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OOC Little Talks

I must ask you all to please exercise patience, I am in the middle of a large update to the game and want to roll out the full update all at once which will take some time but will hopefully make the game experience more interesting for all players. And then there's real life work that's slowing me down.

I will however make smaller updates to the story in the meantime so as not to halt the game altogether. Thank you for understanding *bark*
I have obviously watched The Mummy too many times - I understood the spooky message right off :P
Petal neglected to mention a two-week vacation that started a couple days ago. I don't think she has the capability to post down there unless she wants to do it over her phone which is tedious to do when you're supposed to be vacation.

No matter. Is anyone else on vacation? How about @Zatheron? You're the only unaccounted party here mate :) *bark*

And @Kaerri, does that mean I need to redo the entire alphabet? I knew the letters were too similar to their latin counterparts... I wanted to make things easier on me and Grey but it looks like that was a mistake :P *woof*
Should I just keep the posts coming then, or wait until she returns?

And no, no, I think the alphabet's fine! Seriously, word puzzles are something of a hobby for me (my best friends and I used to pass notes in school that were written in Tolkien's dwarf runes) and I really am more familiar with that particular phrase than I probably ought to be. There was a time when my roommate and I were watching that movie probably at least twice a week - we even got to the point where we'd put it on to go to sleep to, like some kind of weird lullabye. :P I would say that "is" and "only" are pretty readable (which is how I was able to extrapolate the rest) but everything else would take more work to translate.
Well, they are too... decipherable so I will make slight modifications, and if you still manage to read them then, well... I will admit defeat :tongue:

Wait I quoted something...? *googles*

Oh. The Mummy. Should have known. I guess it must have stuck with my subconscious because I was honestly not aware it was a quote lol :D *bark*

And no, game will resume without Petal. In fact I just spoke to her on the phone and discussed what's about to happen to she is already ahead of you guys, and in the next two weeks I predict to finish both the catacombs and the Riverfront merchant questlines.
What's up, guys and gals? Everyone make it thru the merge alright?

I just finished fixing up the prefixes and polishing up the place, though no amount of polishing is going to make it shine like it once did, sadly *bark*
>mfw blocking the new site's javascript

>mfw nothing works, can't post or anything

>mfw this must be wizard's fault

Should have something in a bit. This is still strange.
Our world has changed; it is no longer what it used to be. Just ghosts of days gone by, in this Age of Wayward Wolves.

I made it! Though I had to fix Maggie's sheet so that there wasn't text between the pictures (small space, it just looked clunky).
Attention all players: Some new updates will be rolling out and I will be adding a primitive inventory system to the game (nothing too restrictive, still mostly relying on common sense) and as such will need everyone who has not yet done so clearly, to state what equipment they are using. You don't need to account for every tinderbox and flask, just your weapon, outfit, and anything else that's important.

Also I will be introducing a monetary system, most likely based on the standard gold/silver/copper pieces. Not that this means you need to worry; if you'll remember the Council has granted you what was back then called "enough money so you don't need to worry about it", but we will now define this.

I hope no one minds this. The game remains Freeform and no overly restrictive/complicated system will be enforced on anyone*

*except Grey who really deserves such a fate *bark*
Quick question, since I see you're online - this gate that we're at, is that also the way to the graveyard?
Oh, no, no no. Please check the town map for reference, that's what it's for (In the Archives, in the Atlas). The Riverfront Gate leads out into the Riverfront District, the exact opposite side of town from the graveyard which is out the Main Gates. One glance at the map and it becomes clear.

I was online, sitting right here by the PC but I was texting with Petal and trying to come up with some potatoes/ale/meat prices to define the cheap/average/fine meals. We had alot of fun doing economy for an hour between midnight and 1 AM :D *howl*
*smack head* Map, of course! Silly me.

Hurray for research! :smiled:
Sometimes I may be less than clear enough because I have the map in my head all the time, or even open in the background, so naturally to me it seems like my posts are always clear enough. I forget that it's not so for the rest of you. I would like to know the resources I spend hours to create are being used, you know :tongue:

Some help with this, please. See what a mess it's become? I've no idea what half of you are wearing, even. Question marks where I need clarification.

Maggie's Inventory @Kaerri

- priestess robes

- dagger?

- staff?

- holy symbol?

Dina's Inventory @Petal

- traveler's outfit

- silver knife

Akal's Inventory @Zatheron

- varden armor

- greatsword Valaryn

- ?

Battojutsu's Inventory @SephirothSage

- blackened steel armor

- greatsword (odachi)

- longsword (katana)

- shortsword (waikashahi)

Henvei's Inventory @Doctor Calgori

- traditional fancy Folk wear

- the Codex

- ?

Valtieri's Inventory @Grey

- necromancer's robes

- necromancer's staff

- ?
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A traveler's outfit is a generic clothing outfit fit for traveling. It would consist of boots, a skirt or breeches (whichever you prefer), a blouse let's say, a jacket maybe in addition and an optional cloak.

I remember Dina picking up a blue dress back in Ridge, but you've been on a two week trip through the desert - the dress would be quite unusable by now. But with your soon to be added tiny fortune you will be able to go shopping in Dunn for whatever you like.

Edited in the silver knife *bark*
You'd be the last person I'd expect to be actually asking me to make things more complicated, Petal. I thought you wanted to keep things simple. Don't you worry *woof*

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