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Realistic or Modern Life as Always - Characters

Captain Gabriel

Three Thousand Club

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Name: What is your character's name?






High Concept:

Character Alignment:





Appearance: How tall are they? How do they look?

Items & Personal Belongings:

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Name: Vanessa Hijaru

Aliases: The Idol, Van, Vansa, Van-Van.

Age: 18

Type: Aidoru (Idol, very popular, likes to sing and perform, perky and charming and maintains a good image.)


Sexuality: Bisexual - Neutral, likes equally bot sexes.

High Concept: The popular school girl that doesn't like her popularity.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Good

  • Both deceased in a plane accident

: Vanessa is a really cheerful girl, liking to sing and dance and being around a lot of people. In her school, she is kind of an idol. She doesn't like to be worshiped as one, but she just doesn't pay attention to it. Since her brother left the house, she is kind of sad all the time, since he was the only "family" she had, as her parents didn't really have time for her, with work and stuff like that. Being around a lot of people and doing what she does cheers her up a lot.

Backstory: Vanessa was born in North America, lived there for 2 years and then she moved to Japan. She has a brother, called Jojiro Takajo. At the age of 13, her parents got a work that took away most of their time, and Takajo was the only person that was always with her. One day, he ran away from home, because he was sick of his parents' behavior, and left her alone. Now she is trying to hide her inner sadness, by doing what she likes most. Dancing and singing.

  • Music
  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Staying with friends
  • Undertale Music. She literally would listen to it 24/7 if she could.
  • Her music band.
  • Violence
  • Creepy stuff (She's scared by creepiness in general, but weirdly she will go search for it. For curiosity.)
  • Genocide Ending in Undertale.

Appearance: She's 1.67m tall.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Her mother's necklace - A diamond necklace that dons her mother's initials. "S.H."
  • Her father's wristwatch - A simple and cheap wristwatch that means a lot to her.
white hair.jpg

Name: Ryuu Takeshi Zbierajewski

Aliases: The Transfer Student, Z-kun

Age: 18


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: The cool foreign transfer that doesn't act like most of the Japanese boys

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Father was KIA in Afghanistan on Spec Ops mission. Father was Polish GROM (Special Forces)

Personality: Ryuu is not your average teenager. Due to growing up in a Joint Training base in Poland, and his father being in the Special Forces, Ryuu is more self reliant and strong willed. He takes challenges head on and pursues goals with indomitable passion. He can come off a little straight forward compared to most of the boys in his high school. Despite his previously mentioned traits, he is also laidback and doesn't get aggravated as easily as others over trivial matters. Overall, Ryuu has a calm demeanor about himself.

Backstory: Ryuu was born in Warsaw, Poland to his Japanese mother and Polish father. Due to his father being in the Polish SF, Ryuu grew up on a joint training base. Despite being born in Poland, his mother made sure to teach her son Japanese; also Ryuu's father's friends, who some were Green Berets, taught Ryuu English too, so Ryuu is tri-lingual. As Ryuu was about to start his senior year in high school, he received word that his father was killed in action in Afghanistan, stricken with grief, Ryuu and his mother attended a military funeral for his father, before leaving Poland and going back to Japan. Despite being half-Japanese, and his mother teaching him about Japan and its culture, he experienced culture shock and is still adjusting to how people behave in Japan.

  • Reading
  • Working out
  • Hip-hop, Rap, Rock, and Trip Hop music
  • FPS games
  • Basketball (Has been playing since he was 5)
  • Martial Arts (Military combatives, Muay Thai)
  • Annoying people
  • Overly sensitive or apologetic people
  • J-rock, J-pop/K-pop
  • Spiders
  • Seafood


Appearance: Ryuu is 180.3cm tall (5'11'' in feet)

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Ryuu wears his father's dog tags at all times, they are his most cherished possession.

Name: Tatsuya Ishimoto

Aliases: Ishi

Age: 15


Sexuality: Bisexual

High Concept: Mischievous slacker who likes to be in control.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Relatives: He lives with his young aunt and is not close to his parents.

Personality: Tatsuya loves to laugh and play jokes. He sometimes has a hard time reading situations in terms of seriousness, and that gets him into trouble. Tatsuya loves sweets and often smuggles them in his backpack. He has a general dislike for authority and tradition, so he's often found in the detention room.

