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OOC Little Talks

Aw, Wolf, don't take it personally - I am having tremendous fun playing the jaded aging Necromancer; I just thought it was in-character.
It is good to hear that ( :) ).

At the very least you can't have been expecting this just now. You are difficult to read, Grey, and given the vast number of games you played it is even more difficult to surprise you, but I am confident that I'll be able to get a handful of things past you to stab you in the back with *woof*
Missed those updates, somehow. I'm at a convention all weekend, but I'll try to post something when I get home tomorrow.
Updates coming this weekend, got swamped with work plus I am still polishing the details as result of relying too much on improvisation *woof*

This is an excellent time for @Doctor Calgori to catch up though *rawrrr*
@Petal you character has been removed from play until the end of current chapter. You are not to post until discussed so with me upon start of Chapter VI. Meanwhile we can focus on finishing your Link to the Past flashbacks *rawrrr* ( ;) )
@Grey? Looks like it's gonna be just you and Kaerri until the chapter end, and I would really like you to post soon because my aim was and is to synchronously run the party members up to the final boss fight that by now everyone guessed is almost upon you ( ;) )

Of course, there's @Doctor Calgori but... well, there isn't lol. Sad Wolf is sad ( :( ) *whine*
Kaerri, in accordance with this:

@Doctor Calgori[/URL] we are now standing on the threshold for your little side adventure. If you don't start posting within the next few days and then keep up the posting pace, there will not be enough time to do it at all. So please... if you have any intentions of playing, now would be a good time. If not, well, at least contact me so I know you are still alive *woof*
I figured it would be some distance, I just didn't know how far. Still, under the circumstances I don't see any need to change Maggie's action - she's just doing a quick check for heat, then returning to Meric and Laurolf.
I apologize for the delay but the game has been updated for @Kaerri and @Grey

@Petal I am waiting on you to post in your flashback thread.

And @Doctor Calgori I must request that you make contact with me ASAP.


Good call on using the amulet, Kaerri, but its effect restores each of Maggie's miracles by 1. Not just one of them ;)

I updated your miracles list accordingly. You're pretty well stocked all in all *woof*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Good call on using the amulet, Kaerri, but its effect restores each of Maggie's miracles by 1. Not just one of them ;)
I updated your miracles list accordingly. You're pretty well stocked all in all *woof*

Oh, sweet! Even better!
Do PCs have time to evade also, or should we take some other kind of defensive action? Maggie guesses this isn't his only fireball, and doesn't want to run out of protection spells too early, but on the other hand, she's got a lot of them at the moment.
Battojutsu, Meric and Violet are the fastest and all three will be safe from the demon's attack this round. As for the others, anyone can attempt evasion but it is not guaranteed that it will be in time. So lacking real shields, Maggie's miracles are the only viable defense at this moment.

You do have more shield miracles than the demon is likely to cast fireballs, but he will attack in other ways and Maggie definitely cannot shield against his every attack. In a minute the battle will turn into a melee anyway, most likely. Battojutsu is a trained demon hunter and as such is unlikely to hide behind Maggie's skirt while fireballs rain down on them :P *rawrrr*

I have chosen not to make a map for this battle because things seem simple enough, but if anyone feels the need for it just let me know and I'll provide one :)
@Grey and @Kaerri the post has been up for a few days now. What are your characters doing at present?

And I do realize the OOC situation but please bear with me through this boss fight so that we can conclude this chapter *woof*
Blargh. I haz no excuse. But I does haz post, finally..
@Kaerri / @Grey now I am not hounding you quite yet, but this is just in case either of you has stopped getting notifications for this and so has possibly missed the fact that I did update the game *woof*

@Petal this flashback looks done enough to me. Let me know if there is anything you'd like to add or if we can consider it done ( ;) )
Just contemplating what to do.

My character routinely feels a bit useless in these situations.
Grey, I was giving you a chance to (re)direct your guardian which is your most powerful weapon right now so you should not feel useless or helpless just because it is not part of you. Neither Meric's sword not Violet's bow are parts of them, you know? When I asked earlier that you all bear with me through this chapter and how I understood the situation I meant that I realize how broken things are right now, why they are broken, but also that I know how to fix them. I'd just like to do it in between chapters and not in the middle of a boss fight ( ;) ). You are not required to post at all if you have nothing specific to do. I will move things along tomorrow *woof*

Kaerri, first of all I really appreciate your last post ( :) ). It is a good quality, deep in-character post of the kind that I used to dream of when this game started a couple years back. But I must note that the existence of the Hellguard and the angels that form it are both not public knowledge. Some people (relatively few) believe there are some kind of Maker's servants in the world but even those do not know any names. Angels are also not part of the Temple's teachings - leaders and believers of Creationism do not deny the possibility, mind you, but no one knows anything solid about it so it is not taught. For Maggie to be able to recite the names and titles of no less than two angels, the only way would be that she learned of them from speaking with party members who visited Zvern Azna (Raziel's temple) in the last chapter, because she was not there. So this is what had to have happened, and Maggie's sudden urge to use this makes sense because this is nothing short of revolutionary information - to have a confirmation that the legends are true. This is something that Maggie would undoubtedly want to talk about with the religious leaders of Creationism.

So your post is very fine, but we need to be on the same page about the circumstances *woof*

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