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OOC Little Talks

Dannigan said:
...for it meant he did not have to kill the young man. What a sudden and ugly scene that would have provided, especially in front of dear, sweet Maggie. Not to mention his new guests.
It would probably look something like this.

Just replace rolling boulder with rolling Auri, and Crash with Asher *woof*

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Pretty much. When Auri takes a big inhale of those cookies and holds it, that was his opener - a point-blank wind gust straight at the rogue's chest (for what rogue can keep his balance when blown off of his feet?), smashing him against the rock wall of Auri's home (hopefully hard enough to momentarily stun him). Then he would have turned into a ball and crushed the poor rogue between the rock wall and Auri's speeding mass. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.

Thankfully, Asher is no minion of the Sorceress here to steal secrets back to her. Auri meant every word when he pleaded with the young rogue, "Help me help you." Asher, thankfully, came clean. =)


(Image credit: boards.theforce.net)
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Damnit, that was the scene I was trying to remember! Until Crash Bandicoot popped into my mind... *woof*

Either way, I feel sorry for any enemies who get in Auri's way... Just try to remember that they're still people! Kinda. Some of them...
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A TV station over here is playing an Indiana Jones marathon. My dad and I came in partway through the second one, and watched most of the third together (I couldn't stay for the end, had to come home - but I've seen them all before, so it's OK). Lots of great fun in those!
Dannigan said:
Pretty much. When Auri takes a big inhale of those cookies and holds it, that was his opener - a point-blank wind gust straight at the rogue's chest (for what rogue can keep his balance when blown off of his feet?), smashing him against the rock wall of Auri's home (hopefully hard enough to momentarily stun him). Then he would have turned into a ball and crushed the poor rogue between the rock wall and Auri's speeding mass. Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place.
I dunno, Asher can go into the shadowrealm in a sec, that's basically how he survived Kossar (luck was a very big part of it though). I guess you'd have to roll the dice on that.
It was Auri's plan - no telling if it would have worked. Much greater is his feeling of relief that he didn't have to find out. =)
It's an academic question, since I hope there won't be any PvP in Amaranth, but I'd like to explain how I'd handle this if it did happen as described. Foremost for Jack's sake, since he's new to RPing in all forms.

Amaranth is a freeform game with only a few lightweight, recently added mechanics. It's nothing like real tabletops (D&D, Pathfinder, etc...). That means everything is contained in the narration itself. If you don't include it in your post, and it goes beyond the scope of what can be reasonably expected from your character, then it doesn't contribute to the action. In this particular case, Dannigan stated the following IC:

Dannigan said:
Auri inhales, his massive chest expands as he takes one long sniff of the delicious-smelling tea and cookies.
Now, if Asher did something unfavorable in his next post, such as quickly getting up and throwing a smoke bomb on the ground for example, Dannigan could respond to that by claiming that Auri's reacted in time to stop him (by blowing him away with a gust of wind before he had a chance to activate the bomb) - and I would agree. Why? Because Auri already prepared himself, in-character, by inhaling a moment earlier. From everything Dannigan wrote thus far, it was obvious every step of the way that Auri was acting with deliberate caution and anticipating the possibility of things going south. So I'd have no choice but to acknowledge his ability to override Asher's action. Especially since nothing Jack wrote indicated that Asher perceived any threat whatsoever from Auri. Quite the contrary, Asher seemed to calm down and contemplate the telling of his story. So any sudden acts of hostility would have been just that; sudden - and thus not executed as skillfully as they could otherwise be.

And all without a single die roll or stats taken into account *woof*

Could Dannigan still have attempted the same thing without all the hints of preparation? Sure. But then we'd be talking about Auri who had not taken any precautions, and was not prepared to act when the moment was upon him. He'd have to spot the danger, prepare his action, and act - and this versus a master thief who, while also acting on impulse, is still a highly skilled individual (and producing and tossing a smoke bomb is a faster action than Auri's breath charge/release on its own). Well, I'd make a completely different ruling in that case.

The point is - even though there's no mechanical orders and die rolls you can make to ensure success for your characters, that doesn't mean that I'm not taking literally everything else into consideration when making my decisions. There are many factors to be taken into account, some more subtle than others (but still important). So sometimes I may even make mistakes. At those times, I will be counting on you guys to remind me :)

If your characters were real, they would be thinking through their actions. As it happens, they depend on you - so think through your posts with that in mind ;) *woof*
Note to all: Right now Meric's putting down an outline for a plan. I'm dishing it out in pieces so that your characters can offer their ideas/advice/opinion. Just to let you know, because I fear I might have confused you and that's why no one's posting.

Just be yourselves your characters. Let's talk *woof*

By now you should know enough of the game world to be able to participate in this way. All questions welcome here, if you have any. I'd especially love to hear from @Grey and @SephirothSage :)
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Now that Asher is an ally (hooray!), Auri does not have much to say in the moment, in part because these people (everyone but Maggie) are very new to him and he is learning how they talk, think, act, etc. as strangers are wont to do.

That said, I have been meaning to ask - just how well does Auri know the palace? Might he know practical places in the palace that might hold someone like Dina? Does he know of any lesser-known or secret ways in and out of there? What else might he know that could aid the Chosen?