Backstory: Tatsuya grew up in the suburbs and had a pretty normal life living with his aunt. His days were spent lounging around or baking cakes. He wouldn't tell anybody that he bakes though...


Appearance: Tatsuya is very, very tall. Or at least, tall for a Japanese teenage boy. Outside of school, he dresses in shorts and skinny jeans with long, wide necked shirts and cardigans.

Items & Personal Belongings: A flip phone with onigiri charms, lots of funny stickers, a small collection of action figures, and various colored pens.

Skills: Baking, lockpicking (don't ask), and knowing just what to do to piss off authority.
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Name: Matsuda Katsuragi

Aliases: Matsu, Mr. Katsuragi, Mr. Matsu

Age: 20


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: The brainy teacher's assistant who loves meddling in student's lives

Character Alignment: True Neutral

Relatives: Parents researchers currently living abroad, lives with doting grandmother and stern but caring dojo-owning grandfather

Personality: Matsu is a very easygoing young adult who just happens to be a natural prodigy in several subjects. He doesn't lord his talents over others, always acting modestly and offering help to students in need. He has a flair for the dramatic, and loves intervening in the high schooler's lives for his own amusement. Everything he does is based on momentary whims. He is notably more casual with the students than most of the professors would prefer. His sometimes sprinkles his speech with foreign phrases, picked up from his oft-abroad parents.

Backstory: Matsu was born the son of two genius researchers, currently crisscrossing the globe on an endless quest for the origin of lost civilizations. Matsu inherited their gifted minds and rocketed through high school and university. However, inexperience and youth held him back from joining his parents, now he works as an assistant in public schools, hoping to be made a teacher, and one day a professor.


Appearance: Tall but not gangly, Matsu is proportionally larger than many of his students.

Items & Personal Belongings: Dad's glasses, which he uses to read small print. Mom's charm necklace, a hand carved piece of lacquered wood with words of love and strength carved into it.

Skills: Dizzying knowledge, intricate social connections, Aikido, cooking, unbeatable at cards

Name: Daiki Fukushima

Aliases: Dai

Age: 17


Sexuality: Bisexual, No Preference

High Concept: Easily tempered bad boy/bully who tries to hide the fact that he has a heart.

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

  • His dad left him when he was seven.
  • Mother became an alcoholic and neglected him.

Personality: Daiki is for the most part an intimidating being. Nine times out of ten he's either silently brooding in the corner, or threatening to kill someone for even the simplest of reasons. If he wants something, he tends to get it through brute force. However, this doesn't apply when it comes to people. To those who spark his interest, either romantically or in a way to use to his advantage, he becomes a cunning and charming gentleman, who can word his way both into and out of anything. Despite seeming to be heartless, deep inside Daiki is actually a rather emotional fellow. He doesn't like seeing those he cares about upset, and if he does, he will often attempt to destroy whatever upsets them. He has a loyalty like no other, so if one actually becomes his friend he will stick by them no matter what- and if he gets stabbed in the back.. well, he makes sure that his traitor doesn't get away Scott-free.

Backstory: Daiki lived in an emotionally unstable household for the beginning of his life. His parents always argued and bickered over the simplest of things. From an early age he learned to lock himself in his room. His father often left the house in a fit of rage when they argued, but one night, on their worst fight yet, he left and never came back. Apparently he had been having an affair and finally decided to leave his wife and son. Daiki tried to comfort his mother, but everything he did only made her worse; apparently he reminded her too much of his father. Soon saki came into her world, and the woman became a drunk, practically forcing Daiki to live on his own. He was finally put into an unstable foster system, sending him all across Japan to whoever would take him. Eventually, one of his distant cousins took him under their wing, but Daiki was too far gone. He had been forced into a shell of hate and darkness, one that would take a long time to pull him out of.

  • J-Metal/K-Metal/Metal in general
  • (Secretly) Romance Novels
  • Being listened to
  • J-Pop/K-Pop
  • Ignorant people
  • Anyone who thinks they're better than him
  • Being ignored


Appearance: Daiki stands at 190.5 centimeters (6'3" feet), with blood red hair and brown eyes. He often wears black jeans and combat boots along with a standard t-shirt underneath a black jacket of some sort.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Daiki can sometimes be caught with a certain book in his hand, but will immediately hide it if someone asks about it.
  • He wears a necklace with a guitar pick attached to it, the only thing he had to remember his father by. And though he hates his father for what he did, he doesn't have the will to throw it away.

