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OOC Little Talks

Actually it wouldn't be fair to say I'm taking time off when I'm more than available ( :P )

Like I said - you might have missed that point tho - this pause is more for everyone else and less for me. I don't need this. Could have easily been continuing the game proper all this time (especially at the slow rate things have been going) and even kicked it up a notch. However I felt like it would be unreasonable to expect people to keep active posts coming thru holidays such as Christmas and New Year's (let alone throw a major plot update at them).

So if you were holding back on PMs for my sake, Grey, you shouldn't have. I stand at the ready ( ;) ). And the little ingame chat seems to be naturally wrapped up so unless anyone really wants to add to it, I'll consider it done. Given how Petal said she'd wait for Ghosty's return, things will proceed normally the following morning with the fellowship splitting up again to pursue different goals and make some chapter-critical discoveries *woof*

Welcome back, all! The holidays are over and as promised Amaranth now returns to its usual routine... Or preferably slightly faster, if we are to finish the chapter in 2015. ( ;) ) The big starting post is up, so you may wish to read that first if you like. Moving on, here's a breakdown of it plus some instructions and reminders *woof*


To start the chapter off, we're splitting into two teams just like explained in the story.

Team 1 (Petal/NPCs) will begin playing in the Mages Guild. Your goal is to find out what the wizards know and how they see things from their perspective, if they have any clues to the unknown figure that followed the party into the graveyard, and gain knowledge regarding the Taint.

Team 2 (Grey, Kaerri/NPCs) will begin playing at the city exit. Your goal will be to venture into the Outskirts, firstmost to determine what the situation is and afterwards to pursue the origins of the fog. You must resolve the situation as soon as possible to reconnect to the outside world.

o A note for Grey - do let me know what's up with your construct. Are you going to activate it? Take it with you? Or leave it behind where it is?

o A note for Calgori - please contact me via PM when you are ready for a serious talk about your character and his whereabouts.

Game Resources

I would just like to remind everyone of the various information available to you through the Archives and info threads in the main subforum. You probably read most if not all of it by now, but remember that the insight is always there for reference should you require it (or just feel like reminding yourself in order to roleplay more effectively). While there are announcements every time I update a book, the Public Records are an exception to this and people are silently added to it all the time. No excuse for forgetting who is who ( :P ).

And of course, there's the Quests thread. Note that both The Dark of Darkvale and Arcane Hoard have been updated. One side quest regarding Laurolf has been deleted since I have long ago taken over that character as an NPC and thus the Quest feature does not apply to him.

Achievements thread has also seen a couple editions, and remember there are hidden achievements in play as well which I cannot officially list until they are acquired.


I wish to thank you all for sticking with the game as long as you have and here's to hoping that you find it worthwhile. I will continue doing my best to see this through until the very end! *howl* May the Maker watch over you all ( ;) )

Tags: @Petal @Grey @Kaerri @Doctor Calgori
Thanks, Wolf. I'll have a ponder about whether to bring the construct and get a post up later tonight.
Acknowledged. I have updated your character sheet accordingly. Everything should be in order *woof*

And to those who might be overly worried about the town (Kaerri?), remember (or learn if this information slipped you) that Dunn has 300 soldiers in the City Watch and that's not counting to 50 permanently stationed in the castle itself. While the situation was very threatening before, since you eliminated the cemetery danger before it could even mount a real attack, things should now be well in control for the Watch to handle even in your absence.

Of course, only for a limited time. A few soldiers are likely lost per night, while the river monsters emerge in refreshed numbers again and again. So on a long time scale, this is very worrying - which is why the best thing to do without a shadow of a doubt is to strike at the heart, or root if you like, of things ( ;) )
:5/5: Game Update :5/5:

Hello all, just a heads up to inform you that the RP has received an important game mechanic upgrade called NPC Approval Rating. ( ;) )

We have an awful lot party NPCs and lately I've been thinking how relatively unappreciated they are in the sense of their relationships with you as the players. That's why from now on you'll be able to keep track of the disposition each of those NPCs has towards you. You will also be notified when that disposition changes. Finally, this disposition will affect how the NPCs in question treat your character and what happens between you.

The goal of this mechanic is to make the NPCs feel more alive, complex and relevant (^.^). The system is based off the Approval in Dragon Age: Origins with some modifications. You can read all about the new Approval Rating in the info thread found in the main subforum by clicking here. To see how each NPC feels about you (and the other players ( :P )), go to their respective character sheets where you will find it listed between the Background field and the Inventory *woof*

I hope you enjoy this new mechanic and make best use of it. And as always, please utilize this OOC for any questions, suggestions, and comments alike. This is a new addon, and as such may not be 100% perfect yet. Now... NPCs v2.0 here we come! ( :D ) *rawrrr*

p.s. this thread overwrites the former Player Status Table. Seriously, why doesn't anyone pull my tail when I have a crappy idea?

p.p.s. I also fixed the link in my signature to correctly point to the game forums. Did anyone notice if was broken :(

Tags: @Petal @Doctor Calgori @Grey @Kaerri
Just letting you know I start a new job today. Shouldn't affect my posting at all, might even speed it up.
Wow, nice going. What is it though?

Btw, waiting on Kaerri to post before I can update your scene.

