARANCE Dutchess is quite tall standing at 5'9". She's always been tall and thin, bordering on lanky as a young girl and teen but as an adult she grew into her height appearing rather model-esque.
BODY MODIFICATIONS She has a series of tattoos over her body, covering both arms, neck, chest back and both legs, including a spider-web her eyebrow and temple. X X
PERSONALITY Dutchess has always been direct and never one to hold back; she doesn't have any pittance or remorse for hurting other peoples feelings and in turn is rarely offended by anyone insulting her. She has spent many a years being mentally and physically abused by those who were supposed to love her that she no longer craves or cares for others opinions of her.
EXTRA Favorite bike. (Not sure if vehicles are in use for this but this would be her transport for scavenging.)
RELATIONSHIPS Open for plotting


Born to Tom and Darling Rawlings, Diamond Rose was an only child to parents who did not want children. Much of her young years were filled with neglect and loneliness; her father part of a gang that occupied much of his time and her mother a prostitute that didn’t feel the need to bring her daughter along. She spent much of her toddler years under the care of her neighbors or other prostitutes that took a shining to her.

At the age of five Diamond’s mother killed herself in their bachelor apartment after having the decency of leaving her with the neighbor. For unknown reasons, even to Dutchess now, her father claimed custody of her and moved her out of the small apartment to live at his gang's compound. She spent formative years among gang bangers, drug dealers, thieves and prostitutes.

At ten years old she ran away from her abusive father and the rest of the gang, finding it far more peaceful living on the streets utilizing the skills she learned amongst the gangsters to survive. She became an excellent thief and managed to keep herself out of trouble with the law - that being said, while she had never been caught she was certainly well known to them.

In her teens she fell in with Leyland Eagles - selling stolen jewelry and drugs to them and for them. They quickly determined her use and started bringing her on events, instructing her on what to nab and from who, who to spy on and this led to her being noticed by the Treasurer of the club. She was soon elevated from hang-around to his old lady and on her nineteenth birthday she was legally married to her old man.

She quickly earned her name Dutchess, an irony of her rank and of her less than royal presence. Dutchess a ruthless counterpart to her Old Man, as the highest ranked female in the club, for a time, she kept the other women, hang-arounds and hookers in line and respectful of the boys. She was integral to plenty of gang events and plotting.

Two years ago she was caught out during a drug bust and arrested with a sizable amount of various drugs in the gang's production site. Being the good wife that she was, she didn’t roll over on her gang or its members and took the heat for it all. She and several of the other women running the facility were sentenced to Lincoln State Correctional Center.

At the start of the end she was released from her cell into the facility and further if she wanted but in the time she had spent behind bars she never once heard from anyone from the Leyland Eagles MC much less her husband. She had a decision to make and opted to remain behind

Two years into her sentence the world fell apart; fell in with the Samaritans - made no attempts to find her husband or the MC. The first few days within the prison was utter chaos - constant infighting between gangs and guards alike. She was more than capable of defending herself and she kept her head low until things started to settle out and a new power took command and she knew she quickly needed to establish herself a place, preferably near the top.

Notable moments:
X In an effort to make her skills known by the new powers that be, Dutchess spent the better part of two weeks lifting valuable items from several former gangs and keeping them stashed away. As the new hierarchy was balanced precariously she knew it was a risk but one she needed to make. She presented herself and her stolen goods to the leader, offering her services as a scavenger. “If I can pilfer this from just inside these walls, imagine what I can bring back for you.”

X In the early days of her new role Dutchess returned from a scavenging trip she was followed into her cell by one of the male inmates. He had pursued her several times before and she’d denied him (and everyone else who had as well.) It seemed that he had finally had enough of her denial and raped her. Dutchess knew better than to fight - he could easily kill her. As he was finishing up and readying to leave Dutchess slipped the blade from beneath her pillow and in a single swift movement she cut his dick off.

The man screamed for help, crawling from her cell trying to stifle the blood as it gushed from his former manhood. Dutchess stood in the doorway of her cell, stark naked save for his blood and watched as life slowly drained from his body. No one made a move to save him, the new leader had made it clear rape was off the tables, and when he was dead and gone someone - Dutchess didn’t know who - dragged his corpse away and cleaned up the blood.

© pasta

Bullyboy Squad Bullyboy Squad

NAME Diamond Rose Rawlings
AGE 34
SEXUALITY Heterosexual
FORMER EMPLOYMENT Old Lady, Leyland Eagle's Motorcycle Club
HAVEN The Samaritans
ROLE Scavenger
GENERAL APPEARANCE Dutchess is quite tall standing at 5'9". She's always been tall and thin, bordering on lanky as a young girl and teen but as an adult she grew into her height appearing rather model-esque.
BODY MODIFICATIONS She has a series of tattoos over her body, covering both arms, neck, chest back and both legs, including a spider-web her eyebrow and temple. X X
PERSONALITY Dutchess has always been direct and never one to hold back; she doesn't have any pittance or remorse for hurting other peoples feelings and in turn is rarely offended by anyone insulting her. She has spent many a years being mentally and physically abused by those who were supposed to love her that she no longer craves or cares for others opinions of her.
EXTRA Favorite bike. (Not sure if vehicles are in use for this but this would be her transport for scavenging.)
RELATIONSHIPS Open for plotting
Born to Tom and Darling Rawlings, Diamond Rose was an only child to parents who did not want children. Much of her young years were filled with neglect and loneliness; her father part of a gang that occupied much of his time and her mother a prostitute that didn’t feel the need to bring her daughter along. She spent much of her toddler years under the care of her neighbors or other prostitutes that took a shining to her.

At the age of five Diamond’s mother killed herself in their bachelor apartment after having the decency of leaving her with the neighbor. For unknown reasons, even to Dutchess now, her father claimed custody of her and moved her out of the small apartment to live at his gang's compound. She spent formative years among gang bangers, drug dealers, thieves and prostitutes.

At ten years old she ran away from her abusive father and the rest of the gang, finding it far more peaceful living on the streets utilizing the skills she learned amongst the gangsters to survive. She became an excellent thief and managed to keep herself out of trouble with the law - that being said, while she had never been caught she was certainly well known to them.

In her teens she fell in with Leyland Eagles - selling stolen jewelry and drugs to them and for them. They quickly determined her use and started bringing her on events, instructing her on what to nab and from who, who to spy on and this led to her being noticed by the Treasurer of the club. She was soon elevated from hang-around to his old lady and on her nineteenth birthday she was legally married to her old man.

She quickly earned her name Dutchess, an irony of her rank and of her less than royal presence. Dutchess a ruthless counterpart to her Old Man, as the highest ranked female in the club, for a time, she kept the other women, hang-arounds and hookers in line and respectful of the boys. She was integral to plenty of gang events and plotting.

Two years ago she was caught out during a drug bust and arrested with a sizable amount of various drugs in the gang's production site. Being the good wife that she was, she didn’t roll over on her gang or its members and took the heat for it all. She and several of the other women running the facility were sentenced to Lincoln State Correctional Center.

At the start of the end she was released from her cell into the facility and further if she wanted but in the time she had spent behind bars she never once heard from anyone from the Leyland Eagles MC much less her husband. She had a decision to make and opted to remain behind

Two years into her sentence the world fell apart; fell in with the Samaritans - made no attempts to find her husband or the MC. The first few days within the prison was utter chaos - constant infighting between gangs and guards alike. She was more than capable of defending herself and she kept her head low until things started to settle out and a new power took command and she knew she quickly needed to establish herself a place, preferably near the top.

Notable moments:
X In an effort to make her skills known by the new powers that be, Dutchess spent the better part of two weeks lifting valuable items from several former gangs and keeping them stashed away. As the new hierarchy was balanced precariously she knew it was a risk but one she needed to make. She presented herself and her stolen goods to the leader, offering her services as a scavenger. “If I can pilfer this from just inside these walls, imagine what I can bring back for you.”

X In the early days of her new role Dutchess returned from a scavenging trip she was followed into her cell by one of the male inmates. He had pursued her several times before and she’d denied him (and everyone else who had as well.) It seemed that he had finally had enough of her denial and raped her. Dutchess knew better than to fight - he could easily kill her. As he was finishing up and readying to leave Dutchess slipped the blade from beneath her pillow and in a single swift movement she cut his dick off.

The man screamed for help, crawling from her cell trying to stifle the blood as it gushed from his former manhood. Dutchess stood in the doorway of her cell, stark naked save for his blood and watched as life slowly drained from his body. No one made a move to save him, the new leader had made it clear rape was off the tables, and when he was dead and gone someone - Dutchess didn’t know who - dragged his corpse away and cleaned up the blood.
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Wesley Dean Emmett

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    Gender: Male
    Age: 39
    Nickname: Wes, "LT"
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Affiliation: Samaritans
    Role: Chief Enforcer
    Former Occupation:
    Correctional Lieutenant employed at Lincoln State Correctional Center.