Skills: Hurting people, Causing a distraction, Breathing...

Name: Izumi Kajiwara

Aliases: Izzy, Nerd

Age: 16


Sexuality: (Closeted) Bisexual, Male Preference

High Concept: Socially awkward nerd who desperately needs friendship

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

  • Father; a college professor
  • Mother; stay at home mom
  • Two sisters
  • Three brothers

Personality: Izumi has severe social anxiety, which makes it hard for her to talk to anyone. She most often avoids any social setting she can, but knows that if she doesn't make friends soon, she'll never break out of her shell, and may possibly be an outcast for the rest of her life. She is a people pleaser, wanting nothing more than to help and make those around her happy. She's awfully smart, often having her nose in a book, but due to this she is often zoned out in class.

Backstory: Izumi was raised in a decent family, but a rather large one at that. From a young age she learned to fend for herself due to all of her siblings. However, despite being one of the middle children, she was still her father's favorite due to her desire to learn. He taught her things at a young age that her siblings could care less about, and she quickly advanced in school. She was a young prodigy, but where she stood in smarts, she lacked in social settings. One of the only reasons why she went to high school was due to the fact that her father believed she needed to make friends.

  • Reading
  • Solitude
  • Praise
  • Cookies
  • Loud noises
  • Rejection
  • Being humiliated
  • Herself


Appearance: Izumi stands at 127 centimeters (4'2" feet) with amberish blonde hair and hazel eyes. She often wears pastel colored dresses or skirts as an attempt to make her seem more approachable by other students.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A letter from her father about how proud he is of her; she keeps it with her at all times
  • Textbooks, so many textbooks

Skills: Excels in reading and writing, and does above average in other subjects. Able to make those around her smile (often due to doing stupid things on accident), being adorable?

Name: Damien Sterling

Aliases: Damie

Age: 17


Sexuality: Asexual

High Concept: The dark and mysterious emo kid who's also a foreign student.

Character Alignment: True neutral

Relatives: Currently living with his friends, his blood relatives are back at home in North America.

Personality: Cool and detached, but secretly very emotional. Damien hides behind a wall of icy indifference and has mastered the art of sarcasm and cynicism, generally preferring to be left alone. He was a fairly famous musician back in his home country, but that recognition hasn't really followed him here, something he's actually thankful for. For those who manage to push past his seemingly unbreakable guard, Damien is a snarky but kind friend who's exceptionally loyal. He dislikes people who physically bully others, but tends to stay away from conflict as best he can unless it involves someone he cares about.

Backstory: Damien was born to a upper middle class family in California, and spent 16 years of his life in a seemingly endless summer. That didn't mean he was blissfully cheerful, mind you. Still, life wasn't too horrible. He formed a band with his best friend in middle school, and they were slowly gaining popularity in the alternative music circles. At 16, they were set to record their first full-length album, something which the two teens thought might change their lives forever. Sadly, the changes life had in store were not nearly as joyful. Damien lost his best friend in a freak car accident, and the teenager did not take it well. At all. He abandoned his promising music career, deciding to leave his familiar home and move in with a childhood friend in Japan. It was a sudden, rash decision, but not one he had time to regret.


Appearance: Damien stands at a very slender 5'7, which is just a touch below average. He has very pale, almost translucent skin, and blue-black hair that often falls over his eyes. Damien usually wears dark graphic tees, hoodies and skinny jeans, which he'll accessorize with wristbands, fingerless gloves, ties, necklaces and striped scarves. He has snakebite and eyebrow piercings, and is rarely seen without black eyeliner.

Items & Personal Belongings:
•sketchbook and art supplies
•a notebook filled with lyrics
•the pen his deceased best friend gave him

Skills: Singing and playing guitar, art and sketching

Name: Tatsui Kurisou

Aliases: Does not care what you call him, as long as it's not vulgar or overly annoying.

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Bisexual.

High Concept: The typical person that will offer help if you aren't an asswad. Rational and mature.