(unless it's classified government stuff and you'd have to kill us if you told, in which case I would like to bask in my ignorance thank you)

Oh and I just made this: Amaranth Countup Timer

Click that to gain some perspective and I guarantee you'll feel special :) *woof*
I lost alerts for Amaranth somehow! Even the tag in your next-to-last post here didn't pop up. Thread is still marked as watched - maybe I've just gone too long without posting. Anyway, it's past bedtime now but I promise to have a post worked up tomorrow, with many apologies for the delay.
Not to worry Kaerri. Too many people constantly complain about not receiving alerts so I think I'll just start PMing those that are gone slightly more than usual. I was sure the tags work every time though, regardless of time since posted somewhere. Hm.

You know, the way I do it i, I have the games I play under the custom links section so every time I go to the site I just open a couple tabs and check everything manually. I never developed the habit to rely on alerts (I think I turned them off for everything like three years ago).

Anyway, can't wait for your post ( :) ) *woof*
I have all my games under Watched Threads, and they seem to be staying there (that's how I found I'd missed something). I ought to do as you do and check that list more often to be sure I'm caught up. ( :) )
M-hm. That last sentence was a very nice touch on Maggie's part, by the way ( :) )

much impress

such deep


Stay tuned, we're continuing shortly. And heads up - we *might* just be getting a new player soon (didn't wanna jinx it but too excited ( :P ))
Here's an overview of the Outskirts village center. You may need to click it to enlarge (not sure if this displays right across different screens).

- Anyway, the houses are somewhat standing but burned down, so you know, charred support columns, roofs gone at least part or entirely, inaccessible areas in short - randomized.

- The smaller rectangles represent various debris, mostly wooden. This debris provides cover, and serves as an obstacle. Agile creatures may treat it as difficult terrain and overcome it, but honestly it's easier to just go around.

- The grey, dashed circle shows how far you can reliably see. The entire Outskirts are in fog, but "normal" fog. This circle is centered on the center of the square, so from that point you would be able to see everything except the very edges of the map.

- Blues are players, greens are soldiers. Small greens are NOT small soldiers, they are regular soldiers but I had to fit 70 of them so...

:P . Pink is for Grey's cute skeletal construct.

The enemy won't reach you for another "turn", so to speak. You have enough time to tell a few jokes, decide what to do, and actually do it *woof*


Just in case you've missed the updates @Kaerri @Grey (though if the alerts aren't working then the tags probably aren't either lol). No rush. Would be nice if you could post within a couple days *woof*

Trivia: The northern accent attributed to the archmage places his origins North as in really North, like off the current map. He is most likely from the few human settlements on the northern coastline of Asgard, right next to the Frigid Wastes (but neither he nor his people are Folk). The accent is akin to Russian.
Apologies to everyone. I know I'm due updating for all of you, but I've just been so swamped with work suddenly plus it involves getting up really early when my biorhythm was used to the opposite over the holidays so I've basically been running zombie mode the last couple days. Tired from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep, spending more than half the day working and feeling a bit sick at the same time :( and I've got alot of things to update so... bear with me while I try to do it as soon as possible. Thank you *woof*
Get some rest and feel better soon! We don't mind the wait, especially in such a good cause.
Outskirts map updated. I changed the symbols a bit. Key characters are now represented with the first letter of their name inside a circle - if two names start with the same letter then they use an additional one, for example: Valtieri (Va) and Violet (Vi). Let me know if this gets too confusing. Also removed the dashed circle for fog designation - just consider that the edges of the map are where your vision ends and keep in mind that it gets progressively worse the farther you look.

Are Maggie's "spell slots" back up to full? Aside from the Light miracle, that is.
Doh! Completely forgot about that, sorry. Thank you for reminding me.

Yes, she started the morning with fully refreshed casts because she had the minimum of 8 hours of rest, minus the Light miracle which I will describe in my next post first thing, promise. You also leveled up your Faith by 1 to a total of 16 (you cast 3 miracles, 50% of that went into Faith rounded down) *woof*
Sorry for the lag everyone. I was... overwhelmed with some things and needed a few days to recover but here we go again!

Map update.

@Kaerri: I know there's no proper mechanics in this RP but I'd still like people to only take a reasonable number of actions, especially so when in combat. Time is time *woof* That said, here's a quick explanation. What Maggie so far knows about the two injured soldiers comes directly from the soldiers themselves, as in what they reported. If she wants she can simply heal them 1 by 1 (one this turn and the other next turn). Alternatively she can study both injuries quickly to try and see which is truly worse and still manage 1 healing miracle. Or she can fully commit to studying one of the injuries and perform a heal. Alot of options there. Mainly, the only things she can't do is a) heal both at the same time, and b) deeply study both injuries plus heal.

And a map update.

Time is. :D Thanks for the clarification! Maggie is going to assume the soldiers are more or less accurate in their description and go from there.
Kaerri said:
...and knowing she can cast but three healing miracles today,
Don't forget about your holy symbol which can be used once per day to restore 1 use of each miracle you know ( ;) )
Sorry for taking so long to post. I've been working alot, sure, but the thing that really bugs me is how all remaining active players are actually playing characters that are not terribly combat-capable (with the exception of @Doctor Calgori but then again I did say "active"). This forces me to deviate from my original plan because @Grey and @Kaerri would probably find it less than entertaining to go thru a combat encounter than someone playing Meric or Laurolf.

I am stating this so you don't think I am not aware of what is going on. On the contrary, I am adapting the end of the chapter to accommodate you and make things more appealing for you two. For now let's just finish this encounter, and I promise the next stage will be much more to your liking ;) *woof*

Map update.


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