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Life in SAO

Karcen said:
" Who knows" Cardinal shrugged, well she knew and it did keep with the theme and Anubis was not a boss, he was a mini boss she woudl never be so predictable as making him a boss. " We will find out if we explore"
"Well, any suggestions on which pyramid we should check out?" asked Roosan. He pulled his bow from his inventory, and summons an arrow with his bow skill. "I mean, we could train on the monsters and stuff."

(Sorry. Sort of forgot that it was my turn to reply.)
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" Not a pyramid but a valley" She said pointing over to a pair of mountains " In the real world most Pharaohs were buried in a valley of the kings, that looks like the same " She said knowing she had put a few tombs in that rare they were smaller and simpler meant to train players as going into a pyramid without learning about the new trap system was guaranteed death.
Karcen said:
" Not a pyramid but a valley" She said pointing over to a pair of mountains " In the real world most Pharaohs were buried in a valley of the kings, that looks like the same " She said knowing she had put a few tombs in that rare they were smaller and simpler meant to train players as going into a pyramid without learning about the new trap system was guaranteed death.
"Wow, Cardinal," said Roosan. "You really know your stuff about Ancient Egypt."
" I thought this would be well known i mean pyramids cost a lot to make so most would be buried elsewhere " She said with a shrug " They don't teach that in schools today?" She asked she had been fairly sure they taught people about that, or maybe it hadn't been a good idea to just read Wikipedia and assume everyone woudl know about such entries.
Karcen said:
" I thought this would be well known i mean pyramids cost a lot to make so most would be buried elsewhere " She said with a shrug " They don't teach that in schools today?" She asked she had been fairly sure they taught people about that, or maybe it hadn't been a good idea to just read Wikipedia and assume everyone woudl know about such entries.
"Actually, from what I read, the pyramids were specifically built as tombs for the pharoh," said Roosan.
" There were a lot of Pharaohs not all had the time and resources to build a pyramid most were buried in the valley of the kings, along with any noble that could afford it, depending on the century of course" She said as she started walking towards the valley " This floor isn't obvious with everything the larger it is the bigger and more trap filled it will be"
Karcen said:
" There were a lot of Pharaohs not all had the time and resources to build a pyramid most were buried in the valley of the kings, along with any noble that could afford it, depending on the century of course" She said as she started walking towards the valley " This floor isn't obvious with everything the larger it is the bigger and more trap filled it will be"
"Well, it's a good thing I have a bow, huh?" said Roosan, a hint of smugness in his voice. "I can shoot to where there might be traps, and see if there are."
" Well thats good but this is a game so they can rearm perception and disarming will be helpful, check your skills you'll see it there" She said pulling up her own to show the new skill Disarm Trap it was something everyone got like perception " They really went all out on this floor for the sterotype huh?" She chuckled as they continued the valley being flanked by a twin pair of obelisks beside each pillar was a giant form, one with the head of a jackal the other with a crocodile head. Both had a Khopesh and it would be easy to think that they were statues but they weren't they were mini bosses the twi guardian of the kings valley.
Karcen said:
" Well thats good but this is a game so they can rearm perception and disarming will be helpful, check your skills you'll see it there" She said pulling up her own to show the new skill Disarm Trap it was something everyone got like perception " They really went all out on this floor for the sterotype huh?" She chuckled as they continued the valley being flanked by a twin pair of obelisks beside each pillar was a giant form, one with the head of a jackal the other with a crocodile head. Both had a Khopesh and it would be easy to think that they were statues but they weren't they were mini bosses the twi guardian of the kings valley.
"If I could find a good weaponsmith," muttered Roosan, "maybe I could get a khopesh. That way, traps won't be the only thing I could easily disarm..."
"How would a khopesh help you disarm anything?" Cardinal asked a little confused as she got her weapon ready for the coming fight.
Karcen said:
"How would a khopesh help you disarm anything?" Cardinal asked a little confused as she got her weapon ready for the coming fight.
"The khopesh was an Egyptian sword shaped like a question mark," said Roosan. "Or a crescent moon on a stick. The curved blade was supposed to help disarm people of their swords. I think the Chinese got the idea, and used it for their hook swords."
" You can also use that tip as a bludgeon generally the slash part is the most important not sure the system is made for disarms considering how short sighted the developers were " Cardinal said as they reached the gates and the statue like monsters came to life though they were slow moving enough they made up for it in Rock hard hides and insane strength.
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Karcen said:
" You can also use that tip as a bludgeon generally the slash part is the most important not sure the system is made for disarms considering how short sighted the developers were " Cardinal said as they reached the gates and the statue like monsters came to life though they were slow moving enough they made up for it in Rock hard hides and insane strength.
"Shabti, eh?" said Roosan. "Hey, you got a flint? Those statues are shabti, clay statues people made as servants in Egyptian times. If it's made of clay, than I should be able to melt it out of it's rock solid state with some fire."
" video game logic here they are mini bosses there is s reason they are the twin guardians and not clay figures" Cardinal said as she dodged one slamming a fist into the ground revealing metal and stone below the clay cover " besides why would clay melt from any puny flame you could make it is several hundred degrees to just fired the clay." She said dodging another blow and shattering more clay which did no damage.
Karcen said:
" video game logic here they are mini bosses there is s reason they are the twin guardians and not clay figures" Cardinal said as she dodged one slamming a fist into the ground revealing metal and stone below the clay cover " besides why would clay melt from any puny flame you could make it is several hundred degrees to just fired the clay." She said dodging another blow and shattering more clay which did no damage.
"Yep!" he exclaimed, dodging another fist. "Guess it was a dumb idea. Whatever." He put the bow back into his inventory, and drew his sword. He used one of his favorite skills to use on big enemies: Back Slash, which does double damage to enemies if you strike them on the behind with it. "I love doing that skill," he said, charging to the other one.
The two guardians didn't actully lose much health as even they had pages and during the first they had a buff called clay skin, their movement and attacks were slowed but they took no damage till it was gone. Cardinal and Rossan had done enough clay breaking to trigger phase two. Both guardians got out their khopesh and started using them at twice the speed they had moved before actually hitting cardinal thanks to the change in tempo.
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"Cardinal!" exclaimed Roosan, running over. "Here you go." He hands her a healing vial. "Hey, I have an idea. How about we try something that I remember from another game. A chain attack, where we both use our skills, one after the other, to overwhelm them."
"There are two of them" she said " and they are giants , we just need to move right now" she finished as two khopesh struck at the location they had just been in and we're they would be if Cardinal hadn't have pushed them away " speed is key here"
Karcen said:
"There are two of them" she said " and they are giants , we just need to move right now" she finished as two khopesh struck at the location they had just been in and we're they would be if Cardinal hadn't have pushed them away " speed is key here"
"I have an idea," said Roosan, pulling them out of another khopesh strike. "Divide and conquer." He pulls a second sword from his inventory. He holds the blades out like a ninja, and ran at one, jumping up into the air, and bounced off a wall to slash at one of the shabti in the back of the head.
She looke at him smiling. "I want to get married. I'm pretty sure we only have to go to the town hall in a city and that's how it works." She says simply. She did want him to be commited to her and not have the ability to leave her like before.

