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Realistic or Modern Lit/semi lit-Male boarding school. Anthro-furry. M/M.


Down the rabbit hole we go
(ooc-Anthro=Human/animal Hybrid)
He let a sinewy trail of smoke out on exhale, eyes focused dully on the dancing patterns it carved out against the harsh lighting in the boys’ bathroom. It wasn’t necessarily that he enjoyed breaking the rules; that would be uncouth however the youth couldn’t deny the throbbing ache of nicotine any longer. “Eldons private school for boys, only the elite” he added coyly as he took another long drag from the cigarette hanging loosely from his furred fingers. Kai took a deep breath as he flicked the butt of his depreciated smoke into the toilet and watched it sink to the bottom of the bowl, this year had been a special kind of hell- He left the stall and took a sideways glance into the mirror, dark gray fur clipping in disarray to every which way. Normally he prided himself in his appearance, perhaps a bit too much in the form of self-esteem being overly sensitive in nature. His mother overwhelmed by the prospect of raising a child had enrolled him two days prior-his family name held quite the fortune and his mother was nothing more than a trophy wife with no maternal instincts. He had; in fact-been raised by the family maid. His ears flattened down to his head as he brushed pieces of hair from yellow eyes, he was indeed every bit as roguishly handsome as his father yet adorned the softness of his mother; unfortunately he lacked the confidence that both his parents had as natural alpha wolves. His father led the cities crime scene with his pack as a new era ‘mob’ boss, His father had been hesitant to prison him at the school due to the inter-species policies towards academia-they tended to be rather close minded viewing pure bloods with an uncomfortable level of elite-ism and condemning inter-species ‘mutts’ or so they were called to blasphemy. Yet the school was as much a display of wealth and status as the lavish lifestyle he had lived. The school uniform hung loosely off of the boys slender form, carefully monitored by his appetite in the form of an eating disorder; a fact he despised of himself. “Homeroom.” He mumbled to himself as he read his class itinerary, “34b”. He stumbled out into the hallway looking and feeling like a lost lamb, the school was as polished as the marble carving out the architecture of the academy. “I’m lost”.

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