@Jack Elarithon I was not aware (or somehow I missed it) that you were completely new to role-playing. Welcome, Jack (if I didn't say so before)! If there are any RPing tips and tricks I can share with you, please ask. =)
Dannigan said:
That said, I have been meaning to ask - just how well does Auri know the palace? Might he know practical places in the palace that might hold someone like Dina? Does he know of any lesser-known or secret ways in and out of there? What else might he know that could aid the Chosen?
There's much that he knows, of course. But I was thinking that right now you'd want to go through an outline of the plan following Meric's lead. He's basically doing it step by rough step with pauses in between for anyone's comments.

So you don't need to know everything Auri knows yet. Truthfully I haven't even checked out what that is, lol. But he knows a lot. I might give you an infodump for you to decide what and how to share, or perhaps do it another way. Don't know yet, but for this moment it's not important yet.
That's fine; whatever is most-convenient for you. I just wanted to have some idea so I would know how much Auri could contribute in that fashion (and you answered that). =)
Alright, if everyone's ok with it I think we'll close for the evening. And then open the next day with each player already at the location that they want to explore - after a few hours everyone will meet back at Auri's residence to discuss their findings and craft the final plan.

There will be several ways you'll be able to go about this mission, and I'll be letting you guys choose.

For clarity's sake please confirm here in the OOC what your characters will be doing and where the next day - though of course the IC is still open for replies before we move the scene. Some tags to make sure you are all with me here: @Grey @Dannigan @Kaerri @SephirothSage @Jack Elarithon
I'd like to have Maggie "explore" the temple library, at least for some of the day. She's still hoping to find some new-to-her prayers that might help with this.
It would probably be a bad idea if Auri went to scope the palace out (especially without any official reason to be there). So instead, he spends his time drawing up a detailed map of the palace's insides so that all of the Chosen are literally on the same page. Hmmm, that probably won't take up his whole day. If I think of more, I'll post it. This is a good start. =)
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An excellent idea, Maggie. I was wondering if you'd think of it :)

And Dannigan to you I will sent some thoughts in a private message.
Asher's gonna be surveying the palace district, he'll probably climb inside as well to check patrol routes and such, and then at noon he'll go on to meet whoever sent him the note.
Guys I am thinking of ditching bold formatting (for dialogue). Let me know if my last post looks better without it, and if you mind it looking plain like that in the future.

In either case, I think those of you still using it (Kaerri?) can safely stop. Thank you for complying with The Posting Convention, (which has been updated accordingly) but there's really no need to bold when you've the character color at your disposal. Bold is kinda overkill, especially when there's a lot of speech. It looks bad. I'll be trying some other way to make my NPCs stand out.

In other news, let's close the evening within this week, yeah? We have to pick up the pace or this game will still be played by our descendants *woof*
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I am fully in favour of dropping bolded dialogue. Always was horribly distracting when trying to read a post.
I didn't use bold to begin with to indicate Auri's dialogue. Like Grey, I find it distracting, but I also see it as a matter of style; if someone else really likes it, who am I to judge? With it gone, I think I'll enjoy the posts even more. =)
Well, I wish you'd have both expressed your dissatisfaction sooner and I'd have made the proper adjustments. What I want to achieve is a uniform style; a set of rules that each player follows in order to make everything look more pleasing and professional. That's why I frowned upon the few of you who broke my rules, I'll admit, but didn't complain since it's a minor issue and I was not all that keen on the bold either.

Either way I'd appreciate it if you could all obey your Overlord Storyteller and voice your concerns so that the may be resolved instead of silently having it your way. There's no reason not to try and align everyone's tastes when that is possible. And judging has nothing to do with it, Dannigan. If I really liked writing in bright yellow and underlining vowels, would you be fine with it because it's my style? I hope not. I'd expect you to make like a drakkar and roar until that disgraceful shit is gone *woof*
The bold dialogue issue wasn't that great a deal to me, Wolf. Like you said about your own broken rules, you didn't complain since it was a minor issue. And so the bold dialogue subject remains with me.

However, judging has everything to do with it from my perspective. If you really liked the garish aforementioned typing style, I would do everything in my power to respect it as comes natural to the spirit of a team-oriented roleplayer. I really would! Folks, I must have respect for other people's playstyles else I have little business roleplaying. And if you and I disagree on this matter, that's fine by me too! =) "I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine." - Bruce Lee

Now, I would go off like a raging dragon if there were elements of a game that I found offensive, selfish, or downright evil as now the fun of the game itself is being threatened for me and likely the other players. I have left games and social situations quickly and never to return once such a line is willingly crossed. But for me that is a matter of integrity and how I choose to run my gaming life. As for colored or bold-lined text? It's really no big deal. Amaranth is a fun place to play as it is. I have no complaints. =)

Or put another way, Wolf, if I have a complaint I'll voice it. Just ask Sherwood, Killfire, or Kaerri if I hold back when I see something foul that requires voicing. They know my track record well on such matters. =)

Honor and fun,

Dann =)
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