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OOC Little Talks

Apologies for not advancing the story yet. I was waiting on Orzhov but he's missed his chance now :P

Anyway... We'll start both teams' missions tomorrow. To confirm: First team is led by Meric and consists of Battojutsu, Sanya, Vittorio, and A'kal - heading outside to the cemetery (good luck). The second team is Dina, Maggie and Violet (who will stay close to Dina for a while after what happened to her) - on their way to visit a few merchants. The only unassigned character is Henvei, who by the way could simply go his own way and visit his colleagues at the local Mages Guild :P *bark*
Unless any of you kiddies need more magisass, I think I'll head out to the mage party, ask around. See if they know anything about spooky scary fish people.
So yeah, the site stopped updating me on posting and life was a little distracting this weekend. I'll try to get something up shortly.
It's been a few days and no posts? Fine, updates only for Calgori then :tongue:

It's not like you've nothing to post, the rest of you *bark*
"Pardon me, peasant, but his Lordship has given us permission - nay, requested of us - to leave through that gate and save you from the monsters.

That being the case, hop to it blast you this'll be a busy morning."
Hm. Valtieri was with everyone else at the castle. He had the time to do all that before coming down by the gates? :D Ok, but! Hiring help to carry his stuff is one thing, but what would you have to promise the boy to get him to follow you into an Undead-infested cemetery? :oops:
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]Hm. Valtieri was with everyone else at the castle. He had the time to do all that before coming down by the gates? :D Ok, but! Hiring help to carry his stuff is one thing, but what would you have to promise the boy to get him to follow you into an Undead-infested cemetery? :oops:

Kids love adventure! And everyone knows monsters drop treasure. Besides, someone can always take exception and have him sent home.

And I assumed there was time because it didn't strike me as OTT nor did there seem to be too small a window, and people arrived slowly, and I figured I should account for the slow post somehow...

Still, I'll rein it in going forward - just feeling out boundaries.
NP. Bartholemew is going to look over, disgusted, and demand you /not/ bring a Child to a place of Battle, in the post I am currently typin for him, don't worry!
I'll be quiet 'till next week as I'm sent on the field to deal with pesky thingies. Don't rush too much ahead :D
The hype has gone down again, eh? :tongue: *bark*

Ok, I'll wait for that and then update Henvei/Maggie.

New players are new players - I don't know them yet and as such cannot know what to expect from them, but I do wonder where @Anub&\#039;ithos went. Such absence is unlike him.
I've already let this stretch for too long. Dunno what's happening with some of you guys, but time doesn't pause for no wolf, let alone man *bark*

Posting tomorrow.
Sorry Wolf. I've been absorbed in studying for this test that's coming up that I have to do well on so I haven't been able to post. Going to do that soon! Today or tomorrow most likely.
Why, hi there mate! :D Good to hear from you, really ;) Best of luck with your exam, and remember you can always drop a brief note here to let us know when you need some time off ;) Just so you don't get old Wolf worried :P *bark*

For Petal and Kaerri:

Quest updated: Just Business

The first one was easy, but that was a solid argument from Dina. A bit out of her time, maybe, eh Petal? But alright.
Petal said:
I don't get what you mean, dear.
I mean she talks like a 21st century college student, not like a medieval maiden who spent half her childhood growing up in a forest hut in the middle of nowhere. What comes as granted knowledge to Petal was quite uncommon in Dina's time.
Doc has some last minute eternally busy sort of work to do into Saturday, which is also the reason for my relative silence recently. I will return to castle woofenstein proper come the weekend.

Also I think that castle woofenstein should be a real building.
An appeal to all players: Please be patient until all of you accept your invites and get accustomed to navigating the new layout. I am putting the game on pause until the end of the week to accommodate this *bark*

Fixed my posting colors so that they're readable without too much strain. Everyone else looks pretty comfortably visible on this new white, except Seph-sage who was posting in white (took me a few minutes to figure that out! looked just blank at first).
Finally posted. Sorry it took so long, website wasn't loading on my computer until today but I'm back. After tomorrow I should be popping up a little bit more often again hopefully. :)

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