Character Alignment: Neutral Good

  • Father; FCPD Officer at the rank of Sergeant.
  • Mother; owner of a small florist shop downtown, called 'Roses are Red'
  • Older Sister; Police Officer.
  • Older Brother; currently unoccupied, barely finished school.
  • Younger Sister; elementary school
Personality: Tatsui is very reasonable and friendly. He doesn't exactly have a goal in life, being an existential nihilist that cannot decide what he wants to do. Despite being a nihilist, he still has morals of his own and feels more than duty bound to help others. Sometimes, he thinks about going in his father's tracks after he's done with school and becoming a police officer, as it is a family tradition of sorts, however, does not feel that he has the physical aptitude to become a police officer and has also thought about the career of pursuing law as an attorney. He is not sure what he wants to do in life, trying to find the right thing.

Somewhat of a flirt and cracks clever jokes every now and then. He believes he's got all of life figured out and is somewhat confident in his suave approach to things. He is very witty and smart from a fundamental standpoint, but not exactly the most intelligent in terms of education. Underneath this cape, he is very rational and puts logic before everything. He does not believe in any religion, ghosts, or other supernatural events, but someone wishes he had.

The biggest flaws that could be pointed out in him is lack of initiative, but more than willingness to support pre-existing conundrums. To put it simply: He won't start a charity movement, but he'll be happy to join one. Can be described as idle and lazy, and somewhat indecisive when faced with too many options. He'd prefer to do nothing all day and night, unless the reason he worked was to help someone else do nothing. He'd work for a whole week if it meant nothing.

Can get philosophical, sometimes too much.

His favorite foods are strawberry sundaes and pizza with everything but olives and tuna.

Backstory: Tatsui is, frankly, a part of a large family. With two older siblings and another one on the way, his childhood was a busy one. Since neither of his family members had a time to walk him to school, he became very autonomous early on. Being bullied because of his carefree approach to life, he asked his older sister (that was learning martial arts,) to help him. Therefore, he learned basic combat from her.

Later, he went through a very depressing stage in his teens, in which he started having doubts about God, religion, life and death. He became afraid of the last one, so much so, he sought an answer and started learning theology excessively. After he was done, he decided it didn't matter in the long run and became much more organized, calm, and friendly to people.


Appearance: A friendly, welcoming smile greets you. Before you stands a helpful idiot with life experience in everything other than actual science. Tatsui is 5'11", or 180 centimeters tall. He is very calm, upbeat and strolls down the street with a confident, but cool, pace of walking. Typically, each time you see him, he will have a cheerful expression. Gives off a positive vibe of someone who will forgive you. He isn't either burly or thin, being in the perfect average when it comes to figure. Neither is he overly weak or too muscular.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • Cellphone: Has numbers to many people, including all local pizzerias and other restaurants.
  • Candy: Doesn't go anywhere without jelly beans.
  • Change: Doesn't go anywhere without at least 2500 yen.
  • Cooking & Domestic Care: With mom busy in the shop and father on police duty all the time, he became excellent in cooking, cleaning, and everything else you'd expect from a maid.
  • Basic Fighting: Knows how to keep a stance, where and how to hit, and not much beyond that. Knows only what his older sister had the clemency to show him.
  • Perfect Exorcist: Perfectly memorized all of the Rituale Romanum don't ask why, unless you want to know why.
    • Bible Recall: Can recall some quotes from the Bible too. Again, don't ask why.
  • Good Gamer: Not the most shabby of video game players you've seen.
  • Expert at Breathing: Believe it or not, but he did it since he was born! Literally!

Name: Alexander J. Mercer

Aliases: Alex

Age: 18

Gender: ♂


Sexuality: ⚤ Hetero

High Concept: The heir to a successful businessman, sent abroad to study in a business school and learn more about honor.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Father: James Mercer - Owner and CEO of a major corporation.
Mother: Natalia Mercer - Stepmother, who cares only about her status quo.
Twin Brother: Max - On-of-a-kind Asshole, good thing he is too busy being rich spoiled daddy's boy.
Little brother: Ryan - annoying youngster 5 years younger than Alex, the only kid that looks up to his brother.
Little sister: Laura - twin sister of the annoying youngster with a shirt whose content is reversely-proportionate to her head content.

