Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

Mayako just smiled joyfully from seeing Anther's eyes light up after he took the first bite. It reminded her of a kid on Christmas morning---it was adorable. She shook her head. "It's fine, I kinda had the same reaction when I first had this," she told him. Mayako took a bite from it after she said it and her smile grew more relaxed. "It is delicious though~" she agreed.
I set down my fork to try and contain my craving. "Yeah no kidding, guess the simplest are the best sometimes." My face transformer back to it's normal color, seeming to go red every couple minutes at this point. I perked myself back up as I finished off what was my last piece, and cleaned myself with the napkin, the slight bit of honey on my face.
((Oh crap I didn't know you replied to this Dx))

"Mhm~ kinda like ramen, or the bacon-grits-egg roll," Mayako said. She savored the last piece of her dessert, smiling dreamily. "See, it wasn't so bad," she gestured her hand to Anther's empty plate and her's as well. Mayako picked up the napkin and brushed away what could've gotten at the corner of her lips. "Ah, it's always the cinnamon that gets me every time," Mayako grinned.

"Still tasted good, nonetheless."
As I finished wiping myself off I reached for my wallet. "Well I don't know about comparing this to ramen, but still pretty good I must say myself." The waitress came back with a content look on her face and handed us the bill, taking away our plates with her. I looked it over and a slightly odd look came across my face. "This is much cheaper then I thought it would be but, does your family have a connection with this place?" I handed Mayako the check and on the bottom it said the words 'for the daughter, a discount'. Written in fine writing of course, have to keep up their image.
Mayako noticed the note at the bottom of the check. "Hm? Oh, she must've recognized me," Mayako smiled sheepishly. "My parents are regulars here---whenever they have the time to actually eat out that is," she explained. "I've been here when I was a little younger. It's good their food still tastes the same as it did back then..." she caught herself reminiscing about it, but snapped back into reality.

Mayako pulled out her wallet and placed her contributing money on the table. "Are you all set to go?" she slipped on her white jacket.
I chuckled a bit and stood up with a smile, placing my own money on the table. I reached out and grabbed Mayako's and handed it back to her. "This one is on me okay?" I smiled and kindly helped her out of her chair, acting like a normal gentlemen.
"You sure? Though it's not much because of the discount, I know I'll have to owe you." Mayako stood after Anther pulled out her chair for her, looking like a gentleman. With a 'Thank you', she took his hand and smiled. The warmth of his hand always made her enjoy this normal thing between them. "Okay, so next stop is the hill place," Mayako said. Thinking about what it would look like with all the snow made her look forward to it.
I laughed a little bit. "I'm sure we can find some way to thank me." I gave her a quick kiss before walking out of the building, the cool night air rushing under us. In a moments notice, I took off my jacket and threw it over Mayako's shoulders, keeping her warm with her dress. "Let's go back to my place in change into something a bit warmer.
Mayako smiled gently, and pulled the jacket closer toward herself like it was a blanket. She nodded from the idea. "Yeah, sounds like a good plan to me." She leaned on Anther's arm a bit to offer him some warmth, since he was no longer wearing a jacket. Despite that, he wasn't shivering or anything. "Sometimes I don't understand how you're so used to the cold," Mayako chuckled.
I laughed and put one hand behind my head, a large smile seeming to take over my face. "What can I say, I just like the cold I guess. I could be in nothin' right now and truthfully tell you that I felt hot. It's just something I like."
Mayako saw the smile that she adored very much on Anther, the one that reminded her there are good things in life. She felt herself smiling as well, and she swung their hands together back and forth. "You're so weird~" she sang in a jesting manner. "But that's one of things that I love about you."

((Time skip to when they're at the hill place??))
Mayako stood on the tall hill with Anther, and she looking over the beautiful view as the bare tree was also beside them. The ground that was once green was covered with a blanket of pure white, and whenever the moon cast a silver glow upon that snow, it glistened. The night sky was dotted starry---they were like burning white spots within the dark.

"Beautiful..." Mayako muttered. "Hey, Anther. We should have a name for this place...we never did have we?"
"I guess we really haven't named this place huh? I always figured it was just that hill, ya know?" I chuckled for a minute before letting out a sigh. "What do you think we should name it then, it is your discovery after all." I took a tight grip on her hand, a subtle smile crossing my lips.
Mayako felt Anther's familiar large hand, and she could feel the comforting warmth even through her glove. She smiled gently and looked ahead, thinking of possible names. "Tranquil, maybe? It's always quiet and pretty, so why not, right?" she glanced at Anther after saying it. "I want a lot of days to be just the way they are like this. Fun and peaceful."
I nodded my head subtly, liking the idea of the name. "Yeah, Tranquility, I like it..." I let out a deep exhale, completely emerging myself in the peace of the moment, Mayako's quiet pulce ever so slightly echoing through the silence.
Mayako was basking the peacefulness of the moment as well as she gazed upward. She spotted something in the night sky and pointed to it excitedly. "Ah, look! A shooting star!" This was the first time Mayako has ever saw one, so this was incredibly lucky. She closed her eyes shut, and at first she couldn't find a wish because she was already happy enough, but then she found one and a small grin crossed her lips. Mayako opened her violet eyes, a thoughtful look on her face.
I glanced over, seeing Mayako wish upon the star as it slowly faded away. I gently nudged her elbow. "So what did you wish for. Come on you got to tell me." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, trying to get her to say. "If you tell me, I might tell you what I wished."
Mayako clasped her hand around Anther's then looked at him. Though the shadows of the night covered half of her face her eyes were clearly visible. They seemed to glint. "I wished you could have your dream of becoming a well-known musician come true," she answered. "What about you?" Mayako nudged Anther's elbow as well, smiling as she did so.
I chuckled a little bit, opening my eyes to look back up at the night sky. "Well what else would I wish for. I wished to be with you forever..." I began to lay down, gesturing her to lay down with me.
Mayako smiled gently and lied down on the snow-covered ground along with Anter. She turned on her side so their faces were a little more close. "Love you, Anther." Mayako wrapped her arms around his so she didn't feel as cold as before. She brushed her fingers against his blue locks, getting a flurry of snow from his hair. "I'm really happy I got to meet you, and of course, be with you."
I couldn't help but let out a slight sigh of pleasure, hearing Mayako's sweet words. "I am too, I couldn't ask for much more." He paused for a second. "Actually there are three things I could ask for. But they are secret."
"Three things? Like what?" Mayako questioned, but then backtracked herself. "You did say those were secrets...why do you have to be so vague?" She lightly pushed his arm in a joking manner. "You, good sir, are one mysterious guy. But you have me curious. She somehow wondered, what she would be doing and what place she'd be at right now if it weren't for Anther. 'Love changes a whole lot of things...' Mayako thought.
"Don't need to tell me twice..." I couldn't help but sigh and look down, a look of discontent on my face. On my free hand I slowly turned my wrist over, seeing the healing cuts that I had made a few weeks before. It was the same day I had thought of ending it all...
Mayako caught a glimpse of the scarred wrist Anther had, a disheartened look on her face though she hadn't said anything. She remembered being told that he was once in that dark morbid thoughts of suicide, and it made her shiver sometimes because she didn't want to think about losing Anther. She was glad that those were healing scars, rather than recent ones. Mayako took her other hand and gently brushed her gloved fingers over his wrist. Her violet eyes lifted and gazed into his blue orbs without looking away. "But that'll be a thing of the past, right?" Mayako referred to the cuts on his skin. "I trust you to come to me when you have problems." She grinned softly.

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