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OOC Little Talks

Maggie has the priestess robes she's wearing, plus a nicer set for ceremonial use. Yes on knife, staff, holy symbol. :smiled: If the Maker's priesthood has a holy book, she'll have a copy. I think that's it?
Well, she's not pullig things out of her... Posterior. It would be weird not to mention a bag or any sort of container one uses.
Hm. Noted, both of you.

Of course you're all carrying some kind of backpack, that's understood. I'll just do something like this at the bottom of your sheets:


(items listed here)


(items listed here)

If that makes Petal happy, of course *bark*
Apologies, people. Things have been hectic for me lately and I'm really not myself these days. I just realized that we're waiting on me here :(

I'll try to get something up as soon as possible. @Zatheron it's been a while since you said you're getting back to posting. Are you with us?
*hugs* No worries, friend! Life happens to all of us, it's all part of the fun. I hope things are going better soon!
Expect little to no posts from me until this weekend. Wolf's part of yet another foreign delegation's escort (this time an Arabian prince, no less), duty ending on Friday. Really not something that leaves you much any free time :/ *bark*
No worries, take care of your Real Life. :D I hope you have fun while you're at it!

Now that the Wolf has returned, this game will be resuming shortly. And you can expect some large-scale updates, both global and individual at that.

I'm concerned for @Zatheron though. He's one of the best players and a friend, but he seems to have disappeared lately :/
Apologies for the lack of activity lately. Some unfortunate events have aligned to impede the game's progress at the same time, it seems. I got swamped with work (though it seems to be dropping off now), @Zatheron went missing (which is really, really bad but I hope he comes back soon), and I am working on several large updates of which I have finished just one.

I will post ahead soon to get things going again, and apologies to @Grey especially because he hasn't received updates for the longest time. This is partially because Valtieri is the only active character in his group at the graveyard, it seems :/

Thank you all for bearing with us in this quaint time. Things will get alot better alot soon, you'll see *bark*
'S all good wuff. I can't speak for other folks but I certainly can't complain about waiting for somebody else :P Looking forward to the majicks update.
What the admiral nurse said. (Where does he get all those adorable avatars, anyway?)
(@Kaerri I believe he draws them himself. I'm more curious of why he gets a colored name *bark*)

Meanwhile, I bet no one noticed that we now have a fancy cover image for the Archives *woof*

Also fun fact: Amaranth is now 2 years, 1 month, 22 days old (from the opening OOC post)

And a rough estimate would place the game at about 40% complete.:tongue:
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Ooo, pretty picture!

*snoops into the profile pages* Maybe because he's a fellow?
In regard to my last ingame post: Yes, I did rework the entire script of the necromancer tongue. And yes, I would appreciate if certain individuals would refrain from attempting to hack it, so that poor Wolf can focus on other things and not, say, the second restructuring of the said script :tongue:

Thank you :bigsmile: *bark*
Fine, fine. :wink: As a non-necromancer I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to be able to read it anyway.:smiled:
Though you're all probably bored of hearing this, I do apologize for the less than desirable amount of updates lately (read that: last several weeks). I am working on setting up some lightweight systems and have so far completed Necromancy and Elemental Magic - that's right @Calgori it is done, however you'll need to wait an additional day for polishing before you'll be able to drool all over it :tongue:

On another note, looking at updates that I did give, the following people are deserving of bumps: @Grey @Zatheron @SephirothSage - meaning that they have something to post after all.

I still don't know what's wrong with Zatheron. No one's seen him since late July, but I know him well enough to believe he wouldn't just abandon things here. We shall wait and see; my usual procedure will apply: Characters belonging to inactive individuals become NPCs at the end of chapter. But there's quite a ways to go until then, so here's to hoping he'll be back *howl* :smiled:

I want nothing more than to get things going again at a moderate pace, but I need the help of all of you guys to do it. You know me; I'm dependable and even if right now things might seem less than interesting, you know I'm gonna do my damn best to get you in as much trouble as I possibly can before long *woof* :bigsmile:
My laptop is unworkable. Sorry guys. Little to no posts from me until at least Monday, if not later - I've got no idea if this can be fixed soon, or if I'll have to leave the site for a year or so until I've saved enough for a new one.
Whoah, whoah there, leave the site? Noooo g-man, no :( I hope it doesn't come to that. You've got like, so many dudes depending on you dude. And dudettes. Fingers crossed and don't you worry about Amaranth - at least not until you can afford to again :P

Ack! I hope it turns out to be something quick and cheap to fix.
Not sure what's the delay this time, but for once it's not Wolf! :bigsmile: *woof*

So let's see.

@Nurse Calgoridue postingN/A
@Orzhovdue posting/inactiveas stands now will be marked as inactive at chapter end
@Petaldue postingN/A
@SephirothSagedue posting/inactiveas stands now will be marked as inactive at chapter end
@Zatherondue posting/inactiveindefinitely excused from inactivity
Oops! My grandmother used to say that no matter how old she got, her "forgetter" and her "procrastinator" always worked just fine. Guess who I take after?

I'll try to do better - I know I saw it was my turn, but I think I didn't know what to say right then, and forgot to come back to it.

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