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Realistic or Modern Life in Chicago

Yuri raised his eyebrow as she pulled him along. He soon remembered that he had forgotten to feed his pet goldfish, Boris hopefully he wouldn't die. The redhead thought as they walked along the concrete pavement of Chicago. Some dirty beggars reaching out their hands, presumably for money. Yuri gulped. He was close to being in that situation.

Alez noticed his discomfort around the beggars, letting go of his arm as they walked. "It's sad isn't it?" She frowned at the people seated with beanies open in front of them. "Some aren't even from America, they come for the American dream" she waved her hands around to dramatize her sentence. She looked at him from the corner of her eye, "what do you feel like? Seriously" she crossed her arms, waiting for a response.

@John Raptorfist
"American dream? Bah!" He scoffed, waving his hand as he did. "It is called the 'Amercian Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it." Yuri thought for a moment when Alez asked him what he felt like again. "My mother's cooking." He answered matter-of-factly. "She would make the best pelmeni. Very good kissel as well." He could almost taste it now, just like he was back home.

She laughed at his interpretation of the American dream, leaning on him slightly, "doesn't sound like a dream to me, more like a nightmare" she smiled. Alez kept an eye out for something that could fit her ides of a cafe, that didn't look busy. She ran her hand through her hair listening to him talk of home, "I love home made cooking, I have so many cookbooks it's crazy" she admitted, "but I'm not that educated in Russian meals" she teased listening to the words, nothing rang a bell.

@John Raptorfist

Saint Alexander Pierce

He saw the food land on his sons head and immediately went into protective dad mode despite how apologetic the girl was, she was laughing at the fact the man would have to change his 1 and a half year old and didn't even bring extra clothes. He just glared at the woman in a very obviously pissed off way as Luca whined at him "Yeah well maybe you shouldn't let your child play around with their food and teach them to actually eat it. My son is one and a half and knows better" he said harshly as he stood up and started cleaning Luca off who was also very obviously not happy

@Haus Of Alaska @PixieDusts
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"If you aren't wealthy, it is." Yuri said with a shrug, looking back towards the ground. looking back up, he saw that Alez obviously didn't recognize any of the food he was talking about. He didn't expect and American to anyway. "Pelmeni is like...meat dumpling, yes? Simple but good. Kissel is more like a dessert juice." Yuri lectured as they walked, their feet slapping agiansit the pavement.

Alez glanced down at her watch, she had forgotten to check the time, a little stretched for time she picked a cafe they were passing, the line inside wasn't too bad, men standing in business suits, some talking through headsets, others on the phone itself. The inside was quiet compared to the street, a few tables dotted throughout the cafe, some with two chairs others with single person sofas. She glanced around, "what do you want? Another coffee or am I getting something else?" She stood close to the redhead, talking quietly.

@John Raptorfist

Ivy was glared at, and immediately, even though that wasn't her daughter, she got over protective as well. "Um, excuse me! She is only a year old!! Of course she doesn't know better. She was eating for your information!! Lord you people!!" Ivy said and Nicky looked around. Ivy went over to her bag and grabbed baby whips. She threw them down on his table and turned around. "I said sorry!! You ass hat!!" Ivy hissed and walked back to her table.

Ivy cleared up their mess and stacked it up. Nicky on the other hand was giggling and throwing her hands up in the air. "Little baby..." Ivy said very softly and sweet, she grabbed an already opened pack of baby whips and whipped down Nicky. Nicky giggled loudly and played in her seat. "Your son is very cute. I'm sorry for disturbing you family whatever you call it."

With that Ivy picked Nicky up, who was still giggling and waving at the man. She smiled happily and laid her head on Ivy's shoulder as Ivy picked up her bag. She walked to the front counter and began talking with the lady. She handed her the credit card and sighed lightly, pointing to the man and his son with the other father. "Their's too..." She spoke softly and smiled at the lady, nodding.