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Diana Montessori
28 years old
Female (she/her)​

Role within Samaritans community:
A medic. Diana's specialties lie in surgery, she's capable of doing intense medical procedures while under pressure and time, and orthopedics, she has acquired a general sense of the musculoskeletal system and knows it very well. While less empathetic than most, in theory Diana does make for an excellent nurse considering only the more practical parts of the job, less so once patient connection is factored in. Diana assimilated herself into a medic by simply always being there as one since the very start, her role was never questioned, it was a simple natural nomination.
How did they become a member of the Samaritans:
Inmate, convicted over negligent homicide. Due to a confession on arrest and claiming guilty, Diana was sentenced to only 2 months in jail and a 1.000$ fine.
Marjorie Estiano
Black and shoulder-length, straight with slight waves. Usually kept tied down to keep some neatness, but focus on survival more often than not makes it messy.
Black, with a stern glare behind them and bags beneath them.
Slow and low-pitched, articulate with a sense of genuine thought behind each word.
Standing at 5'7", Diana's weight has been kept in a thin but healthy state, all thanks to being in a community amongst the chaos. Though she is by far muscular, her arms have found some weight to them these past 15 months. Diana's skin is kept as clean as she could get with rationed water and ripped apart cloths, her job calls for it. Her posture is straight and firm, she keeps her formalities intact despite everything.
Diana has found that it's better to keep her permanently borrowed doctor's outfit on at all times in case of emergencies, faded blood dotting many places across it, she tries to replace her work outfit when she can though. Once in a blue moon, when Diana is free from her obligations, she has a down-to-earth and simple style. Blouses, button-down shirts, black pants, jeans, sandals are what generally fill her acquired closet, not liking to show her skin a lot and exhibit herself, though Diana does have two muted long dresses she uses whenever she's on her lonesome or for sleep.
Diana's usual inventory consists of a first aid kit, a makeshift flamethrower with a lighter and an aerosol bottle, and scissors. Her fighting style against undead essentially consists of stealthy stabbings on the head, only ever fighting head-on if she absolutely has to. Diana avoids fights with other survivors. Physically, Diana is far from the ideal standard, she's not very strong, her only saving graces are her speed and her wits.
Workaholic - Composed - Observant - Loyal - Neat

Quiet - Cautious - Opportunistic -
- Cold - Enigmatic

Diana was born under a single mother who gave her all to care for her, her absent father never even bothering to be a part of her life. It certainly wasn't easy, as she was always working for both of them and keeping them fed, Diana wouldn't get nearly the attention needed for a child, it was worrying to think about, to see your daughter truly lonely and to hope that no one has notified the authorities, her mother wants the best for her daughter, but she wanted to be there.

After the first years, surprisingly enough, Diana listened and suddenly a quiet and understanding child, always striving to help out, Diana essentially redirected the loneliness she felt into something that could make her feel loved, and that happened to be helping around the house, focusing on being productive. Diana ended up receding socially and purely focusing on her studies, getting the idea that she needed to focus on work, not that she didn't have any friends, but she never ever left her house to play around again. Not just the way she was though, Diana was maturing very quickly and was becoming aware of her surroundings, she knew her mother was trying her hardest just to survive, so she needed to pull her weight too.

It was like a blink, and Diana was already heading to med school after getting a scholarship for being essentially the highest score on her entire high school. Diana learned that, in life, there are objectives and ways to acquire that objective with hard work and practice. As for her college of choice, Diana couldn't really decide for herself what she really wanted for herself... But knew that being a doctor would acquire her the most amount of money quickly, so she chose that for herself.

It was certainly hard, Diana couldn't find enjoyment in the more connected part of the process at first, it was hard to care for a stranger she'd never seen before, and it appeared that it was costing her a lot. However, Diana shined brightly in medical assessments and procedures, a genuine talent from her, and it was something she liked to do. More specifically, Diana liked to work under pressure, it was like a nice change in pace, to her, who liked to plan everything before acting, it felt very refreshing, and soon enough, she'd find that patient care could be great, she feels good when she helps people, so seeing her work pay off in their health was a very fullfilling scene to her.

Soon enough, Diana would graduate and find herself as a nurse, slowly climbing up to orthopedics, and then, far more quickly, surgery. Everything was great the following years, things were finally picking up for her and her mother, the only thing that felt wrong was Diana's ever so increasing existential dread of feeling no proper goal to her life, it all felt like it was done and she'd be doing this for the rest of her life, she needed something more. However, one heart attack later, and Diana's mother is suddenly in desperate need of surgery, and of money that is simply unavailable for the two, pulling Diana out of her troubled feelings.

So, Diana simply breathed in and thought what is the most surefire way to get as much as money as she could in the shortest amount of time... There are many things that a hospital has that many wish for, hospice, safety, healthcare... Drugs...
It would be easy enough to make a transaction to an underground clinic, being in a hospital, Diana hears many rumors of desperate people and illegal activities across her workmates, she just had to research and assess the correct deal.
As for the organs... Diana needs a healthy one, as well as a way to get it that wouldn't be registered... It's easy to get a failed liver from the morgue, no one's looking after the useless organs...
All Diana needed was an opportunity.

And one she got.
It was a busy night, Diana could move hidden.
Attempted suicide by overdose causing acute liver failure.
Diana can easily reverse the failure to save the liver... and frame the failed liver as their own.
A desperate doctor who never had a patient die on them trying to save one the only way she knows how.
She only sees the means to an objective acquired by hardwork, she has the heart to handle murder, she could care less for this stranger over her mother.
Besides, she's doing them a favor, right?

Diana would certainly be caught, she could only hide the medication for the liver from the records and the camera, she was once a nurse, she knows the cameras don't view the patients if you close the blinds and the emergency pharmacy on the basement, but she would be seen going to the surgery room with the tools on her lonesome.
But she had time.
Diana had time to make the deal and pay for her mother's surgery, she'd even have enough money to pay for the lawsuit, they'd only see an error, no corruption.

Diana's plan worked beautifully.
So much so that she was only convicted because of the hospital, she wasn't even sued by family.
Diana spoke clearly and dutifully, even honestly, though her state-assigned attorney thought they could probably win more, she had already decided her fate.
Her mother was safe now.
All she needs to do now is survive these 2 months.

And thus, the apocalypse happened.
Diana needed to adjust herself fast, she didn't even get to properly realize her prison life plan before it all went down, she had to simply find a role to be and become it.
Of course, picking up a doctor's coat was the easiest part.
Diana's mind essentially went haywire for the first moments of the infection, as only her body moved in reason, patching up her fellow inmates and getting in line to an established leader after the other, as well as learning of this new threat, she had to learn how to kill something quickly, it was certainly hard, as objectively inhuman the undead could be, it's hard not to see the human behind it.

And now, Diana remains amongst the Samaritans as an extremely efficient doctor who likes to keep to herself, but has saved many lives within the community. Diana trusts no one, she has a rule to never find herself alone with someone, she lives on by being useful enough and by remaining in discipline, always nodding her head to the ones on top. Diana tries to convince herself that she's not worried for her mother, that the evacuation would prioritize the sick, that the remaining money would help her, but she is, she is very worried and hopes that she's alright. She's found that her crisis has returned stronger than ever, finding that she has no real motive to keep on except for not dying, though the medical treatment she gives helps keep it a bay, Diana feels that the stagnant life she has kept is making her lose her mind.
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Marcus King
Nickname: King | The King
Age: 44 Years Old
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Leader

How did they become a member of the Samaritans
Marcus was locked up when his brother turned on him and his empire. Multiple convictions landed Marcus a lifetime behind bars. With time on his hands and a hunger for power, Marcus used his connections, experience and reputation to make the prison his - even before the dead rose to claim the rest of the world. When war broke loose inside the prison, Marcus took the chaotic opportunity to gain full control of the estate by eliminating the warden, those who opposed him and claiming that which he felt rightfully belonged to him. Now at the top off he food chain, he leads the Samaritans in the new world - his way.

- Physical Description -
Noticed for his expensive suits and one of a kind swagger, the athletic built gangster is easy to spot from a mile away. He is well groomed, overdressed and holds himself to higher standards than most survivors. He stands at 6’2, above average height and weighs roughly 185lbs of lean muscle. He doesn’t bare any tattoos or scars aside from bruised knuckles gained from ‘handling business’. He is one to not be overlooked or overshadowed.

