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Fandom Life in a Quarantine Zone { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb waited patiently as he watched Carlos search the room. His face fell a little at the shrug when his companion walked back to him. "No luck?" He asked, though he could tell that this room had been empty. They had a few more rooms to search before they could find a place to rest. Though he could feel himself getting tired, his leg hurting again. It was amazing and irritating to Kaleb how much energy wounds take to heal. "Next room?"
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos shook his head, sad that he could not have found more things for him. If he could will all of Kaleb’s desires in that moment, he would have. He still was not a hundred percent sure what he was looking for, and he was certain he was forgetting which supplies were useful. Hopefully, he wasn’t doing this all wrong. “Next room,” he agreed as he hooked himself around Kaleb once more. "maybe it will be bountiful,” he whispered jovially as he started to move them along.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb didn’t have much that he was looking for. Maybe a second gun just in case his jams, one for Carlos which would come with the appropriate safety lesson for weapons. As well as aiming and firing lessons. He smiled as Carlos hooked himself around Kaleb and moved with him out into the hall and down to the next room. “That would be nice.” Kaleb replied. “We do need to find you a pistol of your own too.” He said.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

They moved at their usual slowish speed to the next room. “You know, I have never actually shot one of those, right?” Not that Carlos was saying that he didn’t want to learn or couldn’t but that he didn’t already know as a reminder to his military minded companion, though he was sure that someone like Kaleb would have already considered that about Carlos’ civilian self. He paused at the next door and listened. He heard something though it didn’t sound like the movement of shuffling buddies or clicking. He gestured to the door silently. Do we want to check?
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb glanced at Carlos as they moved. “I know. I’ll give you lessons on safety and firing of the pistol in a safe place and with a silencer.” Kaleb told him. He was definitely not going to hand him a pistol and say here. Try this out. One of them would probably end up dead by either the gun or infected drawn in by the sound. When they stopped by the door, Kaleb listened but he didn’t hear anything. He nodded in response. Go ahead.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Silencer. Carlos pointed to Kaleb’s pistol. “The thing you put on that?” Which he could only assume was something that made it a whole lot quieter than the loud that guns usually were. He may not have ever used one, but he had heard them plenty of times. He could get behind that. If a lesson meant he could be a little more useful, he was down. “Can do. Gotta find one first. Let me go check this room. Maybe we’ll hit our jackpot.” He pushed the door open and peered inside. He immediately heard it again. It sounded like a whooshing? Ah, the side of this room was totally collapsed. What he was hearing was the whooshing of the wind as it blew through the fabrics that were still there. This did mean that the room was less than walkable. He could move through a portion of it.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb nodded when he saw where Carlos was pointing. "Exactly. It muffles the sound completely. That we can practice and not bring infected to us." He said with a small smile. It wouldn't hurt to teach Carlos to use not only a pistol but any weapon they come across. The only weapon that Kaleb had never been able master was the bow. He excelled in using his pistol and the shotgun, along with the various explosives. Kaleb heard the whooshing of the wind, and stayed near the door. "Be careful" He told Carlos, seeing that there was parts of the room that were still traversable.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Slowly, Carlos made his way inside the room, careful to pay attention as he walked. He would hate for his untimely demise to come from falling out of a building due to negligence or haste. He would have to climb. Over some rubble to get to the rest of the room. Was it worth it if he could possibly fall to his death? Hmm. Yes. Absolutely. If it was a danger to get through, then that meant there would be more stuff on the other side because of how difficult it would be for others traverse, right? It would be like finding treasure! He moved to the disastrous section and flung himself across, bouncing across the pieces that seemed more stable. He practically didn’t even waver when the floor rumble beneath him in a menacing and definitely dangerous way. He hopped across and landed on the safety of the other side. Immediately, he could see that he was right. Nothing was too close to his landing, but on a table was a pile of abandoned supplies. I full on med kit for one. That was nice. Some food. Also nice. A handful of parts and things. He was just about to turn around when he saw what looks like a little hole under some nasty wreckage. If he were hiding things, that’s where he’d do it. He reached his hand in and fished around. The first thing he felt was a pack of bullets. It wasn’t full but it was still a lot. The second was some sort of firearm. Not a pistol. It was bigger. He would hand that to Kaleb. And… oh. Now that was a pistol. Nice. So he was going to get his private lessons after all. He pocketed as much ad possible and made his way back over to Kaleb and grinned. “I found your jackpot,” he mused as he showed his findings.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb watched with bated breath as Carlos climbed over some rubble in the room. It was then that Kaleb lost sight of him. And it was then that he would worry until he saw Carlos again. Did he make it? Would Kaleb hear a scream and then silence? Or worse? What if an infected person had made it back there? Stop Kaleb, breathe. Relax. Yeah easier said than done. And then he heard movement and let out a sigh of relief as Carlos came back. Wait a minute. Kaleb pushed himself against the clean wall behind him and then he reached for the larger firearm. “How did you? Carlos.. this shotgun is in great condition.” Kaleb took it in his hands and looked it over. He opened near the butt of the rifle, peering inside to find it with two shells inside. The entire weapon looked in great condition and he nodded, happy. “You found all those supplies, oh and a pistol for yourself.” Kaleb added with a smile. “Once we get place we can practice, we will.”
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos watched Kaleb’s reaction, smiling as it only got better as the realization of the finds. It really was like finding treasure. All that peril was worth it for that look. “So I did good?” He asked with a grin, pushing himself so that he was right next to him. He watched how it handled the firearm. He really should have paid more attention around the Quarantine Zone. He might have learned more that way. How impressive would it have been if he could have said, “No worries, gorgeous, I already know how to use this. Here, watch me whip it out like the superhero that I am.” He could have been a sensation. It was fine. This way would allow for intimate personal lessons where he could show off his listening and learning skills. Carlos wasn’t going to think about how much he desperately wanted to be impressive.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked up after he finished inspecting the shotgun, and making sure he put the safety on, with a smile on his face. "You did excellent." He told Carlos, before he reached into his pack and grabbed a belt he'd found. Kaleb worked the belt through one of his backpack loops and then adjusted it so that the shotgun sat in it like a makeshift holster. Perfect. He turned back to face Carlos and looked at the pistol. "We need bottles and tape to make a silencer for your pistol, and then when we're out of the city, you're getting those private lessons."
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