Nicky played around in Ivy's arm as they walked out of the store. Ivy placed Nicky in the backseat and got into the truck, looking at her phone. She sighed softly as Nicky began to speak, "Sissy!! Sissy!!" She screamed and giggled loudly. Ivy began to text back her brother as the car engine roared back to life.

Where are you guys!?
Do you have Nicky with you!!!?
What's going on?! Where are you two!?!!
Where the hell are you guys?! It's been an hour!!!
Took Nicky out for something to eat, coming home sooner than we thought. Stop worrying!!
Ugh!! Fine!
Yuri looked over Alez's shoulder as she asked him what he wanted. He quickly spotted a chicken caesar wrap, something the man had actually eaten before. He began to point at it like a small child. He chuckled slightly, realized what he probably looked like. Straightening himself out, Yuri turned his attention back to Alez. "That wrap looks...good."

She smirked, "okay, just the wrap?" She turned to order for him and the same for her, getting just a simple latte for both. She took the number from the lady and made her way to one of the tables with matching sofas. Alez placed down the stand with the number seven pointing towards the counter. She took her bag off, putting it on the table in front of her, flopping down into the sofa to relax.

@John Raptorfist
Yuri quickly nodded. He felt kind of embarrassed that he was making this woman buy food for him. But in the end, free food was free food. He followed Alez as she walked over to the sofas, and he took a seat across from her. It felt nice to sit down after all the walking. "So, you from around here?" He asked, rasing a brow.

Alez sat up from her slouched position, "I guess.." she watched the boy for a second before continuing, "my parents sent me here, after studying, suppose to find my true calling" she shrugged, her attention turned to the lady who placed down their cups and food. She smiled at her thanking her, Alez looked back at yuri , "question is, what are you doing here?" She mimicked his brow when she asked.

@Bea @Haus Of Alaska you snails wanna keep up .----.))
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Yuri began to dig into his wrap as soon as it arrived, listening to the woman talk. He was about to ask- 'what would that be?' But, course Alez was already moving on. She asked him about why he was here in Chicago. The ginger raised a finger as if to say- 'one second' whilst he was chewing. "Art school at first. My mother said I'd be a fine artist. I swear that woman loved me to much. I got kicked out within a few weeks." He said with a chuckle, sipping his drink.
Sharkiee said:
Alez sat up from her slouched position, "I guess.." she watched the boy for a second before continuing, "my parents sent me here, after studying, suppose to find my true calling" she shrugged, her attention turned to the lady who placed down their cups and food. She smiled at her thanking her, Alez looked back and try Yuri, "question is, what are you doing here?" She mimicked his brow when she asked.
@Bea @Haus Of Alaska you snails wanna keep up .----.))
I'm waiting for @Haus Of Alaska So if you two could slow it down that'd be good)
(sorry laid up sick, I spent most of yesterday worshipping the porcelain god or sleeping :( )


Tristan had jumped when the food had come flying. He started helping to clean Luca up, letting Saint be the one to deal with the mother of the other child. Putting his hand on Saints shoulder, he said quietly

"We can bring him to the office, spare clothes are kept there all the time"

He offered as he handed over the money to pay for their half eaten food as the poor waiter looked lost. Despite not interfering as Saint was Luca's father he still spoke up

"Still, he is 1 and a half and somehow able to restrain himself from flinging food around, funny that"

Lifting Luca into his arm, he put his other arm around Saint and began to lead them outside.

@Bea @PixieDusts

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Alez took a mouthful of her wrap, chewing slowly as she listened to him, "oh, mum's are like that" she mumbled through her food, holding her hand over her mouth when she spoke. She pulled out the napkin, wiping the corner of her lips, "what sort of artist?" she asked, "photography? painting? sculpture?" her eyes lit up with excitement, "I wish I was creative" Alez huffed, picking at her wrap, looking down at her fingers, the skin along her fingers was rough and dry.