- Personality -
Marcus is a self-made gangster; an individual who came from nothing, had nothing but managed to obtain everything. He is a man that desires nothing but power, dreaming large and accomplishing those goals in any way possible. He is determined, but has never let his determination steer him in the wrong direction. He does not act on impulse, instead is very calculated on what moves to make - like a chess player. He doesn’t raise his voice unless he needs to, doesn’t act out unless it’s demanded. He brings the teachings about character learned from his youth to adulthood, but leaves behind the culture that came with it - knowing he’s now transcended the poor and middle class life. He holds himself to higher standards, dressing the part to showcase his success. However, underneath the suits, rings and studs is a monster. A man who’s carnage has killed innocence in the pursuit of power. He rules through fear so his hands can stay clean, but has done the dirty work required to get there. Still he wants more and his greed will continue to outshine any other piece of humanity he still holds in his heart.

- History -
Having built the most powerful organization in all of Southeast, D.C. had been a dream for Marcus. He took out any opposition in his way, tainting the streets red in his quest for power. After self claiming himself King, it appeared that nothing could get in his way - but he was wrong. His own brother Jamal blew up his organization from the inside, working alongside the feds in a heat of jealousy. Vengeance was served but the cost was grave - landing Marcus behind prison walls. Despite the outcome, Marcus would soon find himself King again as a corrupt system worked on his behalf. Money spoke the language that greedy federal bastards understood and he had plenty of it - eventually landing even the purest of hearts in his back pocket. He quickly led all of Lincoln State - forcing his opposition to play by his rules. Then the world fell and his rise to power was much obliged. The death of the warden and all of those who opposed him was the start - creating a civilization was what eventually put him at the top of the food chain. He created a world worth living in that the dead could not touch. His visions became reality and those that appeared way above reach were forced down so he could grasp them.​
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James B. Gunderson
Former Occupation:
US Air Force transport pilot

Role within Samaritans community:
New member. He’s a skilled pilot, a trained combat technician, and can put just about anything back together given enough duct tape and baling wire. While he likely won’t be flying anything anytime soon, he’s sure to show his worth as an intelligent, if uncooperative, handyman and craftsman.

How did they become a member of the Samaritans:
Forcefully assimilated. The Samaritans very recently ambushed him and his group, capturing him and one marine. The Samaritans injured his friend when they captured the two of them, making them bedridden. The Samaritans only keep his friend alive for as long as Jamie does what they say.

Maxi Iglesias

Physical description:
Malnutrition had taken its toll on everyone, causing most of the few muscles Jamie managed to gain during his military career to begin to fade. The vestiges of his athleticism are still visible though, with a few muscles still sticking it out despite the constant underfeeding. While he's nowhere near as athletic as he used to be, he's still fit and in relatively good shape for a man surviving the zombie apocalypse. Jamie stands at five feet and nine inches, with amber eyes and messy brown hair that's stuck together like straw. Jamie would kill a man for just a little shampoo, his hair has been a complete mess for the last six months. His chin is dotted with messy stubble that he only keeps because he lost his razor eight weeks ago, and his face is almost perpetually covered with scrapes, cuts, the discoloring of old bruises, and dirt. He might've looked handsome before the apocalypse, but those days were long gone.

Other than that, he always wears his old army green Air Force jacket. It has giant gashes and tears that Jamie had repaired to the best of his ability, it's missing its name tag, the Air Force logo patch is faded and almost torn off, and it doesn't fully zip up anymore. The jacket is clearly on its last stitches, but Jamie refuses to part with it until the very end.

Jamie's an unreasonably good person for someone who's survived fifteen months in a zombie apocalypse. He cracks jokes, he makes friends, and he's never left a place worse off than how he found it. If there's anyone out there who'd put it all on the line to help out someone they barely know, it would be Jamie. While he may not be as grizzled as some of his companions, he does know how some people become in situations like these. He considers himself to be just the right amount of cynical and optimistic.

Jamie jumps to action at a moment's notice, but rarely with any real plan. Half the time, he's just flying by the seat of his pants and hoping that everyone makes it out alive. He doesn't fight fair, because he knows when you've gotten yourself into a fair fight you've screwed. He uses tricks to get himself out of fights, and if that doesn't work, he bluffs and lies through his teeth, and if even that doesn't work, he dies. Simple as that.

Note: I know you said one or two paragraphs, but I started writing and I just couldn't stop. I at least put the backstory into a spoiler to save you scrolling through a wall of text getting past my CS.
Jamie was born and raised in Cincinnati Ohio as the oldest brother to two younger sisters. It was rough for him and his siblings from the get-go since his parents were clearly not prepared to raise children and both thought that they'd rushed into marriage too quickly. When Jamie was five and his mom found out she was pregnant with his second sister, his father broke under the responsibility. Having him and his first sister had already been pushing it, this had just been the breaking point. When Jamie was five, his father left. Him and his sisters would never see him again.

His mom, already incapable of raising three children, much less alone, collapsed under the pressure and threw in the towel. She handed him and his sisters off to her brother Louie, who had a much better grasp on what he was doing with his life. Confused to all hell by this turn of events, Louie tried his best to handle what he thought would be a temporary babysitting gig. It was three months into the arrangement when his mom still kept refusing to take them back into her hands that he realized that their situation was permanent. Louie was a good guy though, better than his sister for sure, so he made the best of a bad situation and bought a bigger place than his one-bedroom studio apartment to take care of the kids.

While Jamie's home life definitely improved after that, the financial situation didn't. When he was in high school, he worked four part-time jobs, and his grades suffered for it. Once he finished high school, he was set on getting an engineering degree. He was smart enough to get one, but his grades didn't agree. He was too busy to put his all into high school, and because of that, he wasn't offered a single scholarship. Seeing only one other option, he enlisted in the military at eighteen in hopes of getting a free ride to college after serving his time.

He decided early on that he was going to join the Air Force. The Marines were romanticized, but all they really did all day was huddle together in little dirt foxholes in 90 degrees temperatures while getting shot at from half a mile away. That didn't sound like fun, and all he'd do in the Navy is bunk in a cramped steel room with ten other guys for four years straight. Plus, he got seasick. Ergo, Air Force.

He had to undergo extensive training before he was even considered to be accepted into the Air Force. Theoretically, he could've finished training and been put on missions at his enlistment age of eighteen, but no one really wanted to entrust a multi-million dollar flying machine with a kid fresh out of high school, so he was benched for the majority of his first tour in The Middle East. He helped with maintenance around the base and was taken along on some flights as an observer until he turned twenty. Someone must've finally thought he was trustworthy to fly a helo, because he was assigned as a troop transport pilot two weeks later.

His first tour ended uneventfully, having never seen active combat and only ever flying med-evacs and transports. Honestly, he preferred it that way. An uneventful life was a long life, after all. Going back to Cincinnati at age twenty-two, he worked on his engineering degree and finished it by the time he turned twenty-six. He'd enjoyed his time as a pilot though, and after a year-long unsuccessful job hunt, he re-enlisted with the Air Force.

He was a year into his second tour of The Middle East when things started getting strange. Local civilians were going rabid, an unidentified disease was spreading like wildfire, and reports were coming in from the states of similar instances happening there. Jamie was flying med-evacs for injured civilians and soldiers after a botched operation to contain the disease when one of his passengers turned and forced him away from the controls. The heli went down, and Jamie would've absolutely died either by the quickly spreading flames in the wreck or the undead aircrew trying to eat him if it weren't for a group of four marines who saw the crash and dragged him out of the cockpit, saving his life.

Catching a flight back to the states with the marines before things really got out of hand, they participated in the evacuations of small towns before the chain of command went dark. Well and truly on their own, Jamie and the four marines who'd saved his life set out for Cincinnati in hopes of finding their families. Fifteen grueling months later, just when they were on the final stretch, The Samaritans ambushed the group. Separating Jamie and one of the marines from the others, they injured the marine and subdued Jamie. In an admittedly desperate attempt at self-preservation, he managed to convince The Samaritans that a pilot/technician and a trained marine were much more valuable alive. They bought it, capturing him and the marine alive. His marine friend was injured and draining resources though, and Jamie had no doubt the leadership wouldn't hesitate to kill them if Jamie didn't prove his worth for the two of them.

And that's where Jamie's left off, forced to work for The Samaritans in order to protect one of his best friends. Not his best moment, to be honest.


The Marines
A group of four former US Marines that saved his life after he crashed his helicopter during the early onset of the apocalypse in The Middle East. He’s stuck with them since day one of the apocalypse and would do just about anything for them.

His Dog
He just really hopes the little guy is okay, wherever they are.

-James has an impeccable internal clock
-Jamie has absolutely zero fear of heights​
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The Story


The Marine




Blake 'Huey' Hughes




Bisexual (Male Leaning)


U.S. Marine







hair c.


eye c.




