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Futuristic Life With Artificial Intelligence (Open)

Rui said:
She nodded, slightly off-put by the question.
"Um...sure. Do you need anything?" She asked, curious as to his reasoning.

Terra took off his shirt, exposing his chest. His left arm had mechanical components on it. "Would you like to talk a bit with me? Say, we could learn a lot about each other."
Occasionally John caught on to some signs of discomfort from the AI and while part of it might have merely been his own projections, it was comforting to know that he wasn't the only one still trying to come to term with the situation. A far older and wiser man had once proclaimed that music soothes the soul and John found himself agreeing. In that regard, Scarlet's choice was indeed fortunate. “I'm interested to see what you think of music; though a proper concert would have made for a grander introduction.” He noted, following her out of the alley.

The Digital lettering above the entrance alternatively welcomed and alerted customers to upcoming sales. Upon approach the doors slid open allowing soft piano tunes to drift out, Chopin if Johnathan wasn't mistaken. In the past the caffeine fueled clerks had made worse choices, so perhaps this was a good omen. “Feel free to point out anything that catches your eye, they're pretty lenient as far as testing the display pieces.” The detective offered, slowly passing a selection of keyboards intermingled with more pricey pianos. He was casually bee lining toward a handful of wall mounted guitars while a nearby employee was on the verge of popping the inevitable question and offer of assistance under the watchful gaze of his supervisor.

@Scarlet Fires
Upon entering the building Scarlet gasped as the sound of the classical music met her ears. The way each note blended together captivated her. She seemed to be immediately lost in another world as she began to wonder off to look at other shelves of music. She wasn't sure where to start as she browsed along.

At some point the AI came across a small strange screen with a few pictures on it and a headset hanging near by. Scarlet stood leaned a bit with her hands linked behind her back looking at it when someone approached her. "You use it like this." A voice said while removing her current headset and replacing it with the headphones hanging near by. "Now pick one." He said and pointed at the screen in front of Scarlet. She turned her head to see the man now standing rather close to her before turning back to look at the screen. "I'm not sure which one to pick." Scarlet replied looking over the different options. "Here, try this one then." The man then reached out and picked one of the options listed. Scarlet flinched, startled at the sound that began to play loudly through the headphones and her nose scrunched up a bit, she didn't like it. The man beside her began to laugh, "By the looks of your face this kind of music isn't to your liking." However, Scarlet couldn't hear him over the music and looked at him confused. Once again this caused the man to laugh before he reached over and paused the music. "I said it seems you don't care for that kind of music." Scarlet shook her head in agreement, "It sounded like something was dying." The man once again laughed and this time she laughed with him.

"My name is Elliot Asher. You are?" Scarlet held her hand out to shake, "Scarlet Angel. It's nice to meet you." Elliot smiled and shook her hand, "And you as well." He replied before looking back to the screen. "Well Scarlet, I think this genre may be a bit more to your liking." He once again picked one of the options on the screen. The elegant sounds of a piano rang out into the AIs ears this time and she smiled before sliding off the head phones, "Yes I like that music sounds much better. What is it?" Elliot smiled, "It's a classical genre. The piece playing is called 'Piano Sonata NO.12 In F.' By Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart." He replied. Scarlet made a mental note of the composer's name before moving onto another question. "What other kind of music genres are there?" The brunette asked. She had already heard what seemed like two different extremes and she was curious as to what else there was. "Well if you have the time I wouldn't mind showing you around the shop to teach about them." Scarlet looked around to see where John had taken off too. Noticing he was still rather busy with the guitars on the wall she turned her attention back to Elliot, "Sure I've got some time."

The action slowly registered with Winter. Ever so slowly her face turned red and heated up.

Yet another feature to make her seem human...

"G-GAH!" She quickly covered her eyes, "P-p-put your shirt back on! This is highly inappropriate!" She squeaked, stumbling backwards until she hit a wall.

"You...stay...me, go, work!" She stuttered, and blindly found the door, and darted out of it, dashing to the door.


System overheating...prep for cool down

She huffed, wiping her brow for sweat that wasn't there. She decided to head back to the library; her shift was soon and she wanted to finish her essay in peace.

@DaManofWar @HandsomeJack
Brandon finally arrived at the library. He hoped finding the book he needed wouldn't take to long and he highly doubted anyone would've checked it out. However when he arrived at the section the book should be located, it wasn't there. With a heavy sigh he made his way over to the computers and pulled up the library catalog. His search showed that the book should be available in this library, so he printed the page and took it to the help desk. "Um, excuse me? Do you guys happen to have the Encyclopedia of Diseases and Disorders avaliable for check out? I walked by the shelf it should be located but couldn't seem to find it and your online catalog says it's still available." He explained looking up at the small blue haired girl behind the desk. @Rui


It wasn't long after Brandon left that Jack finished up the paper work. He sighed done for the day and checked the time. "Only five more hours till curfew.... Might as well go for a walk to kill some time."

