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Life in SAO

Karcen said:
" Finally someone gets it so many people think i mean the directions or the system that runs the game" Cardinal said even though it was the latter reason that she picked her name, she was surprisingly uncreative for someone who was made to create the world. Well who could blame you this was the first time she had ever picked out a screen name so she could be forgiven.
"Now that I think of it... that would make sense," said Roosan, his small smirk disappearing. "You do know some things I doubt any info brokers would know. Unlike everyone else I saw, especially, for some reason, Heathcliff, you didn't seem too surprised by the bow. I remember hearing about this girl named Yui who was a Cardinal System part in disguise. Is there any chance that you might be one, too?" After letting this sink in, he looked up with a goofy smile on his face. "I'm only joking."
Cardinal laughed at the idea that she was the systems, even though she was/ The deal with Yui was well she hadn't been the one to make that call in truth the Yui Ai had been something developed to help players after the reveal and well she had never been implemented as A the admin had been the one to lock her down so cardinal couldn't unlock and implement her and B making a bunch of Yuis for every player for the players would have crashed the game likely killing everyone.

" I am just very good at my job and the way i hear it Yui was just a high level AI while the system was a separate or something" She said which was true as otherwise she could have let Yui go.
Karcen said:
Cardinal laughed at the idea that she was the systems, even though she was/ The deal with Yui was well she hadn't been the one to make that call in truth the Yui Ai had been something developed to help players after the reveal and well she had never been implemented as A the admin had been the one to lock her down so cardinal couldn't unlock and implement her and B making a bunch of Yuis for every player for the players would have crashed the game likely killing everyone.
" I am just very good at my job and the way i hear it Yui was just a high level AI while the system was a separate or something" She said which was true as otherwise she could have let Yui go.
"Okay," replied Roosan, sounding suspicious to tease her. "I heard she could summon the 'Immortal Object' things, though."
" Anyone can summon immortal object they aren't rare" Cardinal said though it was a set up " See that NPC " She said pointing to the inn keeper " Hes an immortal object most Npcs that aren't monsters are" She said in a deadpan tone.
Karcen said:
" Anyone can summon immortal object they aren't rare" Cardinal said though it was a set up " See that NPC " She said pointing to the inn keeper " Hes an immortal object most Npcs that aren't monsters are" She said in a deadpan tone.
"Yeah, I guess," he said. "The heck is with your voice?"
" i was tryign to be deadpan, thought i would mix it up for stating the obvious" Cardinal said " SO what shall we do today, explore ofr some lost tombs to plunder?" She said goign with the theme of the floor
Karcen said:
" i was tryign to be deadpan, thought i would mix it up for stating the obvious" Cardinal said " SO what shall we do today, explore ofr some lost tombs to plunder?" She said goign with the theme of the floor
"Tombs?" said Roosan. "That might work for helping with the bow's accuracy."
" You really are not getting with the theme of the level are you?" Cardinal said as if disappointed " Come on ancient Egypt is a classic, tombs, mummies, forgotten riches " She said complete with flourishes for effect.
Karcen said:
" You really are not getting with the theme of the level are you?" Cardinal said as if disappointed " Come on ancient Egypt is a classic, tombs, mummies, forgotten riches " She said complete with flourishes for effect.
"Well I know that," replied Roosan. "I think mummies and the like will be great targets. Besides, if this is Ancient Egypt based, there will probably be Egyptian monsters. I just hope the boss isn't based off Apophis."
" You worry to much you don't even know the story line for this floor it isn't just some dumped on a random floor find the boss there are stories lore, fun, things the developers never thought to include" Cardinal said still sounding like a salesman trying to make a hard sale " so yeah who knows there maybe no god based battle it coudl be a mummy king or something "
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Karcen said:
" You worry to much you don't even know the story line for this floor it isn't just some dumped on a random floor find the boss there are stories lore, fun, things the developers never thought to include" Cardinal said still sounding like a salesman trying to make a hard sale " so yeah who knows there maybe no god based battle it coudl be a mummy king or something "
"Or maybe the boss will completely break the theme of the floor," responded Roosan. "The last floor was wintery most of the times I was there. What's the boss? A freaking demon."
" Who knows" Cardinal shrugged, well she knew and it did keep with the theme and Anubis was not a boss, he was a mini boss she woudl never be so predictable as making him a boss. " We will find out if we explore"
"Only of course." She says with a smile and threw her hair up into a messy bun and walked to see what was in the fridge and what he put on the counter. "I can make pretty much about anything" she says with a dry laugh.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"No, this time I'm making you something." He declared, putting his hands to work with the food. After a while of attempting to make a fancy breakfast he nearly ruined it all. The bacon was overcooked, as well mostly everything else. That is except the yogurt. "Umm...heh heh. I think I screwed up on one of the steps."

"Um...the reason why you can't cook is that you have no cooking skills, no offense." She says throwing out the over cook food. "I'm sorry but that was terrible." She says with a small laugh. She starts making eggs, bacon, hash browns, muffins, and the yogurt. She started putting them into both plates and hands him a breakfast cooked to perfection. " Bon appétit" she says with a smile.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Jake grinned, his mouth watering from how good the meal looked. This was the jackpot! A companion that can cook, this was great! "Are you sure you aren't the goddess of cooking in SAO?" He laughed at his own mini joke but it could very well be true.

"Well you're obviously not, so I guess so." She jokes, mostly. Kate set the table quickly before plopping down in a chair and starts eating. She motions for him to sit across from her. "So..." She says not really knowing what o talk about.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"When should we get married?...." Asked Jake but soon felt embarassed for asking. The moment he sat down he bit into the eggs and they tasted delicous. After that he practically devoured it all until there was none left and his stomach still wasn't full.

She finished shortly after him and was slightly shocked but she didn't let it show. She smiled at him. "Whenever."/ she says cleaning up the dishes and walking over to the sink to wash them.

@Veyd Sahvoz
This was a bit surprising to him, just getting married out of the blue. "Don't feel like planning?" Asked Jake already walking over to help her wash the dishes.

@ScarlettRose16 (sorry for the short post)
"I don't really know what to plan." She says truthfully looking to him as he started to help her with the dishes. She put them in the dishwasher quickly and closed it turning to him and leaning against the counter. "Do you want to plan something?" She asks

@Veyd Sahvoz
"If you're up to it. We could just live together...just me and you, away from everyone y'know?" Said Jake in a muffled monotone, resting his hands on the table. It just occurred to him that what would it mean if they did get married? This was all virtual... If we get married here, would that change anything irl? At this thought he must've gone into a daze because his face sank to just bare emptiness like it always did when he thought about anything.

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"That would be nice" she says sighing and taking a seat across from him and looking to him. "I think it's not really a time to really plan anything, but just kind of yeah live together." She says.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"You're right. We could be lover's living alone." Suggested Jake even though that was just a mild joke he thought up on the spot. In fact that could very well be a good idea, of course that was up to Kate. "Whatever you would like to do I'm fine with. If you don't want to gt married that's fine, as long as me and you are together I'm happy."


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