Personality: Due to his background, he is a well mannered man, from whom people expect much. He always strives to deliver, but sometimes he gets burned up in the process. He is crazy smart, but only whenever he feels like it. He tends to act first and think later when provoked, but thankfully he has quite a long fuse and it takes a while to get him going. But when that happens, he has no stopping. He also tends to lose his ability to think when girls are involved.

Backstory: His family's origin can be traced back all the way to the 1800s when the industrial revolution was at its peak. His predecessor went to USA in order to start business, the rest is history. As the first born son, he is expected to take over the family company, when his father is about to retire. What wasn't expected was the second child, and Alex's twin brother, Max, who only sees his brother as competition for the family fortune. Growing up, Alex was always rivaled by his brother, in school and at home. This formed his strong character, making Alex competitive and well mannered.

After puberty hit, Alex started to become even more patient, maturing, early, but losing his brother as a rival, due to the fact that Max started to focus on taking advantage of his family name. As the years passed, the company kept growing until Alex's father decided to open a branch in Japan. Knowing that Alex could learn a lot from the Japanese culture, his father enrolled him into a Japanese school, where he would finish his education, while James sets up the new branch.

High Speeds

Spiders (and insects in general)


Appearance: Alex is almost 180 cm tall, sprouting a raven black hair, and blue eyes, which are the defining features of members of his family. He can almost always be seen wearing suits, because that's what real men wear, as his father taught him. He is quite fit, due to the fact that he has been working out since the age of 12. He occasionally wears reading glasses.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Nakamura Rai-Jin Turbo - a fast GT car, developed by the newly opened Japanese branch of the company.
Transparent phone - another prototype, developed by the family company, which is currently under closed beta testing.
A small pocket book - just in case.

Engineering and Mechanics
Handling Alcohol
Whenever he steps out of his car, this song plays in the background for no obvious reason...

I tried to make him kind-a original and yet not too original

Name: Mari Harada

Aliases: The Spy

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: The floater; the one who knows anyone and everyone there is.

Character Alignment: True Neutral

  • Father: A corrupt business-man
  • Mother: A very unlucky woman.
  • Older Half-Brother

Personality: Mari tends to keep to herself most of the time. It's not that she's shy, it's simply because she's cautious. The majority of the time that she communicates with others are on certain occasions. With those she's deemed as friends, with strangers, and when in class. Mari tends to be the first person to introduce herself to someone that she doesn't know, doing her best to figure out their overall personality. She'll greet them with a smile, trying to hide her skepticism. She is quick to judge others, mainly due to her lack of trust in people, knowing that anyone could stab her in the back if she trusted them too much.

Despite being overly cautious, once she deems you worthy of her friendship, she is rather nice and kind, giving good advice to you if she feels you need it. Deep down, Mari hates who she is, and wants nothing more than to be freed from her fathers tyranny. When Mari becomes passionate about something, she does all she can to help/invest herself in whatever it may be.

Interested in the latest gossip floating around school? Ask Mari, and with the right price (be it cash or a favor), she'll get you all the information you need. Mari knows her way around people, making it easy to use others to her advantage. However, it's not like she doesn't have a conscience. Mari knows what she does is wrong, but it's second nature to her. She wants to change, she just needs a little bit of help getting there. All she truly wants is to be a normal girl.

Backstory: Mari's situation wasn't the best one in the world. Her father was a famous business man (think Donald Trump in all of his existence), and her mother just so happened to be his secretary. He had blackmailed the woman, threatening to take her job if he didn't do what she wanted, and because of this, Mari formed. Instead of trying to hide the fact that he had an affair, the man took his power and money to make it so that he had full custody over Mari, cutting off all contact from her and her mother once she was born. The man saw his daughter as a tool, that of which if he could mold her the way he wanted her to be, she would be the perfect business woman, working to serve both him and her half-brother.

Mari was raised underneath the belief's of her father. Being taught at an early age that trusting others was a bad idea- that him and her brother were the only people she could trust. It wasn't long until Mari grew into her current personality- the heart of gold that she had as a young child being hidden behind her paranoia. Instead of sending her to a high-class private school, the man sent his daughter to a public school, knowing that she would end up dealing with more drama there than she would have at any other place, seeing it as a test more than anything. She has been enrolled at the school for a while now, and no one knows about her backstory, or who her father is.


