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OOC Little Talks

Whoops! I hadn't realized this wasn't something she would know. Should we say it came up over dinner or something while the party was hanging out? Or do I need to do any kind of rewriting?

I gotta say, though, I think it makes it even more last-ditch if she's only just learned about it and doesn't have any other evidence that they're real than what her new friends have told her. That's not a bad thing though, she's feeling pretty desperate at the moment!
What I tried to tell you in my previous post was to keep things as they are and assume that she gained this insight from speaking to the others, Dina most likely. I feel like Dina would have shared this with Maggie, knowing how important it would be. Right, @Petal?
Okay, that's what I thought you were saying, but I wanted to be sure. (^.^)


Where were you man? Why did you go AWOL just like that? I turned your character into a NPC and was roleplaying him thus until this chapter finishes. Since I already have too many NPCs on my hands my plan after this chapter ended was to have Battojutsu leave the party and go looking for demons to slay on his own :)

If you promise not to disappear again, I am willing to let you reclaim your character. You have to want to play. If you're not feeling interested after all this time or if you think you are going to leave/quit anytime soon then it is better to go now :/

But otherwise yes, you can have him. I can't remember at which point you left. If you tell me the last thing you remember roleplaying I will recount every important event around Battojutsu so you can resume playing immediately fully updated ;)
Well- I'll be honest. I dissapeared a bit after my graduation- it was my graduation on my end when I stopped getting on RPDom. I'd gotten distracted by some other stuff IRL, and ended up getting sidetracked by some other stuff once my RL calmed down- and then other stuff happened, long story short..

I'm back, I just took like a month or so break from my computer entirely, and before then had been doing other stuff... but yes- I am very much back now.

Last thing I remember, I had accompanied the necromancer to the Graveyard to take care of the source of the undead problem in the town I had met everyone in- guarding him against the undead hordes.

I am definitely interested in resuming this, because I was really enjoying it.
SephirothSage said:
I am definitely interested in resuming this, because I was really enjoying it.
That is so good to hear! I was trying to find new people for the RP to fill up the gaps but getting an old player back is even better :) Glad you were enjoying it, and you should know that there will be some game-mechanics updates after we wrap up this chapter - improvements, I mean! ;)

As far as I am concerned, you can resume posting at your convenience, which brings me to this:

SephirothSage said:
Last thing I remember, I had accompanied the necromancer to the Graveyard to take care of the source of the undead problem in the town I had met everyone in- guarding him against the undead hordes.
If you like you can go and read everything post by post but I will try to save you some time.

The investigation of the underground crypt culminated in a battle with three enemy necromancers and their numerous undead minions. You interrupted them as one was communicating with presumably the person behind everything through a fiery goblet. Valtieri took the chance to pick up the phone after the dust settled and taunt the angry-sounding presence on the other side before the connection was terminated. Valtieri also took this time to craft a ten foot undead construct reinforced with sheets of metal, just in case.

In the evening the party reunited at a tavern to discuss the happenings. Maggie and Violet came back from their trip to the Riverfront with tales of the residents gone mad and rioting. All of it was apparently brought on by strange fire mages that also set the district on fire afterward. Maggie and Violet fought and killed all of them except their leader that escaped, and the fire has been quelled by joint effort of the City Watch and local wizards.

The second day the fellowship split into two groups. Sanya and Dina visited the Mages Guild to seek answers to the situation and Dina's dark predicament. Everyone else headed out the main gates and into the foggy Outskirts. It seemed that the fog has begun lifting and the outer villages were now within reach. About 70ish City Watch soldiers went with them to help secure the area. In the main village (the one on the map) they encountered a large force of undead. Once defeated, the aforementioned leader of the fire mages appeared again along withh the local villagers... but the villagers seemed to have been turned into fiery beasts (tho still humanoid) and together they attacked the party. There were some City Watch casulties but the party was alright. The fight eventually ended with the enemy fire mage crushed under the heavy foot of the nexeomancer's undead guardian.

At that point the party left the soldiers behind to secure the Outskirts while they went into the forest to hunt down whatever was causing the city's troubles. But a thick fog full of apparitions descended upon them and they got separated...