Blake has spent the majority of his life in the Marines, so there's an easily noticed discipline to him. Still, the man is more than a soldier and while he can be firm he can also be open and caring. He's spent many years with Marines under his supervision, and as such he's had to learn how to play both the role of a stern parent as well as someone that can be talked to on a personal level. Blake also never wanted to be anything like his own parents, so he was likely a bit lacking in any of the discipline and stern departments compared to others in his position. Still, he was one of the "brothers" so to speak, and would easily drift into a comfortable state with others, though more-so marines. To that point he often found himself as the person his marines would come to with both personal and professional problems, or if they just needed to talk. And he took pride in that, because being the person relied on wasn't something he ever expected or experienced.

Blake also has a little bit of a temper, one that when it rears it's head, he has a hard time reining it in. Usually some time to cool off is needed afterwards. He's known to be stubborn as hell as well. The marine is also a bit of a workaholic, and occasionally tends to push himself too hard without realizing until someone calls him out on it. Easily the type to take care of someone else's needs before his own.



Blake grew up with an older brother in Orlando, Florida. His parents were strict, always expecting him to be his best. Especially because his older brother, Jacob, was setting such a high example. But when Blake wasn't, even by a little. He was met with harsh consequences, as a kid he learned to fear his fathers belt much like other kids. As he got older the punishment changed to groundings and limited time to enjoy that which he enjoyed. But to an arguably harsh level, like getting a B in Math ending with a week of grounding or not being allowed to watch TV. Life was spent much in his older brothers shadow, and he found himself distancing himself from his brother because of it. Jacob would go onto enlist with the Marine's, something their parents didn't agree with but given he was the golden child they didn't argue.

As puberty set in he really started to rebel against his parents and their strict regime, to the point that nearly half of the nights in a week were spent anywhere but home. Still he went to school, and attempted to keep up the high grades. But between the home environment and trying to take his free time into his own hands, Blake just couldn't. This would only escalate as the years went on, the teenager simply spiraling harder the more his parents tried to stop it. Eventually it got to the point that when he did show his face at home he'd either end up in shouting matches with his mother, or minor physical altercations with his father.

The day after he turned Eighteen Blake decided to go back home with the intent to rub his newfound freedom in his parents home and pack anything he wanted, but instead found his parents in an emotional state. His parents informed him that Jacob had died in a car accident the day before, while apparently out looking for Blake to celebrate his birthday. Blake confirmed this after charging his phone and seeing texts and calls, his brother wasn't home often so usually he got a heads up but it was a surprise visit. This was a sobering experience that sent Blake in a different direction, though he knew he had no future at home or any further schooling. So he got his diploma and went into training to become a Marine himself without fully knowing why. Maybe he was chasing after his brothers ghost or just trying to measure up to him, who knew.

The overall experience did Blake good, he learned discipline well enough in the environment. Over time Blake found something akin to family with the other marines, something he never wanted to give up. Seventeen years and five tours later he was Staff Sergeant Blake Hughes. And when the world started falling apart he did as he was told, he'd been on a tour in the Middle East at the time that the dead started coming back to life. Blake and his squad had been on basic patrol around the outskirts of the base after communications started having issues, when one of the Heli's flying in and out crash landed not far from him and his marines. Blake pulled the pilot from the crash while the rest of the team was forced to deal with the rest of the crew. Not long after everyone was called back home as things worsened on a global level. Both his team and the pilot they'd rescued were put to work evacuating civilian's from the smaller towns in Washington, but eventually communication with any levels of authority went dark.

The group ended up in Seattle after finding out that there was a group of military and refugee's still holding there. This made sense for a month or two but problems started rearing up over time, and Blake started to see the writing on the wall. Being the highest ranking individual who wasn't an officer he stated his concerns and even offered advice on how they might remedy the situation. The higherup's however, weren't interested in listening and didn't heed anything he said. Blake had little interest in watching the ship sink, and even less being on it when it did. So he did what he could, he rallied up any of his men who were interested in leaving and did so alongside with the pilot they'd grown to be friends with. In total their group had eight members. It was a difficult decision to just leave people but Hughes felt he had no choice and a part of him hoped that seeing people desert would make them rethink their stance.

Now free to go wherever they pleased the group opted to start travelling across the country on foot, many of the group wanted to seek out their homes to try and find their families. So they'd plotted out the route, the plan was that once they hit Nebraska two of the Marine's would break off and travel south to Texas given their homes were so far off the path. Blake saw this as a mission, the mission even, and he intended to see them through it. However three weeks into the trek they lost Gavin to a bite, cementing the reality they were facing now. Blake himself wasn't sure if he'd actually head back to Orlando in search of his parents, their relationship had gotten better over the years but mostly it became harder and harder to believe they survived the initial outbreak. Instead the only location he'd marked on the map for personal reasons was an address just inside of Ohio.

When they'd arrived at said destination he'd gone inside, asking for privacy while the other four waited outside. Hughes didn't remain inside long but once he'd emerged it was clear that he'd not gotten the answer he'd been seeking by coming here. The man had steeled himself, though he'd discovered a truck in the garage. One that he was adamant about taking, and so they did, traveling deeper into the state of Ohio. Things don't always go as planned however, and getting injured and taken captive by a group called The Samaritan's certainly wasn't part of the plan.



~ Wears his brothers dogtag's alongside his own.
~ Terribly uncomfortable in cramped or confined spaces, borderline claustrophobic.
~ Has terribly bad dreams that wake him up abruptly on occasion, these have become more common for him since the world went to shit.
~ Once had coffee every morning and desperately misses it.
~ Callsign in the Marine's was 'Huey' because in his early days Hughes would tend to fly in and make a mess of things much like a Heli would when landing. It stuck.
~ Often found himself at odd's with superior officer's or command for his actions.
~ Refused to accept any rank promotions due to not wanting to be around those same people, as well as wanting to stay in the trenches so to speak. Hughes was comfortable in the dirt.
~ Has a few scars scattered across his body, but none too large.
~ Tries to avoid alcohol for the most part, doesn't usually handle being drunk well. It can be a bit of a slippery slope for Blake.
~ An absolute sucker for good food, it's one if his weaknesses.



♡coded by uxie♡
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Ignacio Cabrera

Name: Ignacio Cabrera
Nickname: Nacho - the diminutive of his name, and La Boa - name he earned in his pit fighting days
Age: 34
Gender: male
Role: Leader's right-hand-man

: very dark and close cut on the sides and back, longer in the center and front
Skin: tan olive
Eyes: hazel brown
Build: 6'3, athletic but more lean than buff, might be stronger than he looks
Distinguishing features:
- there's a simple, weathered snake skull tattoo with the nickname of his military unit on his back, right below the nape of his neck, and a more fresh and higher quality but unfinished tattoo on his left pec, of a bullet holes-ridden helicopter with a heart-shaped graffiti over the damaged side
- good deal of scars
- his forearm is in a cast for a few weeks now

Cabrera is one of the "Lieutenants", considered one of the bosses by the Samaritans community. The playful if not a little predatory Alpha who will offer a friendly smile or a hand even to those from the bottom of the reputation ladder. But he might beat you up despite the rank for disrespect or disobedience all the same.

He's one of the Leader's favorite underdogs (subjectively the favorite one) and whenever the man is around, Ignacio tends to become more serious and cruel, as if he's admiring the ruthless man in charge and seeking his continuous approval.

He's pretty casual about it but sometimes offensive when other men in charge show distrust towards his actions just because he's not part of the original crew.

Cabrera doesn't talk about his past. All that is known about his pre-outbreak life is that at some point he was a military man. His first encounter with the Samaritans wasn't pretty. Apparently, he was living on a death wish and attacked a patrolling group. He managed to rough up a couple of the Samaritan enforcers before getting subdued.

Normally he would be executed on sight but instead one of the main enforcers, at the time the cage champion, brought him to the base to show off by fighting him in the cage. It wasn't a life/death fight but Cabrera apparently didn't know that, in his head, he was fighting to kill. Before enforcers realized and intervened, Cabrera already crushed the opponent's windpipe and strangled him.

After that Cabrera was sentenced to the pit, to fight for his life against three enforcers - who he also managed to kill (the last one again by a chokehold, which soon earned him the title La Boa Constrictor). This was the first time anyone won a pit fight against enforcers, which roused the crowds and prompted the Leader to visit Cabrera's solitary cell. For reasons known only to the two men, he spared his life. Left him to cage-fight for community/s entertainment but kept visiting, regularly sending the priest to him as well. Eventually Leader took him into their ranks, recognizing Ignacio's talents. One of them being an interesting symbiosis between his humility and arrogance. Cabrera skipped positions fast, eventually becoming what could be considered the Leader's right-hand man.

Whenever something important had to be done, especially away from their base, the Leader sent Cabrera, knowing the man wouldn't fail him.