Appearance: Mari stands at 167.64 centimeters (5'6" in feet) tall. Despite the way she was raised, Mari usually wears whatever is comfortable to her, which is typically jeans and a cute shirt. She has dark brown hair and soft green eyes.

Items & Personal Belongings:
  • A cell phone
  • A wallet full of cash
  • A head full of self-hate~

  • Bribery
  • Spying
  • Lying
  • Hating herself~

Name: Takada Yu

Aliases: Yuyu

Age: 18

Gender: F


Sexuality: Homosexual (Closeted)

High Concept: Pretty young model who does everything she can to appear normal in her scene and to her parents.

Character Alignment: Lawful Good

  • Mother: Takada Hinako - Superstar Jpop Artist
  • Father: Takada Goro - Karate Sensei
  • Little Sister: Takada Minako - Little Shit, loves Karate, Tomboy, 12 years old


Yuyu is very self critical. She spends a lot of her time trying to appear perfect, beautiful, marriage material, feminine and successful. She is forever stressed and almost always depressed. She thinks her mother is crazy, but is very scared to disappoint her now that she had come so far. She takes insults very seriously and cannot handle criticism.

Under it all Yu has so many interests. She has always wanted to be a artist. She wants to paint pictures. But she simply does not have time. She also wants to go to gay bars and date women, but she is too ashamed of her abnormal thoughts. She is afraid of losing herself completely but doesn’t know how to stop.


Yuyu is very conscious of what others think. Her mother has always stressed to her that appearance is everything and that she must always act properly or all of her secrets will be on the news! Even before she was famous, her mother put a lot of pressure on her to be the model child. It seemed as though she always disappointed her with her, as her mother would put it, 'Unladylike and slovenly’ behaviour. So she changed herself drastically.

Yu staved herself, she worked hard and was able to buy all the most expensive makeup, she went to beauty school after dropping out of high school. She got a good-looking boyfriend and landed a few paid jobs modelling for fashion labels. She works very hard to be perfect, beautiful and successful.

Once or twice she has gone to a gay club or bar and once or twice she has hooked up with a young woman. But even though it felt right to her she felt so guilty she wouldn’t be able to get out of bed the next few days and would pretend to be ill.

Life feels like a drag now and she often contemplates completely rebelling, but something always stops her short.


Appearance: Standing at 5’3” and weighing less that 102lbs, Yu is as thin and light as a feather. She has a pretty face with bigger eyes and soft, curled hair

Items & Personal Belongings:

A fancy handbag by channel
A small poodle named Sen
A mid range Suzuki Car



Name: Shui "Uma" Amasawa

Aliases: Shu, Shichi, Get-Out-Of-My-House, Weirdo, Sawa

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Sexuality: Heterosexual

High Concept: An overly excited bean who has something very off about them, and you'd probably go out of your way to avoid them.

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


  • Step-Father: Private Investigator who typically isn't around very often. Nonetheless, he cares about her very much, but tends to be rather apathetic and hard to connect with.
  • Mother: Very stern, critical woman who cared much more heavily about material values than human connections. Committed suicide 7 years after Shui's birth.
  • Father: A competitive, sharp business owner who held a strong disdain for her mother. Had a very different way of managing his affairs in contrast to hers, which soon lead to their divorce. Lives overseas.
  • Brother: Separated from after parents divorce when she was 3. Carries little recognition of memory of him, but doesn't feel particularly sad about it either. Currently is a surprisingly well-known athlete overseas with his father.

Personality: Shui is... bizarre. Fickle and elusive, Shui seems to live in her own peculiar world, sometimes holding a rather theatrical demeanor to her speech and her actions. Considered "odd", Shui finds fascination and investment upon common and basic things, such as bottle caps or hats. With a bit of naivety in the way she acts, as well as quickly tending to daydream and straying far off topic, most people find it easier to ignore her. Fortunately for her, she doesn't seem to mind solitude in the least, seemingly unable to comprehend the reason why people avoid her.

Contrary to the airheaded way that she acts and her strain in basic common sense, Shui carries a phenomenal sense of awareness and intelligence, all of which have high potential, but little initiative. She listens to people and takes note of what they do and say, and has an interesting tact for puzzle solving and mysteries, possibly from the influence of her father. As people only recognize her incisiveness as part of an overly-eccentric semblance, she's never been able to utilize it for the better, and currently doesn't wish to.