One of his favorite things about watching Kaleb was the abundance of knowledge and resourcefulness. That belt that became a holster was brilliant. The way he could just tell him all this information and clearly knew more in that cute little brain of his was fascinating. He loved watching as the thoughts pushed through his mind. It was like watching machinery go. He loved watching Kaleb when they were in the QZ for many reasons of course but especially when he was working. “I’ve got tape and maybe bottles? Eh, maybe not. I’ll look for some in the next room.” He readied himself to support Kaleb to the next room.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb nodded, that sounded like a good plan. “Okay, hopefully this next room has exactly what we’re looking for.” Kaleb told him as he shifted and wrapped an arm around Carlos so he could help Kaleb out and to the next room.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos moved them to the next room, the last room in the hall, and stopped at the door. No sounds of shuffling or clicking. He pushed open the door slowly and peered inside. It looked like a pretty average and overall okay room when it came to disrepair and condition. He stepped inside and froze. There was a runner, hunched over as though in pain. No sounds of movement, because this guy wasn’t moving. Well, that was fine. He nodded towards Kaleb affirmation that he could handle this and slowly moved around. He snuck up close, crowbar out, but just as he was going to swing, the infected swiveled to face him, screaming. Startled by the sudden awareness, Carlos hesitated, and the runner was on him. Now that just wasn’t nice. He dodged but only barely. And that was when the other two runners also came barreling forward from wherever they were hiding. “Okay, so maybe I don’t got this?” He announced in a panic but also in a laugh.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb saw the runner as they entered the room, stopping and putting a hand on the wall. As Carlos moved away to deal with it, Kaleb tested his weight on his leg. He could stand on it, barely. Okay. And it was a good thing that Kaleb had tested it because the runner screeched, and he saw Carlos hesitate. And then two more were there. Oh no. Kaleb squared himself, pulled his pistol and fired at the one that was close to Carlos, hitting it in the head and dropped it. The silencer did its job, no sound echoed from the room. He turned and fired at the other two, one bullet hit one of the runners in the leg and sent it down to the ground. The second runner was hit in the side, turning its attention to Kaleb. Right as his gun jammed, oh boy. Kaleb went to back up, tripped with his bad leg and landed hard. Kaleb was trying to reach for his shotgun, but he was also trying to avoid the runner headed right for him, crawling backwards painfully.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

