Life is hard Isn't it ? [ Romance/Slice of life Roleplay ]

A soft breeze that passed by broke me out the trance I put myself in, releashing me back into reality. "Of course. Speaking of which there is something I wanted to talk about." I took a large golp, my hands became shaky and my breathe stuttering. "Well ah I thought it would be you know cool or whatever if we ah moved in together or something"
Mayako's eyebrows raised when Anther told her his suggestion, and a look of surprise drawn into her soft face. "Really? Y-You want to do that? I thought you already had a roommate...? Or i-if you're thinking about coming into my apartment or something..." A light coloration of pink traveled across her pale cheeks. She always thought sharing a home with somebody was pretty much what the married did---unless those two people were just friends, but with Anther, this obviously wasn't the case.
I quickly shot my hand to the back of my head, as I do in times of embarrassment. I started to stutter, no actual words coming out of my mouth, only mumbles of an embarrassed man. "I ah don't really know I was just wondering and such..." I let out a deep breath and fell down, lying on my back. This seemed to calm me down, allowing me to speak. "Well ah it wouldn't really matter were we were. I figured you'd want to be at your place since you just got it and stuff. B-but never mind that. I just need to know if you wanna do something like that?"
Mayako listened to Anther's jumbled up words that spilled from his mouth. He usually rubbed the back of his head whenever he was embarrassed, which she noticed before. She locked eyes with him after he lied down on the snow. "We'd have to put thought into it, but...maybe I'd be willing to do that." Mayako offered a gentle smile, and shook his shoulder a little. "Can we go back? The cold is getting to me now." The suggestion was a big idea to her. Perhaps she could just think about before going to sleep tonight.

"Could I stay the night at your place?"

((Where is his roommate? xD I remember him having one, but he was just too 'busy' to make an appearance. Maybe the dood should introduce himself? I dunno :3 Just spitballin))
(Shhh :3 all will be explained.)

I left out a soft chuckle, standing up and gentely pulling Mayako up with me. "Yeah of course." I couldn't help but smile as we started to walk away, our impressions marking the snow, slowly beig filled in by the slugish downfall of flurries.
((Impressive, isn't it? xD ))

Mayako smiled as well. She slipped her hand into Anther's, feeling his warmth through her glove. They continued to walk and left Tranquility behind them.

They reached his house, and Mayako was grateful for the heat inside. She took off her white coat, and scraped her boots against the doormat to get the snow off. "Today was nice, wasn't it?" Mayako asked. They went to a nice restaurant, and also went to spend some time at the recently named place they both really liked. Tranquility looked very pretty and ethereal in snow.
(It truley is)

I threw my head back as I took of my winter gear, the weight of stress from most of the day seeming to fall of like the snow from my jacket. "I don't know about you but I'm wore out, and probably still a little bit up there if you know what I'm sayin'." It was hard to tell since I was only slightly, but I drank one too many cups of wine. I could feel the slight sensation that occurs, but not enough to change me like a normal drunk. A huge bellowing yawn escaped me. "I know about you but I think if I set down I'd fall asleep..."
((I forgot they drank wine :P ))

Mayako noticed Anther's voice was a little different, and so were his words, but maybe it was because he was as tired as he said he was. She wrapped her arms around his, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Yeah, c'mon, let's go to sleep then." It has been an eventful day, after all, so she didn't blame him. At the moment she wasn't feeling the wine taking its effect, but she was sure she'd get a headache in the morning since it usually did.
I could not even respone, the sleepiness begining to sink into in mind and body. I slugishly walked to the bedroom, smiling slightly at the sight of the bed. On que, I threw off my shirt and fell on to the bed , letting out a sigh of relief.
A giggle escaped from Mayako when she watched Anther plant himself onto the bed like dead weight. She slipped into the other side of the bed under the covers. And facing Anther, she drew her knees closer toward her chest like always. She flashed a small smile at him before saying, "G'night, my Anther."

((Let's pretend she's in pajamas at the moment :P You got ideas for what they should do the next day?))
(I guess I can think of something)

I jumped back to life it seemed, looking back over at Mayako. "Hey, pfff, hey. Don't fall asleep yet." I gentely shook her as I spoke. "You forgot one important thing silly." I smiled as I saw her silently wake.
Mayako's eyelids fluttered open to reveal her pools of violet, when Anther gently shook her to get the attention. "Hm? What's that?" She asked. She had these guesses in her mind, but wasn't actually sure what he was going to say next.

((Well, they're in Japan, so how about a cultural festival? What do you have planned for their next day?))
(All will be explained eventually :3...)

"You seemed to have forgotten something..." I leaned over a slight bit and gave her a soft kiss, not moving very far and falling asleep in the small circle she made with her body. "Night night, my Maya..."
Mayako lips were sealed by Anther's. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she grinned softly in the middle of the smooth kiss. A small shiver bounced up and down her spine. When Anther drew his face away from hers, she also gave him a peck on the lips, before returning to her normal position.

"G'night again." Mayako smiled, then closed her eyes.

