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Realistic or Modern Life in Chicago

Her stomach let out a growl, looking at her watch quickly, she had heaps of time til she was meeting the doctor at his office. A subway saved her from the awkward wait in the waiting room, she hurried in to find a line. She let out a sigh, she crossed her arms staring up at the menu, she was starving, all she had this morning was a coffee. Alez tapped her hands on her sides as she browsed. As the line moved forward she did also paying no attention to what she was doing, she couldn't pick between tuna or chicken. Suddenly she bumped into someones bag, her eyes darted down to see the messenger bag. "Sorry.." she mumbled looking up at the man who owned the bag.

Grant gave the cashier a smile "thanks, keep the change." He took his sand which, but felt a hard bump into his bag. He grabbed it worriedly, since thousands of dollars of equipment were inside. He looked at the woman who bumped into him, and smiled. "Oh it's alright, ummm.... Oh I'm in your way, sorry." He said awkwardly, scooting out of the way. He looked around for a nearby table, and sat down. He hung his bag on the chair he sat on, and began to unwrap his sand which.
Alez blushed slightly, she didn't like to make people feel awkward. She ordered her sub, watching as the put everything on her bread. Thanking the cashier she turned, was she going to sit... she glanced at her watch again. Letting out a sigh she took her seat, pulling her bag onto the table. Alez checked through her bag, making sure she had everything for the meeting.

Tristan smiled and took a drink from a glass of water

Well I am the youngest of 5 children, typical household.

I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers and a mom that does not understand boundaries

He chuckled as he thought of his family back home.

Its a bit hectic but I love them, how about you?


<div style="text-align:center;">

<p> Saint Alexander Pierce</p>

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He smiled as he listened to the man talk before frowning when he was asked about his own family. His face darkened slightly and he averted his eyes to the menu "<span style="color:#8000ff;">I'd rather not talk about them...</span>" he said quietly as he flipped through the pages and tried to decide what he'd get, Probably a salad like he usually does because he's not very adventurous when it came to trying new foods; though that was difficult when you're vegan. He looked over at Luca who had drawn a squiggly circle and smiled "<span style="color:#8000ff;">That's really good buddy, here</span>" he said as he held the little boys hand around the crayon and helped him draw a good circle "<span style="color:#8000ff;">Mac and cheese like usual?</span>" he asked and Luca nodded with a sweet smile<br /><br /><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/17617-haus-of-alaska/" data-mentionid="17617">@Haus Of Alaska</a>



Grant looked up from eating his sand which, and saw the girl sitting alone. He didn't like when people were alone. "Hey you can sit over here if you like? I don't want you to feel like Ross from Friends" he said with a welcoming smile.
"But Ross is the best" she grinned, grateful for the invite, she hated sitting alone. Collecting up her stuff she joined him at the tavle, "So what's in that big bag anyways.. hope it was nothing expensive" she frowned looking at the bag as she put hers on the table. She pulled open her sub, inspecting the craftmanship of the sub.
"Just camera equipment, but trust me, you hit the part where the stand was. Those aren't too expensive, plus my work supplies those." He said before taking a bite of his sand which, he had gotten a meatball sub, his favorite from subway.
Alez stared at the man with wide eyes, "just camera equipment?" she looked down at the bag, "well, even if the stand isn't too expensive.. I hope it's not broken" she mumbled taking a bite of her sub. She watched him over her food, chewing quietly. "I'm Alezhia by the way" she spoke after finishing her mouthful.

Ivy looked around as she jolted up. Her eyes flickered open as she shook her head. A hair clip sat down next to her as she smiled lightly and picked it up, rolling her hair up and clipped it in a bun. She rubbed her sleepy face and looked around before she heard a baby cry and growled, getting off the couch. The t.v. blared around the room and echoed upstairs.

With a click, the t.v was off and Ivy was making her way up to Nicky. The stairs creaked as she trudged up them sleepily. She looked around the baby room, all glowing in pink. Monkey pictures and stuffed animals everywhere as the baby screamed. Ivy giggled as she picked the baby Nicky up and shushed her, rocking her lightly. She smiled happily and hummed a simple melody.

Ivy walked downstairs, holding the baby Nicky. Nicky's sweet giggles echoed around the kitchen as they made their way towards the cabinets. "What shall we have...?" She asked Nicky. Nicky just giggled happily and stuck her hand in her mouth, smiling brightly. Her eyes widened at the emptiness. She growled lightly, "Sammy needs to buy us food doesn't he?" She asked in a kiddish voice and Nicky smiled happily nodding.