Relationship Status: single, might be especially fond of one of the female hookers because sometimes he spends whole evenings at her place
- just like most Samaritans he walks around strapped and whenever outside of the base he tends to wear a Kevlar vest over a dark t-shirt
- sometimes a baseball cap turned backward and military sunglasses, occasionally might be seen with a red bandana
- he owns a brown pilot jacket but he's never seen wearing it

Other Information:
- likes sweet&salty snacks, baby animals, nice smelling flowers (but dislikes flowery scents on women in favor of fruit ones), healthy rivalry, simple people, firearms, fast vehicles, and giving hugs
- dislikes judgmental or overly sarcastic people, curry, losing control over situation, not getting what he wants right when he wants it
- seems fairly skilled with most basic weapons and hand-to-hand
- despite sometimes vulgar and predatory behavior towards any gender he appears to be straight (but some of the seasoned ex-convicts can tell that's not the case)
- has a difficult relationship with the Second in Command who still doesn't trust him
- he's a good cook, his Mom taught him well


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Brielle Theodora
  • attack
    Courage is being yourself everyday in a world that wants you to be somebody else.
    Brielle Theodora Menzie
    Bree, Theo, Dora
    Cis-female (she/her)
    Unsure; 33 or 34
    Face claim
    Vanja Jagnić
    Former Occupation
    Fashion/Instagram model

    ㅤㅤㅤBrielle has a slim figure, taller than most girls, something that helped land her job as a model from an early age. Her natural light champagne blonde hair was usually hidden under some fresh coat of fantasy-colored dye, leaning towards purples, blues, and pinks, but now over a year after the beginning of the apocalypse, her hair down to her chin shows her natural color, while the rest is coated in a very faded pink. Her eyes are curved upwards on the outer corners and show off a pale greyish-blue color, with darker circles around the irises. She has a thin and delicate nose and defined cheekbones and jaw, and since some people are unable to accept natural beauty exists, they speculate her facial features to be the work of plastic surgeons, but to everyone’s surprise, it is simply her natural facial structure. Her chin is more on the square side with a small dimple in the middle, which can only be spotted from certain facial angles or when the light hits just right. Although lots of employers tried to hide the dimple, a good amount of photographers did their best to bring the detail out in an attempt to give the picture a more natural feeling. Her skin has always been very fair, something her profession encouraged, but now her face and neck, ears, and backs of her hands have a light golden color from exposure to the sun, while the rest remained covered enough to keep somewhat a more similar color.
    With an hourglass figure, she stands at 5’9 inches and weighed around 125lbs when working as a model, but since being on the run and having to fight so much for her and her family’s lives she has built up some muscle, enough to give her a good definition but not enough to make her bulky; her current weight should be around 130lbs or 135lbs.

    ㅤㅤㅤWith an hourglass figure, she stands at 5’9 inches and weighed around 125lbs when working as a model, but since being on the run and having to fight so much for her and her family’s lives she has built up some muscle, enough to give her a good definition but not enough to make her bulky; her current weight should be around 130lbs or 135lbs.

    ㅤㅤㅤUsually, she would be wearing contact lenses, but it’s impossible to get new prescriptions or simply have enough hygiene to maintain that luxury. She wears a pair of glasses that, although are a low prescription, she can’t see properly without, and keeps an extra pair in the bottom of her bag, protecting it with all her might.

    ㅤㅤㅤWith a strong and confident personality, Brielle can come across as conceited, but in a world where pretending to be modest is the rule, she only seemed to think of herself as higher than most because they put themselves down. In reality, Brielle simply knew how to appreciate her value; nothing more, nothing less. Having started working as a fashion model from a young age she could’ve easily gone down the worst path, God knows she had the exposure and contacts to make her feel worshipped, but she stayed true to her family and to herself.

    ㅤㅤㅤThe girl knows how to appreciate all things beauty, from works of art to architecture to literature. While most would assume a young model to be airheaded and think about nothing other than heels and jewelry, Brielle continued exposing herself to culture in every way possible. If being able to think better and more critically wasn’t enough of a reason, having that sort of exposure only gave her even more material to work with in her profession. Architecture could inspire so many poses and stances in photographs, literature could bring out so many emotions she never would’ve experienced otherwise, and paintings could inspire scenery and composition.

    ㅤㅤㅤShe is the kind of person who believes every profession has a purpose, even if it’s just entertainment, because what would life be without entertainment? Therefore she never let anyone talk down on her simply for being a model, and either would retort with a witty comment or ignore the person altogether. She had confidence that what she was doing was important, and that it would never impact her intellect or morals.

    ㅤㅤㅤDuring the rise of the dead, Brielle’s sense of purpose and her determination went into overdrive, and despite not being the strongest, her survival skills and sense of direction were a big part of what kept them going. As her group got smaller, feelings of desperation started to creep in more than before, and she would catch herself thinking there was no point in keeping trying anymore.

    ㅤㅤㅤIt was thanks to the survival reality show, Adrenaline, in which she participated some years earlier that she acquired the skills that would change the game in their journey; since she kept her skills sharp by going camping every now and then with a group of casual survivalists. It was the thing that made her have a sense of direction, like she had to help take charge of the group, but it also placed a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
code by Nano


Name: Richard Edward Menzie
Age: Unsure, 36 or 37
Former occupation: Dentist
Positive traits: focused, mature, strong, decisive
Negative traits: inflexible, shy, stubborn, materialistic
Face claim: Dan Stevens


Name: Jennifer Watson
Age: Unsure, 51 or 52
Former occupation: Trauma surgeon
Positive traits: lighthearted, spiritual, relaxed, humble
Negative traits: perfectionist, gossipy, workaholic, cynical
Face claim: Patricia Clarkson​
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Kenneth "Kenny, K.K." Parker
19 years old
Male (he/him)​
Role within Samaritans community:
A watchguard, Kenny is essentially a guard in charge of watching over the outskirts of the community for any would-be intruders or a worrying amount of undead, he's also encouraged to pay attention to the community for any suspicious behavior in view. Kenny wasn't intimidating enough to be an enforcer and was too careless to be a scavenger, but was good enough of a shot to be escalated for the job.
How did they become a member of the Samaritans:
Assimilated via rescue since 4 months ago. Kenny was spared for not posing a threat and being a possible extra work hand, perhaps due to mercy too.
Nat Zang
Wavy, black and neck-length. Haphazardly styled and cleaned by hand.
Greyish blue. Kenny avoids looking at others in the eye, but his stare is passive and cautious for those that catch a glance.
A little high-pitched, his words are casual and easygoing with a shadow of neuroticism.
Kenny's body is still growing, remaining at a 5'6" in the middle of a sudden growth spurt. He's scrappy, though the apocalypse wasn't kind on his nutrition, being on the community has been slowly making his weight less malnutritioned, though he's still skinny. His posture is usually hunched over, looking around his surroundings, Kenny has found that moving around, even if just a little, feels more comfortable somehow.
Kenny's closet consists of many graphic T-shirts, tank tops, a few hoodies and jackets, skinny jeans and tennis shoes. It's all mostly very worn down and dirty, only recently he has acquired more cleaner vestiments. He likes to always wear a pair of gloves, backpacks filled with standard supplies and his protective gear, it just feels safer for him. His style can be described as a sort of casual punk.
Kenny's job has gotten him binoculars and some basic protective gear, though vests and braces can only do so much, it's something he appreciates. As for his weaponry, Kenny's great aim makes his acquired handgun a formidable tool, though his total inexperience with most guns is often a weakness of his. Close quarters, Kenny uses swinging weapons, preferring blunt force trauma as it mixes his respectable strength and keeps him distant enough, he has adopted a lead pipe for such use.
Talkative - Light-hearted - Instinctual - Passionate - Caring

Violent - Immature - Selfish - Impulsive - Cowardly

Kenny would find that luck wouldn't be on his side once he was born to a rather harsh family on the Midwest countryside in Ohio, he was taught to be a man under a tough hold from his constantly fighting parents, even getting physical at times with each other or him at times. His older brothers weren't better off either, though they gained a chance on authority by commandeering Kenneth, who was the unfortunate youngest of the three. He was forced to learn many things at a very young age, as mundane as simple household tasks for his mother to hunting and shooting wildlife for his father, it was certainly a lot for Kenny to handle.

However, he eventually learned how to deal with his family. Kenny knew when to lie once they were asking about something he had done, how they were feeling by the sound of their footsteps, which way to distribute tasks that gets him more free time. His brothers were hard to deal with, but Kenny learned that he can bring them down with him as well. It's not like it was all bad though, despite many of his childhood years being filled with pretty fucked events, the family did genuinely love each other, even if they constantly butted heads and probably developed many emotional hardships, they would all joke around amongst themselves in the dinner table, laughing and letting a cuss word escape which would lead to a hefty scolding and a strong neckslap.
They were happy despite their very present issues.