This was not going as planned. In the perfect reality, Carlos came in, took out the runner, and they moved on. Even if the other two were there. He saw them before they saw him, and he took them out with his highly impressive infected-battling skills. The problem here was likely a lack of experience. He could only have infected-battling skills if he did more infected battling over the course of more than these very few times. That was fine. One down by Kaleb. Another down by Kaleb. God, he was so good at everything. Third do- okay not down but still impressive. Kaleb fell, and Carlos’ body wrenched that direction in horror. No no no where was the runner? Going straight for him. Absolutely not. Carlos rushed forward swinging his crowbar to slam into the side of the runner’s head only a foot or so in front of Kaleb. For good measure, as the runner began to crumple, Carlos grabbed his back and threw him to the side with a stomp to his face. Immediately after, he swiveled around and knelt down in front of Kaleb. “Are you okay, love? That didn’t sound good."
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb had managed to free his shotgun as the runner made it a foot away from him. He blinked as a crowbar was swung into the side of the runner's head. Kaleb watched as Carlos not only slammed the crowbar into it's head but picked it up, threw him to the side and stomped its face. He was breathing hard, looking past Carlos to see the other two hadn't gotten back up. Then he looked at Carlos who knelt down in front of him. Then the pain came rushing from his toes on his bad leg up and into his hip and side. "No. I'm not. I tripped on my bad leg, and it hurts. A lot." Kaleb's voice was tight. Not only did he trip on his bad leg, but he twisted it a little when he tried to catch himself.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos shoved the crowbar into his pack, barely registering that it looked a little dented now, and scanned Kaleb for any additional injuries other than the problem with the leg. Other than looking a bit shocked and a whole lot in pain, he seemed okay. “You know, this would be easier if you would let it heal before you fell on it again. Or reopened it.” He crouched down low, hands hovering over the injured leg. “If you want me to be up close and personal, I don’t need an injury excuse.” He raised both brows suggestively as he very carefully placed his hands on the leg. He was not a medical expert, but he knew that they had to make sure it was just angry rather than additionally messed up. “Okay, you know what I think? I think that’s enough for today. How do you feel about a taking another ride?” He took in a deep breath. This has been a lot of carrying lately, and though he was used to the manual labor, it was never people. But he could always be strong for Kaleb. “And then we’re going to find somewhere to take a rest. Sound good?”
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb looked at him and shook his head with a laugh. "I'll remember that for next time." He said, watching Carlos' hands hover over his leg. And he chuckled a little at the comment. "Oh? Well I'll remember that. Even though right now the injury excuse works." He added with a smile on his face. He knew they had to check his leg. Kaleb looked at him and nodded. "I guess I'd be down for another ride, and somewhere safe to rest. That sounds really good." He said, his voice betraying how tired he was by this point.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Carlos grinned and leaned his forehead against Kaleb’s. “You, beautiful blue eyes, don’t even have to ask.” He rubbed a thumb across his cheek, sharing a moment of genuine happiness that they were there together for a second before readjusting to evaluate the best way to do this. “Hmm, we could go with a piggy back ride which would be awfully fun, but I’m afraid that we’ll hit your leg somehow. However, it would give you the ability to carry your own backpack and also see what’s going on. Or I can always cradle you in my arms. That way youre nice and safe. And warm. It’s up to you. I can protect you from all those meanies out there who keep pushing you down.” He smiled.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He smiled as he felt Carlos' forehead against his. It was quickly becoming one of his favorite things that Carlos did. He looked at him and smiled at that and the thumb rubbed across his cheek. He listened to the two options though he was a little unsure on the chance that his leg could get hit. Kaleb considered it for a moment before he sighed softly. "I'll rather be in your arms. I can hold my backpack in my lap as well." Kaleb told him. If his leg wasn't a problem then he'd have considered the piggy back ride more.
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

He nodded, agreeing that it was his preferred option too, though his reasons were less about safety and more about wanting to keep Kaleb as close as possible. It was a selfish love that he had. He moved to the back to slip Kaleb’s backpack off and hand and hand it to him. “I appreciate you,” he said. For so many reasons. But thinking about the pack either way was one that he appreciated in that moment. “Okay, let’s do this.” And once again, he hoisted Kaleb up and into his arms. This was clearly what he tried for all those years.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb smiled as he took his backpack, holding it in his lap. He blushed at the comment and nodded. "I appreciate you too." He replied, feeling Carlos pick him up in his arms as he spoke. Kaleb hooked an arm around Carlos' neck and held his pack in the other arm. He rested his head to Carlos' chest and smiled. "Let's find a nice room to check my leg and rest in okay?"
Carlos Da Silva
Aspiring Artist | 23 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Moving out of the room and back into hall was not terribly difficult, though he was quickly realizing that he too was tired. He was in no way exhausted in the same way as Kaleb who was in so much pain, but he was mentally taxed in a similar way. His arms were tired from using them as his primary weapon and carrying Kaleb. He would never trade it for anything else, but he was tired. He moved out into the hall and looked around. They pretty much had already checked all of these rooms already. There were additional floors, but he was not sure either of them was prepared to deal with that. So, instead, he turned back the way they came to walk to the room that was the clearest and cleanest of them. He moved through the open doorway and kicked it closed. “This may not be as nice as a bedroom, but it’s better than nothing?” He gently bent down to allow for a more comfortable release.
Kaleb Price
Former FEDRA officer | 25 | Current location ;; New Mexico

Kaleb kept close to Carlos as he moved them out into the hall. He knew there were more floors, but now wasn't the time to search. Kaleb knew that and he watched as Carlos went back down the hall to the cleanest and clearest room in the hall. The door was open thankfully, and Kaleb heard Carlos kick it shut. "It'll work for tonight." Kaleb told him as he felt Carlos bend down, and Kaleb was set down on the ground.
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