On his walk Jack was lost deep in thought. Something had been rather different about Brandon lately and he couldn't place it. Normally Brandon talked to him about everything but it seemed he was becoming increasingly distant. While not paying attention Jack suddenly bumped into some else who seemed to be not paying attention as well. Jack stepped back and looked at the man and immediately recognized him and one of Ayrona's many detectives. "Sorry about that detective I wasn't paying attention!" @Diran the Thief
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.a42d694c7b309f7a534ce665753560ac.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119645" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.png.a42d694c7b309f7a534ce665753560ac.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She, still slightly flustered, was broken out of her daze by a (very attractive) man's voice. She looked up and did a double take.

Very VERY attractive...

She coughed quickly, "It's avaliable on data pad...they can be checked out here, via code." She smiled sweetly, "I believe the paper copy was checked out this afternoon, actually." She set down her data pad, the essay still open, author and all on display.

"Do you have a data pad with you?"




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Brandon was rather surprised that the book had actually been checked out. "How unusual." He didn't typically like using digital copies of books but it seemed it would have to do for now. He pulled out his data pad which had his name neatly engraved on the back and handed it to the girl. "Here you go." As he passed it over he noticed she had been writing something and was tempted to ask about it but didn't want to seem nosy. @Rui
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.6d935be2f3b212f9cdf690c89a8b3614.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119646" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.6d935be2f3b212f9cdf690c89a8b3614.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> She was coding in the book when she noticed his name, squinted, and paused,

"Wait, you're Brandon..." She stopped dead, "I was just reading your..." She stared at her own pad, and sighed, "wow I hoped I'd meet you under different circumstances." She finished coding the book.

"Your paper was very interesting. I adore your writing, but, I do have to say there are a few mistakes..." She smiled sheepishly, "I have an eye for it." She paused again, "That was horribly rude, you never asked." She sighed, deflating. "Hehe...I'm sorry..." She was at a loss for words, which was rare. She handed back his data pad, and sat back down, twiddling her thumbs, and taking off her reading glasses.




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Brandon's eyes widened a bit at the sudden comments on his essay and her sudden critique as well. He couldn't recall anyone ever bothering to critique his essay, not in the slightest. So he found it rather interesting that she had spotted something wrong. He gently received his data pad back and couldn't help but ask, "Not at all; in fact I didn't realize I had any fans. If you don't mind me asking, what was it you found to be incorrect?" He put his data pad away and stood with his arms crossed hoping for an answer. @Rui
Talon said:
Talon yawned and stretched, he stood up and walked to his kitchen to get a snack. @Daniel reaving
The kitchen was a wreak as a whimpering was coming from a far corner, Isabella sat there curled up in the corner gripping her head tightly in her hands in a pained state as she tried to cope with the memory virus that diseased her. She groaned and whimpered in pain wanting nothing more than for this horrible feeling to stop as she tried to remember, tried to remember anything. "P-p-pa-papa.... m-m-m-my-my h-hea-h-head." She whimpered mostly to her self not knowing talon was awake

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She was equally supprised at his interest in her critique,

"Well, other than grammatical errors? The diseased cells don't reproduce arithmetically, they reproduce geometrically or exponentially, which is one of the reasons it's so deadly; it outpaces the healthy cells reproduction and immune system's reaction. Secondly, the stage progression you listed is too case-specific. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms as your subject did..." She blushed timidly, "I read up a bit on Wicked Anemia. I'd like to help cure it someday," she sighed


(OMG im so sorry I thought this posted last night but it did NOT.)
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Noivern said:
"Oh, thank you Sir."
Eva sat down on the sofa and adjusted her seating. She'd never really been in a comfortable bed or anything of the sort since Cord couldn't compile enough money for things like this. She sank into the cushions of the couch and stayed silent for a little.

"I know I look human. But I like to think myself as one. Even though I like 'playing' human a lot I feel like an actual girl. Y'know? Also I want to talk to you about my previous partner. He is a Modalak unit. Shells notorious for being medium AI quality and high durability. They're war robots if you didn't know. Anyways, he was fitted with a top-notch cyberbrain which allowed him to be as human as me. He still looks like a robust battle droid, though."

Ea fiddled with her thumbs and glanced down at her boots once more.

"I miss him. I really want to see him again but for all I know he could be miles away..."

She looked out a nearby window and sighed, clusters of skyscrapers visible in the distance.



"Yo, anyone home?"