Shui seems to hold great difficulty in both common sense, and connecting with the people around her. Often times she comes off as inconsiderate, easily distracted and quick to brush off topics that simply don't interest her enough, or forcing others to manage her charades. Many people have simply found it easier to ignore her, creating this strange front of trepidation she found much easier to indulge in than the connection of others.

Shui's parents never got along with each other, being brought together in an arranged marriage for the better of the other's business. Due to a very different way of handling both of their affairs, a divorce was soon brought 3 years later, with Shui's father taking her brother and her mom taking her. Her mother held very high expectations, as she believed her own self worth was judged solely on her status, due to the extensive poverty that she had grown up with. Placing amassive amount of importance on one's wealth, she critically viewed others of her own status. She bounded her own identity to Shui in belief that she was bound to live a better life than herself.

After remarrying a young man, who adored Shui the moment they first met, her mother held insistence that she must be tutored, stripped from a society in order to grow up uninfluenced by the cruel reality of people around her. Shui took great interest and curiosity in cases her father brought home. She lived an overly lavish lifestyle, as her mother chose to invest large sums of cash into assets to fuel her rather unstable reliance in material value.

Shui lived a very, ordinary life up to this point. Limited reactions with others made it hard for her to go outside, as well as her mother's strict nature of raising her, causing her to reside inside her home for most of her life. Nonetheless, she was happy, taking it upon herself to assist her father in his own cases in any way that a child of her age could and teach herself various things, especially card tricks and "magic". However, as her mother's deteriorating mentality invested more money into risky behaviors to gain more, bankruptcy overtook the family.

Unable to live with the state of destitution she had long feared to live in after her bankruptcy, Shui's mother took her own life. Her father took her out of the house, and they lived a lower-middle class life afterwards, where she began to go to a public school for the rest of her education. Her strange tangents and enthusiasm seemed to begin from this point of her life, taking rapid interest in small things to unwittingly cope with the derangement that her life had taken. She isn't particularly scarred by her past, not shameful or despondent, but sees it as a reminder that life can take a turn if you only see things through one perspective.


  • Magic/Card Tricks (she has a TON and is very excited about them)!
  • Listening to others
  • Stories (both telling and listening)
  • Birds (sometimes has doves)
  • Romance fluff
  • Video Games (especially puzzle solving/murder mysteries)
  • Collecting bottle caps


  • Having her hat taken away
  • Arrogance
  • Honestly you could show her molding bread and she'd find it interesting she likes everything the girl has helped deal with weird private detective cases since she was like, a kid, I mean she couldn't do anything other then "woah murder is kinda rude" but nothing is like, ugly to her.


Appearance: Shui stands at 5'3 with a fairly curvaceous [( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]and skinny frame. She's almost always seen grinning, or with a look of surprise on her face. She always has a hat on, if not the same one, and is usually what people identify her with most. Strangely, despite her brightness in terms of intelligence and personality, she's usually seen wearing darker colours of navy, greens, and blacks. Shui has long hair that goes down just a bit past her hips, but appears messily layered, accompanied by greenish brown-amber eyes.

She occasionally is seen wearing a large jacket draped around her shoulders - only to have doves in her jacket for some form of street magic. Usually doesn't work as planned, be cautious.

Items & Personal Belongings:

  • Deck of cards
  • Baton
  • Cell phone (flip phone, she says she needs to live up to being as shoujo as she can)
  • Flowers (Sleeve bouquet magic trick!)
  • Bird seeds
  • Confetti
  • Handkerchief


  • Magic Tricks: The girl knows literally every card trick in the book. And so far every street trick is something she's trying to learn. She may not be perfect with street tricks, like magical doves or pulling a rabbit out of her hat, but she knows how to give someone a nice bouquet and some pretty complex card tricks!
  • Detective: Of course, she's no professional. But with her father's influence and the great deal of interest she took in it, she's very keen and knows how to solve mysteries.
    • Perceptive: You may think that she isn't listening, but Shui listens and takes note of what people do, like little habits or quirks. Not like a stalker, but people interest her!
  • Climbing: She may be pretty bad at everything else athletic but boy can she climb tall people and trees.
  • Pain Tolerance: You can slug her and she probably wouldn't really notice it hurts until an hour later.

hi i havent roleplayed in a while and this looked cute so please be gentle and tell me if i did anything wrong and stuff like that

Amon Akihiro

He honestly doesn't really care what you call him.