Ivy walked up the stairs and opened Nicky's closet, looking around her cloths. Nicky was crawling around in her crib. She swayed lightly to her own humming until she found an outfit. Smiling she put it on Nicky and giggled, eyeing her like a fashion designer. "Perfect!!" Ivy said with another giggle and Nicky bounced in her crib lightly. "Stay here little one... Ima go get dressed!"


Ivy smiled happily as she kissed Nicky on the head and ran to her room. She swung open her closet and laughed lightly, finding something caual, but wanted to look nice since Nicky was. She looked around in her closet and shook her head at her clothes before she found something she liked. She slipped it on and looked in the mirror. "Whatever..." She said before she walked out her room and into Nicky's.


Nicky giggled happily in her crib as Ivy walked in. Ivy picked the giggly thing up and walked downstairs, grabbing her purse and car keys. Opening the door to the outside, Ivy smiled happily and so did Nicky. The sun kissed both their cheeks as they got into the truck. Ivy placed Nicky in the backseat and got into the drivers seat.

The trucks engine roared as she turned it on. With a smile, Ivy pulled out of the drive way and drove around happily. "So Nicky! Where to?" She asked with a smile and Nicky giggled, moving her hands around rapidly. "Might as well spend as much of daddies money as possible!!" She said and smirked, "Italian?" She asked happily and Nicky began to jump in her car seat.

"Italian it is!" Ivy said as she continued to drive before she made it to a cute family restaurant. She parked and the engine shut off. Climbing out of the car, Ivy got Nicky and walked inside the restaurant happily. The door dung and she walked in, taking a sea behind a couple and their son. She smiled lightly and sat Nicky down. She played around happily before she buried her face in the table.

"Hungwy!!" Nicky said happily and shook her tiny little head. Ivy smiled happily and ordered, "I would love a Pasta Carbonara, and I think she'll have the Margherita Pizza if you wouldn't mind. I would also like sweet tea and she's good with milk!" She said with a sweet smile and her eyes glistened lightly. Nicky began to make weird noises with her lips. She couldn't help but laugh, as did Ivy.

Grant smiled, and reached his hand awkwardly across the table for a handshake. "Grant, pleasure to meet you" he said with one hand outstreaked, and another digging through his breast pocket of his jean pockets. He was wearing a maroon sweater, plaid shirt underneath, jeans, and converse.
Alez took his hand with the one that wasn't hold in the sub, which happened to be the wrong side, she held his fingers moving them up and down, "it's nice to meet you" she grinned, letting go of his hand rather sheepily. Alez tucked some hair behind her ear, watching him, "What's all the camera equipment for may I ask?" she took another bite of her sub, chewing slowly.

Grant smiled, finishing chewing his sand which. "Oh, I'm a photographer for TIME magazine, and since we have a branch in Chicago, we sometimes do stuff for the community. I have to go to some doctors to take business card pictures." (I'm changing it from yearbool pictures cause it makes more sense)
She nodded, making sure all the food was gone from her mouth before she spoke. "Oh, that's very nice of the magazine" she smiled looking down at her watch, "which office are you actually heading too now?" she looked back up at him wit her hazel eyes, "it's funny because I'm actually heading to a doctors office too" she paused for a second, "Not that I'm sick or anything, just for a job" she blurted out. She finished off her sub, hoping he didn't notice her blushing.


Kyra Lily Black

Grabbing a napkin, Kyra began cleaning off Altair's face, the baby not helping as he decided to blow bubbles at her. "Altair," she said in exasperation as her job was just made slightly harder. Grabbing another napkin, she continued cleaning his face off. Somehow, she had manged to get the entire jar of baby food into Altair's mouth, despite her son not being in a high chair. From somewhere in the restaurant, an air conditioner was on, giving relief to the patrons who were eating. When Altair's face was cleaned, she dropped the ruined napkins on the tray and removed one of her shoulders, planning on drinking it over the next few hours of afternoon before opening the box containing her Double Quarter Pounder and taking a bite. She wasn't about to give her son any french fries at his age. Perhaps when he was a year old he could try them but that would be eight months away. Even then, she wouldn't make eating out for them a habit. The coolness of the fast food joint was a refreshing change from the heat of Chicago. She hadn't thought it could be as hot as Tennessee or the South West. While she ate her burger, Altair just kicked his legs and made baby noises.
"Umm let me look...." he said digging through his messenger bag. He pulled out a black plastic folder, and opened inside for the information. "Dr. Dayne?" He said closing the folder, and looking up
She dusted the crumbs from her mouth, making sure all the sauce was gone. Alez screwed up the rubbish, making a white ball infront of her, "well, isn't that funny" she grinned resting her chin on her hand, "I have to go to the same place". Her eyes drifted outside as she thought about it, "infact I have no idea how to get there, my mum set this all up for me" she admitted, sitting back in her seat.

