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OOC Little Talks

[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Will attempting to use Necromantic spirit-manipulations even obstruct the spirit possessing Dina, or will I spend time on an appropriately dramatic post only to be told that it doesn't work?
What makes you think I would automatically fail such an attempt? Clearly this possession needs to be taken care of before Petal ragequits.
I am sufficiently unused to freeform to be unsure where narrative fiat ends and actual player agency begins.

So, to the castigating!

Somehting like that? Or a bit less silly and over the top?
Vittorio won't hurt her... unless the spirit makes him. But what's one stabbing between adventurers?
Spotlight's on you greyman.

This is also the first encounter of the asshole scholar kind for the new guys. Orzhov, I swar I'm not actually an asshole :C
Grey said:
I am sufficiently unused to freeform to be unsure where narrative fiat ends and actual player agency begins.
So, to the castigating!
Usually things that are completely over the top are apparently over the top, and as for everything else... Well, it can't hurt to try ;)

For this matter all I can say is that Vittorio is perfectly competent of banishing the spirit back to the Shadow Realm, with or without the priestess' blessing (though the positive energy does help slightly, and is otherwise a very nice gesture on Kaerri's part <3), and without harming Dina. Oh, and the choice presented is not a dummy. I seldom offer my players the illusion of a choice, unless it's an illusion offered by game events themselves. I hope that's not too unclear.

Also, Grey, could you be bothered to make your character's spoken lines stand out more? Indentation will suffice, if you don't want to bold the text like everyone else *bark*

Now let's let Grey handle this, everyone. What will he do?
Bolding is fine. I'll go back and edit my posts this thread, but I am not hunting them down in the last one.

Also, there is no need to stretch things. We will resolve the situation in the next post - either the spirit will be banished or it won't. Should you opt for banishment, feel free to come up with your own version of it, after which I'll post to confirm it in a couple words. And if you don't... Well, you have that right but I don't think it will net you any popularity from the other players :tongue:

A party member has been possessed by a spirit you inadvertently set loose, making her condition indirectly your fault. You know you have the power to banish the spirit, but it promises you powerful rewards if you just let it be. What will you do?

> "It was a mistake to deal with you in the first place. Begone!" (banish the spirit to the Shadow Realm)

> "Blast it, I forgot the banishment incantation! And I have to leave. Now." (allow the spirit to possess party member)

Violet disapproves (-75)

Meric disapproves (-50)

A'kal disapproves (-25)

Laurolf disapproves (-25)

Henvei disapproves (-15)
Since I am now done with exams, I'll get to posting.

One question - can Valtieri imprison the Shade in that ritually prepared dagger?

And personally I'd expect

Violet disapproves (-75)

Meric disapproves (-50)

A'kal disapproves (-25)

Laurolf disapproves (-25)

Henvei would like to know more about chairs (+15)
Well. You don't need the dagger to actually perform the banishment, since you have your trusty staff - and you could probably do it without the staff as well, only it would be more difficult. But I can tell that was just a nice touch. Um. I would prefer it if you simply banished it back to the Shadow Realm - we can put it on the account of the spirit being too powerful to be bound to an artifact on such a short notice and lack of longer preparation.
That's fine, I didn't want to mess up anything plot relevant. I just feel Vittorio would have a properly prepared item for the purpose and cause to use it.

I'll go post now.

...Say, can Vittorio make enchanted items for the Fellowship by trapping shades or shadow essence in them, in future?
Well, you have what's written in the Necromancy: The Dark Art book, under Artifacts section. Though it might be just a little vague.

Short answer: Yes, with a but. Keep in mind that anything he enchants would be powered by shadow essence, a purified form of shadow substance that makes up the Shadow Realm (e.g. black matter?). Thus all of the possible effects would have something to do with that. Proper enchanting is otherwise a separate kind of magic that deals with imbuing runes into artifacts, which is basically a way to embed any kind of magical effect to an object.

I promise to delve deeper into this and allow you some time to play with it before long ;) *bark*

p.s. the longer this game runs, the more I'm feeling sorry I never got to developing some hybrid mechanics to complement ingame powers =/
Alright, that's it for the chapter introduction. If anyone wants to add an exit post for their character, you are welcome to do so in the next 24 hours or so, at which point I will transition the storyline into the next day.

Strictly exit posts, please. Don't stretch things out :tongue:

Sorry for the delay, team. I've been trying to post for days now, getting interrupted mid-work every time due to work that had me gone all day and coming back too late to do anything sane. Barely mustered the energy to play with Petal, too.

But, the post is up after all and things should be normalizing now. Thank you for your patience *bark*
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]
p.s. the longer this game runs, the more I'm feeling sorry I never got to developing some hybrid mechanics to complement ingame powers =/

You know, if you wanted, I could probably knock something together for you within a few days. I'd have to know exactly what you wanted from it, of course.
I'm seeing a 'let's split up gang' thing happening with the river monster arc. Some folks go out and solve the monsters and other folks stay behind and fortify the town. Dibs on the Shaggy/Scooby group.

Also grey do etttt.
I'm gonna stay and fortify the town. There must be a cemetery I can misappropriate around somewhere.
[QUOTE="Admiral Calgori]I'm seeing a 'let's split up gang' thing happening with the river monster arc. Some folks go out and solve the monsters and other folks stay behind and fortify the town. Dibs on the Shaggy/Scooby group.
Also grey do etttt.

It's not necessarily a split up opportunity, because the river monsters won't appear until nightfall. So you could actually all group up to take on the Undead at the cemetery, and in the evening prepare to defend the Riverfront. Of course, it may be less than wise to bring the last living heir to the throne into a creepy Undead-infested cemetery. And if she's being left behind, a couple more of you will probably stay as well. Which is also ok. Up to you guys.

Grey said:
I'm gonna stay and fortify the town. There must be a cemetery I can misappropriate around somewhere.
There will be a cemetery for you once you win it :P I was actually thinking that you'd want to go along for the ride on this one, since your talents would be useful not only once the place is secured, but also directly while fighting *rawrrr*

Grey said:
You know, if you wanted, I could probably knock something together for you within a few days. I'd have to know exactly what you wanted from it, of course.
Hm. It's not that I couldn't handle it myself, but I'm thinking it might be too late now, a bad idea to try and restructure a thing in progress especially when the current players signed up to play based on different conditions. It would render my devilish contracts void to break my own terms of agreement :D But thank you for the offer, though. It is something to consider, for the future if not for now ;)

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