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Fantasy Life on the Hellmouth

So I've been trying to figure out how to start this, and I've decided that the easiest way would be just to tell you all what happened and then we can start the next day when my character is looking for help. It will be the quickest way to get everyone involved. Also, just as a heads up, I will be using lots of demons and stuff from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and maybe supernatural because then we won't have to make everything up all the time.

So the first event is that my character was walking through the local park late at night and encountered a few hell hounds. Because of they way they acted she believes there are more of them and that someone is possibly trying to target and kill a specific group of people. Now our characters need to stop that from happening, and that leads us to now.


Andy sat in the library, every book on demons or myths and legends sitting on the table in front of her. Something weird was going on and someone might be in danger, and some might wonder why she would even care but that was a different matter entirely. This was just something she had to do. Even though Andy was fairly familiar with demons and dangerous things, she wanted to be sure about what she saw last night. So she was reading everything she could find on hell hounds.
Matt had been watching the girl for a few days now. He'd check in every few hours and then zip away again, unnoticed as always. But she seemed particularly uncomfortable at this particular moment as she flipped through book after book on what he considered "all kinds of old, crazy s***". Then again, he was a ghost, so maybe old, crazy s*** wasn't so crazy after all.

Maybe she could use some help, and, just maybe, he could provide it. He sat down on the chair opposite hers, or at least made an attempt to hover in a position that looked like he was seated properly, and then peeled away the spectral layer between himself and reality. She would see and hear him now, although he was still immaterial.

"Looks like fun stuff you've got there." He said plainly, leaning back into the chair. His torso phased through it, leaving his head in an awkward position where there was no body attached from her point of view.
Alice absently dusted off one of the coffins as he waited for his father to finish with the last customer for the day so he could leave though his mind was somewhere else. Something weird has been happening he could feel it and he wasn't quit sure what though he knew it was dangerous. H was used to weird things happening and has even seen his fair share of demons and ghost but somehow this seemed different. More dangerous. He couldn't wait until he could leave and get to the library to research it. He snapped out of his thoughts as the door to his fathers office opened and watched eagerly as his father walked the crying widow to the door. He could of cheered when his father finally gave him the nod of leave.

Smiling he pulled off the apron he wore when cleaning and ran up the stairs to his room. Tossing on his black cat eared jacket he grabbed his backpack and Emily (his skull) then was out the door and running to the library. He slowed his pace to a walk once he reached the library. Smiling he hummed happily closing his eyes as he breathed in the warm comforting air that always seemed to cover the library. He almost walked right past the table housing a strangely familiar girl and a ghost.

Frowning he blinked before plopping himself down in the chair next to her and setting Emily down on the table. Curious he read the titles of the books cluttering the table. He was shocked to find he recognized many of them including the one the girl held as ones he read when he was trying to find out all he could on hell hounds after seeing one in one of his books. Glancing at the girl he let out a hesitant giggle."Have you gotten yourself into some trouble or are ya just curious?"
Andy shut her book quickly when she heard someone comment about what she was reading. She looked up slowly, "oh," she said, relaxing again. She had encountered ghosts before and she wasn't too worried about him running around telling everybody she was a freak. "That really depends on what you consider fun." She said, opening her book again and starting to read where she left off. But she only had a few minutes before someone else sat down at the table and questioned her about the books. Andy gave a sigh if frustration and looked up at the other person, she didn't really know him, but she had seen him around before. "I'm not in trouble but someone else might be, and it's kind of a time sensitive thing." She said quickly. "Any other questions?"
Alice shook his head not bothered by her impatient tone in the least. Leaning beck he absently picked up an unfamiliar book and began reading ignoring Emily as she leaned over his shoulder to read it to. Waving his hand he absently made her visible and solid then gestured to the open chair by the ghost as he became immersed in his reading. If he was right this is probably what is happening and if it involved hell hounds it was worse then he thought.

Emily scrowled irritated at being told what to do even by Alice. Huffing she stomped over to the seat and sat. Not because Alice told her to but because she didn't feel like standing anymore. Ignoring everyone else she angrily snatched up one of the books and began to immerse herself in the pages.
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James stared at the bindings of the books with increased frustration, the textbook he was looking for seemed to be taken,

"who would take 'A Intelligent Insight into the Rosa'" James thought, but found his words slipping out as well

"It was just here..... " He said, a bit louder than a whisper, hoping that someone who worked here would help, he didn't want to go all the way to the front to find the specific number the book was assigned.
Andy finished reading her current book and shut it with more force than was needed. "I should have know they would have nothing of value here." She said and leaned back in her chair. "People are going to start dying soon, if they haven't already, and I've got nothing I didn't already know a few hours ago." She then stood up and collected the pile of books that were lying on the table and put them away.
Alice looked up in interest at the girls words idly flipping the page. He snorted at he words rolling his eyes as he stood. He nabbed Emilys book ignoring her yell of protest and put the books back on their shelfs then turned back to the girl. He inspected her trying to see if she could be trusted and was satisfied when he found she could."My father has many rare books on things like this. If you would like we could see if there is anything new in them."
Andy looked back at the boy, continuing to put away the stack of books. "But we don't have time to read any more books we need to do something, and-" she started saying but didn't get the chance to finish. Because she had been looking backwards she had not been paying attention to what was in front of her, and consequently, she ended up running into some guy. (@ZeronicX ) Not only that but she dropped most of the books on the ground as well. "Oh my god, I'm really sorry." Andy said in a rush and started to pick up the books. He had probably heard some, if not all, of what they had been talking about too. Which could cause some issues.
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Jame's concentration was broken when someone bumped into him. Staggering him a few inches.

He watched the scene for a few seconds before saying "Happens to all of us, you ok?" while bending down and pucking up books.