Grant smiled, "well I'd be happy to lead you there. Maybe we'll even run into Meridtith Gray on the way!"
Alez laughed, giving him a odd look, "do you always refer to tv shows?" she recalled how he had started with a friends reference. "I mean, don't get me wrong, friends is a good program, but Grey's Anatomy was not..." she wrickled her nose as she spoke about it. "but each to their own" she churped, her face now smiling.

Grant smiled, standing up. He grabbed his bag, and slung it over his shoulder. "Maybe? Movies too, just depends. Come on, who could live without Netflix!" He threw his trash away, and waited by the door for Alez.
She collected her bag, throwing the strap over her shoulder. "I mean sure, depends on the genre" she teased as she walked passed him out into the street. "If you start giving references to cheesy chick flicks, I'll ask for your man card back" she winked at him as she waited on the sidewalk.

Grant smiled, and followed her out. "No Halmark movies are the worst! Don't get me started on those sins! I like basically everything but romance stuff. Bout you, you seem to be getting my references, so Sherlock what's your background knowledge?"
She shrugged, walking slowly, "I have a lot of time on my hands" she answered truthfully, "and I had an interest in media for a little while, but I took up another interest" she admitted, glancing at the road every now and then as they walked. Her bag tapping her side as she walked, "and now I can't even do that" she grumbled, wiggling her fingers at her side.

Yuri blinked away the sleep that still clung to his dark green eyes as he awoke to the gloom of his dingy apartment. Rolling off his mattress which lay upon the the floor the red haired man got to his feet, hearing a wet crack from his spine as he did. Ever since he had moved to America to pursue...god knows what, Yuri had always been on the figurative fence when it came to cash. He reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a crumpled five dollar bill with some sort of stain on it, that would have to do for now. The man scratched his scalp for a moment, thinking about how some coffee would make this morning infinitely better. The thing is, he had to buy it. With a huff of irritation, Yuri slipped on his black leather jacket and shoes, stepping out into the hallway of the complex. The whole place smelled rancid and Yuri swore his across the hall neighbors made crack due the strange smells and even sounds coming from that white-doored room. Putting his hands in his pockets, Yuri slid out of the hallway, spotting a roach scuttle into a crack in the wall.

Yuri soon found himself on the bustling streets of Chicago. People of all different backgrounds streamed past him as the red haired man trodded along his stone path. Soon enough, though, he made it to a place called 'Starbucks'. Yuri had never heard of the place. Stepping inside, the wafting aroma of coffe was almost enough to rouse Yuri from his stupor. Wrinkled bill in hand, the read head approached the cashier. "Uuhh...Large bl-" "You mean grande, sir?" Piped the irritatingly peppy cashier girl. "No...I said LARGE." Yuri growled, still obviously tired. "So a grande then?" Yuri just squinted at her, he had no time for this crap. He honestly felt like shooting this woman. "I SAID LARGE. I am not knowking what a 'grande' is. I am tired, just give me my fucking coffe." He said each word forcefully and deliberately. The cashier just gaped at him before finally giving Yuri his much needed coffee. It seemed to be the right size. He later learned that 'Grande' just meant large. It was still that girl's fault. She knew full well that Yuri couldn't speak...whatever that was... But his coffee was all that mattered. His precious, dark, steamy, brew. Holding the warm cup in the crook of his arm, Yuri sold out a small flask from his coat, unscrewing the cap with his teeth and splashing some of the vodka in. What? It wasn't like coffee alone would wake Yuri.
Alez walked quietly for a moment, paying no mind to the crowd of people coming up, her brain busy thinking of how she was going to tell her current boss that she had found something better. She chewed her lip as she thought, awkwardly maneuvering through the crowd, miss judging the gap between two people as she side stepped between them. One had taken a step back as she passed, causing her to lose her footing, "excuse me, sorry" she squeaked, spinning around to apologise to the old lady who looked at her with a rather disapproving expression. She mouthed sorry to her once more, hoping the lady was alright, though she had lost sight of the Grant who had been helping her get to the doctors. Alez shook her head as she turned back the way she was walking, bumping into the shoulder of some red haired man, she watched as the coffee he held drop, sending droplets of coffee over both pairs of shoes.

@John Raptorfist @ReverseWells

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