Kenny would find issues in school though, constantly acting out and being far from the brightest, it was also too easy to finally gain some authority after years of constant control from his family, he naturally liked the feeling of being on top. Of course, Kenny would find his way to a bad crowd and start to full on harass and assault certain unfortunate students alongside others, releasing all his pent-up rage in the form of violence, though a part of him had always felt guilty, he was too young to care, his ideal day was hanging out around the arcade, shittalking any unfortunate younger fellow. Despite his turbulent emotions, Kenny would find solace alongside his father's hunting, once a horrifying experience for him was now one he looked forward to. He realized that amongst the three sons, Kenny was his father's favorite partner, he certainly wasn't the best hunter, but he was probably the best shot, at least it looked like such. It was surprisingly fun to shoot things in the woods, though his father seemed to take it more seriously, it was an expression of violence that felt more peaceful to Kenny.

As Kenny continued to bully around, his adulthood approached, and his parents started to argue more, and they were not as forgiving as before, dinner was completely silence for once in his life. His brothers and Kenny even started to rely on each other more, given their work, they started to help out Kenny to avoid the wrath of his parents more, clearly worried. He was always asking what was happening, but never got a response, apparently they were having some sort of housing issue? Kenny was too immature and unknowing to understand, nor did he necessarily care.

Kenny was at school when it all went down, and he had to remain there, annoyed and bored, it wasn't until he saw one of his teachers get devoured completely right in front of his eyes in his first week in an apparent quarantine that the reality fully settled in. He completely regressed to fear and anxiety, Kenny wanted to go home and hope that this was all just a bad dream, he could barely eat and was always jumpy and essentially unapproachable since he would always go for violence, hearing that his family vanished from their home from their settlement didn't make things anymore better.

The school only lasted for 5 months, Kenny only escaped because he was alone and managed to hear the incoming horde, running away without ever looking back. The hardest 6 months of his life would then pass, alone and scared, Kenny needed to be ambushed and almost killed himself to adapt to the idea of hunting humans... Or at least, what used to be humans. He was always on the move, Kenny doesn't remember his path because he didn't care to look back, only moving forward, his hunting experience actually helped him survive, as for his mind, well, he found that his violent explosions have a space for the undead as well.

Luck was never one of his greatest attributes though, a desperate invasion to one of his first supermarkets since the outbreak lead to a rogue alarm which got Kenny completely stuck in a secluded room. Too scared to kill himself and to face the danger, Kenny was struggling to accept his fate with his dwindling supplies after three days of nothing... Until his weak eyes struggled to make out what appeared to be a group, before closing them yet again.

Kenny's eyes would soon adjust and awaken to his saviors, a community of mostly prisoners and criminals, all running around on their own. It was all terrifying for Kenny at first, but he kept his head down, he had survived enough to handle himself more and knew well how to avoid trouble, though it was hard for him, he started out on small labor jobs across the sanctuary before getting a chance to show off his marksmanship, successfully getting a more stable role, not getting out often into the world and remaining in position in the watch towers... Kenny tries to show a snarky bravado, but it's obvious to everyone that he's just a scared kid.
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Denver,, 38,, Enforcer

Denver Cobain Martinez


CIS Male,, Bisexual


X -
X -
X -
X -


CW: Scarification
5'11" and weighing in 170Lbs, Denver is slowly but surely regaining muscle mass after losing a considerable amount of weight in the first few weeks of the apocalypse. Typically, his closet consists of his old orange jumpsuit and an assortment of grungy t-shirts to be paired with ripped jeans, but he's been gathering nicer clothes the farther he gets from his previous life. Denver is seldom found in short sleeves and never shirtless due to an old configuration of scars lining the length of his back, stretching over his shoulders and part way down the backs of his upper arms. This crude likeness of bird wings was given to him by friends early on in his prison career. These days, he keeps them hidden with a twist of shame. He has never seen his carved wings in entirety and actively avoids dong so.

Throughout his life, Martinez's personality has always been a moving target. Defined by heaving mood swings and an irreversibly broken and convoluted moral compass, he was never quite able to shake the shifting ideals of the village that raised him. With a very anti-establishment foundation and admiration for whatever demon or deity whispered in their dreams, he was made volatile by a life of chasing the acceptance of adults who would preferred their haze while the world circulated around him in a completely different sense of normal. Led by his emotions, Denver has a quick temper and can be even quicker to react; flying off the handle at the smallest of inconveniences. For many, his behavior would be filed away as unpredictable - but those willing to watch long enough will see an underlying penchant for falling in line the ideals of those around him, and acting first to guarantee their good graces. In brief moments of clarity, Denver can be seen as a deeply introspective man with clear and careful understanding of the feelings of those around him. This is what becomes of the child who seeks care and understanding, but is only noticed and praised for their ruthlessness.

CW: Implied Gore
Born and raised in the outer stretches of Columbus, Ohio, Denver came into the world in a way that would set the pace for the rest of his life. The date of his birth had been foreseen by a friend of his parents in a smoky basement three months prior to his conception; and when Crystal Fredricks actually managed to give birth in an apartment bathtub on that exact day, it was decided that he would be their lightbringer. Raised as the Messiah of a strict spirituality that changed with the next hallucination may have gone to his head; if the village of adults to raise him ever abstained from their divine substances long enough to remember that he was there. With a childhood that could be packed up into a few boxes, he hardly ever unpacked them. Denver found himself moving from one apartment to the next, to long stretches in abandoned warehouses while his family indulged in creating their own dirty, 7-11 sponsored Mecca until someone cared enough to have the police flush them out. As a testament to his lack of luck, Crystal and Caesar were able to feign stable normalcy just long enough to keep him from spending too long in the foster care system, and his strange and aggressive behavior only sped up the process of sending him home. With a spotty primary education but dutiful adhesion to his mislead beliefs and nothing more, Denver matured into a young adult on the very fringes of society. As he got older and angrier, the visions his father would see became darker and darker; spirits and devils demanding more and more of their humble parsonage for fealty.

Denver's convicting crime was in devotion to Berith, a common name among the clan as the haint that traded insight into the future for the blasphemous and murderous acts of men. In retrospect, Denver may have been grateful that the devotion he had to represent in court was to an established demon that would populate many google search results, rather than one that had "come to his father alone." In order to divine the ailments and possible deaths of his mother and father (which would later prove to be substance abuse and overdose respectively, days before Denver was convicted), their too-traumatized-to-feel-fear leader was to perform a Blood Eagle ceremony in the Lord's year of 2008. Local media didn't know what the fuck to do with that - or the fact that no attempt was made to obscure the crime. The body of Joseph Jones; a Computer Science major at Denison University, was found just off the beaten path of a local greenspace by a pair of early morning runners. Arrests were made that same day.

As a victim of circumstance with too many heinous acts under his belt to afford him any sympathy, it only made sense when he was sentenced to life in prison; a fate that may have saved him in the end. Still ornery and othered from the general population of inmates, Denver lived in as much turmoil as it took for him to learn that he needed to think about himself objectively - a feat that took all of 11 years to come about. In more recent years, the waves of emotions had quieted, and he had learned to weather his storms internally to avoid daily, or hourly conflict. He had assimilated. Until the wrong inmate pushed him just far enough, and he landed himself in solitary confinement once again. This time, his punishment was indefinite while new arrangements were made and a new trial was set. He has no idea how long he had spent in that tiny cell, but he knows that the days stretched on for years after his meals stopped appearing in the slot at the bottom of the door. When he was found by the newly-christened Samaritans, Denver was confessing each and every one of his sins all at once in incoherent babbles.

coded by weldherwings.
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A little party never hurt no one

Santiago Lovejoy !

You're so Art Deco, out on the floor. Shining like gun metal, cold and unsure...
NAME: Santiago Marigold Lovejoy
NICKNAME: Santi, Lovejoy, Sheriff Lovejoy

AGE: 45 years old
GENDER: cisgender male
SEXUALITY: homosexual

ROLE: Santi is a loner, living on a make shift ranch with a handful of two remained from his town.
BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE SAMARITANS: in all honesty, no he wouldn't. he and his small group have been doing just fine on their own, plus he has grown to not trust them.