From here on you should read for yourself :) just a few pages

Dina would actually have asked the priestess about them, and since she knew nothing Dina would share the important part (angely) of story, leaving out why they were there since she is not so trusty. I just found this thing in this place and this shit happened, do u know anything about ot sort of thing.
I did my best to roleplay Battojutsu as faithfully as possible to match the descriptions from his history and personality. I believe he has done or said nothing that he wouldn't if you were pulling the strings.

And notice that he is still tagged as a PC. I merely took temporary control to be precise, so that is why you are getting him back without problems. If you hadn't returned, I would have converted him into a full-time NPC between chapters and then who knows what might have happened.
Understood. I'll be postin shortly. I'd have posted earlier, but my Internet just came back up after ATAT had... issues.

Issues that have been... Corrected.


Also, I need to change my post color, I chose it when the forums background was still black..
You are free to use any posting color that is readable as well as none at all. I touched up your post a bit - namely the stamp on the top which I'd like to be as it is in the future (I worked hard to standardize everyone's stamps so they are in the same style). Also there is no need to color the entire post, just your character's spoken dialogue. Everything else should be in the default face and color *woof*

You can go and re-acquaint yourself with Battojutsu in the character sheet. I can't remember if you were still around when I added the inventory and otherwise prettied things up. The sheets are all locked because I worked hard to make all sheets in the same style so I didn't want people to accidentally break anything and the BB codes are very easily broken unfortunately.

Nice come back post by the way (^U^) *woof*
Fair enough!


And- I notice that my Powers section is blank again.. I recall there being something there- er, wasn't my thing Illusion Magic?

Hm hm.

It might have been. I can't rightly remember. I honestly thought you weren't coming back so I may have made slight modifications - and if you didn't come back when you did then there would have been more once Battojutsu became a full-time NPC - but 99% of things should still be the same.

I think I cleared the Powers field because you left before I could properly introduce Illusion magic. For Grey, Kaerri, and Calgori I made whole handbooks (albeit short) for Necromancy, Miracles, and Elemental magic (respectively), and they were even illustrated! I never got to actually create this Illusion school for you, again because you left so I stopped working on it. If you still like the idea, then I will produce a system for you to use by the start of next chapter so you'll be able to make use of it starting then and for the rest of the game *woof*
Works for me! I recall we worked some stuff out in PM's and a Conversation and stuff- but I for the life of me can't remember what the gist of it was...
Well for now don't worry about it. We'll work out both your inventory and the spellz after the chapter is done. Sorry for not being able to elude your way through this fight, I guess we can say that the demon somehow blocked magic use in the area :D

It's fine. His magic is probably mostly non-combat related anyway- things you do before a fight to prepare, more than anything- and mostly aimed at taking out spellcasters before they can see him, rather than mid combat trickery.
Actually, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about illusionary magicks (at least for me) is a mirror image ability, or creating multiple fake copies of Battojutsu. These copies would be just that - copies - once struck they would be dispelled but by the time the enemy hacks away all the fake Battojutsus, the real one would have run them through with his nodachi anyway :)

So there will be some mid-combat stuff, and powerful enough. We are not starting as low level beginners here. Most of you are trained fighters already, and even if you weren't the game is halfway through so you'd have gotten training by now even if you started from scratch *woof*

Of course, you won't be fighting simple foes all the time. You can expect heavier resistance as we delve deeper into endgame *rawrrr*
Very True, and his concept is heavily based around, well, killing things- and for me, to be honest...

The first thing that comes up with Illusion magic is the DND series of Shadow Evocation, and Shadow Conjuration, spells.
Rest assured that there will be a fine assortment of illusion-based abilities for your character to utilize ( ;) ). All you will have to do is use them wisely *woof*
I know we don't have combat rounds here like DnD or Pathfinder, but when in battle you may consider every post I make as a sort of next round cue. Most of the time anyway, as I do tend to update things after everyone posts their responses.

So in other words, you can post already. No need to wait on the others *woof*

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