Cord beat on the door and growled. He hated waiting, more so when it was for something he needed to do but didn't want to. The absence of his new assignment made fury boil inside him, causing him to lash out at a nearby stop sign. The whole bar supporting the sign snapped like a twig when Cord hit it.

"God dammit. When is this guy gonna arrive?"

@Cez Bloodblade
Vincent listened to his A. I and found himself simply fascinated by her humanity. The small signs of nervousness that showed on her body and the genuine sadness that appeared in her voice and expression when she talked about her friend. Yes, he knew A. I’s were supposed to be sentient but he didn't imagine for them to be able to express emotions to such a degree. While he honestly wasn't concerned for this Cord this was simply too good of an opportunity to miss so adding some fake compassion in to his tone he began talking. "Well that shouldn't be too hard to arrange I do have some contacts and won't be that hard to find him, so a meeting could be arranged should you so desire." taking a small pause to scratch his chin he continued "Now what is your name, cause it would be rather rood if called you A.I. all the time."

@Noivern (Sorry, had some busy days.)
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Terra quickly started to review his equipment. Everything was in order. This hit would definitely pay very well.
"My full name is Eva Elizabeth. My creator who was assigned to me named me after his deceased daughter." Eva laughed a little at the darkly funny anecdote, but quieted down.

"So Vin right? Uh, I think Cord's ID was CQB...77...something along those lines. In a couple days we can go see him!"

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"Well I appreciate your input. I'd also like to work on a cure. It's partially why I am going to Ayrona Univeristy." Brandon replied and actually smiled a bit at the girl. "However, I believe the diseased cells reproduction rate varies, hence the fluctuating temperature. What was your name again?" He asked politely realizing she hadn't mentioned it. @Rui
Sadzi Young

Sadzi smiled, noticing he called her Miss Young. But she much prefered her first name. "Oh just call me Sadzi. And... it would be nice to eat with someone." She finished in a whisper, she hadn't eaten with someone in a while. And it seemed rude to eat while a person was sitting, or standing, right next to you. @HandsomeJack (Sorry it never notified me)
"Hm...That's true, but they lapse the healthy cells at all times so we must assume there is a baseline for production rate..." she paused, her eyes widening a little.

Her name...? He...cared?

Maybe she was just reading into it too much...

"I'm Winter, Winter Sixx." She extended her hand for a handshake. "Pleased to meet you."

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Talon glanced down at his newest edition to the family. "Issabella?¿?¿" He walked over and knelt in front of the AI. "That virus is really nasty huh." he pulled out a small tablet from his pocket and scanned her. "Hold on this will take a sec." he assured her as he adjusted some things in her basic programming. It should shut down the virus for now, but sadly this wasnt a permanent thing. He would have to keep trying to figure out how to get rid of that virus. @Daniel reaving
Talon said:
Talon glanced down at his newest edition to the family. "Issabella?¿?¿" He walked over and knelt in front of the AI. "That virus is really nasty huh." he pulled out a small tablet from his pocket and scanned her. "Hold on this will take a sec." he assured her as he adjusted some things in her basic programming. It should shut down the virus for now, but sadly this wasnt a permanent thing. He would have to keep trying to figure out how to get rid of that virus. @Daniel reaving
"E-error p-primary memory c-corrupted." She said before the new programming set in and she stopped groaning and looked up at her papa before she gave him a happy smile. "Papa!" She said happily as she crawled into his arms happily

(omfg my notifs died)

Ilydia stares down the street at the two men as they began to get too far away. She sped up a little bit. Where were they going? Who were they?

Why did she care? Because she didn't want to care about anything, so she pretended to care about the first thing she happened to see? No. Maybe she hadn't seen anything like this before and was curious(The first part of this was true, but she wasn't sure about her being curious). Maybe, she thinks, as a mortifying possibility dawns on her, it was because she was attracted to the guy being chased. She bites back a laugh after realizing how stupid and idiotic that was. Wasn't it?

Yes, she decides. It most certainly is.

For her own pride, she forces that possibility roughly aside and decides she was curious.

(No, I
don't ship it)
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Evan was extremely uncomfortable and gently pushed her off of his lap. "Im not your papa, im your friend." He said gently as if he was talking to a child, which he kind of was. @Daniel reaving
Talon said:
Evan was extremely uncomfortable and gently pushed her off of his lap. "Im not your papa, im your friend." He said gently as if he was talking to a child, which he kind of was. @Daniel reaving
"B-but you are my papa." She said back as she instantly crawled back onto his lap and cuddled up to him happily as she smiled and nuzzled his chest. "You are my owner and only papa can be my owner." She said to him innocently as she curled up in his lap happily and started to hum a random tune thinking she had convinced her papa that he was infact her papa.

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