@Veyd Sahvoz (sorry I took so long)
" i have another Idea Cardinal said well it was the same idea but with less showy flipping and jumping. Still she did go for the other enemy and after avoiding another strike as the two of them neared 50% health apparently after 60% they started sharing a health pool. Cardinal went for the legs, or ankles rather. The plan was simple hit it until it fell down crippling somethings ability to move was just great and given they no longer took reduced damage she could deal more damage. Cardinal brought her hammer down on the ankle of the giant and apparently she had bothered to put this weakness in, she would have to do it for all giants from now on, after a few hits she managed to make the giant topple.
"All right!" exclaimed Roosan, jumping off the shoulder of the giant, avoiding it's strike that came after. "Now let's try something to stun it... Now that I think about it, this is a lot like Xenoblade... Whatever." He opens his menu, and activates one of his favorite Arts: ThunderSlash, a hard-to-get skill that stuns toppled opponents. He slashes the giant, and it stopped moving. "This, woah!" he dodged a strike. "This won'r last long. You finish off this one, I'll stun the other."
ScarlettRose16 said:
She looke at him smiling. "I want to get married. I'm pretty sure we only have to go to the town hall in a city and that's how it works." She says simply. She did want him to be commited to her and not have the ability to leave her like before.
@Veyd Sahvoz (sorry I took so long)
Jake thought about this for a moment. It wasn't like an actual marriage, they'd still be companion's or lover's though. "Seems alright.....You know we could just stay like what we are now if it's too much of a hassle, though if you want. Let's get married!" He exclaimed in glee, giving a big smile as he stood up and looked through his inventory.

"Let's go" she says with a smile. She goes through her inventory looking and quickly putting on black jeans and a black t-shirt. She puts a red cloak over that and looks to him. "I'm ready when you are." She says.

@Veyd Sahvoz
In his inventory was his Coat of Midnight, his rare Black Blade and 2 Dark Repulsers (only equipping one of the Repulsers and hus Black Blade), and some flowers. All if which he equipped, flowers in the ready of his inventory, as he returned the smile "Ready." With that he took her hand and nudged her a bit before opening the door. This was it.


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