High Concept:
Oldest son of a very large and very poor family. Often found sleeping in class, or working any job after school.

Character Alignment:
Lawful Good

Father ~ Used to work in a factory, got into an accident that severed his leg. The accident caused his family into poverty after medical bills, he's now trying his best to support his family at home.

Mother ~ Accountant. Works as long as she can to bring home money for her family.

Younger siblings ~ 10 in total, the next oldest is in his 1st year in high school, Amon tries his best to keep them all out of trouble.

To start off Amon is far too mature for his own age, due to the fact that he's basically a second father to his younger 10 siblings. Amon's still a teenager and he can act immature around friends. In fact he has a goofy smile that's just too contagious. That's one thing that Amon's good at, cheering other people up. It's pretty clear that Amon would make a great father as he's wonderful with children, and overall helping people with their problems.

Though Amon is pretty reserved. He might put on a goofy smile and crack a few jokes, but it's only a facade. Amon is tired, he's been pushed to the limits just to bring in some money for his family. Amon cherishes his family and he'll continue to support them until his arms fall off. Even if it means he'll sacrifice his own future so that his younger siblings can have a better one. It's pretty noble actually.

Amon doesn't like to talk about his own problems, he never says anything about the poor state of his family. He doesn't want to drag anyone into his problems or take pity from anyone. He usually takes the night shifts in most of his jobs so it isn't a surprise that he just sleeps though most of his classes. Though he gets bad grades because of either being asleep or half-asleep Amon is actually pretty smart. If he had the chance then he could give some of a braniacs a run for their money.

Amon's family want poor to begin with, in fact they were well off. Amon's father had a steady stream of income coming from his job, and his mother kept having children after every year or so (poor girl). It wasn't until Amon was 14 when his father got into an accident, severing his left leg and while paying for the medical bills the family started to go under. Sure Amon's father got money from his work due to the accident but with a family that large the money was being spent faster than it came. Amon decided that he should help as the oldest and for three years he's been working countless jobs around town trying to get money while being a major help to raising his younger siblings.


Amon stands at a solid 5'10. Making slightly above average in height, he has black messy hair a bright green light. His skin is slightly darker which makes him appear a little tanner that average. He's been considered fairly handsome, but that's all down to preference, and he looks tired for like 90% of the day. When out of school he is usually wearing work clothes, but while he's not working he's usually wearing some old sneakers, jeans, and a warn out grey pullover hoodie.

Items & Personal Belongings:
Nothing really important to say here.

Cheering people up
Washington clothes
Basically any other house related chore, seriously this guy would make the best stay at home dad.

Name: Jun Ushiro

Aliases: none

Age: 16

Gender: male


Sexuality: Asexual

High Concept: Only son to a mother who left him at a young age with her teacher, he doesn't know who his mom is and constantly takes his anger out on his younger sister, who he isn't related to by blood.

Character Alignment: True Neutral

Relatives: His "father" - his birth mother's teacher, who he was left in the care of
His "sister" kana - the 10 year old daughter of his " father and mother " who he thinks he is blood related to.

Personality: Jun is a boy with a short fuse, and when agitated takes out his anger by beating his sister, kana, he has a hatred for his "mother" who died giving birth to his sister, who he isn't related to by blood.

Backstory: Jun's biological mother was the student of his current father, who gave birth to him at the age of 17. He was then abandoned by his biological mother, and it was never revealed who the father was. He grew up thinking that his non-biological father was in fact, his real father. However, his non-biological father's wife had died giving birth to his sister, kana. He hated her for this, and thus took to beating up his younger sister when he was angry. He had never grown up with a real mother, and had a hatred for almost everyone because of it.


Appearance: (in picture.)

Items & Personal Belongings: A knife, which he carries on himself at all times, and a picture of his mother who died giving birth to kana, his younger sister.

Skills: One of if not the strongest person in his school, he tries to remain intimidating to his friends and the other schoolmates to avoid being picked on and bullied for having a dead mom.
(Some of you may have recognized this as a carbon copy of jun from bokurano, and he is.)

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