@John Raptorfist

Saint Alexander Pierce

He nodded and looked over at Tristan as he lifted Luca up and blushed a little bit when he was also lead out. The feeling of the mans arm around him sort of made his skin crawl and feel nice at the same time, it gave him goose bumps. He just bit his lip and looked over at him nervously with a slight nod "Some people man" he started and was surprised with himself that he didn't even make the man move his arm. "I'd like to think I'm not super uptight about Luca but really, in a restaraunt?" he asked with a questioning eyebrow "Luca can be as messy as he wants...at home" he said quietly and looked at Luca who was completely content being carried by the man, which was definitely new for him. Luca usually disliked anyone he didn't know picking him up but he seemed fine. He rested his head on the mans shoulder and hugged his neck cutely

@Haus Of Alaska

Tristan nodded as he listened and let Saint speak. Once he was sure he was finished he spoke up himself,

"Trust me Luca is a credit to you. I know 1 year olds can be messy

but there was no need to have food thrown around so you were justified in your defence I promise"

Tristan got them outside and could still see Saint was a little put out by what happened

Look, which child was the one making a fuss?, not Luca so don't worry its fine"

He felt Luca curl up against him and gave a small smile.

"How about we get him cleaned up and into a new set of clothes


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blushed a little and nodded "It has nothing to do with me, He's just a good kid" he said quietly as he looked over at him and shook his head with a small smile at how clingy Luca was being with the man, It was actually really adorable "He likes you, He doesn't like anyone" he joked with a quiet laugh as they walked, He even found himself walking closer to the man

@Haus Of Alaska

Ivy watched the people get up and all. She watched them come out of the restaurant, she watched them talk about what had happened in there. The engine was going, the window was rolled up, but she didn't leave yet. Her hands held tightly against the wheel as she glared, and glared and glared, she wanted to get out and slap one of them so hard the other will fell it rather on his face.

Ivy's hands began to turn white before she looked down at them and sighed. Nicky's window was rolled down though, her eyes were shut, but she knew people were there. A small sniffle was put into place as the little girl began to fall into a deep sleep. A smile was creased upon her face, she looked so peaceful. Ivy's hand reached back and rubbed her soft little cheek as there was still food there. Once it was gone though, Ivy's hand came back and she looked through the mirror, staring at the sleepy girl.

"Kids will be kids..." Ivy whispered before she rolled down her window to stare at the people. She didn't know how close they were to her car, so wanted to make sure they were out of the way before she pulled out, sure enough, they were out of her way. She smiled lightly and sat her sunglasses on her head. A snort came from the baby's mouth as it slowly turned it's head away from the sun.

Ivy giggled lightly as they pulled out and passed the people. Her smile reflected the sun as they made it onto the road and she drove off downwards towards home. She glared though, glared in the mirror, hit herself mentally and sighed softly. "Some people!!" She told Nicky, who was clearly, asleep!​

Tristan chuckled as they continued their walk, getting closer to the office.

"All kids are like that with me, I never knew why but its what made me go into medicine"

Shaking his head as they stopped

"No, luca is a credit to you. Don't diminish your parenting skills"


Saint Alexander Pierce

He chuckled quietly and shook his head, smiling as Luca had started falling asleep "Dude no we gotta get you changed" he said quietly as he took the child from the man which was a bit of a struggle because Luca was quite literally clinging to him. Once he finally did he opened the door for the man and smirked a little "After you~" he chimed and stuck his tongue out, slowly starting to come out of his nervous shell around the man

@Haus Of Alaska

Tristan chuckled and headed inside, going to his office and pulling out some spare sets of clothes.

"It's ok, cmon lets get him changed"

He smiled and laid out a set of clothes, he thought would fit Luca

"Besides, the drama means I get to ask you out again"


Saint Alexander Pierce

He blinked and nodded as he set the sleepy child down and started undressing him, tossing his clothes in a plastic bag to wash later as he watched the now naked except his diaper toddler run over and hug Tristan's legs cutely. Saint sighed and shook his head before blushing at his words as he looked up at him "We could go to my place and I'll make you dinner and we could watch a movie or something, It's almost time for little man's nap" he said then realized that meant they'd be alone which made him blush bright red

@Haus Of Alaska

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