He stopped at the first one and read the title "An Origin of Monsters" at a level above a whisper, pausing a bit

"Creative writing class or..... " James said opening to the middle and reading a few sentences, until another book caught his intrest

" Here it is!" James said with zeal, and picked up "A Intelligent Insight into the Rosa"

"You hace Mr. Hester for Environmental Science too?, the librarian said there was only one left..."
"Oh-no, I was just...reading." Andy said, cursing at herself internally for such a horrible cover, she normally wasn't this bad at thinking on her feet, but she already had enough to deal with. Andy picked up the rest of the books quickly and stood up. "I didn't realize anyone else needed it, you can have it if you want. I was just going to put it away anyways." She said.
"Are you sure?..." James asked "I could probably find it online, finder's keepers you know"

He looked at the stack of books she was was carrying and put An Origin of Monsters carefully ontop, hoping she could hold onto the stack.

He did catch onto a few snippets of their conversation but wasn't really paying attention and decide to question it

"Why are you doing all this research into monsters and devils?,"
Alice couldn't help the giggle that escaped at the girls clumsy actions and fumbling words though immediately felt bad about it. He decided to help her when the boy questioned their research so stepped in. Walking closer he grabbed some of the books from the girl and began putting them away as he answered the boys question."We are writing a book and decided to learn more about monsters and stuff to make it better."
Andy gave the boy a look of gratitude, if he hadn't stepped in she probably would have said something even more suspicious. "Yup, yeah, we're writing a book." She said in agreement and gave the guy she ran into a smile, hoping that it would make it a more convincing excuse.
"Ah I see..." James replied to the two abnormal people. And smuled back at the girl, "Good luck on your book about.... monsters" he said,

He opened up his nature book a few pages in and began scanning the notes left behind by the previous owner "Thanks for the book, every book store and library I've been to has been sold out, I was going to lose my mind if I couldn't find it"
"Yeah no problem, good luck with environmental science." Andy said and then turned around quickly, grabbing the arm or the boy and pulling him to the table where she had originally been sitting. She looked at the boy and then at the ghost and the spirit that seemed to have come with the boy, lowering her voice to a whisper so that hopefully the guy she just ran into wouldn't hear. "Alright, so seeing as you all know to some degree what's going on here, we should work together to fix it, right? There are some hell hounds running around and it could be bad news if we don't at least try to stop them. I'm Andy by the way." She said, knowing that she wouldn't be able to stop a bunch of hell hounds on her own. At least not without using magic, and that was out of the question.
"Its nice to meet you Andy i'm Alice and that is my sister Emily." Alice introduced himself and his sister nodding towards Emily as he did."I think us working together would be fine. I have to warn you though my sister can be quite rude but it's all part of her charm. S please don't be offended by anything she says."

Emily glared at Alice angered by his words. Standing she slammed her hands down on the table and hissed."I am not rude nor do I need you to introduce me. I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself." She shot Andy a strained smile."Its nice to meet you I am Emily."

Alice sighed rolling his eyes at his sisters outburst. He loved her more than life itself but she could sometimes be so childish. Especially when she let her temper get ahead of her brain.
"Mm. Call me Matt. Or.. whatever awful ghost pun you can come up with. I promise I won't possess you and upload all of your secrets to facebook." Matt said, nodding a bit. He wasn't overly fond of this new company, but he supposed it was better than nothing.

And who knows? Maybe this would be fun. Maybe he'd even get to do something helpful.
James jumped a bit at the sound of hands hitting the table. And looked at the source of sound. They really are a weird bunch,

"You know they'll throw you out if you're being loud" James said, not that it really mattered, the librarian was probably on the other side,
Andy looked up at the guy. "Sorry, it's just books-writing a book-sometimes we get really excited about it." She said and then looked at Alice. "Maybe it would be better if we went somewhere else to talk about this. You said you had more books, right? Or do we skip the books all together? We really need a plan." She said, and Andy wasn't exactly the planning type. To a degree yes, but not full out plans, just parts of plans.
Alice and Emily shared a smirk at Matts words already knowing what they will call him. They may have respect for the dead but ghost have never really fallen into the category in their books. They weren't technically dead after all they have yet to pass on. That made them free game for teasing. Turning they shot him angelic smiles and chorused."Whatever you say Casper."

Alice turned to Andy when he heard her question and nodded happily."We have plenty of books on the subjects. As for the plan we can discuss it as we research. We wouldn't want to be overhead after all."
James closed his book about roses and pick out a blue treatise,titled "History of Water" he struggled a bit to pull out the heavy textbook from the top and almost dropped it when he pulled out the dust covered book,

Finding everything he needed he walked to the front, taking the long way to not pass the table filled with anomalous writers, though he did hear something more books. And silently question why they needed more to write a book, seeing as they already had a entire stack.
Having been in the library the entire time, lurking just around the shelf, Kirran removed the lollipop from her mouth to speak up, now making herself known to the group. "Iron and salt," she said blatantly, the insides of her lips and tongue stained green from the sour apple flavored candy. The black tee-shirt she wore hung loose on her small frame, though her light-wash jeans were the opposite, clinging to her. Her bicolored hair was up in its usual messy bun atop her head, and her irises were a rich, dark brown, the shade hardly discernable from her pupils.
"Thank you so much for that common knowledge." Andy said sarcastically to the girl that made the comment about iron and salt. "Figuring out how to kill them isn't the problem. It's more the who they're taking orders from and who they want to kill part that's a problem." It seemed like keeping this a secret was becoming less and less of an option here. She turned back to Alice, "do you happen to have any books on how to summon a hell hound? We might be able to see if anyone has bought or taken the materials needed for that and track them from there." Andy suggested.

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