HAIR: black, slightly shaggy hair. it used to be long enough where he could tie it into a pony tail, though that was during his really bad depressive two years. santiago hated how it looked so he chopped it all off, though it wouldn’t hurt if he used a little bit of gel.. but who has time or the effort for that.
EYES: tired, brown eyes. often has large bags under his eyes and sometimes looks so bad that it’ll look like two black eyes, that’s his dark they can get. sometimes they perk up and soften, golden amber depending on the lighting.
SKIN: very pale, the only color he can ever get is red from a sunburn. sometimes if he’s lucky, the sun will pick up his strawberry freckles and make them stand out more.
BODY TYPE: lanky and lean, athletic build? he has defined muscles from his many years in the police force.
WEIGHT: undetermined, doesn’t weigh himself every. though it wouldn’t be a shock if he was slightly under weight, but nothing to drastic.
SCARS: a large scar on the side of his forehead, down the back of his head and neck. it’s dark and hard to look at so that’s why you always see him wearing his dark brown cowboy hat. the one insecurity that he has and he can’t afford to have a skin graph to help with the scarring. it’s also a constant reminder of his failure, a horrifying one at that. also blind in one eye.

santi is a man of few words but the little he does always seem to make sense, even if they may come off as a little snarky- but I mean, after spending over ten years in the law enforcement business, your lucky you only get his snarky remarks. if your able to get past those snarky and blunt comments he makes, you'll know that he is one of the most honorable and loyal men you'll ever met. during his time as a sheriff, he had a moral code that he followed strictly, the very definition of lawful good-- it's a reason he had been in his position of power for so long. it had been his job to keep the peace in his small town, even through the carnage and destruction that seems to plague this new world of theirs— though it only took about a month or so until his little town was over run. while he’s trying to stick to his honorable code, santi has slowly but surely slipping through the cracks— but he’ll be damned if he allow himself to turn into something he promised he wouldn’t. however, being that trustworthy can become someones greatest weakness and turn them naive and gullible; which Santiago can be sometimes. he tends to think everyone can be good and can do no wrong until they do it, which often gets himself into trouble and danger if he extends an arm to the wrong people. it can be painful to watch, but thankfully he has grown to see who can and cannot be trusted; though he can slip through the cracks sometimes. while it's always nice to have a moral code and a badge of honor, sometimes that can get in the way of the greater good. if santi was forced to choice his honor and good morals or break the law and go against his beliefs; he would go with the formal, no matter what. but with the ever changing climate and the new normal that he and the rest of his town will face, santi will be forced to break his own code and fight his way for survival- no matter how painful it is for him to do.

while santi is your loyal lawman, he definitely can get a stick up his ass from time to time and needs someone to take it out. he gets irritated and impatient when things don't follow the plan he played out in his head, if people are beating around the bush or aren't being honest with him. he tries his hardest to not hold grudges and let things go when he can, as he already has such a difficult job that if both emotional and physically demanding... he's gotta drop some baggage off somewhere. the strain it has upon his body is more then he can bare, but he tries his best to do right for his town and community. while he knows that he can’t make everyone happy, he’s willing to ask for forgiveness then permission.
VIRTUES: brave, fair, logical, trustworthy, confident-ish, truthful, bold, disciplined, firm.
VICES: guidable, impatient, hard on himself, blunt, naive, miserly, quick tempered, stubborn, resentful, possessive.

- was the sheriff of a small town before the outbreak; had been the sheriff for several, several years.
- after the outbreak, more then 90% of the town had been wiped out; not without a good fight, but ultimately died in the end.
- took the remainder of the town and high tailed it out of there, ending up inhabiting an abandoned ranch and making due with what they had.
- have been there for about 5 months now; santi is in-charge of said ranch town.
- they have been able to
- police dog, Kassandra is still with him. she is able to detect the undead and strangers and will alter santi of anything suspicious.
- his depression and ptsd has gotten a lot worse this past year and a half, it’s gotten to the point where he’s developed suicidal thoughts
- more to add

Relationships: (this can stay empty but if you plan to rp any friends or relatives as NPCs or side characters, you can mention them here)

© pasta

NAME James Moore
SEXUALITY Homosexual
HAVEN The Samaritans
ROLE Prison Wife

Facts are Facts, America!
FACE CLAIM Monique Heart
6'5'' tall, 177 lbs. Deep golden skin and brown eyes, however he often wears contacts to lighten the shade and can appear in hues of blue, green and at times violet. Temma is never seen in anything but feminine attire be it skirts or dresses and, on the odd occasion he is wearing pants it is always paired with a flowy blouse and a pair of heels.
Has several tattoos on his arms and one on his inner left thigh of a dagger piercing his skin - a gift from his husband.
BODY MODIFICATIONS Has several tattoos on his arms and one on his inner left thigh of a dagger piercing his skin - a gift from his husband.
PERSONALITY As expected Temma is outgoing and outrageous, necessary for the life and job that he lived in the before. That wasn’t always the case; in his youth he was reserved and quite shy but after turning to drag and leaning from his drag mom. In his first few months of being in prison he was back in the closet; he didn’t share his true nature, previous job or why he had been sent to prison with anyone, keeping to himself as much as possible. After meeting Derek and being coaxed back into the light, Temma flourished and has never been better … except for the apocalypse and living out of a prison.
EXTRA Temma has a deep love of all things girly; jewelry dresses and cosmetics. Derek had done a wonderous job of gathering these things from the outside before the world collapsed; he has a large collection of clothing, shoes, jewelry (real and fake).
Husband - Derek Boone Bullyboy Squad Bullyboy Squad


Born James Moore, Temma was given up for adoption at birth, he grew up in the system and had aspirations to be a dancer - a ballet dancer. He spent his youth teaching himself with youtube videos and free online tutorials. He applied to scholarships and grants but those sorts of things didn’t happen for little black boys from the Midwest.

He aged out of the system and foster care at 18 and started working at the bar of a local drag club to pay for his bills and save enough money to get himself into Juilliard ballet. He quickly found that bar tips weren’t enough and found himself working once a week as an amateur drag queen. He soon found a love for drag and the entertainment of it but found it was also a costly venture - his boyfriend, or who he thought was his boyfriend at the time, lured him into doing a few side gigs here and there to earn some extra money.

It started innocently at first, doing private drag shows at private clubs and rooms, then progressed into doing private events at clients houses. Once or twice he did a burlesque show until one day his boyfriend convinced him to make it a strip show instead. It was a quick decline there into full born prostitution, his ‘boyfriend’ now pimp.

It was one of these private occasions he was attending with a few other ‘girls’ when hell broke loose around him. One minute he was on his knees servicing a client the next he was crawling across the floor as gunfire rang out around him. He hid, crying and praying for his life until the police hauled him out of his hiding place. Three days he spent in a cell until they finally dragged him into an interrogation room where they slapped a confession in front of him, accusing him of murder!

He denied it, whole heartedly, and even did his best to give a recount of the events of the evening but the police weren’t having it and instead he went to trial and was charged with prostitution and being an accessory to murder.

James did his best to lay low his first few weeks in prison - he didn’t want to catch the attention of anyone one way or another. He just wanted to keep his head down and serve out his time, hopeful that maybe more evidence would come up and it would set him free. Of course that would never come to pass, James found the only people speaking with him were the ‘others’ in the prison - every race of being seemed to have their own gang and it was the expectation that he would just be part of the same gang as the others with his skin color.

This led to several near misses for James until one day there was an all and all out brawl. James did his best to keep out of the way of the worst of it but that was never a possibility and he ended up pretty badly beaten. To no surprise he later found out it had been the Aryan gang that had done the beating.

However to his utter amazement the head of the Aryan gang arrived at his cell the next day. He ushered in his ‘doctor’ to treat him, much to the physician’s reluctance, stitched him up, cleaned his wounds and left him with some pain meds.
This wasn’t the last time James and Derek met; though it was rarely done publicly, it seemed that Derek had seen something in James’s cowardice that was appealing and that terrified Temma to the core. They would meet in Temma’s cell when he was alone, or out in the yard with Derek’s gang creating space for them to talk quietly.

Finally one day Derek arrived at Temmas cell, he sent out his other three cell mates and cleared the area. He’d procured some pictures and video footage of Temma during one of her drag shows. Derek kindly suggested that he would keep Temma’s secret as long as he performed certain favors for him. This relationship continued, Derek making calls on Temma and while the terms remained the same their relationship shifted; it moved from cool and unemotional to warm and oddly romantic at times. They would spend hours in Temma's cell in privacy, chatting and fucking until one day Derek decided he simply lived too far from Derek's own territory.

He used his power within the facility to move Temma to a private cell within the Aryan territory. And over the course of several months into their relationship had procured dresses and wings for Temma to wear while Derek was around.

Slowly Temma started coming back out of his shell, dressing in feminine clothes all the time; even outside of his own cell and found himself respected by Derek's gang - even if they didn't truly mean it, he certainly never saw any further animosity.

During the rioting Temma was well protected by Derek and his gang and it was Temma that solidified Derek’s standing within the Samaritans; despite his gang's belief and origins the fact that he had a black wife was enough to stay any reprisals or execution.

© pasta

chole miller

the bartender.


Chole Miller


cis female






bartender and occasional tattoo artist


How did they become a member of the Samaritans?

Chole stumbled into the community shortly after the outbreak and in the early days of the Samaritans forming and taking hold of the prison. Prior to the outbreak she was working at a local dive bar frequented by the prison staff - especially on pay days. After the outbreak she holed up in her apartment and then at the bar but neither place proved to be safe for any length of time so she travelled to the prison in the hope of finding a safe haven and found the Samaritans. She was lucky that during her intake the CO, Wes, recognized her and brought her out of being just another member, or worse yet, one of the prostitutes to earn her way, and got her in as the bartender.

it's hot and sweet...