~ - - -Time Skip- - - ~

Mayako woke up, the sun rays shone on the opposite wall. She blinked away the feeling of grogginess and heard the distant sound of the birds chirping. She softly nudged Anther. "Wake uuup," Mayako said.
I grunted like a small child not wanting to get up. I pushed my head farther into her curl, taking a bit of her pajama shirt and covering my face, almost like throwing a pillow of yourself. "I dun wannaaa..."
Mayako giggled sweetly, her musical laughter resonated throughout the room. She kissed Anther right by the corner of his lips but drew back to tease him. "C'mon." She lightly tugged his arm.

"I have to go to work today, but whaddya wanna do later today?" Mayako sat up the covers slipping off from her stomach. She stretched her arms and moaned a little.
I let out a saddened sigh as I reveled myself from underneath Mayako's pajamas. "Hmm I think I have an idea. But It's more of a surprise, so you have to wait." I giggled a little bit and I poked her stomach gently with my finger, as if I was teasing and messing with her a bit. "Do you think you can handle the suspense for one shift, my Mayako." I stuck at my tongue as I looked up.
Mayako suppressed the small giggle from her throat when Anther poked her stomach, causing her to back up an inch. She recovered and lightly tapped his nose. "Oooh a surprise? Then alright, I'll be patient? But tell me right after the shift okay?" Mayako lied her hand on top of his then kissed Anther's temple.
"Alright alright I promise." I took my hand and took her by the chin, moving her down from my forehead and on to my lips. When I laid back down I couldn't help but have a large smile on my face, suddenly gaining the energy to wake up from the kiss.
There was a grin on Mayako's face, mostly because of the kiss, but because of seeing Anther's smile afterward. "I'll be back in a few hours, okay?" She rolled of the bed, and landed on her feet. The brown-haired young woman stretched, then waved goodbye to Anther before grabbing her heavier clothes, then walking out of the house.

Mayako made a quick dash into her apartment, feed Oreo, then took a shower and changed into a new set of clothes. She went to the flower shop, where she worked. Her aunt was particularly happy about hearing the formal dinner Mayako and Anther had last night.

A few hours passed, and when Mayako entered the cold again, she was excited to see what Anther had planned. The young woman pulled out her cell phone, and texted him. 'I'm coming over ^_^ ', the message said, and she then sent it to him. Mayako pushed out her hair---which had returned to its curly-ish form again---and her brown locks spilled down her back. She walked forward to Anther's house.
I couldn't help but grunt as I emerged from the steam filled bathroom, taking me sweet time to relax. The creek of my bedroom door brought me back to reality slightly as I threw on some cloths, nothing special. I heard a knock on the door, my spirits being lifted as I shuffled for the door. I opened the door, quickly, a more upbeat tone in my voice than usual. "Hey Mayako~"

I shot back, looking directly into the eyes of someone that was not Mayako. He wasn't threatening, a strong, subtle smile on his face. He was tall and thickly built, but far from being obese. There was something that also struck me as odd. He looked like the spiting image of my father.

"W-who are you. Da..Dad?"

The man looked down and chuckled a bit, placing his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, but dad's dead. You know that."

"He's not your father."

"You'd be surprised." He stepped in unannounced, walking over to the table that I never bothered with since it was always my roommate who used it. He picked up the bottle of jack, taking a big swig of it. "What does the name Brian mean to you Anther?"

"Brian? How do you, how do you know my name's Anther.Brian, how do you."

"Piece it together." He threw me his wallet, and I slowly opened it, searching the contents before I stumbled on a drivers licence. 'Brian Lanque. Age 25.'

((Dat's some confusing shizz))

Mayako was still walking down the concrete sidewalk, her fine and pale hands digging down her coat's pockets. She had forgotten her gloves---probably at Anther's house or her apartment---she couldn't remember which place. The layer of snow that was still partially on the sidewalk crunched underneath her boots, and left trails of her own footprints into the snow. Mayako's stomach lightly rumbled, demanding food.

The young woman leaned forward a bit, wanting to hover a hand over her stomach instinctively, but refused to do so since it was so cold. Anther's lucky...he has a high tolerance to the cold... Mayako thought about this briefly, and she looked up to see a small bakery just up ahead. Ah! I can bring some treats to his house and we can share some food...

She made the quick stop inside, rubbing her hands together upon being embraced by the warmth of the building. She could distinguish the scent of fresh bread in the air---a refreshing aroma. And also, kindof nostalgia. Mayako did some thinking about what Anther might like when it came to sweet foods, then she picked out what she wanted as well, then bought the bakery sweets.
I shook my head and closed my eyes in dis belief. This man randomly shows up and claims to be my brother. A person that doesn't even exist, a person I don't even want to exist.

"No, no I wont believe it. You. You being my brother, one who I've never heard of, never had any contact with."

A slight bit of an irritated tone entered his voice. "A brother, a brother that screwed me over my whole life. Making mother and father look down at me in comparison for a person that I've only heard his name."

In the middle of all the heat that was seeming to erupt, I felt a slight vibration from my pocket, I pulled out my phone to see Mayako's text, saying that she is coming over.

"Look, someone's coming over. I kinda-kinda need you to go alright."

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