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Life in SAO

She follows him out and just walkes through the town. She keeps her head down like she always did and then they finally got to town hall. She died equip her weapon, the one she has had and trained with for a quite a while. The blade turned into a scythe at her will and it was pretty cool. She sheathed it to her side and keeps walking. She eventually enters the town hall with him and walks up to the girl at the front desk.
" Yeah yeah Cardinal said as she moved to the stunned giants head and slammed her hammer down over and over and soon enough the giant shattered and turned into pixels, that was half the mini bosses down and that left the combined health down to 1/4th this would be over soon.

" The last one shouldn't be to hard" She said watching Roosan fight it instead of charging the beast.
"Lettin' me finish it off? Thanks," said Roosan. He drew his sword, and used a Topple Art, using the flat of the blade to trip it. He Dazed it, and, now that it wasn't moving, he ran to its head, and sliced it off, causing it to pixelize, and drop exp and money. "Nice. I leveled up."
" That's good i am still a little away from leveling myself " Cardinal said heading over to Roosan tapping the windows to dismiss what she had gotten.

" Still guardians means shiny loot nearby, or places with shiny loot" Cardinals said and that was true enough though a lot of the shiny loot was set pieces therefore they couldn't get picked up. Well they would be getting plenty of money and goodies soon, also swarmed by traps insects and mummies.
"Okay," said Roosan, standing back up, as the finishing blow had him crouching at the end of it. He opened the door, and shot an arrow at a few suspicious points.
He followed in after her, equipping both his Black Blade and Dark Repulser so that their sheathes made an X across his back, the hilts of each sword sticking up over each of his shoulders. This was the moment he had hesitated and over thought the entire way there, continuing to have flashbacks of every bad moment during the 2 years he'd spent here. They approached the front desk but he remained quiet, preferring to let her handle this.

She give the girl at the front desk their information and they were told to go wait. After about 15 minutes she hears there name called. She got up and walked into a room and there was another guy and they had to sign some paper. When she finally got to the last page, she saw two lines where they both needed to sign she waited a second. "I want to do this but if you don't we don't have to." She says not wanting to force him into anything.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Nothing happened when the first few spots were hit but the last arrow struck just the right pot and spikes came out of the wall. These traps were not forgiving Cardinal had made sure of that while most lower traps could be survived these ones were instant kill.

" Instant death nothing like scaling up the difficulty" Cardinal said sounding pleased at the idea of the game being harder.
Karcen said:
Nothing happened when the first few spots were hit but the last arrow struck just the right pot and spikes came out of the wall. These traps were not forgiving Cardinal had made sure of that while most lower traps could be survived these ones were instant kill.
" Instant death nothing like scaling up the difficulty" Cardinal said sounding pleased at the idea of the game being harder.
"Scaling up difficulty?" asked Roosan. "I'd honestly say it's spiking!!!!!!" He then laughed out loud for a good few seconds.
Jake didn't hesitate when he spoke, he stood strong and proud to be a Beater and not a damned person would say otherwise. "Of course I want to with all my heart." He stated and kept to his word which he determined he would speak the truth. This all happened fast but if she wanted to and do did he then what was stopping them.


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