Damn your love. Damn your lies.

♡coded by uxie♡

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periodic character

Anthony North 'The Jersey Devil'
29 years old
Male (he/him)
Cam Gigandet
MMA Fighter - Inmate (Aggravated Battery) - Fighting Ring Star

The Jersey Devil. Once a whispered moniker amongst the more unfortunate students that belittled Anthony's smug attitude and his acts of mindless selfish indulgence way back at high school, their only way back to rebel at the star jock that made their lives a true living hell, nowadays, that title was fully embraced by Anthony, making a joke of their attempted rebellion as he beat the next opponent on the wrestling ring, the title that once annoyed him was now a revered name uttered by the audience as he bathed on the flashing lights of fame.

Of course, Anthony would eventually get what was coming to him, after constant rumors and gossiping of aggression and doping drugs, a tabloid journalist would attempt to get a scoop on the Devil, and a scoop they got as Anthony completely snapped in the middle of his travel to a tournament, the journalist probably needed quite the surgery to fix up his face once he was done. A penalty of 3 years and a hefty fine later, Anthony's image was completely scandalized as the papers had something credible, and discounted his rage on prison fights, becoming quite the known figure.
Soon hell on earth came, and the Jersey Devil would find himself right at home, being able to do what he most loves, beat the hell out of people while looking hot as fuck, and be revered by all around him... And maybe catch a high or two on the side.

Weston Samuel Jones, Jr.
BASICSFull Name: Weston Samuel Jones, Jr.
Nickname: Weston, Apalachee
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual, male-leaning
Affiliation: Samaritans
Role: Second in Command
Pre-Apocalypse Employment: Part-time construction worker, part-time thug
Birthplace: West Virginia

APPEARANCE & STYLEFace Claim: Josh Mario John

Details: 6’4”, blue eyes, blonde hair

Description: Tall and fit, Weston’s multitude of tattoos combined with his resting frown face does little to make him seem less intimidating at first glance. He’s not as muscular as he once was, with proper nutrition hard to come by, but it's clear he’s used to hard physical work on a daily basis. His voice is gruff and deep, and his accent very noticeable. Despite the current full-blown thrashing of human society, he does his best to keep up his signature hairstyle: shaved short on one side, while long on the other. He keeps his beard full and long, doing his best to make it not look entirely unkempt.

Clothes: Weston prefers sturdy denim jeans, dark colored t-shirts, and tall leather motorcycle boots. He almost always has a worn leather biker jacket on, unless it's absolutely sweltering-hot. Judging by the worn state of that jacket, he’s had it since before the outbreak. In chilly weather he’ll don a simple knit beanie. He's relieved that after the outbreak and the chaos at LSCC he was able to get something to wear other than his prison uniform, including his old jacket - it was definitely not flattering to someone as vain as he is.

Notable Details: Tattoos, which include full sleeves and some on his chest and stomach, include Norse imagery, Christian themes, and various flowers, stars, skulls, and biker themes to fill space. It's a motley mix of all kinds of images. They’re all professionally done and obtained prior to shit hitting the fan. He has no obvious scars.

PERSONALITYFocused when under pressure and used to working in physically taxing environments that demand precision while in a rush, Weston keeps his eye on the goal without freezing up or panicking. He flourishes under pressure, especially when the adrenaline is rushing. He probably would have done well in the armed forces if it weren’t for his criminal background, antigovernment stances, and problems with authority figures in general. His lack of formal education held him back in life pre-apocalypse, but nowadays his street-smarts and experience work in his favor.

Having grown up in a toxic, abusive, and crime-laden environment, Weston is not the most well-rounded or gentle person. He can be brash, foul-mouthed, and angry on a bad day. His anger is not the explosive kind, but the kind that is always simmering just under the surface, ready to be unleashed only when needed. Nowdays he prefers to talk his way out of a bad situation and is quick to toss someone a smile or laugh if it will diffuse a situation, but he's always prepared to throw a punch if needed.

He finds it hard to open up to people, and there is very little about his past he wants to talk about. As hard as it is for him to open up to people, Weston has a deep-seated need to feel like he belongs somewhere and is needed. He’ll lash out if he doesn’t feel like he has a place and purpose, and will do anything necessary to protect what’s his.

Likes: Adrenaline rushes, high speeds, open roads, thunderstorms, sunsets, dark ale, action movies, spicy food, the colors red and orange.

Dislikes: Being disrespected, small enclosed spaces, being stuck inside for long periods of time, reading anything longer than a page or two, boring repetitive tasks, lizards.

Motivations: Surviving as long as possible, power, safety, gaining respect.

Fears: Becoming an outcast, dying alone, hell being real, relapsing and using drugs again.

Habits: Drinking, smoking, sleeping around - all things which are hard to come by these days. He’s off harder drugs now. Withdrawal was a bitch and he hopes to never have to go through that again.

HISTORYGrowing up in an impoverished neighborhood whose members were as likely to run off into the Appalachian mountains and disappear as they were to be sucked into violence and religious fundamentalism, Weston’s life was off to a rocky start from the get-go. Too outgoing to be drawn to a life of semi-solitude in the mountains, Weston instead found himself entangled in the local biker club. Compared to the local fundamentalists who spoke of nothing else but the end of the world and the punishment of all (or the “fundies”, as he calls them) the club seemed like a vast improvement. Besides, the club had booze, drugs, parties, and people to keep his bed warm at night.

Unfortunately, as time went on Weston got a little too embroiled in club affairs. Lured in by the promise of money and power, the club started dealing drugs and running weapons across the state. This put them at direct odds with other gangs, especially some serious gangs across state lines in Ohio who were losing ground in the arms trade and being pushed out of West Virginia.

One of the highest-ranking members of the club and proven to be capable, Weston was put in charge of a “run”, where they’d be transporting guns and drugs across state lines. They intended to meet up with their buyers, the Aryan Brotherhood, but were instead ambushed by the Latin Kings on an empty country highway. Fortunately their ambushers had underestimated their numbers and preparedness, though Weston’s group still lost a member - his best friend. Weston interrogated and beat one the surviving Kings for information before killing him. The club left the bodies of their ambushers dumped into a deep ditch to rot.

The weight of what had happened didn’t catch up with Weston until a few weeks later. Unbeknownst to Weston, his younger sister, who had moved a few towns away, had been having a secret relationship with a member of the Latin Kings. They were engaged and she was pregnant, but she hadn’t told anyone yet. Their bodies had been discovered and identified, next of kin notified, and word had gotten back to his sister. When Weston brought his sister to the funeral, he had a shocking revelation: her fiancé was the very man that Weston interrogated and killed.

Nobody at the funeral recognized him or knew what he had done, but the police certainly did, and cops caught up with him a day later. Weston, along with several others, were convicted of murder. Luckily for Weston the murder happened on the West Virginia side of the border - because he wasn’t tried in federal court, he was not at risk for the death penalty. Unfortunately, Weston received a life imprisonment sentence. Due to overcrowding in local prisons and the severity of his sentence, he was ultimately sent to Lincoln State Correctional Center in Ohio. Weston was not at LSCC for long before the outbreak - just long enough to pick up the nickname "Apalachee" among some prisoners, due to the way he stood out because of his accent. Some inmates and staff thought he was an idiot because of the way he spoke, but that only worked against them in the long run.

JOINING THE SAMARITANSAs a new inmate at LSCC, Weston initially hung back to observe the internal power struggles. Weston had gotten along decently well with the corrections staff so far - he kept his nose out of trouble, followed orders, and was polite. That was far better than a lot of the other inmates. Some of the officers were secretly somewhat thankful his crew had killed a few gangbangers and saw Weston’s club as the lesser of two evils, even if objectively illegal in conduct.

When the Warden started hoarding supplies, leaving the inmates with less and less food each day and pushing the prison further into chaos, it became clear that Weston needed to pick a side for his own survival. He threw his support in with the Samaritans and used his status as someone “not to be concerned about” to get them close to the Warden and help the Samaritans take him out.

Intelligent and effective at maintaining some semblance of order and control under the new leader, Weston quickly rose through the ranks until becoming King’s second in command. Since Weston was not one of the “early adopters” who were behind King from the start, many people at LSCC trust Weston not to blindly follow King out of personal greed. They look to Weston to voice their opinions and concerns to a leader who may otherwise ignore them or not consider them when making decisions. Since Weston had also not been at LSCC long, he hadn’t had time to develop any close ties or alliances with other prisoners. While not intending to end up in that kind of position, Weston knows that he can be instrumental in keeping the peace between groups as he walks the thin line between insider and outsider at the prison.

RELATIONSHIPSSister - Presumed killed in the outbreak, along with her unborn child, but unverified

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